Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

Trying to influence something is not the same as actually doing so. It's not the effort but rather the outcome. Libs think dog and pony shows are real and that effort and outcome always match up
Gotta become adults one of these days people

If a college student cheated by searching out and getting the questions and answers to the the midterm exam ahead of time from another person who stole them, and was caught red handed with them after the exam....

Was he not guilty of cheating because he was not the person who actually stole the exam questions and answers?

Was he not guilty of cheating if he ended up barely passing the exam?
"If it's what you say I love it". bripat9643, post: 17735580
You said "they hoped to get information directly from a foreign government." Of course, the "hoping" part is mind reading on your part. You have no idea what they "hoped for."

You are an absolute idiot. Hoping to get dirt on HRC from the Russian Government is putting it mildly.

Jr twerp said he would "love ❤️ it" as long as it was high level and sensitive information as part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump.

My god you are drowning in The Donald's Dupe Juice.

"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump," Goldstone wrote in the email to Trump Jr.

"If it's what you say I love it," Trump Jr. replied, according to the email he released."

Trump Jr. releases email chain on his Russian meeting -

You cannot dismiss the email. It is physical evidence. No mind reading required.
You added "as long as it was high level and sensitive information as part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump.' that's how we know you're a sleazy douche bag liar.

Trump isn't responsible for what Goldstone wrote, douche bag. You keep trying to attribute statements to Trump that he didn't make. Other's made them. That's the tactic of a lying piece of shit.

Trump never said what "it" was. You don't get to engage in mind reading to support your absurd allegations.
Trying to influence something is not the same as actually doing so. It's not the effort but rather the outcome. Libs think dog and pony shows are real and that effort and outcome always match up
Gotta become adults one of these days people

If a college student cheated by searching out and getting the questions and answers to the the midterm exam ahead of time from another person who stole them, and was caught red handed with them after the exam....

Was he not guilty of cheating because he was not the person who actually stole the exam questions and answers?

Was he not guilty of cheating if he ended up barely passing the exam?
Opposition research is not "cheating." Nothing illegal would have occurred if the "Russian lawyer" had turned over a stack of dirt on Hillary. In fact, it would have been a public service to the voters.
ROFL! You're forgetting Ted Kennedy, moron. And labeling Russia a "hostile government" is purely a snowflake pretension. There's no official designation of "hostile." Russia is no more "hostile" than France.

A government that uses illegal means to influence elections is a hostile government
You mean illegal means like Obama used on Israel? What "illegal means" did Russia use to influence our elections?

Obama merely stated a preference in who wins in Israel. He did not provide one side with secret information to help them win

"Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister"

Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | American Military News

Shut up liar.
me thinks you should spend a few minutes informing and fact checking yourself instead of merely believing your right wing propaganda, meant to deceive.... :rolleyes:

"Obama has been sending taxpayer dollars, at least $350,000 to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for (the) election."
Bloggers on Monday, March 16th, 2015 in a blog post

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

read up on it, so you can understand WHY you and right wingers are wrong on this, at the link above...
Politifact is fake news.
"If it's what you say I love it". bripat9643, post: 17735580
You said "they hoped to get information directly from a foreign government." Of course, the "hoping" part is mind reading on your part. You have no idea what they "hoped for."

You are an absolute idiot. Hoping to get dirt on HRC from the Russian Government is putting it mildly.

Jr twerp said he would "love ❤️ it" as long as it was high level and sensitive information as part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump.

My god you are drowning in The Donald's Dupe Juice.

"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump," Goldstone wrote in the email to Trump Jr.

"If it's what you say I love it," Trump Jr. replied, according to the email he released."

Trump Jr. releases email chain on his Russian meeting -

You cannot dismiss the email. It is physical evidence. No mind reading required.
he. Trump junior, also indicated info like this would be better released, later in the summer! :eek:
Hmmmm, so?
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

No, nobody has ever made that claim.

What Trump did was to go get the Russian government to make up wild bullshit. Trump got Russia to do his lying.

What other countries do you think should be given the right to tamper with US elections. Maybe we should just open up the polls and let everyone in Russia, China, Canada, Mexico and every country vote in US elections.
What "wild bullshit" did Trump get the Russian government to make up?
Still trying to stretch for a gotcha moment.

So if information has value, and CNN reports that most of Europe preferred Hillary over Trump, are they then guilty of breaking this law?

did the rest of Europe Promise Hillary dirt on trump and arrange secret meetings to talk about it?

usually that information itself is illegal, such as classified materials.

And that was about classified materials.

And she had clearance to see classified materials, so that wasn't a problem.
bripat9643, post: 17739280,
If they are in possession of the material, they can release it whenever they like, moron.

You really have not read the emails that son of Drumpf made public. It was DJTjr that suggests realeasing them at a strategic time.

And you make a great anti-Trump point. If The Russians had something (per the emails that lured lil Donny in) on Clinton why have three top campaign officials meet in person because the Kremlin could release it when they thought it would help Trump the most.

Why couldn't stupid lil Donny, Kushner and Manafort figure that out? Why not stay as far away from secretly meeting with one claiming to represent the Russian Government during an election campaign. If they thought nothing was wrong with meeting like they did why not tell daddy what was going on? Why did Kushner not report the meeting on has application for security clearance until his lawyers got wind of it?
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The Original Tree, post: 17739394
Nothing illegal about meeting
with a foreign national for information or employing them to work in Information Technology during your campaign.

Who says they were foreign nationals? Did you make that lie up all on your own?
bripat9643, post: 17739214
You added "as long as it was high level and sensitive information as part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump.' that's how we know you're a sleazy douche bag liar.

You are an idiot.

Here is the direct quote from Son of Orange Drumpf's released email.

"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump," Goldstone wrote in the email to Trump Jr.

Sorry I didn't copy the adjective "very" from the original which says, "very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump,"

Enjoy the Judge Napolitano commentary I am going to post following this:

For Bripat:

Even Fox Analyst Who Pushed Trump’s Wiretap Theory Thinks Jr. Went Too Far

Evan Vucci/AP
Esme Cribb
July 17, 2017 5:02 pm

Fox News commentator Andrew Napolitano on Monday said that Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer was “a bumbling, foolish thing to do” and provides enough basis for a criminal investigation.
Go judge go:

“The question is, is this enough to commence a criminal investigation? Answer, yes,” Napolitano said on Fox News. “Because it is suspicious that they met with these people, that they didn’t consult a lawyer, that one of these people was a former KGB, GRU, that’s the Russian intelligence arm, Russian military intelligence arm, and didn’t tell anybody about it.”

Even Fox Analyst .... Thinks Jr. Went Too Far Evan Vucci/AP. Esme Cribb. July 17, 2017 5:02 pm
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Go Judge Go!

"Napolitano on Monday questioned why Kushner initially omitted the meeting from his application for a security clearance (Kushner later amended the application three times and reportedly added more than 100 names to his list of foreign contacts)."

Even Fox Analyst .... Thinks Jr. Went Too Far Evan Vucci/AP. Esme Cribb. July 17, 2017 5:02 pm
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Go Judge Go!

“Why didn’t Jared Kushner tell the FBI about it when he filled out his FBI national security application unless he was trying to hide something?” he asked. “And if he was trying to hide something, was it that this was a bumbling, foolish thing to do or that this was the beginning of some steps in furtherance of acquiring this information?”

Even Fox Analyst .... Thinks Jr. Went Too Far Evan Vucci/AP. Esme Cribb. July 17, 2017 5:02 pm
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Trying to influence something is not the same as actually doing so. It's not the effort but rather the outcome. Libs think dog and pony shows are real and that effort and outcome always match up
Gotta become adults one of these days people
Sorry, but bullshit. If North Korea shot a nuke at us and we shot it down, are you seriously going to claim "It's not the effort but rather the outcome"???

The Russians tried to fuck with our election process. That's not right and that's not something we should just be sweeping under the rug. Anyone who says the Russians are our friends and the CIA is our enemy is probably a fucking Russian....or just a fucking moron.

I don't think that's what he meant and I think your NK comparison is not at all the same thing. You are falling prey to the tricky language deployed by the lefties here. "Influencing" an election... for all intents and purposes is called "politics!" There is nothing illegal about it, nothing unethical about it, and you don't have to be a citizen of a country to engage in it.

Now, interfering with the process.... totally different story! But there isn't any evidence Russia or anyone else interfered with the process. They may have tried, if they did, we need to investigate and perhaps beef up safeguards in the future. This doesn't have a thing to do with Donald Trump or his candidacy.

What is happening here is important that you pay attention... you're being dragged into the weeds with this intentional conflation of terminology. The left wants you to believe that simple "politics" is unethical and wrong. By the very standard they are trying to establish, USMB should immediately ban all UK and Canadian posters, as well as anyone else outside the US... they are actively participating in attempts to influence our elections... aka: politics!
Trying to influence something is not the same as actually doing so. It's not the effort but rather the outcome. Libs think dog and pony shows are real and that effort and outcome always match up
Gotta become adults one of these days people

If a college student cheated by searching out and getting the questions and answers to the the midterm exam ahead of time from another person who stole them, and was caught red handed with them after the exam....

Was he not guilty of cheating because he was not the person who actually stole the exam questions and answers?

Was he not guilty of cheating if he ended up barely passing the exam?

WIth the revelations about Donna Brazeal giving Hillary the debate questions... that's a poor choice of analogy.
Trying to influence something is not the same as actually doing so. It's not the effort but rather the outcome. Libs think dog and pony shows are real and that effort and outcome always match up
Gotta become adults one of these days people
Sorry, but bullshit. If North Korea shot a nuke at us and we shot it down, are you seriously going to claim "It's not the effort but rather the outcome"???

The Russians tried to fuck with our election process. That's not right and that's not something we should just be sweeping under the rug. Anyone who says the Russians are our friends and the CIA is our enemy is probably a fucking Russian....or just a fucking moron.

I don't think that's what he meant and I think your NK comparison is not at all the same thing. You are falling prey to the tricky language deployed by the lefties here. "Influencing" an election... for all intents and purposes is called "politics!" There is nothing illegal about it, nothing unethical about it, and you don't have to be a citizen of a country to engage in it.

Now, interfering with the process.... totally different story! But there isn't any evidence Russia or anyone else interfered with the process. They may have tried, if they did, we need to investigate and perhaps beef up safeguards in the future. This doesn't have a thing to do with Donald Trump or his candidacy.

What is happening here is important that you pay attention... you're being dragged into the weeds with this intentional conflation of terminology. The left wants you to believe that simple "politics" is unethical and wrong. By the very standard they are trying to establish, USMB should immediately ban all UK and Canadian posters, as well as anyone else outside the US... they are actively participating in attempts to influence our elections... aka: politics!
Let him explain it then what he meant.

As for evidence, the declassified Security report said they did. If it was wrong, why hasn't the bipartisan, Republican-run Intelligence committees said so?

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