Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

bripat9643, post: 17733269
the Russian lawyer didn't work for the Russian government, dumbass.

Go back and read my post. I did not claim she did. DTjr released the email chains where he intentionally attended a meeting billed as the desire of the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT to help his daddy's campaign by providing Russian Government dirt on Hillary Clinton.

So why did you call me a dumbass when you did not understand at all what I wrote? Inability to comprehend one's native language is what makes one a dumbass in my opinion. Your post makes you the poster boy for dumbasses nationwide.
bripat9643, post: 17733269
the Russian lawyer didn't work for the Russian government, dumbass.

Go back and read my post. I did not claim she did. DTjr released the email chains where he intentionally attended a meeting billed as the desire of the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT to help his daddy's campaign by providing Russian Government dirt on Hillary Clinton.

So why did you call me a dumbass when you did not understand at all what I wrote? Inability to comprehend one's native language is what makes one a dumbass in my opinion. Your post makes you the poster boy for dumbasses nationwide.
You are engaging in mind reading. You can't know what Trump Jr. thought about the email. Any claims to that effect are obvious bullshit lies from sleazy despicable snowflakes.

I call you a dumbass because that's what you are.

No one was fooled.
bripat9643, post: 17733444
The lawyer told the Washington Post in an interview Tuesday that she has no connection to the Kremlin.

Of course she did, based upon her and Putin's definition of 'connection'. However the emails released by Trump Jr tell a different story. Why would a private lawyer with no ties to the Kremlin set up a meeting that was billed as the Russian Government's offering of assistance to Orangutrump's election? And why did Orangutrump's big three campaign managers agree to attend that meeting with "the Russian Government"?
bripat9643, post: 17733477
You are engaging in mind reading. You can't know what Trump Jr. thought about the email

I know what was written in the email. The Russian Government is expressly mentioned as behind the meeting to help DJTjr's daddy defeat Hillary Clinton.

It's not mind-reading. It's email reading. Something you still must not have have the desire or ability to do.
Theowl32, post: 17701799
re they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

No. You are a fool if you think that is what the issue is.

Can you name one single time a Democratic Presidential candidate agreed to meet in the hopes of acquiring opposition research directly from a foreign government regarded as adversarial to US interests, because that foreign government told them they wanted their candidate to win - to further the foreign governments goals against the US and its democratic institutions?

Can you?

If not shut up and quit crying about itz

the Russian lawyer didn't work for the Russian government, dumbass. The Russian government didn't say a thing to the Trump campaign about the election.

You would experience a lot less stress if you stuck to the known facts rather than making up a bunch of shit that makes you look like an hysterical raving paranoiac.
nope, she really did work for the Russian Government, for the Chief Prosecutor of the Russian Federation there, who was hand picked by Putin...she checked in with him frequently, she is the one who has said so.

You have no idea what they said or didn't say, nor do I.

We were only given emails that this lady lawyer was meeting with them.....

WHAT IN THE HECK HAPPENED between the emails we saw, and the actual meeting for there to be 8 PEOPLE PRESENT AT THIS MEETING.... Would Manafort, and Kushner and Donny Junior really let 4 additional people in to this meeting without having some notice ahead of time? NO WAY!

We are MISSING emails or telephone conversations that allowed 8 people in the meeting vs just 4, the three from Trump's team and the lady govt lawyer representing Russia....

Soooooooo, since we know the Trump's are LYING again, through omission, of who attended....

we can easily presume they are LYING about what was discussed or given to them.
Wrong, douche bag:

Chuck Grassley wants to know how Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya was able to enter US for Donald Trump Jr. meeting

The lawyer told the Washington Post in an interview Tuesday that she has no connection to the Kremlin.
If you don't know what was said at the meeting, then how can you claim it was anything illicit?

You are a special kind of stupid, ya know it? It appears that snowflakes believe the fake news because they are retarded or suffering brain damage. No intelligent person could fall for these obvious lies.
You and Grassley didnt read the emails, did you?

When they were setting up the time of the meeting with the russian govt lawyer, they had to change the time from 3pm to 4pm because the Lady Gvt Lawyer was still going to be IN COURT at 3 pm... This was in the emails released by Donny Junior... that means she was let in before the set meeting time with Donny, Manafort, Kushner for Judicial purposes....probably in court had to do with her representing the Russian Money Launderers in court, of which attorney general sessions got the southern district of New York, to basically dismiss the case after they fired Preet Bhahara, with just a $6 million dollar penalty for ripping Americans off for $230 million..

.it appears like a quid pro quo....she helped Trump and Trump helped her money laundering Russian clients.
bripat9643, post: 17733411
It's sad that you're so fucking dumb and sleazy that you would claim the Russian government had anything to do with that email chain.

Again, that is not what I claimed.

I will copy it here.

"Can you name one single time a Democratic Presidential candidate agreed to meet in the hopes of acquiring opposition research directly from a foreign government regarded as adversarial to US interests, because that foreign government told them they wanted their candidate to win - to further the foreign governments goals against the US and its democratic institutions?"

I see you can follow up on my request.

I'll make one sentence clearer so you cannot try to continue being ignorant of what I write.

"because that foreign government told them In the Email they wanted their candidate to win -
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bripat9643, post: 17733444
The lawyer told the Washington Post in an interview Tuesday that she has no connection to the Kremlin.

Of course she did, based upon her and Putin's definition of 'connection'. However the emails released by Trump Jr tell a different story. Why would a private lawyer with no ties to the Kremlin set up a meeting that was billed as the Russian Government's offering of assistance to Orangutrump's election? And why did Orangutrump's big three campaign managers agree to attend that meeting with "the Russian Government"?
Once again, you only prove that you're an idiot. The emails prove nothing except what some sleazy publicist said. You want to ignore any actual facts in the matter and pretend you know things that you don't know. You believe what this person says is a fact solely because you want it to be a fact, and what the person directly involved says is a lie because you want it to be lie.

In short, you're unbelievable stupid, gullible and dishonest. Debating turds like you is a total waste of time because you can't accept the fact that what you believe is a fairy tale.
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Theowl32, post: 17701799
re they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

No. You are a fool if you think that is what the issue is.

Can you name one single time a Democratic Presidential candidate agreed to meet in the hopes of acquiring opposition research directly from a foreign government regarded as adversarial to US interests, because that foreign government told them they wanted their candidate to win - to further the foreign governments goals against the US and its democratic institutions?

Can you?

If not shut up and quit crying about itz

the Russian lawyer didn't work for the Russian government, dumbass. The Russian government didn't say a thing to the Trump campaign about the election.

You would experience a lot less stress if you stuck to the known facts rather than making up a bunch of shit that makes you look like an hysterical raving paranoiac.
nope, she really did work for the Russian Government, for the Chief Prosecutor of the Russian Federation there, who was hand picked by Putin...she checked in with him frequently, she is the one who has said so.

You have no idea what they said or didn't say, nor do I.

We were only given emails that this lady lawyer was meeting with them.....

WHAT IN THE HECK HAPPENED between the emails we saw, and the actual meeting for there to be 8 PEOPLE PRESENT AT THIS MEETING.... Would Manafort, and Kushner and Donny Junior really let 4 additional people in to this meeting without having some notice ahead of time? NO WAY!

We are MISSING emails or telephone conversations that allowed 8 people in the meeting vs just 4, the three from Trump's team and the lady govt lawyer representing Russia....

Soooooooo, since we know the Trump's are LYING again, through omission, of who attended....

we can easily presume they are LYING about what was discussed or given to them.
Wrong, douche bag:

Chuck Grassley wants to know how Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya was able to enter US for Donald Trump Jr. meeting

The lawyer told the Washington Post in an interview Tuesday that she has no connection to the Kremlin.
If you don't know what was said at the meeting, then how can you claim it was anything illicit?

You are a special kind of stupid, ya know it? It appears that snowflakes believe the fake news because they are retarded or suffering brain damage. No intelligent person could fall for these obvious lies.
You and Grassley didnt read the emails, did you?

When they were setting up the time of the meeting with the russian govt lawyer, they had to change the time from 3pm to 4pm because the Lady Gvt Lawyer was still going to be IN COURT at 3 pm... This was in the emails released by Donny Junior... that means she was let in before the set meeting time with Donny, Manafort, Kushner for Judicial purposes....probably in court had to do with her representing the Russian Money Launderers in court, of which attorney general sessions got the southern district of New York, to basically dismiss the case after they fired Preet Bhahara, with just a $6 million dollar penalty for ripping Americans off for $230 million..

.it appears like a quid pro quo....she helped Trump and Trump helped her money laundering Russian clients.
"Probably?" Once again, you're making stuff up. Why do you even bother posting this drek when anyone can cut it to ribbons in a matter of seconds? It's PROBABLY brain damage. I take that back, It is certainly brain damage.

When you pull your head out of your fantasy world, perhaps you will be worth responding to, but I don't have much hope for that.
bripat9643, post: 17733477
You are engaging in mind reading. You can't know what Trump Jr. thought about the email

I know what was written in the email. The Russian Government is expressly mentioned as behind the meeting to help DJTjr's daddy defeat Hillary Clinton.

It's not mind-reading. It's email reading. Something you still must not have have the desire or ability to do.
It's mind reading, moron. Just because some douche bag publicist says something, that doesn't make it true. Any claim by you douche bag snowflakes based on what Goldstone said being true is automatic horseshit, and you are automatically a moron
Theowl32, post: 17701799 No. You are a fool if you think that is what the issue is.

Can you name one single time a Democratic Presidential candidate agreed to meet in the hopes of acquiring opposition research directly from a foreign government regarded as adversarial to US interests, because that foreign government told them they wanted their candidate to win - to further the foreign governments goals against the US and its democratic institutions?

Can you?

If not shut up and quit crying about itz

the Russian lawyer didn't work for the Russian government, dumbass. The Russian government didn't say a thing to the Trump campaign about the election.

You would experience a lot less stress if you stuck to the known facts rather than making up a bunch of shit that makes you look like an hysterical raving paranoiac.
nope, she really did work for the Russian Government, for the Chief Prosecutor of the Russian Federation there, who was hand picked by Putin...she checked in with him frequently, she is the one who has said so.

You have no idea what they said or didn't say, nor do I.

We were only given emails that this lady lawyer was meeting with them.....

WHAT IN THE HECK HAPPENED between the emails we saw, and the actual meeting for there to be 8 PEOPLE PRESENT AT THIS MEETING.... Would Manafort, and Kushner and Donny Junior really let 4 additional people in to this meeting without having some notice ahead of time? NO WAY!

We are MISSING emails or telephone conversations that allowed 8 people in the meeting vs just 4, the three from Trump's team and the lady govt lawyer representing Russia....

Soooooooo, since we know the Trump's are LYING again, through omission, of who attended....

we can easily presume they are LYING about what was discussed or given to them.
Wrong, douche bag:

Chuck Grassley wants to know how Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya was able to enter US for Donald Trump Jr. meeting

The lawyer told the Washington Post in an interview Tuesday that she has no connection to the Kremlin.
If you don't know what was said at the meeting, then how can you claim it was anything illicit?

You are a special kind of stupid, ya know it? It appears that snowflakes believe the fake news because they are retarded or suffering brain damage. No intelligent person could fall for these obvious lies.
You and Grassley didnt read the emails, did you?

When they were setting up the time of the meeting with the russian govt lawyer, they had to change the time from 3pm to 4pm because the Lady Gvt Lawyer was still going to be IN COURT at 3 pm... This was in the emails released by Donny Junior... that means she was let in before the set meeting time with Donny, Manafort, Kushner for Judicial purposes....probably in court had to do with her representing the Russian Money Launderers in court, of which attorney general sessions got the southern district of New York, to basically dismiss the case after they fired Preet Bhahara, with just a $6 million dollar penalty for ripping Americans off for $230 million..

.it appears like a quid pro quo....she helped Trump and Trump helped her money laundering Russian clients.
"Probably?" Once again, you're making stuff up. Why do you even bother posting this drek when anyone can cut it to ribbons in a matter of seconds? It's PROBABLY brain damage. I take that back, It is certainly brain damage.

When you pull your head out of your fantasy world, perhaps you will be worth responding to, but I don't have much hope for that.
:rofl: (coming from you)
This deserves a...
Thank you! Thank you very much!
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.

Why aren't all of the members of the dnc in jail then BECAUSE THE GOVENEMENT OF THE UKRAINE ADMITTED THE DNC PAID FOR INFORMATION THEY SUPPLIED TO HELP shitbitch beat TRUMP!!!!
bripat9643, post: 17733858
The difference between what you wrote and what I said you wrote is indistinguishable from zero

You lied. "Can you name one single time a Democratic Presidential candidate agreed to meet in the hopes of acquiring opposition research directly from a foreign government regarded as adversarial to US interests, because that foreign government told them they wanted their candidate to win - to further the foreign governments goals against the US and its democratic institutions?"

In DJTjr's case he agreed to meet expecting dirt on Hillary from the Kremlin. The "Russian Government" is specifically named in the emails setting up the meeting.

So playing stupid is your only response since no Democratic Party campaign has ever made such an anti-American solicitation of a foreign governments illegal and immoral direct assistance to help them defeat a Republican.

We have the proof. DJTjr's email and his admission he wanted to meet with a representative of the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT wanting to assist the Orangutrump's campaign.
so again - what is the crime here? not what did jr and the russian lawyer do - but the act itself - take out names, what is the crime? and you god damn better well believe i'm going to take that standard and use it against other instances where the rage doesn't exist and ask why.

We've already established what the crime is.

It is illegal to deal with foreign government under the Logan Act as a private citizen.

It is illegal to accept something of value from a foreign government under the Campaign Finance Act.

Jr.'s argument is that he bought a bag of cocaine, but it turned out to be a bag of powdered sugar.

NO the Logan act> (Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.)

<does not even begin to have any reference to private citizens dealing with governments except as agents against the policies of the United States. Something of value does NOT apply to private citizens AND it has been litigated through the supreme court NOT to include information.

So as usual you are expanding the meaning of laws to suit your purpose, but denying it applies to anyone but the TRUMP family and associates. more SSDD by the shit pump.
bripat9643, post: 17733858
The difference between what you wrote and what I said you wrote is indistinguishable from zero

You lied. "Can you name one single time a Democratic Presidential candidate agreed to meet in the hopes of acquiring opposition research directly from a foreign government regarded as adversarial to US interests, because that foreign government told them they wanted their candidate to win - to further the foreign governments goals against the US and its democratic institutions?"

In DJTjr's case he agreed to meet expecting dirt on Hillary from the Kremlin. The "Russian Government" is specifically named in the emails setting up the meeting.

So playing stupid is your only response since no Democratic Party campaign has ever made such an anti-American solicitation of a foreign governments illegal and immoral direct assistance to help them defeat a Republican.

We have the proof. DJTjr's email and his admission he wanted to meet with a representative of the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT wanting to assist the Orangutrump's campaign.

The name of the country is Ukraine, and the GOVERNMENT ADMITTED PUBLICLY that the dnc actively requested their help to discredit Trump, and they actively worked for the clinton campaign. PUBLIC RECORD but try to find it in the news arena. SO you have either all of the dnc at the same time doing the same thing from a foreign country, and then there are the countries like Belgium and the EU group nations doing the same thing, and ON AND ON so you loosers are way over your heads in stirring shit. Hopefully when the REPUBLICAN voters and the DEMOCRATS FOR TRUMP, and the ANYONE but a dimshitscum voters shake the shit out of the Republican hold outs and say END the dimshits setting the agenda, and go to work and pass all we voted for or the next Republican we put in your place WILL, and we will have them vote to end your pensions and benefits when we vote you out. Then the agenda will be wide open try and execute all dimshit treasonist and seditionist.

You liberals just post More of the same stupid fantasy and statements by people who have NO IDEA what they are talking about::::::::: ants following the talking points from the shit pump.
Indisputable FACT: "But Leshchenko did not hold his press conference in a mask. He spoke about his accusations against Manafort openly."

12icer, post: 17734051
Why aren't all of the members of the dnc in jail then BECAUSE THE GOVENEMENT OF THE UKRAINE ADMITTED THE DNC PAID FOR INFORMATION THEY SUPPLIED TO HELP shitbitch beat TRUMP!!!!

Do you have a copy of the payment. Pretty sure you are not in possession of one single fact.

According to the DNC:

"A source familiar the matter said Chalupa "informally" told at least one committee staffer last year that Ukrainian officials had become concerned about Trump's campaign and his ties to Russia and suggested having the DNC work with the Ukrainian embassy to bring some damning information to light.

The source said Chalupa was told "unless there is something public, there is nothing we can do" and that the DNC "never got anything from her" or "met with the Ukrainians."

DNC denies working with Ukrainian government, but contractor did float cooperation on anti-Trump material -

So that means you are pushing BS.

Ukraine was free to make Manafort's pro-Russia work in Ukraine public. And that is what a Ukrainian government official did. No DNC payment required. Public News.

Very important. Please read:

. The press conference where allegedly compromising information on Manafort was made public was also held by an official person — Verkhovna Rada Deputy Serhii Leshchenko, who is believed to have good relations with Viktor Pinchuk, one of the friends or even sponsors of the Clinton family in Ukraine. But Leshchenko did not hold his press conference in a mask. He spoke about his accusations against Manafort openly. And, by the way, it was under the pressure of these allegations that Manafort had to leave the Trump campaign, since even then the political consultant turned out to be toxic for the future winner of the presidential election.

This Ukraine line of defense for the Orangutrump's bevy of lawyers and apologists may very well backfire. Investigations into Manafort's Russia connections may lead somewhere the Donald does not want to go.
12icer, post: 17734158
The name of the country is Ukraine, and the GOVERNMENT ADMITTED PUBLICLY that the dnc actively requested their help to discredit Trump, and they actively worked for the clinton campaign.

Where? Who's your source?

If it's public record why did Sen Graham ask the FBI investigate it. You should let Sen Graham in on your huuuuge discovery.

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