Can we get rational now?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
This hysteria over a cold was way over blown.

The H1N flu strains were far more deadly. The H1N1 "Swine Flu" in 2009 put a lot of healthy people on their ass for weeks, and killed way more people percentage wise. I didn't even get it.

The H1N3 strain in 2018 was just as bad and I got that one. I damn near wanted to die. The suffering lasted for weeks. Again, the death toll was significantly higher than the chinese cold that people stocked up on a years worth of toilet paper over because the media acted as if it was The Rapture.

Are we going to piss away an extra 2 trillion dollars every year when the next disease comes along? Are we going to shut down the entire world every time a few thousand people die from an annual disease?

Get real people... This whole thing is bullshit.

"People" don"t "get" that people supersede money, "economy", and no matter what other 'thing' or ideology. What has humanity come to?
As with all complex problems, there are the extreme positions and the balanced position. Destroying our economy and mortgaging our kids future to give some old people (of which I am one) a couple more years of life is not a rational approach. Doing nothing is also not a rational approach. Unless the infection curves go nuts, I see no problem in re-opening businesses that can insure social distancing. Unfortunately that leaves out "hands on" businesses like hair salons, physical therapists, dentists etc. We should wait a bit before we re-open everything.
A guys wonders if we can get rational now, and then says COVID-19 is a hoax.

I ask you.
You should be happy Trump's doing the only thing he knows how to do... borrow insane amounts of money and pump it into the economy. It's not like he has done anything else the past 3years.
The H1N flu strains were far more deadly. The H1N1 "Swine Flu" in 2009 put a lot of healthy people on their ass for weeks, and killed way more people percentage wise. I didn't even get it.

Was it more deadly percentage wise? The CDC estimated 60 million cases and 12,000 deaths.

As a percentage, that’s actually quite low.

This hysteria over a cold was way over blown.

The H1N flu strains were far more deadly. The H1N1 "Swine Flu" in 2009 put a lot of healthy people on their ass for weeks, and killed way more people percentage wise. I didn't even get it.

The H1N3 strain in 2018 was just as bad and I got that one. I damn near wanted to die. The suffering lasted for weeks. Again, the death toll was significantly higher than the chinese cold that people stocked up on a years worth of toilet paper over because the media acted as if it was The Rapture.

Are we going to piss away an extra 2 trillion dollars every year when the next disease comes along? Are we going to shut down the entire world every time a few thousand people die from an annual disease?

Get real people... This whole thing is bullshit.

It's worse than that, Pete, we don't have two trillion to throw at this! That will put us to where it would take our whole GDP just to pay the interest on our debt! And our GDP is way down! This is going to collapse us if we don't get our heads out of our asses: you can't just keep spending your way out of messes; just as Obama should have let those who fucked up fail instead of bailing them all out, even if Covid is as bad as the worse say, we are far better off to let it just take those who are susceptible, thin the herd, reduce the overpopulation leaving the strong to survive.
The bottom line is that this cold was an excuse to ignore Hong Kong.

"People" don"t "get" that people supersede money, "economy", and no matter what other 'thing' or ideology. What has humanity come to?
Funny how the powers that be didnt think so through the previous DemPanics until... Along came an illness with no known cure that seems to be targeting boomers with laser guided precision. Hmmm...
A guys wonders if we can get rational now, and then says COVID-19 is a hoax.

I ask you.

Stop with the "fake news" and posting DNC lies.
Trump said that the MSM's and democrats criticism of his handling of COVID-19 is the "hoax", not the disease.

Trump save the US from the massive infection rates of the EU countries by stopping flights from China so early. Thank you President Trump.
The democrat federal politicians, democrat governors, democrat mayors, and the MSM/DNC has caused incredible damage, that is why President Trump had to act.

i served in ems through multiple pandemics, the media didn't have conniptions, the gub'mit didn't shut anyone down, and the economy didn't sh*t the bed

so tell me again how any of this is rational?

The H1N flu strains were far more deadly. The H1N1 "Swine Flu" in 2009 put a lot of healthy people on their ass for weeks, and killed way more people percentage wise. I didn't even get it.

Was it more deadly percentage wise? The CDC estimated 60 million cases and 12,000 deaths.

As a percentage, that’s actually quite low.

You can triple that and it's still no worse than a bad seasonal flu. The issue will become when things reopen. The elderly and immunocompromised must isolate themselves for a longer period, but that cannot hold for the rest. Life must go on once the spread slows sufficiently. The question will be when that is.

i served in ems through multiple pandemics, the media didn't have conniptions, the gub'mit didn't shut anyone down, and the economy didn't sh*t the bed

so tell me again how any of this is rational?

This is something we have never seen before.

Nurses and doctors are now dying

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