canadance owens new documentry exposing blm

You probably lived in Arlington.

Because there aren't too many blacks from DC who think positive about Candice Owens.
That statement does not correlate. First, I said I grew up in Washington DC and lived there as a young adult. Had I grown up in Arlington, I would have said Virginia.

I will agree with you that currently, there are not too many Blacks from DC or anywhere else who have positive things to say about Candace Owens. However, she is showing all of US how the BLM organization has used Blacks to achieve its social agenda and line its coffers through shakedowns.
Blacks like Candace Owens only help keep this nation divided. Whites who support this idiot need to understand that their view of America or American is not the only one. And trying to force blacks and other people of color to accept only the white version of America will continue keeping us divided.
All 3 sell outrage. Sorry. That is their commodity and it is in their best interest to keep people upset.

You're no longer allowed to comment on anyone who isn't black....because you're not white and you try telling us what we see doesn't happen based on your never being black to live with what we do.
Nobody sells outrage but right wing talkers. Our beef is legit and documented. I will continue commenting on whites since I have been consistently exposed to whites, lived in majority white towns/cities and have been educated to learn the white mans law, government, philosophies and history. You have not had such exposure to blacks nor have you lived as a black person facing white racism. There is no equivalence in our experiences son, so since I live in a town that's 85 percent white and interact with whites everyday, I do see what whites live with. I have lived with white suburban single moms and their children, so I do know what white middle class and fairly upper class people go through. So your little comments at the end were stupid and without merit.
Blacks like Candace Owens only help keep this nation divided. Whites who support this idiot need to understand that their view of America or American is not the only one. And trying to force blacks and other people of color to accept only the white version of America will continue keeping us divided.
Differing views of America is not necessary for measuring unity. This extends beyond Blacks and Whites.
Nobody sells outrage but right wing talkers.
Nonsense. The right wing has turned it into a proven business model however.
Our beef is legit and documented.
That is true.
I will continue commenting on whites since I have been consistently exposed to whites, lived in majority white towns/cities and have been educated to learn the white mans law, government, philosophies and history.
I'm exposed to Hispanics; grew up in East Houston among other places that were mostly Hispanic. Does that give me license to comment on their plight?
You have not had such exposure to blacks nor have you lived as a black person facing white racism. There is no equivalence in our experiences son, so since I live in a town that's 85 percent white and interact with whites everyday, I do see what whites live with. I have lived with white suburban single moms and their children, so I do know what white middle class and fairly upper class people go through. So your little comments at the end were stupid and without merit.
Hey...if you can hand down edicts, so can I. So from now on, you can only comment on your race since you can't understand what the other races are going through. Your rules, not mine.
Differing views of America is not necessary for measuring unity. This extends beyond Blacks and Whites.
There is only one reason you support Owens and what you both believe keep us divided by race and continues the animosity. Why? Because when a black person tries telling people like you our legitimate experience you dismiss it by repeating the silly crap Owens says instead of listening.
Nonsense. The right wing has turned it into a proven business model however.

That is true.

I'm exposed to Hispanics; grew up in East Houston among other places that were mostly Hispanic. Does that give me license to comment on their plight?

Hey...if you can hand down edicts, so can I. So from now on, you can only comment on your race since you can't understand what the other races are going through. Your rules, not mine.
I hand down fact based on lived experience and work with thousands of other blacks as well as hispanics, native Americans, Asians as well as poor whites. You run your mouth and it is based on your feelings or biases. You have never lived as a person of color to experience what happens to a person physically or mentally after experiencing a racist incident. And I'm not talking about slurs. All you can do is run your mouth, you know nothing about the allostatic processes that take place in a black persons body when they have to put up with holistic white racism. Holistic means no job, or a job with lower pay, harrassed by police for no reason and a number of other things besides what you want to call black racism in order to create your standard false equivalence or whataboutism.
Blacks like Candace Owens only help keep this nation divided. Whites who support this idiot need to understand that their view of America or American is not the only one. And trying to force blacks and other people of color to accept only the white version of America will continue keeping us divided.

Black view of America--we need school choice!

IM2--yeah, but not THAT view!

So what you really mean is the Democrat view of America. And believe me, we all see it.
There is only one reason you support Owens and what you both believe keep us divided by race and continues the animosity. Why? Because when a black person tries telling people like you our legitimate experience you dismiss it by repeating the silly crap Owens says instead of listening.

You know what's more steadfast than people?


I don't trust Candace Owens all that much as a person, but I notice you have banged on and on this entire thread about HER rather than what she presents in her documentary. Too many are falling for it.

Is the doc about Candace Owens? Nope. It's about Black Lives Matter--the corrupt and crooked organization we were all cajoled to bend the knee to in 2020. I did not, because I already knew what kind of organization it was. You're right in saying it wasn't the NAACP. But you don't want to REALLY go down that trail; you'd rather just attack Owens.

There's a reason for that and honest readers see it and understand.
I hand down fact based on lived experience and work with thousands of other blacks as well as hispanics, native Americans, Asians as well as poor whites. You run your mouth and it is based on your feelings or biases. You have never lived as a person of color to experience what happens to a person physically or mentally after experiencing a racist incident. And I'm not talking about slurs. All you can do is run your mouth, you know nothing about the allostatic processes that take place in a black persons body when they have to put up with holistic white racism. Holistic means no job, or a job with lower pay, harrassed by police for no reason and a number of other things besides what you want to call black racism in order to create your standard false equivalence or whataboutism.
LOL..whatever. Yeah... You are, in no way, biased.
Seems that from what I read here, the suburbs are more nasty.
I’ve never been assaulted by blacks in the suburbs. That on,y happened in the inter-city of a poor Democrat city.
Black view of America--we need school choice!

IM2--yeah, but not THAT view!

So what you really mean is the Democrat view of America. And believe me, we all see it.
Yes, and I am alarmed by the Teach the Truth campaign sweeping the nation, in which the Democrats in the school systems (and the Boards) get to decide on the ”truth.”
Yes, and I am alarmed by the Teach the Truth campaign sweeping the nation, in which the Democrats in the school systems (and the Boards) get to decide on the ”truth.”

Again this is not the biggest impact on schools and learning right now. The biggest impact Leftists have had on schools is implementing the same lax discipline policies they have in our legal/court systems. I have NEVER been a strong disciplinarian, to be clear. I'm not into sending kids to the office, etc. But even *I* can see our schools are out of control discipline-wise. It's not good for anyone.
Again this is not the biggest impact on schools and learning right now. The biggest impact Leftists have had on schools is implementing the same lax discipline policies they have in our legal/court systems. I have NEVER been a strong disciplinarian, to be clear. I'm not into sending kids to the office, etc. But even *I* can see our schools are out of control discipline-wise. It's not good for anyone.
I agree that classrooms are out of control in terms of behavior, but my bigger concern is the indoctrination.
I agree that classrooms are out of control in terms of behavior, but my bigger concern is the indoctrination.

Shouldn't be. The breakdown of the family, the laissez-faire attitude toward standards--this is pervasive. This is culture-destroying. The "indoctrination" is only spotty.
There is only one reason you support Owens and what you both believe keep us divided by race and continues the animosity. Why? Because when a black person tries telling people like you our legitimate experience you dismiss it by repeating the silly crap Owens says instead of listening.
Again, differing views and opinions don’t necessarily mean division or not United. For everything you say about Owens I can say about politicians and political commentators you like. Namely, the last thing Democrats and Liberals want is for people to be United and celebrate racial progress. To do so would hurt many livelihoods and cash cows that depend on constant division. BLM for example was able to tap into that and shakedown payouts from woke scared corporations; the NFL and NBA for instance..BLM got their payout but the NFL and NBA took hits because their fanbase was divided.
How about a black woman making sense? Is that too much to ask for? Because Owens doesn't and the only reason you say what you do is that you can use Owens to further white racism while claiming plausible deniability because she is black.
She is not "furthering" white racism. It's like I said she is a Black Women who has her own opinion and isn't acting the way she is supposed to. Biden nailed it for people like you. She ain't Black.
How about a black woman making sense? Is that too much to ask for? Because Owens doesn't and the only reason you say what you do is that you can use Owens to further white racism while claiming plausible deniability because she is black.
Isn’t Owens a black woman? She makes sense to me.

Seems you mean a black woman who wants to further the victim mentality that is permeating leftist circles.

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