canadance owens new documentry exposing blm

I call Candace Owens what she is. You see, BLM is not the biggest or most important black organization. But white racists have attacked them just because of their title. Candace Owens attacks them in order to gain favor with them. Meanwhile, she will NEVER run her mouth about organizations like the NAACP or the National Urban League. And she knows she better not even try slamming the NOI.

So you see that your limited knowledge of the black community has you following a sellout and thinking that she is actually doing something when she isn't. And that's because of your problem with BLM. If you look at BLM's financials instead of listening to Owens, you find they dished out 21.7 million dollars to black community organizations last year. Candace Owens won't tell you that.
And how much did they take in last year?
Of course you did. My point is that since there are 5 times more whites than blacks and to do anything you generally have to deal with white people, blacks must learn to understand whites. Furthermore, since whites set educational policy, we are educated to learn a system that was created by and for whites.
Well then, BLM and The NBP should create a segregated system where you could instill black values…Right? I’m sure that’ll work out well, racist.
I hand down fact based on lived experience and work with thousands of other blacks as well as hispanics, native Americans, Asians as well as poor whites. You run your mouth and it is based on your feelings or biases. You have never lived as a person of color to experience what happens to a person physically or mentally after experiencing a racist incident. And I'm not talking about slurs. All you can do is run your mouth, you know nothing about the allostatic processes that take place in a black persons body when they have to put up with holistic white racism. Holistic means no job, or a job with lower pay, harrassed by police for no reason and a number of other things besides what you want to call black racism in order to create your standard false equivalence or whataboutism.
You are talking out of both sides of your ass. You say you can talk about Whites, Asians, Latinos, etc. because you have lived and worked among them yet in the same breath you are saying non-Blacks can’t talk about Blacks because they have not lived in a Black person’s body.

Do you feel that entitled to have to have your words recognized as fact without validation and to the point you don’t even realize you are contradicting yourself?
I hand down fact based on lived experience and work with thousands of other blacks as well as hispanics, native Americans, Asians as well as poor whites. You run your mouth and it is based on your feelings or biases. You have never lived as a person of color to experience what happens to a person physically or mentally after experiencing a racist incident. And I'm not talking about slurs. All you can do is run your mouth, you know nothing about the allostatic processes that take place in a black persons body when they have to put up with holistic white racism. Holistic means no job, or a job with lower pay, harrassed by police for no reason and a number of other things besides what you want to call black racism in order to create your standard false equivalence or whataboutism.
And the vast majority of political and social black leaders in this nation have done nothing to help either! Quite the opposite. They have taken advantage of the black situation and continue to foment anger and victimhood. So why are you blaming everyone except your own black leaders for this continuous downward spiral?

BLM is surely an extension of making things worse for black folk and causing greater hatred. The black voices on the right (and many black Christian churches) are far more honorable in trying to help their own. The democrats, the MSM, the hyper-liberal educators, and lyrics in rap music are all destroying this nation. Let’s all hate the police who put their lives on the line to try to protect poor black families from the violence and wait and see if the democrats will ever care about blacks murdering blacks and causing terrible fear within their communities. Trump did far more to try to help blacks and minorities. Obama and the democrats since are total lip service phonies.
My knowledge of the Black community is on par with your knowledge of the non-Black Communities.
Ok, but he is not on here talking about non-black communities, but you are babbling on and on about black communities.

Coondace Owens was singing a different tune when the NAACP helped her to receive 37K in a discrimination lawsuit, wait didn't she say she has never experienced any racism.
Ok, but he is not on here talking about non-black communities, but you are babbling on and on about black communities.

Coondace Owens was singing a different tune when the NAACP helped her to receive 37K in a discrimination lawsuit, wait didn't she say she has never experienced any racism.
You may want to re-read IM2’s posts. As for Candace, have at it calling her that slur. She has a thick skin and would rather debate than hide behind race and gender victim shields. As for the NAACP, she is not exposing them. She’s exposing the BLM.
You may want to re-read IM2’s posts. As for Candace, have at it calling her that slur. She has a thick skin and would rather debate than hide behind race and gender victim shields. As for the NAACP, she is not exposing them. She’s exposing the BLM.
No she doesn't debate intellectuals, she debates folks whose lack of knowledge is equal to hers. Coondace used be a diehard Liberal until she figured out she could ride the wave with Trump and make more money. She is nothing more than a boot licking opportunist, but like most of these boot liking Toms when you guys turn on her ass and you will. She will want to come running back to black folks and I am hoping most black folks are like me and will tell her boot licking ass, "Hell no".
No she doesn't debate intellectuals, she debates folks whose lack of knowledge is equal to hers. Coondace used be a diehard Liberal until she figured out she could ride the wave with Trump and make more money. She is nothing more than a boot licking opportunist, but like most of these boot liking Toms when you guys turn on her ass and you will. She will want to come running back to black folks and I am hoping most black folks are like me and will tell her boot licking ass, "Hell no".
You mean intellectuals like the Vice President who every time she gets asked a question she laughs, or says “Let me be clear” or “Let’s be clear” …… and then she rambles on about everything unrelated to the question?

Is that the level of intellectual you are talking about?
And all the rabid republicans will sit and absorb the propaganda she is known for.
They all salivate at her looks and love to love her. She is doing now exactly what trump did in 2016 and you’ll all buy it again.
she has documents and show proof. what dems have. pure bs.
No she doesn't debate intellectuals, she debates folks whose lack of knowledge is equal to hers. Coondace used be a diehard Liberal until she figured out she could ride the wave with Trump and make more money. She is nothing more than a boot licking opportunist, but like most of these boot liking Toms when you guys turn on her ass and you will. She will want to come running back to black folks and I am hoping most black folks are like me and will tell her boot licking ass, "Hell no".
“Coondance”?! THAT is how you refer to a black woman?! And then you accuse whites of being racist?
And the vast majority of political and social black leaders in this nation have done nothing to help either! Quite the opposite. They have taken advantage of the black situation and continue to foment anger and victimhood. So why are you blaming everyone except your own black leaders for this continuous downward spiral?

BLM is surely an extension of making things worse for black folk and causing greater hatred. The black voices on the right (and many black Christian churches) are far more honorable in trying to help their own. The democrats, the MSM, the hyper-liberal educators, and lyrics in rap music are all destroying this nation. Let’s all hate the police who put their lives on the line to try to protect poor black families from the violence and wait and see if the democrats will ever care about blacks murdering blacks and causing terrible fear within their communities. Trump did far more to try to help blacks and minorities. Obama and the democrats since are total lip service phonies.
Incorrect. But this is the delusion those like you live in.
“Coondance”?! THAT is how you refer to a black woman?! And then you accuse whites of being racist?
The definition of racist is the belief in the inherent inferiority of people based on race. Not the stuff those like you make up. Superbad is black, so he certainly is not implying the inherent inferiority of blacks by calling a sellout a coon. You defend Owens for only 1 reason, other than that sh is just another black person who couldn't make it without being favored. On top of this Owens is a black person who dropped out of college, so she wasn't motivated and did not take education seriously according to YOU. But you think she is great and successful because she speaks against black people.
And all the rabid republicans will sit and absorb the propaganda she is known for.
They all salivate at her looks and love to love her. She is doing now exactly what trump did in 2016 and you’ll all buy it again.
Ah, so now that Trump is gone you fucktard asswipes are trying to create a Candace Cult, is that it?
Yes, and I am alarmed by the Teach the Truth campaign sweeping the nation, in which the Democrats in the school systems (and the Boards) get to decide on the ”truth.”
That's their whole arrogant schtick.

Their bullshit authority fallacy.

They get to be arbiters of the truth

That's why they're Stalinists

Cause Joe was that grandiose too

Leftards are mental midgets but they're giants in their own eyes.

No one else's though. Everyone else can clearly see they have tiny little pee pees.

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