canadance owens new documentry exposing blm

I call Candace Owens what she is. You see, BLM is not the biggest or most important black organization. But white racists have attacked them just because of their title. Candace Owens attacks them in order to gain favor with them. Meanwhile, she will NEVER run her mouth about organizations like the NAACP or the National Urban League. And she knows she better not even try slamming the NOI.

So you see that your limited knowledge of the black community has you following a sellout and thinking that she is actually doing something when she isn't. And that's because of your problem with BLM. If you look at BLM's financials instead of listening to Owens, you find they dished out 21.7 million dollars to black community organizations last year. Candace Owens won't tell you that.
What Black Community Organizations received donations and what were their missions and impact?

this sems one to watch

At the end of this interview Candace Owens said that 2 weeks after she released the trailer for this documentary she said the IRS contacted her and said her charity was going to be investigated.

Certainly seems all those new IRS agents Biden hired are being used to hassle their politcal opponents.
At the end of this interview Candace Owens said that 2 weeks after she released the trailer for this documentary she said the IRS contacted her and said her charity was going to be investigated.

Certainly seems all those new IRS agents Biden hired are being used to hassle their politcal opponents.

uh huh she tells the truth on blm and they go after her as bullies.
I call Candace Owens what she is. You see, BLM is not the biggest or most important black organization. But white racists have attacked them just because of their title. Candace Owens attacks them in order to gain favor with them. Meanwhile, she will NEVER run her mouth about organizations like the NAACP or the National Urban League. And she knows she better not even try slamming the NOI.

So you see that your limited knowledge of the black community has you following a sellout and thinking that she is actually doing something when she isn't. And that's because of your problem with BLM. If you look at BLM's financials instead of listening to Owens, you find they dished out 21.7 million dollars to black community organizations last year. Candace Owens won't tell you that.
My knowledge of the Black community is on par with your knowledge of the non-Black Communities.
My knowledge of the Black community is on par with your knowledge of the non-Black Communities.
You know nothing about the black community. I grew up in a town that was 90 percent white, went to colleges that were 80-90 percent white. Worked jobs where I was the only black. Lived in the whitest city by percentage in America. So you are incorrect as usual.
You know nothing about the black community. I grew up in a town that was 90 percent white, went to colleges that were 80-90 percent white. Worked jobs where I was the only black. Lived in the whitest city by percentage in America. So you are incorrect as usual.
In my younger days I went to schools where I was the only white person. What is your point ?
In my younger days I went to schools where I was the only white person. What is your point ?
Of course you did. My point is that since there are 5 times more whites than blacks and to do anything you generally have to deal with white people, blacks must learn to understand whites. Furthermore, since whites set educational policy, we are educated to learn a system that was created by and for whites.
How dare that Black Women have any other opinion than what the Democratic party mandates.
How about a black woman making sense? Is that too much to ask for? Because Owens doesn't and the only reason you say what you do is that you can use Owens to further white racism while claiming plausible deniability because she is black.
You know nothing about the black community. I grew up in a town that was 90 percent white, went to colleges that were 80-90 percent white. Worked jobs where I was the only black. Lived in the whitest city by percentage in America. So you are incorrect as usual.
I grew up in DC. By “percentage in America” as you put it, how Black is that city?
I grew up in DC. By “percentage in America” as you put it, how Black is that city?
And so you grew up in DC and think that Candace Owens is the answer.

Yeah, right.
And all the rabid republicans will sit and absorb the propaganda she is known for.
They all salivate at her looks and love to love her. She is doing now exactly what trump did in 2016 and you’ll all buy it again.
Hey...the business model works. That is why there are like 8 right wing news networks on cable, about 2,000 right wing kook sites, dozens of right wing radio personalities, and god only knows how many you-tubers out there. They all want to pluck these pigeons.

And, if we're talking about black grifters, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Quannel X, etc... have been at it for a long time on the left.

The constantly-angry folks are too busy being constantly angry to realize they are being played. Regardless of ideology.
At the end of this interview Candace Owens said that 2 weeks after she released the trailer for this documentary she said the IRS contacted her and said her charity was going to be investigated.

Certainly seems all those new IRS agents Biden hired are being used to hassle their politcal opponents.

Candace Owens lied.
Hey...the business model works. That is why there are like 8 right wing news networks on cable, about 2,000 right wing kook sites, dozens of right wing radio personalities, and god only knows how many you-tubers out there. They all want to pluck these pigeons.

And, if we're talking about black grifters, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Quannel X, etc... have been at it for a long time on the left.

The constantly-angry folks are too busy being constantly angry to realize they are being played. Regardless of ideology.
Owens is a black grifter. I would hardly call Jackson or Sharpton grifters, but you are white andyou try telling us what we see doesn't happen based on your never being black to live with what we do.
Owens is a black grifter. I would hardly call Jackson or Sharpton grifters, but you are white andyou try telling us what we see doesn't happen based on your never being black to live with what we do.
All 3 sell outrage. Sorry. That is their commodity and it is in their best interest to keep people upset.

You're no longer allowed to comment on anyone who isn't black....because you're not white and you try telling us what we see doesn't happen based on your never being black to live with what we do.

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