Candace Owen's completely DESTROYS the Democrat party at today's hearing.

A great victory for republicans and much celebrating finally finding a person of color buying into their b.s. In the meantime, if republican rule is so great, then why so much poverty among poor whites as well as among blacks in the republican dominated south? She's confused about the democrat racists and the klan. That was a couple generations ago and times change. Try finding a kkk guy or nazi today calling themselves democrat. . They love them some outrageous trump republican racism at the rallies. .
Wow, what a racist! Shall we list the KKK Dems? We'll start with Northam, or would you rather not travel this path...
The fact is that Republicans are more interested in seeing people remain poor. They take the side of big business over individuals. They are more interested in kicking poor people off of welfare than they are in helping people. They then crow about how many people are no longer receiving welfare. Neither party has the best interests of blacks in mind.

So the Republican party is interested in seeing people remain poor, but it's the Democrats who are ushering in unskilled low income foreign workers to compete with our poor and take their jobs. Gotcha.

We are interested in kicking people off of welfare. Welfare is servitude. There are no advancements on welfare, no employer wants to hire somebody that's been on welfare for an extended period of time, welfare is dependency and promotes laziness. Why would anybody but Democrats want to see people live this lifestyle?

Democrats work on selected groups. Republicans just believe in doing what's best for all people, because we believe Americans are all the same.

Republicans are only worried about pleasing their base. Unskilled foreign workers are not driving down wages. There are plenty of jobs that are available. We need more foreigners in this country.

Kicking people off of welfare because they no longer need it is not what Republicans are doing. They make the requirements so onerous that people who need help cannot get help. You automatically assume that people are lazy. When Ronald Reagan was elected, Republicans wanted to run a conservative war on poverty. That no longer exists. Now it is only about kicking people off and claiming poverty is going down.

For a guy that cuts down on people who didn't attend college, you sure show your ignorance here. Read and learn something once in a while:

Food stamp rolls plummet in states that restore work requirements

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

States follow Maine in declining federal funds for food stamps
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.


And to suggest that Hitler would be alright if he had stayed within German borders. That is not what I call thinking. That is white nationalism thinking. Then she lied about the GOP's southern strategy. That is not thinking either.

She is of course correct about the first thing.

She was not correct. What Hitler did to German Jews was evil.
Turning Point USA is a part of the alt-right.
What makes you say that?

Why should I be afraid of the "alt-right"? Who the fuck are they?

What I can say is that video clip in the OP and the bullshit pulled by the Dem in playing that clip makes me far more concerned about those liars than some abstract, alleged right wing movement that is clearly undefined but makes a decent boogyman.


When the left says alt-right they mean Nazi. It has become an umbrella term encompassing anyone who isn't a loyal devotee to the Marxist agenda. It's a tactic designed to pressure social media and other internet companies to crack down on free speech online. They want everyone to think that if you're not with them 100%, you want to put jews, gays and blacks in gas chambers.
The fact is that Republicans are more interested in seeing people remain poor. They take the side of big business over individuals. They are more interested in kicking poor people off of welfare than they are in helping people. They then crow about how many people are no longer receiving welfare. Neither party has the best interests of blacks in mind.

So the Republican party is interested in seeing people remain poor, but it's the Democrats who are ushering in unskilled low income foreign workers to compete with our poor and take their jobs. Gotcha.

We are interested in kicking people off of welfare. Welfare is servitude. There are no advancements on welfare, no employer wants to hire somebody that's been on welfare for an extended period of time, welfare is dependency and promotes laziness. Why would anybody but Democrats want to see people live this lifestyle?

Democrats work on selected groups. Republicans just believe in doing what's best for all people, because we believe Americans are all the same.

Republicans are only worried about pleasing their base. Unskilled foreign workers are not driving down wages. There are plenty of jobs that are available. We need more foreigners in this country.

Kicking people off of welfare because they no longer need it is not what Republicans are doing. They make the requirements so onerous that people who need help cannot get help. You automatically assume that people are lazy. When Ronald Reagan was elected, Republicans wanted to run a conservative war on poverty. That no longer exists. Now it is only about kicking people off and claiming poverty is going down.
Not dizzy from spinning yet?

Owens just burnt down the Democratic Party, exposing their racism, hatred, lies, and division, and all you can muster is...

'B....b....but REPUBLICANS....'


Owens helped the Democrats not the Republicans. Explain her greatness to American Jews.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

WTF, are you color blind?

No just very low IQ.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.


And to suggest that Hitler would be alright if he had stayed within German borders. That is not what I call thinking. That is white nationalism thinking. Then she lied about the GOP's southern strategy. That is not thinking either.

She is of course correct about the first thing.

She was not correct. What Hitler did to German Jews was evil.

STFU you filthy Communist and go and put your White Pointy Hat on you Racist Soy Boi to protest this intelligent Black woman.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

Man getting deep now aren’t we? Typical Democrat, if blacks follow there are okay, however if they develop any of their own ideas then the racist Democrats cry out.

She is no different than white alt-right members. The only reason she was there was because she was black.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.
You obviously have no idea what real racism is... moron
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

Yep, Progressives care only about control… Those that they disagree with
In today's Republican White Supremacist Party, Ronald Reagan would be considered a RINO. Reagan gave illegals amnesty, started the negotiations on NAFTA, and began a Republican tradition of blaming the poor for the plight of the middle class, while glad handing money to millionaires.

But even Reagan recognized that his tax cuts were a mistake and tried to reverse the damage. W and Dumb Donald just doubled down on stupid when it came to the tax cuts.
Reagan was not a very good president. He only appeared to be good because the act he followed was so fucking terrible, a ham sandwich would have beat him.

Reagan was a big government spendthrift who ignorantly trusted the commie dems to get border security after he granted amnesty.

The only thing that redeems Reagan is that he fought the commies hard. That's probably why you don't like him.

She was not correct. What Hitler did to German Jews was evil.
Did you hear her testimony?

That California commie played a snippet of her comments, and she explained why he was full of shit. Go back and listen again, and tell me you want to be associated with people who throw around that level of dishonesty.

To be fair, Klein does have Tourette's Syndrome and his hand and body movements are almost uncontrollable. He is a brilliant man but like most brilliant people, is too dumb to be a Republican. All Dems believe their own bullshit.

Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP.
To you left wing idiots only the uneducated would fight for their own decisions in life. The truly smart people would give their rights to an elected retard to dictate how they can live. Who's the dumb one here?

You are the right wing idiot. The fact is opposing Trump does not make you left wing as moderates have left the party as well.

In the American Democrat Moonbat Party very soon AOC is going to be considered a moderate :uhoh3:

In today's Republican White Supremacist Party, Ronald Reagan would be considered a RINO. Reagan gave illegals amnesty, started the negotiations on NAFTA, and began a Republican tradition of blaming the poor for the plight of the middle class, while glad handing money to millionaires.

But even Reagan recognized that his tax cuts were a mistake and tried to reverse the damage. W and Dumb Donald just doubled down on stupid when it came to the tax cuts.
Socialist entitlement programs do nothing for the average American… Dumbass
The fact is that Republicans are more interested in seeing people remain poor. They take the side of big business over individuals. They are more interested in kicking poor people off of welfare than they are in helping people. They then crow about how many people are no longer receiving welfare. Neither party has the best interests of blacks in mind.

So the Republican party is interested in seeing people remain poor, but it's the Democrats who are ushering in unskilled low income foreign workers to compete with our poor and take their jobs. Gotcha.

We are interested in kicking people off of welfare. Welfare is servitude. There are no advancements on welfare, no employer wants to hire somebody that's been on welfare for an extended period of time, welfare is dependency and promotes laziness. Why would anybody but Democrats want to see people live this lifestyle?

Democrats work on selected groups. Republicans just believe in doing what's best for all people, because we believe Americans are all the same.

Republicans are only worried about pleasing their base. Unskilled foreign workers are not driving down wages. There are plenty of jobs that are available. We need more foreigners in this country.

Kicking people off of welfare because they no longer need it is not what Republicans are doing. They make the requirements so onerous that people who need help cannot get help. You automatically assume that people are lazy. When Ronald Reagan was elected, Republicans wanted to run a conservative war on poverty. That no longer exists. Now it is only about kicking people off and claiming poverty is going down.
Not dizzy from spinning yet?

Owens just burnt down the Democratic Party, exposing their racism, hatred, lies, and division, and all you can muster is...

'B....b....but REPUBLICANS....'


Owens helped the Democrats not the Republicans. Explain her greatness to American Jews.

The majority of American Jews are Leftist Moonbats, not that many are sane and normal and even the ones who have commented they are Conservative like William Krystal and that ugly bitch Jennifer Rubin from The Washington Compost are FULL-ON hysterical Leftists now because of their Extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome and FANATICAL HATRED of WHITES and their FANATICAL support for Muh Refugees and Muh Illegal Immigrants. There are about 100 American Jews in total who SUPPORT The Donald, Stephen Miller is one and Indeependent is one.
The left and the right are scared of a white nationalist destroying both of their narratives.

Way to try to spin the video evidence / testimony of how Owens just burnt the DNC to the ground, exposing them for their lies, fear-mongering, racism, and division.


You morons have nothing on the alt-right.

Candace Owens did nothing to attack the racism of the left. All she did was give black people a reason to believe they are victimized by BOTH parties when both parties bend over backwards for every stupid and racist thing they say.

What I just paraphrased as the white nationalist argument destroys the left in every single aspect.

Get this through your head dumbass, equating “racism” with “white nationalism” and white advocacy and having a hearing on “hate crimes” in that context is the ultimate example of racism. The Democrats will literally be putting your children and grandchildren into slave camps or in the grave in the future if someone does not stop them right now. Wake the fuck up or get the fuck out of the way.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

Man getting deep now aren’t we? Typical Democrat, if blacks follow there are okay, however if they develop any of their own ideas then the racist Democrats cry out.

She is no different than white alt-right members. The only reason she was there was because she was black.

^^^^ How many racist comments are you going to post? Do we need a score card already?

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