Carson: "I would not just stand there and let him shoot me,"

"I would not just stand there and let him shoot me," Carson said on "Fox & Friends," as seen in the clip above. "I would say, 'Hey, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.'"
Ben Carson On Oregon Murders: 'I Would Not Just Stand There And Let Him Shoot Me'
So... who here disagrees with Ben?
Rain Man Carson is an idiot savant. He can do brain surgery - but he can't comprehend common sense social issues.
In other words you'd just let the guy shoot you.
Thank you - and Darwin.

Concealed carry is legal in Oregon - and at least one vet said he was carrying but chose not to draw his weapon for fear of police mistaking him for the shooter. Considering the area - there were probably several other students also carrying. So, how do you respond to that?
"I would not just stand there and let him shoot me," Carson said on "Fox & Friends," as seen in the clip above. "I would say, 'Hey, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.'"
Ben Carson On Oregon Murders: 'I Would Not Just Stand There And Let Him Shoot Me'
So... who here disagrees with Ben?
Rain Man Carson is an idiot savant. He can do brain surgery - but he can't comprehend common sense social issues.
In other words you'd just let the guy shoot you.
Thank you - and Darwin.
Concealed carry is legal in Oregon...
Why would you let the guy just shoot you?
"I would not just stand there and let him shoot me," Carson said on "Fox & Friends," as seen in the clip above. "I would say, 'Hey, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.'"
Ben Carson On Oregon Murders: 'I Would Not Just Stand There And Let Him Shoot Me'

So... who here disagrees with Ben?

This is Ben Carson-- he makes horrible gaffs all of the time.

During the 2nd debate he announced--that he called G.W. Bush directly after 9/11 and told him NOT to go into Afghanistan to get Osama Bin Laden and kick Al Queda's butt. He is also for raising the minimum wage, the adding another to be indexed to inflation.

While he is a brilliant surgeon, and a very nice man, it's very clear that he is NOT prime time ready to be POTUS.

No you don't charge people with guns. You put trained people in schools with concealed weapons, & make it very clear that they're there. Take down those stupid (target signs) that say "Gun free zones"--advertising to nut cases that there is no one there that can shoot back and they won't show up at schools or college campus's. That will be the end of this problem.

These people are COWARDS--the last thing they want is someone shooting back at them. (A terrorist will always seek the least path of resistance.)

Here is our Iron Lady

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"I would not just stand there and let him shoot me," Carson said on "Fox & Friends," as seen in the clip above. "I would say, 'Hey, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.'"
Ben Carson On Oregon Murders: 'I Would Not Just Stand There And Let Him Shoot Me'

So... who here disagrees with Ben?
This is Ben Carson-- he makes horrible gaffs all of the time.
I'm sorry... do you disagree with him, or not?
you try to nit pick the lady's post about the 2nd amendment with specious a 1st year law student practicing for class...
no the 2nd amendment doesn't specify "self defense" what?..but to YOU that's important...
according to your "logic", the constitution also doesn't "specify" owning a therefore cars are unconstitutional...

A 1st year law student would know that the Constitution does not enumerate any rights, it merely defines the powers of the federal government and, via the insisted upon Bill of Rights, attempts to guarantee rights that already existed. Best practice for class a bit better there, son.

Yeah, he was being anal...and so are you.

he was being ridiculous and I turned it back on him..hoisted on his own petard.....son

Actually, all ya'll managed to sound pretty petty and anal, good job!
what is it with you and the word "anal"?...what's that?..2 posts in a row now?
He said something ridiculous and I turned it back on him...thanks for you effort, but we don't need a referee to keep score

Here, let me put it in words you can better understand...go fuck yourself and your anally retentive excuse for an intellect. How's that, cupcake. Dip shit.

Now you see my point. :D
"I would not just stand there and let him shoot me," Carson said on "Fox & Friends," as seen in the clip above. "I would say, 'Hey, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.'"
Ben Carson On Oregon Murders: 'I Would Not Just Stand There And Let Him Shoot Me'
So... who here disagrees with Ben?
Rain Man Carson is an idiot savant. He can do brain surgery - but he can't comprehend common sense social issues.
In other words you'd just let the guy shoot you.
Thank you - and Darwin.
Concealed carry is legal in Oregon...
Why would you let the guy just shoot you?

Personally, I wouldn't. So why did the other students - including the ones with concealed weapons who did nothing to help?
Best option: Run
Next best: Hide
Third best: Fight
You can't outrun bullets.
You can't hide from bullets.
You can always gang rush a maniac

Handguns are notoriously inaccurate. Add the stress of firing, the screaming and multiple targets, it is difficult to hit a moving target at any distance. The greater distance you can put between yourself and the gunman.....the safer you are

You can't shoot what you can't see
They were in a classroom dumbass. Probably only feet from each other. Do you suppose running the 10 feet to the chalkboard would have saved your life?

Why can't you dumbfucks just admit that you can't speak to the idea put forth by Carson because you lack the courage to even contemplate fighting back let alone the will power to try

Hence option 3
Hence Carsons response. Yet you mock him for it.

Given I was not there, I will not pass judgement on those who were
Rain Man Carson is an idiot savant. He can do brain surgery - but he can't comprehend common sense social issues.
In other words you'd just let the guy shoot you.
Thank you - and Darwin.
Concealed carry is legal in Oregon...
Why would you let the guy just shoot you?
Personally, I wouldn't.
So, you agree wit what Dr Carson said.
Thank you.
Nice to see that you could neither rebut it nor follow clear instructions. PGFY


Good to see that you know how to jack off, numb nutz. Let us know when you finally get off, maybe your mood will change.

save your homosexual fantasies and one is interested in your perversions...

I'm, not the one jacking off over an intrawebz discussion, cupcake. Oh, I see the problem, you can't get off till you get the last word, right? So I am pretty much cock-blocking you. Interesting.

your continuous references to male genitalia and homosexuality aren't interesting to the rest of us...why do you persist?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Awww.
You can't outrun bullets.
You can't hide from bullets.
You can always gang rush a maniac

Handguns are notoriously inaccurate. Add the stress of firing, the screaming and multiple targets, it is difficult to hit a moving target at any distance. The greater distance you can put between yourself and the gunman.....the safer you are

You can't shoot what you can't see
They were in a classroom dumbass. Probably only feet from each other. Do you suppose running the 10 feet to the chalkboard would have saved your life?

Why can't you dumbfucks just admit that you can't speak to the idea put forth by Carson because you lack the courage to even contemplate fighting back let alone the will power to try

Hence option 3
Hence Carsons response. Yet you mock him for it.

Given I was not there, I will not pass judgement on those who were
Nor has anyone else. Hacks are bad about twisting shit up as proven by liberal responses in this very thread.
Concealed carry is legal in Oregon - and at least one vet said he was carrying but chose not to draw his weapon for fear of police mistaking him for the shooter. Considering the area - there were probably several other students also carrying. So, how do you respond to that?

Pussies. They ain't a pimple on Chris Mintz's ass.
It is easy to Monday morning quarterback any shooting like this.

If I was there, I would have done this
They should have fought harder
Why did they just let him shoot them?

Its hard to say without being in the room with the shooter. How does a group in a situation like that quickly and silently form a team?
If you shout out...Lets get him! you will be shot
If you make a lone rush at the shooter, you will be the first one shot

It is easy for Carson to say what he would have done. But you don't know if he would have been any more successful
It is easy to Monday morning quarterback any shooting like this.

If I was there, I would have done this
They should have fought harder
Why did they just let him shoot them?

Its hard to say without being in the room with the shooter. How does a group in a situation like that quickly and silently form a team?
If you shout out...Lets get him! you will be shot
If you make a lone rush at the shooter, you will be the first one shot

It is easy for Carson to say what he would have done. But you don't know if he would have been any more successful

kinda hard to fight as a group of wolves when you've been raised as sheep. Quit raising your kids as sheep, even if it is too late for you.
It is easy to Monday morning quarterback any shooting like this.

If I was there, I would have done this
They should have fought harder
Why did they just let him shoot them?

Its hard to say without being in the room with the shooter. How does a group in a situation like that quickly and silently form a team?
If you shout out...Lets get him! you will be shot
If you make a lone rush at the shooter, you will be the first one shot

It is easy for Carson to say what he would have done. But you don't know if he would have been any more successful

kinda hard to fight as a group of wolves when you've been raised as sheep. Quit raising your kids as sheep, even if it is too late for you.

Good point

How do we get a random group of people with no leadership and no ability to communicate to instantaneously act like a pack of wolves?
I wonder how much of the whole conservative gun obsession comes straight from Rambo fantasies.

These threads tend to imply that it's a really big part of it.
I wonder how much of the whole conservative gun obsession comes straight from Rambo fantasies.
These threads tend to imply that it's a really big part of it.
Unsurprisingly, I do not see an answer to the question asked in the OP.

The "question" in your OP?

You mean whether I "agree" with Ben Carson's action movie martyrdom fantasy?

You are correct, you don't see an answer to that incredibly stupid question.
I wonder how much of the whole conservative gun obsession comes straight from Rambo fantasies.
These threads tend to imply that it's a really big part of it.
Unsurprisingly, I do not see an answer to the question asked in the OP.

The "question" in your OP?

You mean whether I "agree" with Ben Carson's action movie martyrdom fantasy?

You are correct, you don't see an answer to that incredibly stupid question.
No question Carson is a badass

We could have used him on flight 93
I maybe too scared to think, let alone rally others t take the gun man down.

Then again, the gun man was shooting Christians, not atheist. Hallelujah, right?

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