Cat Fight Breaks Out On House Floor

One of the zillion or so interesting things about this awful period is MAGA's adoption and interpretation of the word "fight". "I want someone who will fight for me", they'll say, as they defend the caveman behaviors of people like MTG.

But what they clearly don't understand is that one can "fight" metaphorically, using reason and intellect. Not volume and juvenile aggression.
MTG has a lot of abrasive edges so you can say whatever you want about her style. But her position on our debt and spending habits, and her steadfast adherence to those positions, are probably the most responsible of all our representatives. MAGA
The less we depend on government for our needs, the less such people matter.
The first two years of Joe and their irresponsible fiat currency printing legislation proved their idiocy and incompetence. And then the Republican House disappointed their voters after the 2022 election.
Someone must have forgotten to inform these people that they are participating in one of the most important representative assemblies of all times. Either that, or they are too egocentric to care.
Someone must have forgotten to inform these people that they are participating in one of the most important representative assemblies of all times. Either that, or they are too egocentric to care.
This is the House. At some point in coming years there will be fist fights and worse as political views diverge more and more.
This is what happens when you elect trash from every corner of the country to represent you. It might also be why women in politics don’t always get taken seriously.

Oh please, US legislative fits by members don't have anything on Parliamentary style fits, even in places like the UK.

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