Censorship, American-Style

Political correctness is a tool used by the left to control EXACTLY what can be said and what cannot be said by the unwashed masses. After all, aren't they the real intelligent ones here? Don't they decide what we can say and what we cannot say... and by that very process, determine what we should and should not think?

I mean really, PoliticalChic... if you're going to CONTROL the masses, then you have to get them moving in the same direction. Soon, you'll be making the suggestion that we can say... GASP... anything. And you know that won't do...

Think 1984... you're not standing in line very well...

I get your drift, Sniper....

But shouldn't we be amazed at how many folks in this thread have accepted the training of the Left, that either it's no big deal...or it is perfectly acceptable.

Yet....start a thread about the hero Senator Joseph McCarthy and one has to explain the difference.

Rather than thinking human beings, too many behave like iron filings in a magnetic field.


Hey...there's carby....and wingy....I recognize lots of 'em!
I get your drift, Sniper....

But shouldn't we be amazed at how many folks in this thread have accepted the training of the Left, that either it's no big deal...or it is perfectly acceptable.

Yet....start a thread about the hero Senator Joseph McCarthy and one has to explain the difference.

Rather than thinking human beings, too many behave like iron filings in a magnetic field.


Hey...there's carby....and wingy....I recognize lots of 'em!


North to North for a reason ;)
How did I know this is what you were going to be whining about.

Sorry, I think it's hilarious you Young Conservatards think it's perfectly okay to fire hundreds of working people so a rich douchebag can make a profit, but you make a bunch of offensive statements and get shown the door, and she's a martyr to you people.

Do you think that a student in a University who stumbled upon history books that were written prior to newspeak and doublespeak and failed to contain the unthink revisions that are required, thereby questioning whether the portrayal of Western Civilization as a great evil, should be imprisoned or merely expelled?

What if the student were to suggest that the industrial revolution resulted in longer lives, eliminated starvation in developed nations, offered more dignity and status for women, lowered infant mortality and provided vastly better standards of living? Should that heretic be executed or imprisoned?

What is your verdict, comrade?
Political correctness is a tool used by the left to control EXACTLY what can be said and what cannot be said by the unwashed masses. After all, aren't they the real intelligent ones here? Don't they decide what we can say and what we cannot say... and by that very process, determine what we should and should not think?

I mean really, PoliticalChic... if you're going to CONTROL the masses, then you have to get them moving in the same direction. Soon, you'll be making the suggestion that we can say... GASP... anything. And you know that won't do...

Think 1984... you're not standing in line very well...

I get your drift, Sniper....

But shouldn't we be amazed at how many folks in this thread have accepted the training of the Left, that either it's no big deal...or it is perfectly acceptable.

Yet....start a thread about the hero Senator Joseph McCarthy and one has to explain the difference.

Rather than thinking human beings, too many behave like iron filings in a magnetic field.

It is scary..but I don't think usmb is an accurate reflection of the world. I think we have more than our share of militant progressive freaks (known as "nazis" in some locales...or just animals in others). This site has allowed them to get a foothold and is nurturing them..the result is they appear to be much more prolific here than (I hope) they are in the real world.
Censorship is not liberal -v- conservative but an attempt by any entity or person to suppress speech or views. Many countries practice censorship including the US but government censorship, while intolerable, is not the most insidious proprietors of censorship. The media, which historically has been the main avenue of information and dissemination of viewpoints (talking heads), as a private entity has practiced censorship throughout history.

As Americans we take the words "free speech" quite literally, yet today do we really have free speech , the right to say anything? No, there are limits and those limits are being redefined every day.

Companies have the right to terminate whoever they wish for views expressed that run counter to their public image. Many Americans will be fired in the coming years for expressing views against their employers or fellow employees on social websites or even on rumors.

You miss the point.

Companies have contractual agreements with employees. Obviously limitations are in place. A McDonalds employee screaming "Our hamburgers suck" should rightfully be fired.

But this is not the place for free speech, and never was, despite the obfuscation of the totalitarian left.

Free speech is practice in open societies in the political and academic circles. There was a time when freedom of speech was sacrosanct in the halls of American academia. Today the Universities are more rigid than Stalin's Soviet gulag, one dare not utter a word that is not supportive of neo-Marxist orthodoxy. The political arena and press are likewise tightly controlled with no dissent tolerated. It is only the wilds of the internet that allow free discussion of ideas contrary to leftist dogma. Dare suggest that American Indian history is an utter fabrication to the lords of Academia and see what happens. Yet anyone over 30 knows full well it is, that we have rewritten the past to match the desires of what we wish happened and to demonize those who are targeted to be the new lower caste.

In the past, when this used to be a free country, the political and academic arena were sacred ground for the discussion and exploration of ideas. Now they are the cesspool of dogma and conformity.
There is no more clear proof to show the way the fascist left works, is to see how they treat conservative African Americans who don't tow the liberal line. Clarence Thomas, Allen west, Thomas Sowell ect… They are hated and despised, because they have a different opinion. The left doesn’t want conversation or exchange of ideas, they want their opposition silenced, that’s the way they roll…

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egTyaIAaqz8]Clarence Thomas High-Tech Lynching - YouTube[/ame]
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The US has been on the slippery slope of censorship for many years now. In the states, however it is not called censorship if is call Political Correctness.
There are many cases, of people losing their jobs for just giving their personal opinion, John Rocker comes to mind. Now we have at least one South Carolina school teacher teaching her students that you can go to jail for criticizing the President. The scary part is she teach social science, one would think she would know better.
It is scary..but I don't think usmb is an accurate reflection of the world. I think we have more than our share of militant progressive freaks (known as "nazis" in some locales...or just animals in others). This site has allowed them to get a foothold and is nurturing them..the result is they appear to be much more prolific here than (I hope) they are in the real world.

Honestly KG, I think there is a pretty even match of leftists to conservatives here at USMB. That the leftists tend to be a bit more nasty may create an impression of greater numbers than actually exist.
But in the real world, they aren't 50 percent of the population.

That's what I mean.

They don't have to have overwhelming numbers, that's the point. They're dishonest and corrupt...if they can lie, cheat, steal and beat their way to dominance, that's what they do.

And it's effective, though loathsome.
But in the real world, they aren't 50 percent of the population.

That's what I mean.

They don't have to have overwhelming numbers, that's the point. They're dishonest and corrupt...if they can lie, cheat, steal and beat their way to dominance, that's what they do.

And it's effective, though loathsome.

Political correctness is a tool used by the left to control EXACTLY what can be said and what cannot be said by the unwashed masses. After all, aren't they the real intelligent ones here? Don't they decide what we can say and what we cannot say... and by that very process, determine what we should and should not think?

I mean really, PoliticalChic... if you're going to CONTROL the masses, then you have to get them moving in the same direction. Soon, you'll be making the suggestion that we can say... GASP... anything. And you know that won't do...

Think 1984... you're not standing in line very well...

I get your drift, Sniper....

But shouldn't we be amazed at how many folks in this thread have accepted the training of the Left, that either it's no big deal...or it is perfectly acceptable.

Yet....start a thread about the hero Senator Joseph McCarthy and one has to explain the difference.

Rather than thinking human beings, too many behave like iron filings in a magnetic field.


If you disagree or you want more evidence or you interpret the data differently, then the left instantly brands that you are against science. Same for those who do not instantly believe that evolution is a settled proposition.

You must believe Al (I invented the Internet) Gore without question. After all, he and those who stand behind him are the intelligent ones here. And if you believe the hypothesis, then of course you will instantly accept that a cap and trade is necessary. That fossil fuel, and therefore the oil companies, are evil. And that it is unfortunate, but acceptable that the United States can no longer be supplied with all of the energy that it wants. That we must 'share' with our world neighbors because everyone is equal. After all, it is not acceptable for one to have more than someone else just because you worked for it. No, no, no... we must all go through life equal, else someone's feelings might get hurt. Therefore, it is not right to call someone an "illegal alien" simply because they violated the law and the sovereignty of a nation.

As I've said... I am an American. I see your line and I hear the crap you are spewing... I refuse to participate. I'm pouring myself a beer...
But in the real world, they aren't 50 percent of the population.

That's what I mean.

They don't have to have overwhelming numbers, that's the point. They're dishonest and corrupt...if they can lie, cheat, steal and beat their way to dominance, that's what they do.

And it's effective, though loathsome.

In the real world, we aren't 50 percent either. Both side here are the influence makers. Yes, the left lies, cheats and steals; that is their forte and what they bring to the party. We expose them and try to keep them in check.

Welcome to politics.

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