Check this chart of top marginal taxes for decades

let tax the wealthy ( if you want to make it 400,000 a year fine) 91% again , it seemed to work prettty damned well.

do you know what effective tax rate is? twat you're talking about is NOT what taxes they actually paid
Hense my comment on the same deductions too asswipe.

Now lets make it JUST the same of back then becuase it worked.

Now are you unwilling to do that ?
Finding patterns in data does not mean you have to ignore other data.

Please go get the data you suggest will show me Im wrong.

I am willing to look at facts unlike the majority on the right here, YOU always seem much more willing to accept fact and I praise you for it.

Thank you, I just started posting here again and have not figured out most posters political stands yet, I wasn't so much as arguing with you as talking in generalities.

After WWll though, there were millions of men coming back from the war, a baby boom took place, most of the world didn't have a manufacturing base, it was destroyed by the war so I would think that would play a huge role in that era, wouldn't you?

I was talking just the US, after the war we had a top marginal tax rate of 91%, it did not hinder the economy as the right suggests, it helped build a society that was wonderful for the average Americans life. It was when we had the BEST schools in the world, had the highest respected higher education and an infrastructure the world sought to emulate. Usually a post war condition falls prey to an econoimic downturn due to the returing vets seeking work in the private sector. Instead we had the GI bill which created a winderfully educated working force.

It was undoubtedly a high point in this countries history.

At the time schools weren't overrun with illegals, Everyone spoke english and no special accommodations were made for anyone. If jonny was a fuck up he failed.

At the time we did not have a welfare system that sucked money away from schools and infrastructure. In the 50's there was something called the work ethic.

Poor TM all she wants is to steal from others to pay for her pet projects.

Have you ever heard of the Money Supply and The Federal Reserve?

And those 91% tax rates in the 1950s were at at income levels above $400,000 - which in 2010 dollars would be over $3,000,000.

THREE MILLION DOLLARS is quite a bit higher than the TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS that Obama has defined as The Rich.

Not to mention the differences in what was deductible and what was considered income....

But what truthdesnotmatter is trying to do is a frequently used left wing, class warfare ploy of misdirection

very true...the effective tax rate was much, much lower and usually around what it is now, if not lower

Go get proof of your numbers
Finding patterns in data does not mean you have to ignore other data.

Please go get the data you suggest will show me Im wrong.

I am willing to look at facts unlike the majority on the right here, YOU always seem much more willing to accept fact and I praise you for it.

Thank you, I just started posting here again and have not figured out most posters political stands yet, I wasn't so much as arguing with you as talking in generalities.

After WWll though, there were millions of men coming back from the war, a baby boom took place, most of the world didn't have a manufacturing base, it was destroyed by the war so I would think that would play a huge role in that era, wouldn't you?

I was talking just the US, after the war we had a top marginal tax rate of 91%, it did not hinder the economy as the right suggests, it helped build a society that was wonderful for the average Americans life. It was when we had the BEST schools in the world, had the highest respected higher education and an infrastructure the world sought to emulate. Usually a post war condition falls prey to an econoimic downturn due to the returing vets seeking work in the private sector. Instead we had the GI bill which created a winderfully educated working force.

It was undoubtedly a high point in this countries history.

But other things were at play too, we haven't had that kind of boom since and I doubt;with a declining birth rate; that we ever will again.
Hey Truthmasher,

How many times have you gotten a job from someone whom was'nt "rich"?

Why bite the hand that feeds? (not a good analogy, but you get the picture)
Not to mention the differences in what was deductible and what was considered income....

But what truthdesnotmatter is trying to do is a frequently used left wing, class warfare ploy of misdirection

very true...the effective tax rate was much, much lower and usually around what it is now, if not lower

Go get proof of your numbers

Go get a new GRAMMAR METER.

In the meantime, knock yourself out (and do look up the definition of inflation):

Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2010
let tax the wealthy ( if you want to make it 400,000 a year fine) 91% again , it seemed to work prettty damned well.

Then you suport selective equality??

Can we bring it to the legal system, employment law, housing, and everything else??

Nah... I'll stick to supporting systems based on freedom and equal treatment.... not this Robin Hood bullshit of the greedy entitlement junkies
And JFK lowered them. How did that work out?
let tax the wealthy ( if you want to make it 400,000 a year fine) 91% again , it seemed to work prettty damned well.

Then you suport selective equality??

Can we bring it to the legal system, employment law, housing, and everything else??

Nah... I'll stick to supporting systems based on freedom and equal treatment.... not this Robin Hood bullshit of the greedy entitlement junkies

She's also neglecting the fact that $400K in the 50s was over $3M today.
Hoover increased taxes, how did that era work out?

He did it into a declining economy, NO ONE is suggesting that.

The top marginal rate should be high, the art is making sure you dont set the income part too low.

Big business is holding back and wont hire until things get better, the inivation class is who needs the tax cuts and that is NOT the corrporate ceos.

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