Christie: He is 'His Own Man'

You will not vote for Chris Christie if he runs for President. And that's because you're the one who is actually a Party-Firster. You'll vote for whoever the Democratic Party spits out at ya. Like i said, Christie is just a Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton in Republican's clothing. I wouldn't trust em as far i could throw em.

Sorry to disappoint but I'm a registered Indi. The last time I voted for a Dem for POTUS was Carter. The worst mistake I ever made. One that I've never forgotten.

I like Christie and because I'm not a card carrying blinders on Rep I would vote for him as POTUS.

When I vote, I vote for the guy I think will do the job better than anyone else.

To bad you can't say the same.

My bad. I can admit it when i'm wrong. We'll see who you vote for. If we're both still here, we'll discuss it. But that doesn't change my stance on Christie. He's exactly what's wrong with our Nation. Corrupt and duplicitous. How is he any different than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? But hey, it's your vote. I certainly can't tell you who to vote for.

Like I said, I'm not completely sold, but I would like to see the day when you can admit you are wrong about Christie.
You will not vote for Chris Christie if he runs for President. And that's because you're the one who is actually a Party-Firster. You'll vote for whoever the Democratic Party spits out at ya. Like i said, Christie is just a Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton in Republican's clothing. I wouldn't trust em as far i could throw em.

Sorry to disappoint but I'm a registered Indi. The last time I voted for a Dem for POTUS was Carter. The worst mistake I ever made. One that I've never forgotten.

I like Christie and because I'm not a card carrying blinders on Rep I would vote for him as POTUS.

When I vote, I vote for the guy I think will do the job better than anyone else.

To bad you can't say the same.

My bad. I can admit it when i'm wrong. We'll see who you vote for. If we're both still here, we'll discuss it. But that doesn't change my stance on Christie. He's exactly what's wrong with our Nation. Corrupt and duplicitous. How is he any different than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? But hey, it's your vote. I certainly can't tell you who to vote for.

So Christie is corrupt and duplicitous?

Just because he's his own man and comfortable in his skin you think he's like Hilbat and Jackass??

Sounds like thats your opinion and not a fact.

Oh I think Christies way better than Hilbat and jackass neither of which I think are worth a damn.

Yeah. If Christie got the nod I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.
Sorry to disappoint but I'm a registered Indi. The last time I voted for a Dem for POTUS was Carter. The worst mistake I ever made. One that I've never forgotten.

I like Christie and because I'm not a card carrying blinders on Rep I would vote for him as POTUS.

When I vote, I vote for the guy I think will do the job better than anyone else.

To bad you can't say the same.

My bad. I can admit it when i'm wrong. We'll see who you vote for. If we're both still here, we'll discuss it. But that doesn't change my stance on Christie. He's exactly what's wrong with our Nation. Corrupt and duplicitous. How is he any different than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? But hey, it's your vote. I certainly can't tell you who to vote for.

Like I said, I'm not completely sold, but I would like to see the day when you can admit you are wrong about Christie.

I don't see that day ever coming. And Hillary Clinton would smash him in a Presidential Election anyway. In fact, i doubt he'll even attempt to take her on. But it doesn't matter, they're the same Candidate.
He cut taxes and took on public employee entitements, but he's just like Obama. Go figure.

Obama's his Homey. And he wouldn't be running against him anyway. He would be running against Hillary Clinton, another corrupt duplicitous cretin. Not much of a choice. Many Republicans will choose to sit it out.
What does it take to figure out that Christie is an old time liberal democrat? He couldn't run as a democrat because he is too smart and too honest. Look at former NJ democrat gov. Jon Corzine. He scammed billions from an investment firm and the north/east liberal establishment and the liberal media rallied around him and prevented him from going to jail. No honest politician could buck the criminal mess of the democrat party.
What does it take to figure out that Christie is an old time liberal democrat? He couldn't run as a democrat because he is too smart and too honest. Look at former NJ democrat gov. Jon Corzine. He scammed billions from an investment firm and the north/east liberal establishment and the liberal media rallied around him and prevented him from going to jail. No honest politician could buck the criminal mess of the democrat party.

He's a Big Government Progressive. There are no discernible differences between him and Hillary Clinton. He'll likely decide to not challenge her in the next Election.
He cut taxes and took on public employee entitements, but he's just like Obama. Go figure.

Obama's his Homey. And he wouldn't be running against him anyway. He would be running against Hillary Clinton, another corrupt duplicitous cretin. Not much of a choice. Many Republicans will choose to sit it out.

His "Homey"?? :rofl:
Do you have any idea how far apart Hawai`i and New Jersey are?

Hillary's not running anyway, nor could she win against Christie if she did.
What does it take to figure out that Christie is an old time liberal democrat? He couldn't run as a democrat because he is too smart and too honest. Look at former NJ democrat gov. Jon Corzine. He scammed billions from an investment firm and the north/east liberal establishment and the liberal media rallied around him and prevented him from going to jail. No honest politician could buck the criminal mess of the democrat party.

He's a Big Government Progressive. There are no discernible differences between him and Hillary Clinton. He'll likely decide to not challenge her in the next Election.

What would you say if he did? Who would you vote for?
What does it take to figure out that Christie is an old time liberal democrat? He couldn't run as a democrat because he is too smart and too honest. Look at former NJ democrat gov. Jon Corzine. He scammed billions from an investment firm and the north/east liberal establishment and the liberal media rallied around him and prevented him from going to jail. No honest politician could buck the criminal mess of the democrat party.

He's a Big Government Progressive. There are no discernible differences between him and Hillary Clinton. He'll likely decide to not challenge her in the next Election.

What would you say if he did? Who would you vote for?

Someone else. But i would guess many Republicans would just sit it out. Two corrupt Big Government Communists/Progressives is no real choice.
He's a Big Government Progressive. There are no discernible differences between him and Hillary Clinton. He'll likely decide to not challenge her in the next Election.

What would you say if he did? Who would you vote for?

Someone else. But i would guess many Republicans would just sit it out. Two corrupt Big Government Communists/Progressives is no real choice.

If you would, go to post #16 and listen to the conversation in the UTUBE "Christie Criticizes Obama" Please tell me what you think of that conversation. I would appreciate that.
I have to follow Christie more to be totally convinced I am a supporter. But I hear him and like what I hear.

You say he is a bad idea for the GOP. I am wondering if the GOP is a bad idea for him. That goes for the Dems as well, naturally. He appears to be "I am my own man" type of person, not falling into the mold of either party. He goes where there is a need and his common sense and sense of fairness to all will dictate his policy.

Maybe I am giving him too much credit, I don't know. But if that is the kind of guy he is, he is the kind of guy we need right now. Not beholden to either side, but a pragmatic individual who will talk WITH someone, not AT them.

Not like what we have today. We need to hear from those in New Jersey. What has he been like there? Has he kept his promises?
It amazes me how easily some people are deceived by and accepting of this arrogant, bullying, deceitful monument to gluttony.


Chris Christie seems like one of few sane Repubs but is actually as dyed-in-the-wool Tea Party as Ted Cruz or Mike Lee. We must mobilize to prevent false moderates like Christie from getting any more traction with the general populace, which is complicated by the fact the media absolutely loves him and the way he "tells it like it is".

He's one of many "new" Republican moderates the GOP will foist on the American public, like wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. There may not be many out there now, since they'll be eviscerated by the Tea Party Machine, but as the 2014 election draws closer, I wouldn't be surprised if we see more "moderates" climb out of the woodwork, espousing "fiscal conservatism" (read: screw the poor) and "bipartisanism" (read: screw the other side if we can).

I'm reminded of a recent post here on DKos (Why do Americans keep falling for right-wing ideas? Because we just want to be happy.) that explains the phenomenon of voting for the crazies that will make life absolutely miserable, unless you're one of ones that profit off other people's misery. I am constantly surprised that rational people actually send these guys to major political office, then blame the system for how it works.

Daily Kos: Reveling in Republican self-destruction? Beware the Chris Christie strategy

He is an obamalover. Nothing can change that.

I think you mean nothing can change your blockheaded mind once you have drunk the piss.

October 2010:
Chris Christie Tells Brian Williams He's 'Disappointed' in Obama's Partisanship

May 2012:
Chris Christie Criticizes Obama For 'Posing And Preening' As President

October 2012 (from The Blaze, no less):

January 2013:
Christie criticizes Obama's inauguration speech as 'my way or the highway'

June 2013:
While Standing on Dry Land Thanks to Obama, Christie Criticizes President’s Leadership

July 2013:
Chris Christie Slams Obama

[ame=]Chris Christie Criticizes Obama, Asks Why the 'Hell' He's Asking for Another Fou - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Christie Criticizes Obama - YouTube[/ame]

"Christie Criticizes Obama" Interesting Conversation
Mike, you have me completely perplexed now. Pauli almost had me convinced that Christi was a liberal and now you are saying Christie a a dyed in the wool TP member to run from at all costs.

Could it actually be....

He is his own man? And he goes by what he thinks is right for his state? Listen to his speeches. Maybe, just maybe he is saying what he actually means. I know, I know what your are going to say...all politicians lie. Just maybe, JUST MAYBE, there's someone listening upstairs. And he knows we are in trouble.

Do you think, that there could be a man that comes at the right time and he could just be the right man?

Naaahhh...We couldn't be so lucky. I'll keep my eye on this guy though.
I have to follow Christie more to be totally convinced I am a supporter. But I hear him and like what I hear.

You say he is a bad idea for the GOP. I am wondering if the GOP is a bad idea for him. That goes for the Dems as well, naturally. He appears to be "I am my own man" type of person, not falling into the mold of either party. He goes where there is a need and his common sense and sense of fairness to all will dictate his policy.

Maybe I am giving him too much credit, I don't know. But if that is the kind of guy he is, he is the kind of guy we need right now. Not beholden to either side, but a pragmatic individual who will talk WITH someone, not AT them.

Not like what we have today. We need to hear from those in New Jersey. What has he been like there? Has he kept his promises?

He used to be two of his own man.
. He stands up for what he believes is right but he isn't a diehard ideologue. .

Chris Christie: Rand Paul ‘dangerous’

By HADAS GOLD | 7/26/13 6:11 AM EDT Updated: 7/26/13 10:58 AM EDT

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is ripping libertarians — including Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) — for challenging government surveillance programs and failing to understand the dangers of terrorism."

So you know the guy is just another statist/fascist scumbag but we must elect him anyways.

The narcotized never cease to amaze me.

He cut taxes and took on public employee entitements, but he's just like Obama. Go figure.

Obama's his Homey. And he wouldn't be running against him anyway. He would be running against Hillary Clinton, another corrupt duplicitous cretin. Not much of a choice. Many Republicans will choose to sit it out.

Almost all Republicans will come and vote for Christie, no two ways about it.
Mike, you have me completely perplexed now. Pauli almost had me convinced that Christi was a liberal and now you are saying Christie a a dyed in the wool TP member to run from at all costs.

Could it actually be....

He is his own man? And he goes by what he thinks is right for his state? Listen to his speeches. Maybe, just maybe he is saying what he actually means. I know, I know what your are going to say...all politicians lie. Just maybe, JUST MAYBE, there's someone listening upstairs. And he knows we are in trouble.

Do you think, that there could be a man that comes at the right time and he could just be the right man?

Naaahhh...We couldn't be so lucky. I'll keep my eye on this guy though.

Mike's quote was from DailyKos, so I'd take it with a grain of salt ;)
He cut taxes and took on public employee entitements, but he's just like Obama. Go figure.

Obama's his Homey. And he wouldn't be running against him anyway. He would be running against Hillary Clinton, another corrupt duplicitous cretin. Not much of a choice. Many Republicans will choose to sit it out.

Almost all Republicans will come and vote for Christie, no two ways about it.

Not gonna happen. They're the same Candidate. Clinton would win handily. She gets the big edge because she's a woman. The Media has already anointed her 'Queen of America.' The only hope Republicans have, is to nominate someone who is diametrically opposed to her. Probably still a loss, but putting an alternative out there is the best hope. Christie is Clinton. And she will get the edge. The GOP will have to run a viable alternative.
With the litmus test our far right posters have, no one would be electable if they passed their test.
America is moving more and more to the center, your voter base is shrinking rapidly, actually I believe it's too late. So you folks will just have to sit in front of your PC and bitch the rest of your lives.
With the litmus test our far right posters have, no one would be electable if they passed their test.
America is moving more and more to the center, your voter base is shrinking rapidly, actually I believe it's too late. So you folks will just have to sit in front of your PC and bitch the rest of your lives.

Well, ya can't give up though. We'll keep fighting. But yeah, the country is going with the Communist Globalists at this point. That cannot be denied. But i still truly believe only Constitutional Conservatism can save this country now. Hopefully one day, most Americans will agree. I try to stay somewhat optimistic.

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