Christie: He is 'His Own Man'

Obama's his Homey. And he wouldn't be running against him anyway. He would be running against Hillary Clinton, another corrupt duplicitous cretin. Not much of a choice. Many Republicans will choose to sit it out.

Almost all Republicans will come and vote for Christie, no two ways about it.

Not gonna happen. They're the same Candidate. Clinton would win handily. She gets the big edge because she's a woman. The Media has already anointed her 'Queen of America.' The only hope Republicans have, is to nominate someone who is diametrically opposed to her. Probably still a loss, but putting an alternative out there is the best hope. Christie is Clinton. And she will get the edge. The GOP will have to run a viable alternative.

Yup, gonna happen. That's why you are so shrill, Pauli.
Almost all Republicans will come and vote for Christie, no two ways about it.

Not gonna happen. They're the same Candidate. Clinton would win handily. She gets the big edge because she's a woman. The Media has already anointed her 'Queen of America.' The only hope Republicans have, is to nominate someone who is diametrically opposed to her. Probably still a loss, but putting an alternative out there is the best hope. Christie is Clinton. And she will get the edge. The GOP will have to run a viable alternative.

Yup, gonna happen. That's why you are so shrill, Pauli.

Almost all Republicans will come and vote for Christie, no two ways about it.

Not gonna happen. They're the same Candidate. Clinton would win handily. She gets the big edge because she's a woman. The Media has already anointed her 'Queen of America.' The only hope Republicans have, is to nominate someone who is diametrically opposed to her. Probably still a loss, but putting an alternative out there is the best hope. Christie is Clinton. And she will get the edge. The GOP will have to run a viable alternative.

Yup, gonna happen. That's why you are so shrill, Pauli.

In fact, i'm betting on him not challenging her. He knows he'll lose handily. He's just a poor (fat) man's Hillary Clinton. A truly pitiful choice for the Republican Party.
Mike's quote was from DailyKos, so I'd take it with a grain of salt ;)
Here's what the Washington Post thinks of him.


But for all their annoyance with Christie, the GOP should keep one thing in mind — he’s a conservative. And not just conservative for New Jersey. He’s conservative, period. Christie opposes abortion, same-sex marriage, and equal pay legislation. He supports Paul Ryan’s budget, opposes minimum wage increases, and is an enthusiastic opponent of unions. Before earning conservative ire for saying nice things about the president, he was a right-wing star for his aggressive attacks on teachers and other public employees. Yes, Christie’s conservatism isn’t as vocal as that of his counterparts in states further south, like Kansas or Louisiana. And yes, he doesn’t have political room to pursue the right-wing policies of other Republican governors. But ideologically, he lines up with the Bob McDonnells, Bobby Jindals, and Scott Walkers of the GOP.

Note to Republicans: Chris Christie is on your side


The bottom line is Christie is on the side of the One Percent. So far he's been able to keep that hidden. But if he were elected President he would pick up where Ronald Reagan, the man from General Electric, left off and prevalence of the corporatocracy would be finalized. The status of American society would be reverted to that of the Gilded Age and the American Middle Class would be totally eliminated.
Christie is part of the problem, not the solution. A Christie vs. Clinton race would be a big Win/Win for the Communists/Progressives and Entitlement Moochers. But it would be a big Lose/Lose for everyone else.
Not gonna happen. They're the same Candidate. Clinton would win handily. She gets the big edge because she's a woman. The Media has already anointed her 'Queen of America.' The only hope Republicans have, is to nominate someone who is diametrically opposed to her. Probably still a loss, but putting an alternative out there is the best hope. Christie is Clinton. And she will get the edge. The GOP will have to run a viable alternative.

Yup, gonna happen. That's why you are so shrill, Pauli.

In fact, i'm betting on him not challenging her. He knows he'll lose handily. He's just a poor (fat) man's Hillary Clinton. A truly pitiful choice for the Republican Party.
Chris Christie is very popular with the people of New Jersey. I'm from New York City. I moved to New Jersey when I retired (in 1981) because New York had changed and had become too crowded.

I like New Jerseyans. They are for the most part good and decent people. But except for inhabitants of the extreme northern and urban communities, their political orientation is essentially authoritarian submissive, which is why Christie's gently bullying (daddy) style gets over on them.


But anyone who is able to look beyond Christie's nice guy facade to see what he really is knows that a Christie Presidency would be a major disaster for middle class Americans. He would eat them alive!

I have to follow Christie more to be totally convinced I am a supporter. But I hear him and like what I hear.

You say he is a bad idea for the GOP. I am wondering if the GOP is a bad idea for him. That goes for the Dems as well, naturally. He appears to be "I am my own man" type of person, not falling into the mold of either party. He goes where there is a need and his common sense and sense of fairness to all will dictate his policy.

Maybe I am giving him too much credit, I don't know. But if that is the kind of guy he is, he is the kind of guy we need right now. Not beholden to either side, but a pragmatic individual who will talk WITH someone, not AT them.

Not like what we have today. We need to hear from those in New Jersey. What has he been like there? Has he kept his promises?

Christie is a pragmatist. He realized that there is a need for government but we should get something back from it if we invest our tax dollars into it. He is not anti-government, but he does lean to the right when it comes to limiting government. I still do not care for him all that much, but he is preferable to any other Republican I can think of, for me. The only way I could see myself voting for him is if Biden is the Democratic nominee.
Christie is part of the problem, not the solution. A Christie vs. Clinton race would be a big Win/Win for the Communists/Progressives and Entitlement Moochers. But it would be a big Lose/Lose for everyone else.

Yea, we need Cruz or Paul. They will save America. :lol:
Mike's quote was from DailyKos, so I'd take it with a grain of salt ;)
Here's what the Washington Post thinks of him.


But for all their annoyance with Christie, the GOP should keep one thing in mind — he’s a conservative. And not just conservative for New Jersey. He’s conservative, period. Christie opposes abortion, same-sex marriage, and equal pay legislation. He supports Paul Ryan’s budget, opposes minimum wage increases, and is an enthusiastic opponent of unions. Before earning conservative ire for saying nice things about the president, he was a right-wing star for his aggressive attacks on teachers and other public employees. Yes, Christie’s conservatism isn’t as vocal as that of his counterparts in states further south, like Kansas or Louisiana. And yes, he doesn’t have political room to pursue the right-wing policies of other Republican governors. But ideologically, he lines up with the Bob McDonnells, Bobby Jindals, and Scott Walkers of the GOP.

Note to Republicans: Chris Christie is on your side


The bottom line is Christie is on the side of the One Percent. So far he's been able to keep that hidden. But if he were elected President he would pick up where Ronald Reagan, the man from General Electric, left off and prevalence of the corporatocracy would be finalized. The status of American society would be reverted to that of the Gilded Age and the American Middle Class would be totally eliminated.

This is why I don't particularly care for him. They are right; he is pretty conservative. The thing about Christie that is different from most other conservatives is not his ideology but his willingness to work with those on the opposite side of the aisle and to compromise on things so that he can get some of what he wants, even if he has to give up a few things in return.
Mike's quote was from DailyKos, so I'd take it with a grain of salt ;)
Here's what the Washington Post thinks of him.


But for all their annoyance with Christie, the GOP should keep one thing in mind — he’s a conservative. And not just conservative for New Jersey. He’s conservative, period. Christie opposes abortion, same-sex marriage, and equal pay legislation. He supports Paul Ryan’s budget, opposes minimum wage increases, and is an enthusiastic opponent of unions. Before earning conservative ire for saying nice things about the president, he was a right-wing star for his aggressive attacks on teachers and other public employees. Yes, Christie’s conservatism isn’t as vocal as that of his counterparts in states further south, like Kansas or Louisiana. And yes, he doesn’t have political room to pursue the right-wing policies of other Republican governors. But ideologically, he lines up with the Bob McDonnells, Bobby Jindals, and Scott Walkers of the GOP.

Note to Republicans: Chris Christie is on your side


The bottom line is Christie is on the side of the One Percent. So far he's been able to keep that hidden. But if he were elected President he would pick up where Ronald Reagan, the man from General Electric, left off and prevalence of the corporatocracy would be finalized. The status of American society would be reverted to that of the Gilded Age and the American Middle Class would be totally eliminated.

This is why I don't particularly care for him. They are right; he is pretty conservative. The thing about Christie that is different from most other conservatives is not his ideology but his willingness to work with those on the opposite side of the aisle and to compromise on things so that he can get some of what he wants, even if he has to give up a few things in return.

He gives a few things up or Americans and taxpayers in general have to give them up?
Why's that MikeK? Is he anti-worker?
"Anti-worker" would mean he is against anyone who works, so the answer is no.

But if you're asking if he's opposed to workers receiving a living wage and decent benefits, the answer is yes. Because Christie is solidly anti-union.
Don't worry. Christie is a "true conservative". His state's bond rating has been lowered. They are losing jobs every month. Nothing is being built beyond federal money for victims of "Sandy". He is just as awful at governing as any Republican for the last 30 years.
Don't worry. Christie is a "true conservative". His state's bond rating has been lowered. They are losing jobs every month. Nothing is being built beyond federal money for victims of "Sandy". He is just as awful at governing as any Republican for the last 30 years.
But he knows how to get over on the majority of New Jerseyans. They relate to him. It's as simple as that.

In his own words, "I am one of you. I am the same as you!"
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Christie will go the way of poor ole John McCain. As long as he's criticizing fellow Republicans, the Communist/Democrat Press will fawn all over him. But as soon as he decides to run against one of their own, they'll brand him a 'Mean ole Adolf Hitler.' In fact it's already beginning to happen. Some of the Communist Press has already begun their assault on him. Like McCain, he's just a useful idiot. The Communists/Democrats will chew him up and spit him out. The Republicans should not choose him as their Candidate. He's just another Big Government Progressive. Nominate a true Conservative, and let the chips fall where they may.
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Don't worry. Christie is a "true conservative". His state's bond rating has been lowered. They are losing jobs every month. Nothing is being built beyond federal money for victims of "Sandy". He is just as awful at governing as any Republican for the last 30 years.
But he knows how to get over on the majority of New Jerseyans. They relate to him. It's as simple as that.

In his own words, "I am one of you. I am the same as you!"

They like him. People liked Bush and look at the disasters he left. People liked Reagan and look at his disasters. People didn't like Bush I and he drove Saddam out of Kawait.

Red Southern States are all disasters and they have been under conservative rule for 150 years. White wingers want to blame it on blacks, but look at Kentucky. 90% white and it's also a disaster. The problem isn't race. The problem is conservatism is a failed ideology. Just the fact the last 30 years of nothing but right wing disaster proves it. Republicans held government for 6 years under Bush. Both houses and the Supreme Court. And they left devastation and destruction at every turn. When you use reconciliation and they did multiple times, you can't blame it on the other side. Because the other side is powerless to stop you. That is just a flat out fact that can't be argued.
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