Church and state – an unhappy union?

Too many of the worshiping at the altar of The State....Can't have two masters, and all that.
At this point in time, I'd say that there are as many perverts in churches as there are in governments.

And if we had separation of church and state, our money wouldn't say "in god we trust" and we wouldn't be "one nation under god" And the POTUS wouldn't put his hand on a bible to be sworn in.
Lee Myung Bak got elected and the Church jumped 20% then dropped 20% when he left in Korea, people grab your arm on the street hey, got to my church. That's something. And I don't know How to measure low religion in Europe. We always Say that. They're still proud of history, and we're looking at attendance or who knows. Anglican compromise or Via Media puts Monarchy as Governor deciding the Bishops and Church Leaders, so they're Invested in that religion, yet somehow, cater faithfully to Presbyterianism too.
Who cares about Anglicans anyway, I don't see their relevance these days "Compromising" so close to Catholic anyway?! vis a vis , Tuppence a Bag. Who Cares in America?

Ya they got weird compromises in America with the 1950s government allowing these first ever Federal religion endorsements or establishments that never existed, we were probably avoiding religion wars in government a hot contest, in a Different way than was the "Anglican" compromise, Reformed or Catholic, its a real simple world if you subtract English and saw Reformed or Catholic, think about that one.

I mean of course its big in the tiny world of theology. Hi I'm the Legate from Vatican city , I'm the Presbyterian Ambassador of Presbyterian USA to the Kingdom of Korea, do you Believe in this Relationship? Baptists and Methodists making up any relevance before the 1820 Second Great Awakening, but ya OK, a proud history of promoting separation of Church and State.
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The Church of England is in steep decline. With membership sinking to 14% of Britons, can it justify its place at the heart of the state?

Church and state – an unhappy union?

14%? ... Leo X made really a big mistake when he gave the title "fidei defensor" (defender of the faith) to the kingly psychopath Henry VIII. Did ever any king or queen of England defend the christian faith?

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Jesus Christ. We have a person posting here who is so clueless as to post the statement, "...our Constitution mandates a separation of church and state..."

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

Where is that mandate thing? At the time when this Amendment was being considered, every session of Congress started with a prayer (as they still do). And NONE of those attending even imagined that the prayer was inconsistent with the Amendment that they proposed.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Yep,that means separation of church and state....clear as day...."(no) establishment of religion" doesn't get any clearer than that...

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