Clinton: I'll 'seriously' consider White House bid 'sometime next year'

The RNC tried and failed that loser tactic with Obama, saying Obama was a Muslim and black too boot. The Obama black/Muslim tactic did not work neither will the 'lesbianism' attack work. It will only strengthen Hillary among the American voters. But you go ahead and keep on attacking the American people, that'll work. :lol:

The vast majority of people who cared about the color of Obama's skin were the people who voted for him. Ironic really.

Really? Because the vast majority of the people who voted for Romney was because of the color of Romney's skin. Check please.
You bet.
Hillary will win big in 2016 if she decides to run as POTUS. The Republicans are pathetic now as they will be in 2016. You go girl! Imagine that... America's first black POTUS was a Democrat... and America's first woman POTUS will be a Democrat. Is this country great, or what? God Bless America!

Clinton: I'll 'seriously' consider White House bid 'sometime next year' - NBC Politics

Hillary Clinton will begin “seriously” considering a bid for president “sometime next year,” the former secretary of state told a business group Friday.

According to Newsday, Clinton conceded during a paid speech to the Long Island Association that a run has been “on my mind.”

“I want to think seriously about it; I probably won't begin thinking about it until sometime next year," Clinton said of a presidential run. "I will think about it because it’s something on a lot of people's minds. And it's on my mind as well. But I want us to think more broadly."

No point showing her hand yet, but she knows she's running. The only thing that would stop her is a major health issue, which I do not believe is in play.

The fat whore who left Americans in Libya to die is not the shoe-in that delusional leftist fuckwads think she is. She's an arrogant hideous bitch with blood on her hands.

Reagan killed 241 Americans. Get over it. Things don't always go as planned and yes, sometimes people die. We move on.
"ah ain't no way tarred"

I can't wait for the ads showing her screaming about benghazi and doing her fake black accent.

please run the bitch, dems. She will destroy the dem party. Bring it on.

Apparently you're not watching what she has to run against, lmao!!!!
The fat whore who left Americans in Libya to die is not the shoe-in that delusional leftist fuckwads think she is. She's an arrogant hideous bitch with blood on her hands.

Why do you hate women?

You voted for Obama because he was black, now you will vote for Hillary because it is a she. That's why the nation is divided, the economy is fucked, deficits are massive, record numbers are on food stamps and foreign policy is to create as many wars as Obama can.

You vote for the physical attributes candidates have, not the policies. You also happen to be a bigot.

The economy is in a natural down cycle. Greenspan held it off with super low interest rates, but that caused the housing bubble/bust and the ensuing calamity. Greenspan's efforts actually made things much worse. Everyone forgets that we have 10,000 people retiring every single day. Those who are retiring or are within ten years of retiring are downsizing and saving for their future retirement. It has taken a toll on the economy, and that is the main reason things have been so slow to turn around. We could have elected McCain in 2008 or Romney in 2012, and nothing would be any different than it is now.

In a day of true free and open mainstream press, Benghazi would have sunk her and the piece of shit jug-eared faggot in the whitehouse. So actually, I agree with you; the American public is far too ignorant and focused on reality TV to understand who they are voting for.

I'm still scratching my head why you think four dead in Libya is a great scandal and 5000 dead in Iraq under Bush isn't.

In a day of true free and open mainstream press, Benghazi would have sunk her and the piece of shit jug-eared faggot in the whitehouse. So actually, I agree with you; the American public is far too ignorant and focused on reality TV to understand who they are voting for.

I'm still scratching my head why you think four dead in Libya is a great scandal and 5000 dead in Iraq under Bush isn't.

Yeah Joe, what difference does it make?

In a day of true free and open mainstream press, Benghazi would have sunk her and the piece of shit jug-eared faggot in the whitehouse. So actually, I agree with you; the American public is far too ignorant and focused on reality TV to understand who they are voting for.

I'm still scratching my head why you think four dead in Libya is a great scandal and 5000 dead in Iraq under Bush isn't.

Yeah Joe, what difference does it make?

None at all.

The Middle East is a dangerous place.

I mean, you guys have been trying to convice America that there was something untowards about Benghazi for a year now, and most of us are just sickened you are using these men's coffins as a soapbox.

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