Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide

Many states already have early voting from 14 to 30 days. In fact, the majority of the states already have early voting. So, what would be so wrong with the system being uniform? Why would that bother you so much?


Why don't they go ahead and just let everyone start voting after the primaries are over and the nominees have been selected?
Why wait until 40, 30, 20 or less days before the actual voting day ... Why the heck do we have a day specifically for voting if it really doesn't matter?
Why not just let everyone write in their desired candidate today and forget about having to show up to vote anywhere at anytime?
Why are we even voting ... Why don't we just let the politicians/candidates tell us how to do things and when to do them?

Man oh man ... This crap is hilarious ...

Absentee Ballots do cause problems, but ironically they're the last thing the GOP ever worries about when it comes to voting.

oh really, we see you aren't too damn worried over Schrillaryy alling for 20 days more of EARLY voting. so who is it that Never worries about nothing, but you on the left over the GOP
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Many states already have early voting from 14 to 30 days. In fact, the majority of the states already have early voting. So, what would be so wrong with the system being uniform? Why would that bother you so much?


Why don't they go ahead and just let everyone start voting after the primaries are over and the nominees have been selected?
Why wait until 40, 30, 20 or less days before the actual voting day ... Why the heck do we have a day specifically for voting if it really doesn't matter?
Why not just let everyone write in their desired candidate today and forget about having to show up to vote anywhere at anytime?
Why are we even voting ... Why don't we just let the politicians/candidates tell us how to do things and when to do them?

Man oh man ... This crap is hilarious ...


Yes, the crap you wrote is indeed hilarious.

The electorate is almost 10 times larger than it was in 1908. Our world has changed, our lifestyles have changed, our ways of travelling and doing work have changed, and now it is time for our method of electioneering to change as well.

Many really huge precints are thankful for early voting, because it allows them to process election day voting more efficiently. Remember, poll workers are volunteers and every vote is to be checked by at least two poll workers, one from each party.

I suppose you could just call them all absentee ballots, but the effect is the same.

One day, voting will take place on the internet and I bet very strongly that a 48 hour time period will be specified for voting and then that's that, for with internet voting and a retinal code, you could vote from pretty much any terminal in the world with internet access.

I don't think you have even the faintest idea how much hard work goes into managing and processing elections - and these people do it for free.

In essence, in Oregon, it is ALL early voting. People have one month to mail in their ballot and then that's that. A polling place is not even necessary. It also looks as if Oregon will be the first state in the Union to have automatic voter registration as of a person's 18th birthday. They are pretty damned efficient in Oregon.

Your problem is that you are locked into a romantic vision of everyone going out on one day to vote, when in reality many millions have made up their minds already. There are millions who work second shift and have a hard time getting to the polls on election day. Some people work double shifts and absolutely cannot get to their polling place. And in your romantic version, the polling places are not packed to the core until 11 PM, and there are no overworked, exhausted poll workers, as often happens in the large cities.

The constitution outlines absolutely NONE of the actual nuts and bolts of electioneering. It has emerged as a (faulty) patchwork of methods put together by each state. If you ask people who live in Nevada, they will tell you that they love early voting.

BTW, after the 2012, a non-partisan commission was put together to study some of the flaws of the 2012 election. The commission was headed up by Obama's lawyer AND Romney's lawyer, and one of the recommendations of the commission was indeed: uniform early-and-absentee voting procedures throughout the Union.

So, what Hillary Clinton is recommending is not all that novel. It's just good common sense.
Absentee Ballots do cause problems, but ironically they're the last thing the GOP ever worries about when it comes to voting.

oh really, we see you aren't too damn worried over Schrillaryy alling for 20 days more of EARLY voting. so who is it that Never worries about nothing, but you on the left and the GOP

No, you stupid creature. Not 20 MORE days of early voting. Many states already have 20 days or more. All this would do would be to make the system uniform across the Union.

Do you understand the meaning of uniform at all?
Absentee Ballots do cause problems, but ironically they're the last thing the GOP ever worries about when it comes to voting.

oh really, we see you aren't too damn worried over Schrillaryy alling for 20 days more of EARLY voting. so who is it that Never worries about nothing, but you on the left and the GOP

No, you stupid creature. Not 20 MORE days of early voting. Many states already have 20 days or more. All this would do would be to make the system uniform across the Union.

Do you understand the meaning of uniform at all?
Uniform, as in everyone votes on election day or submits a notarized reason for voting absentee.

People fought and died to protect the right to vote, and idiots act like it is too much trouble.

Same assholes evade jury duty and then rail against the justice system.
Yes, the crap you wrote is indeed hilarious.

The electorate is almost 10 times larger than it was in 1908. Our world has changed, our lifestyles have changed, our ways of travelling and doing work have changed, and now it is time for our method of electioneering to change as well.

Many really huge precints are thankful for early voting, because it allows them to process election day voting more efficiently. Remember, poll workers are volunteers and every vote is to be checked by at least two poll workers, one from each party.

I suppose you could just call them all absentee ballots, but the effect is the same.

One day, voting will take place on the internet and I bet very strongly that a 48 hour time period will be specified for voting and then that's that, for with internet voting and a retinal code, you could vote from pretty much any terminal in the world with internet access.

I don't think you have even the faintest idea how much hard work goes into managing and processing elections - and these people do it for free.

In essence, in Oregon, it is ALL early voting. People have one month to mail in their ballot and then that's that. A polling place is not even necessary. It also looks as if Oregon will be the first state in the Union to have automatic voter registration as of a person's 18th birthday. They are pretty damned efficient in Oregon.

Your problem is that you are locked into a romantic vision of everyone going out on one day to vote, when in reality many millions have made up their minds already. There are millions who work second shift and have a hard time getting to the polls on election day. Some people work double shifts and absolutely cannot get to their polling place. And in your romantic version, the polling places are not packed to the core until 11 PM, and there are no overworked, exhausted poll workers, as often happens in the large cities.

The constitution outlines absolutely NONE of the actual nuts and bolts of electioneering. It has emerged as a (faulty) patchwork of methods put together by each state. If you ask people who live in Nevada, they will tell you that they love early voting.

BTW, after the 2012, a non-partisan commission was put together to study some of the flaws of the 2012 election. The commission was headed up by Obama's lawyer AND Romney's lawyer, and one of the recommendations of the commission was indeed: uniform early-and-absentee voting procedures throughout the Union.

So, what Hillary Clinton is recommending is not all that novel. It's just good common sense.

This ain't 1908 and we have made advances in transportation and voting
Most precincts have electronic voting machines that calculate when you vote and 10 days won't make a difference.
Internet voting will be the next step I suppose ... More room for fraud ... Act like every system we have hasn't been hacked before.
I know exactly how much effort goes into holding an election ... And the people that cannot get off their ass and show up in 10 days don't help the situation any.

What Hilary suggested doesn't have anything to do with anyone actually voting ... It is a campaign shtick and you were stupid enough to buy it.

Yes, the crap you wrote is indeed hilarious.

The electorate is almost 10 times larger than it was in 1908. Our world has changed, our lifestyles have changed, our ways of travelling and doing work have changed, and now it is time for our method of electioneering to change as well.

Many really huge precints are thankful for early voting, because it allows them to process election day voting more efficiently. Remember, poll workers are volunteers and every vote is to be checked by at least two poll workers, one from each party.

I suppose you could just call them all absentee ballots, but the effect is the same.

One day, voting will take place on the internet and I bet very strongly that a 48 hour time period will be specified for voting and then that's that, for with internet voting and a retinal code, you could vote from pretty much any terminal in the world with internet access.

I don't think you have even the faintest idea how much hard work goes into managing and processing elections - and these people do it for free.

In essence, in Oregon, it is ALL early voting. People have one month to mail in their ballot and then that's that. A polling place is not even necessary. It also looks as if Oregon will be the first state in the Union to have automatic voter registration as of a person's 18th birthday. They are pretty damned efficient in Oregon.

Your problem is that you are locked into a romantic vision of everyone going out on one day to vote, when in reality many millions have made up their minds already. There are millions who work second shift and have a hard time getting to the polls on election day. Some people work double shifts and absolutely cannot get to their polling place. And in your romantic version, the polling places are not packed to the core until 11 PM, and there are no overworked, exhausted poll workers, as often happens in the large cities.

The constitution outlines absolutely NONE of the actual nuts and bolts of electioneering. It has emerged as a (faulty) patchwork of methods put together by each state. If you ask people who live in Nevada, they will tell you that they love early voting.

BTW, after the 2012, a non-partisan commission was put together to study some of the flaws of the 2012 election. The commission was headed up by Obama's lawyer AND Romney's lawyer, and one of the recommendations of the commission was indeed: uniform early-and-absentee voting procedures throughout the Union.

So, what Hillary Clinton is recommending is not all that novel. It's just good common sense.

This ain't 1908 and we have made advances in transportation and voting
Most precincts have electronic voting machines that calculate when you vote and 10 days won't make a difference.
Internet voting will be the next step I suppose ... More room for fraud ... Act like every system we have hasn't been hacked before.
I know exactly how much effort goes into holding an election ... And the people that cannot get off their ass and show up in 10 days don't help the situation any.

What Hilary suggested doesn't have anything to do with anyone actually voting ... It is a campaign shtick and you were stupid enough to buy it.


Uhm, no.

You missed the point.

But since you are a Rightie, I expected you would miss the point.
The call by Hillary for expanded election fraud has already been posted in the "New Hillary Crimes" thread.
Republicans are willing to block 50 legitimate voters from voting just to stop one illegitimate voter
Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide - The Washington Post

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to call for an early voting period of at least 20 days in every state.

Clinton will call for that standard in remarks Thursday in Texas about voting rights, her campaign said. She will also criticize what her campaign calls deliberate restrictions on voting in several states, including Texas.

The former secretary of state's address at historically-black Texas Southern University in Houston comes as Democrats pursue legal challenges to voting rule changes approved by Republican legislatures in several states.

Clinton and her allies claim the changes are aimed at narrowing the electorate in ways that benefit Republicans.

“This is, I think, a moment when we should be expanding the franchise,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in an interview. “What we see in state after state is this effort by conservatives to restrict the right to vote.”

Once again, Clinton acts, which will force the GOP to react.

This has been going on for quite a while, now.

Discuss. Is this a good idea, or a bad one?

Democratic candidate Clinton is talking about a 20-day early voting period NATIONALLY.
It is NONE of her business what each State decides is their legal voting times. And even if she were President it would still be none of her business. The Constitution leaves to the Individual States that authority and power.
Republicans are willing to block 50 legitimate voters from voting just to stop one illegitimate voter

I think the goal is to stop the 30 million illegal aliens from voting democrat.

Hey, you still have all the dead voting, even if you lose the wetbacks.
Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide - The Washington Post

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to call for an early voting period of at least 20 days in every state.

Clinton will call for that standard in remarks Thursday in Texas about voting rights, her campaign said. She will also criticize what her campaign calls deliberate restrictions on voting in several states, including Texas.

The former secretary of state's address at historically-black Texas Southern University in Houston comes as Democrats pursue legal challenges to voting rule changes approved by Republican legislatures in several states.

Clinton and her allies claim the changes are aimed at narrowing the electorate in ways that benefit Republicans.

“This is, I think, a moment when we should be expanding the franchise,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in an interview. “What we see in state after state is this effort by conservatives to restrict the right to vote.”

Once again, Clinton acts, which will force the GOP to react.

This has been going on for quite a while, now.

Discuss. Is this a good idea, or a bad one?

Democratic candidate Clinton is talking about a 20-day early voting period NATIONALLY.
why not start tomorrow?
Yeah the left wants every welfare leech, illegal, felons and such to vote....the military with absentee ballots, not so much.
Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide - The Washington Post

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to call for an early voting period of at least 20 days in every state.

Clinton will call for that standard in remarks Thursday in Texas about voting rights, her campaign said. She will also criticize what her campaign calls deliberate restrictions on voting in several states, including Texas.

The former secretary of state's address at historically-black Texas Southern University in Houston comes as Democrats pursue legal challenges to voting rule changes approved by Republican legislatures in several states.

Clinton and her allies claim the changes are aimed at narrowing the electorate in ways that benefit Republicans.

“This is, I think, a moment when we should be expanding the franchise,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in an interview. “What we see in state after state is this effort by conservatives to restrict the right to vote.”

Once again, Clinton acts, which will force the GOP to react.

This has been going on for quite a while, now.

Discuss. Is this a good idea, or a bad one?

Democratic candidate Clinton is talking about a 20-day early voting period NATIONALLY.
why not start tomorrow?

Why can't everyday be Election Day ?

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