Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide

Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide - The Washington Post

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to call for an early voting period of at least 20 days in every state.

Clinton will call for that standard in remarks Thursday in Texas about voting rights, her campaign said. She will also criticize what her campaign calls deliberate restrictions on voting in several states, including Texas.

The former secretary of state's address at historically-black Texas Southern University in Houston comes as Democrats pursue legal challenges to voting rule changes approved by Republican legislatures in several states.

Clinton and her allies claim the changes are aimed at narrowing the electorate in ways that benefit Republicans.

“This is, I think, a moment when we should be expanding the franchise,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in an interview. “What we see in state after state is this effort by conservatives to restrict the right to vote.”

Once again, Clinton acts, which will force the GOP to react.

This has been going on for quite a while, now.

Discuss. Is this a good idea, or a bad one?

Democratic candidate Clinton is talking about a 20-day early voting period NATIONALLY.

Why? Is Election Day a secret?

Nope. But our society has changed alot since 1789, in case you haven't noticed. A lot of people commute literally from state to state or out of the country daily in order to work and many may not be in their precinct on election day. That's the entire purpose of early voting. And if we are going to have it, better for it to be uniform, across the board.

Good god, all that without even mentioning the.................

Absentee ballot

Dude, if voting is so unimportant that you can't arrange for one............

I don't want you voting!

Voting is very important to me. You didn't make absentee ballots the theme. You were talking about early voting. The one does not necessarily exclude the other. Do limited thinking so often?
Breaking: Consumers demand more crunchy bits in crunchy peanut butter pushing the Hillary story to page 12.

the QUEEN SPOKE TO US AND she thinks she can DEMAND the states to kiss her ass because SHE THINKS we should have blaaa blaaa blaaa blaaaa blaaaaa

OMG OMG FRIKKEN FRIKKEN QUEEN SPOKE ass-schikken, THINKS blaaa blaaa blaa thayv gawt two gow, GAWD.

Stephanie, when screaming like a banshee that just lost it's genitals whilst swinging from tree to tree, make sure that you use those deep abdominal muscles to get that scream out there, so you can win hearts and minds!!!
She's absolutely right...and Congress CAN make it law for federal elections. Not this Congress mind you, but a future congress that cares about making things better for their constituents.
I mean really ... What's the big deal?

I encourage people to vote every election with or without Hillary Clinton on the ballot.
The only reason she threw 20 days out there is to mess with silly people who think it will actually make a difference.

If someone cannot get to the polls in 10 days ... Another 10 days isn't going to help them much.
If it takes anyone 20 days to crawl to the polls ... They ought to try voting in the district they live in.

20 days for more illegals to cross the border and vote democrat.

And for ACORN to bus around low info voters from polling place to polling place.

ACORN no longer exists, uppity dumbass.

You are such a gullible little woo-woo.

"What's in a name? That which we call an ACORN
By any other name would taste as bitter."

the problem is the Progressive/Democrats KNOWS they have many many voters out there who are nothing BUT SHEEP. they go pull a lever or check a box for anyone that has a D next to they can PLAY them like a fine tuned fiddle. or not so fine tuned but so off key the idiots faint and swoon over it..Like how Obama: is going to stop the seas rising and HEAL the planet. Because. HE IS G-D after all
Name the last Dem you voted for Steph? Oh right, you never would.
Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide - The Washington Post

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to call for an early voting period of at least 20 days in every state.

Clinton will call for that standard in remarks Thursday in Texas about voting rights, her campaign said. She will also criticize what her campaign calls deliberate restrictions on voting in several states, including Texas.

The former secretary of state's address at historically-black Texas Southern University in Houston comes as Democrats pursue legal challenges to voting rule changes approved by Republican legislatures in several states.

Clinton and her allies claim the changes are aimed at narrowing the electorate in ways that benefit Republicans.

“This is, I think, a moment when we should be expanding the franchise,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in an interview. “What we see in state after state is this effort by conservatives to restrict the right to vote.”

Once again, Clinton acts, which will force the GOP to react.

This has been going on for quite a while, now.

Discuss. Is this a good idea, or a bad one?

Democratic candidate Clinton is talking about a 20-day early voting period NATIONALLY.

Why? Is Election Day a secret?

Nope. But our society has changed alot since 1789, in case you haven't noticed. A lot of people commute literally from state to state or out of the country daily in order to work and many may not be in their precinct on election day. That's the entire purpose of early voting. And if we are going to have it, better for it to be uniform, across the board.

Good god, all that without even mentioning the.................

Absentee ballot

Dude, if voting is so unimportant that you can't arrange for one............

I don't want you voting!

Voting is very important to me. You didn't make absentee ballots the theme. You were talking about early voting. The one does not necessarily exclude the other. Do limited thinking so often?

Good lord, it's soooooo friggin important we need 20 days to get to it?????

I've never missed and, guess what?, I am rarely in my precinct on Election Day.

Figure the damn thing out and quit friggin belly achin
There is no reason to have early voting.
You show up on election day or you get an absentee ballot.
No need for anything else.
Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide - The Washington Post

Once again, Clinton acts, which will force the GOP to react.

This has been going on for quite a while, now.

Discuss. Is this a good idea, or a bad one?

Democratic candidate Clinton is talking about a 20-day early voting period NATIONALLY.

Why? Is Election Day a secret?

Nope. But our society has changed alot since 1789, in case you haven't noticed. A lot of people commute literally from state to state or out of the country daily in order to work and many may not be in their precinct on election day. That's the entire purpose of early voting. And if we are going to have it, better for it to be uniform, across the board.

Good god, all that without even mentioning the.................

Absentee ballot

Dude, if voting is so unimportant that you can't arrange for one............

I don't want you voting!

Voting is very important to me. You didn't make absentee ballots the theme. You were talking about early voting. The one does not necessarily exclude the other. Do limited thinking so often?

Good lord, it's soooooo friggin important we need 20 days to get to it?????

I've never missed and, guess what?, I am rarely in my precinct on Election Day.

Figure the damn thing out and quit friggin belly achin

Many states already have early voting from 14 to 30 days. In fact, the majority of the states already have early voting. So, what would be so wrong with the system being uniform? Why would that bother you so much?

Absentee Ballots do cause problems, but ironically they're the last thing the GOP ever worries about when it comes to voting.

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