CNN, "You are FAKE News!"


Because Trump said so?

Because they got caught lying as the promoted fake news.

Do at least TRY and keep up.

What the fuck did they LIE about?

They said that FBI briefed Obama and Trump with a summary of a report on Russia having compromising Intel on Trump and disclaimed that this could not be independently verified and was not yet corroborated.

What is the lie?

Pisser gate.

Put down the spraypaint and paper bag now..

Like I said, you Trumpsters are fucking retards with peanuts for brains.

You can't answer the question.
Sorry only retards believe fake, Obama intel. As The Donald promised he is total win, and he is winning for us, despite your ignorance and gullibility.

Because Trump said so?

Because they got caught lying as the promoted fake news.

Do at least TRY and keep up.

What the fuck did they LIE about?

They said that FBI briefed Obama and Trump with a summary of a report on Russia having compromising Intel on Trump and disclaimed that this could not be independently verified and was not yet corroborated.

What is the lie?

Pisser gate.

Put down the spraypaint and paper bag now..

Like I said, you Trumpsters are fucking retards with peanuts for brains.

You can't answer the question.
There is no answer on your question Trump will be your next President that you like it or not..No more Faggot at the White house.

Like I said, you Trumpsters are fucking retards with peanuts for brains.

You can't answer the question.

I do love it when you leftists smear yourselves in shit while screaming "dirty" at others.

{Despite the fact that these documents are unsubstantiated, despite the fact that -- and this is important -- the rabidly anti-Trump media has had almost a year to substantiate them and could not, by pretending it had a legitimate news story about the documents, CNN laid the groundwork for BuzzFeed's Ben Smith to violate every code of ethics in the world of journalism.

Using CNN's Potemkin report as cover, Smith released page after page of unverified, unchecked, unsubstantiated rumors, some of them personally embarrassing, about Trump and his campaign team.

This breach of ethics is so breathtaking that even David Corn of the hard-left Mother Jones threw a penalty flag.

3. I accurately characterized the memos-this is important stuff-but didn't publish details. Even Donald Trump deserves journalistic fairness

— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) January 11, 2017}

Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom

I mean, i get that you're seriously stupid, still.....
The media brought this on itself. And now, we pretty much can't believe anything.

Not good for a democracy.
what did cnn post that was not true on this story...can you please elaborate, so I don't have to read through the rest of the posts?

They did not report any of the sexual stuff that was out there on the net,

What they did report is there was an addendum to the classified report on Russian hacking, that warned trump about Russians ''saying'' they have sexual stuff on him, (which could be 'disinformation' put out there by the Russians) and that they had evidence of Trump surrogates keeping in touch with the Russians throughout his campaign...

So what exactly was fake about the actual CNN story???
Donald Trump's no milquetoast wuss like George Bush, Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan. He will fight back. He's not gonna take Democrat shit. They wanna fight, he's more than happy to oblige.

CNN (Communist News Network) is despicable Democrat Fake News propaganda. I congrats Trump on calling em out. He needs to do more of it.

Because Trump said so?

Because they got caught lying as the promoted fake news.

Do at least TRY and keep up.

What the fuck did they LIE about?

They said that FBI briefed Obama and Trump with a summary of a report on Russia having compromising Intel on Trump and disclaimed that this could not be independently verified and was not yet corroborated.

What is the lie?

Pisser gate.

Put down the spraypaint and paper bag now..

Like I said, you Trumpsters are fucking retards with peanuts for brains.

You can't answer the question.
There is no answer on your question Trump will be your next President that you like it or not..No more Faggot at the White house.

No answer? Then why the fuck are you fools are claiming that CNN lied about something??

Is there some rule that Trumpsters in this site be completely retarded and unable to rationally respond to basic questions?

Because Trump said so?

Because they got caught lying as the promoted fake news.

Do at least TRY and keep up.

What the fuck did they LIE about?

They said that FBI briefed Obama and Trump with a summary of a report on Russia having compromising Intel on Trump and disclaimed that this could not be independently verified and was not yet corroborated.

What is the lie?

Pisser gate.

Put down the spraypaint and paper bag now..

Like I said, you Trumpsters are fucking retards with peanuts for brains.

You can't answer the question.
Because they got caught lying as the promoted fake news.

Do at least TRY and keep up.

What the fuck did they LIE about?

They said that FBI briefed Obama and Trump with a summary of a report on Russia having compromising Intel on Trump and disclaimed that this could not be independently verified and was not yet corroborated.

What is the lie?

Pisser gate.

Put down the spraypaint and paper bag now..

Like I said, you Trumpsters are fucking retards with peanuts for brains.

You can't answer the question.
There is no answer on your question Trump will be your next President that you like it or not..No more Faggot at the White house.

No answer? Then why the fuck are you fools are claiming that CNN lied about something??

Is there some rule that Trumpsters in this site be completely retarded and unable to rationally respond to basic questions?
The Clinton news network is nothing but liars... and their motto is fake news that you can't use…
Because they got caught lying as the promoted fake news.

Do at least TRY and keep up.

What the fuck did they LIE about?

They said that FBI briefed Obama and Trump with a summary of a report on Russia having compromising Intel on Trump and disclaimed that this could not be independently verified and was not yet corroborated.

What is the lie?

Pisser gate.

Put down the spraypaint and paper bag now..

Like I said, you Trumpsters are fucking retards with peanuts for brains.

You can't answer the question.
There is no answer on your question Trump will be your next President that you like it or not..No more Faggot at the White house.

No answer? Then why the fuck are you fools are claiming that CNN lied about something??

Is there some rule that Trumpsters in this site be completely retarded and unable to rationally respond to basic questions?

"... it was "disgraceful that the intelligence agencies allowed any information that turned out to be so false and fake out."

"I think it's a disgrace, and I say that, and that's something that Nazi Germany who have done and did do," he said.

"I think it's a disgrace that information that was false and fake and never happened got released to the public. As far as BuzzFeed, which is a failing pile of garbage, writing it, I think they're going to suffer the consequences. They already are. And as far as CNN going out of their way to build it up."

Trump berates CNN reporter: 'You are fake news'
fake news is not new it goes back 100 years to WW1. Hitler even used it as a strategy.
"At his first presser since being elected, Trump explained there was “false and fake” information leaked to jounalists which media outlets Buzzfeed and CNN ran with."

"After the press conference, Tapper attempted to differentiate between his network’s reporting and Buzzfeed’s, the latter which published a 35-page dossier full of unsubstantiated details claiming, among other things, that Trump was involved in perverted sex acts while visiting Russia."

Good luck with that, you pos propagandists.

I hope they go to prison, it's where they belong.

CNN RATTLED: Jake Tapper Scrambles to Defend ‘fake news’ report
fake news is not new it goes back 100 years to WW1. Hitler even used it as a strategy.

Hitler and commies all used it. All tyrannical ideologies do.

And if we hadn't allowed our schools to be infested by Nazis, our citizenry would know that and would have recognized this shit when it started happening getting out of control about 25 years ago.
BOOM!!!!!! The Mainstream Media is melting Down! Anyone Tired of Winning Yet!? Popcorn?

The media is in full implosion now. And it's GLORIOUS. No scruples, standards or ethics left. Toldja they were all shit.
What the fuck did they LIE about?

They said that FBI briefed Obama and Trump with a summary of a report on Russia having compromising Intel on Trump and disclaimed that this could not be independently verified and was not yet corroborated.

What is the lie?

Pisser gate.

Put down the spraypaint and paper bag now..

Like I said, you Trumpsters are fucking retards with peanuts for brains.

You can't answer the question.
There is no answer on your question Trump will be your next President that you like it or not..No more Faggot at the White house.

No answer? Then why the fuck are you fools are claiming that CNN lied about something??

Is there some rule that Trumpsters in this site be completely retarded and unable to rationally respond to basic questions?

"... it was "disgraceful that the intelligence agencies allowed any information that turned out to be so false and fake out."

"I think it's a disgrace, and I say that, and that's something that Nazi Germany who have done and did do," he said.

"I think it's a disgrace that information that was false and fake and never happened got released to the public. As far as BuzzFeed, which is a failing pile of garbage, writing it, I think they're going to suffer the consequences. They already are. And as far as CNN going out of their way to build it up."

Trump berates CNN reporter: 'You are fake news'

I will repeat the question - WHAT DID CNN LIE ABOUT?

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