Colin Kaepernick: The United States Is The Worst Nation In The History Of The World

You start by telling the truth and acknowledging it. There are way too many ignorant white people like you running around spouting bullshit about history because you have been fed what basically amounts to propaganda.
Is your "history" like Kaepernick's? The one that completely ignores every bad thing done by non-whites?

You are not a victim. The propaganda you've been fed says you are. Get some self-respect.
Who told you Kap or I ignore bad things done by non whites? You need to stop whining and making excuses. We are discussing specifically whites. Its not "He did it too" time.
Of course you ignore bad things done by non-whites. Your whole WHITEY IS EVIL schtick depends on it.

Every race has participated in slavery, as both slaves and slave owners. White nations have abolished it, and in America, it cost hundreds of thousand of white lives.

Non-white nations still practice slavery. But don't you dare get off the couch long enough to criticize them for it -- because you can't blame Whitey for it.
This is exactly what I mean by silly shit and white people. Like I said. Stop your whining. We are discussing what whites did. Absorb that and deal with it instead of trying to divert the topic to someone else.
I say what I like. Your permission is neither sought nor required. Do you understand that?
Being white you like to lie and try to change the topic. Then you get mad because I dismiss you as a silly white boy. :laugh:
Ah so it's white people that have made Togo "The Most Unhappy Country On The Planet!"?
Bingo. Any country you go to in Africa thats fucked up you will find the marks of the demon spawn whites that created it.
And yet the superior black race is at the mercy of the white devil. No matter how you sell it, blacks cant fix their own shit. They only live well in white mans land

Watch how fast they fuck up South Africa
They already have. Itll get worse though. Whites better be prepared to fight or leave -- otherwise they die.
Why would they fight if Africa was so fucked up? Matter of fact why are their pale asses in Africa at all?
They settled vacant land, other than a few WONDERING NOMADIC TRIBES that didnt even master the basics of agriculture.

Wakanda is a FAIRYTALE.
Is your "history" like Kaepernick's? The one that completely ignores every bad thing done by non-whites?

You are not a victim. The propaganda you've been fed says you are. Get some self-respect.
Who told you Kap or I ignore bad things done by non whites? You need to stop whining and making excuses. We are discussing specifically whites. Its not "He did it too" time.
Of course you ignore bad things done by non-whites. Your whole WHITEY IS EVIL schtick depends on it.

Every race has participated in slavery, as both slaves and slave owners. White nations have abolished it, and in America, it cost hundreds of thousand of white lives.

Non-white nations still practice slavery. But don't you dare get off the couch long enough to criticize them for it -- because you can't blame Whitey for it.
This is exactly what I mean by silly shit and white people. Like I said. Stop your whining. We are discussing what whites did. Absorb that and deal with it instead of trying to divert the topic to someone else.
I say what I like. Your permission is neither sought nor required. Do you understand that?
Being white you like to lie and try to change the topic. Then you get mad because I dismiss you as a silly white boy. :laugh:
Such a racist. You'll deny that, too.

And I'm not mad. You're rather amusing, you Kang, you.
Bingo. Any country you go to in Africa thats fucked up you will find the marks of the demon spawn whites that created it.
And yet the superior black race is at the mercy of the white devil. No matter how you sell it, blacks cant fix their own shit. They only live well in white mans land

Watch how fast they fuck up South Africa
They already have. Itll get worse though. Whites better be prepared to fight or leave -- otherwise they die.
Why would they fight if Africa was so fucked up? Matter of fact why are their pale asses in Africa at all?
They settled vacant land, other than a few WONDERING NOMADIC TRIBES that didnt even master the basics of agriculture.

Wakanda is a FAIRYTALE.
The land wasnt vacant dummy. Thats like saying I have the right to steal your trailer while youre on vacation because you arent there..
Who told you Kap or I ignore bad things done by non whites? You need to stop whining and making excuses. We are discussing specifically whites. Its not "He did it too" time.
Of course you ignore bad things done by non-whites. Your whole WHITEY IS EVIL schtick depends on it.

Every race has participated in slavery, as both slaves and slave owners. White nations have abolished it, and in America, it cost hundreds of thousand of white lives.

Non-white nations still practice slavery. But don't you dare get off the couch long enough to criticize them for it -- because you can't blame Whitey for it.
This is exactly what I mean by silly shit and white people. Like I said. Stop your whining. We are discussing what whites did. Absorb that and deal with it instead of trying to divert the topic to someone else.
I say what I like. Your permission is neither sought nor required. Do you understand that?
Being white you like to lie and try to change the topic. Then you get mad because I dismiss you as a silly white boy. :laugh:
Such a racist. You'll deny that, too.

And I'm not mad. You're rather amusing, you Kang, you.
I dont care if you call me a racist. Thats your problem not mine.

Of course youre mad. Thats why you keep responding. :laugh:
And yet the superior black race is at the mercy of the white devil. No matter how you sell it, blacks cant fix their own shit. They only live well in white mans land

Watch how fast they fuck up South Africa
They already have. Itll get worse though. Whites better be prepared to fight or leave -- otherwise they die.
Why would they fight if Africa was so fucked up? Matter of fact why are their pale asses in Africa at all?
They settled vacant land, other than a few WONDERING NOMADIC TRIBES that didnt even master the basics of agriculture.

Wakanda is a FAIRYTALE.
The land wasnt vacant dummy. Thats like saying I have the right to steal your trailer while youre on vacation because you arent there..
There were no countries when there were no countries. You people had no concept of nations. You were just inbred tribal families wondering from one place to another that your goats haven't yet turned barren.
And yet the superior black race is at the mercy of the white devil. No matter how you sell it, blacks cant fix their own shit. They only live well in white mans land

Watch how fast they fuck up South Africa
They already have. Itll get worse though. Whites better be prepared to fight or leave -- otherwise they die.
Why would they fight if Africa was so fucked up? Matter of fact why are their pale asses in Africa at all?
They settled vacant land, other than a few WONDERING NOMADIC TRIBES that didnt even master the basics of agriculture.

Wakanda is a FAIRYTALE.
The land wasnt vacant dummy. Thats like saying I have the right to steal your trailer while youre on vacation because you arent there..
If they condemn the Boers then they have difficult questions to overcome closer to home. These bullshit fantasies are just covering fire.
Watch how fast they fuck up South Africa
They already have. Itll get worse though. Whites better be prepared to fight or leave -- otherwise they die.
Why would they fight if Africa was so fucked up? Matter of fact why are their pale asses in Africa at all?
They settled vacant land, other than a few WONDERING NOMADIC TRIBES that didnt even master the basics of agriculture.

Wakanda is a FAIRYTALE.
The land wasnt vacant dummy. Thats like saying I have the right to steal your trailer while youre on vacation because you arent there..
There were no countries when there were no countries. You people had no concept of nations. You were just inbred tribal families wondering from one place to another that your goats haven't yet turned barren.
You sound like an idiot. Every single group over in Africa calls themselves some form of "the people" or "nation". Whites try and translate it to tribe to make it seem trivial.
Why does my "give a fuck" meter register absolute zero with what this dumb ass mother fucker has to say?


Any country that allows an afro niggaa to become a multi millionaire simply because he can throw a pigskin is a pretty dumbass country. And then he sucks so bad nobody wants him anymore.

I encourage him to leave and don't let the fucking door hit him in the ass on the way out.

Hey, he looks to me like he's a Muslim wannabe. Should he even been touching that pigskin? LOL
They already have. Itll get worse though. Whites better be prepared to fight or leave -- otherwise they die.
Why would they fight if Africa was so fucked up? Matter of fact why are their pale asses in Africa at all?
They settled vacant land, other than a few WONDERING NOMADIC TRIBES that didnt even master the basics of agriculture.

Wakanda is a FAIRYTALE.
The land wasnt vacant dummy. Thats like saying I have the right to steal your trailer while youre on vacation because you arent there..
There were no countries when there were no countries. You people had no concept of nations. You were just inbred tribal families wondering from one place to another that your goats haven't yet turned barren.
You sound like an idiot. Every single group over in Africa calls themselves some form of "the people" or "nation". Whites try and translate it to tribe to make it seem trivial.
This is what you were when we discovered you. You're welcome.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
Who sold those slaves to the whites? Could it be other blacks?
You do realize the original slaveowners on this continent were American Indians my ancestors, not only did they enslaved other tribes, they tortured murdered and raped on a regular basis it was their lifestyle. So shut the fuck up
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Why does my "give a fuck" meter register absolute zero with what this dumb ass mother fucker has to say?


Any country that allows an afro niggaa to become a multi millionaire simply because he can throw a pigskin is a pretty dumbass country. And then he sucks so bad nobody wants him anymore.

I encourage him to leave and don't let the fucking door hit him in the ass on the way out.
Why do I keep thinking what would happen if a lighter touched that "hair"
I've never seen an athlete traitor I've detested more. Or who was stupider and more incoherent. He's from a race of ingrate pigs (black crybabies) and a religion of ingrate pigs (Pisslam, regardless of race). He's a walking abomination whose low-I.Q. retard brain can't go beyond the basic animal functions of eating, shitting and fucking. Even his black mother and white stepmother are ashamed of this giant-microphone-headed-afro-wearing punk who thinks he's the King Turd of Shit Mountain, when in reality, he's an insignificant little drop of uric acid floating around in the great Toilet Bowl of Life. He's a column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit secreted out of his own asshole (whenever his own empty head isn't inserted into it).
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
Who sold those slaves to the whites? Could it be other blacks?
You do realize the original slaveowners on this continent were American Indians my ancestors, not only did they in slave other tribes, they tortured murdered and raped on a regular basis it was their lifestyle. So shut the fuck up
And that makes it okay? You fools and your pathetic whataboutism...
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
Who sold those slaves to the whites? Could it be other blacks?
You do realize the original slaveowners on this continent were American Indians my ancestors, not only did they in slave other tribes, they tortured murdered and raped on a regular basis it was their lifestyle. So shut the fuck up
Not sure what that has to do with my point. Now if you want me to shut up youre going to have to be brave enough to make me you recessive white boy. :laugh:
I've never seen an athlete traitor I've detested more. Or who was stupider and more incoherent. He's from a race of ingrate pigs (black crybabies) and a religion of ingrate pigs (Pisslam, regardless of race). He's a walking abomination whose low-I.Q. retard brain can't go beyond the basic animal functions of eating, shitting and fucking. Even his black mother and white stepmother are ashamed of this giant-microphone-headed-afro-wearing punk who thinks he's the King Turd of Shit Mountain, when in reality, he's an insignificant little drop of uric acid floating around in the great Toilet Bowl of Life. He's a column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit secreted out of his own asshole (whenever his own empty head isn't inserted into it).
Why do you white people lie so much? Both his biological and adopted mom are white you silly fuck. His adopted mother absolutely supports him just like his biological mom.


Biological mom

"I'd like to be very clear on this issue, I absolutely support Colin standing up 4 what he believes in. Racism is alive & well in America."
-Heidi Russo
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
It was mostly a better life versus the rigors and dangers of jungle life.
Give it a rest white boy First Africa doesnt have a lot of jungle. Its mostly savannah, Secondly, life was by no means better. It was worse. Here in the US they were slaves. Surrounded by pale skin demons that forced them to change their names, religion, and speech. Nothing like in Africa where they more like indentured servants that were free after a period of time.
You must believe politically correct history, being such a dumb motherfucker
I've never seen an athlete traitor I've detested more. Or who was stupider and more incoherent. He's from a race of ingrate pigs (black crybabies) and a religion of ingrate pigs (Pisslam, regardless of race). He's a walking abomination whose low-I.Q. retard brain can't go beyond the basic animal functions of eating, shitting and fucking. Even his black mother and white stepmother are ashamed of this giant-microphone-headed-afro-wearing punk who thinks he's the King Turd of Shit Mountain, when in reality, he's an insignificant little drop of uric acid floating around in the great Toilet Bowl of Life. He's a column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit secreted out of his own asshole (whenever his own empty head isn't inserted into it).
Why do you white people lie so much? Both his biological and adopted mom are white you silly fuck. His adopted mother absolutely supports him.

Yeah the white race has its share of anti-American traitors too. Watch the Party that supports this bullshit DIE over the next 6 years.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
Who sold those slaves to the whites? Could it be other blacks?
You do realize the original slaveowners on this continent were American Indians my ancestors, not only did they in slave other tribes, they tortured murdered and raped on a regular basis it was their lifestyle. So shut the fuck up
Not sure what that has to do with my point. Now if you want me to shut up youre going to have to be brave enough to make me you recessive white boy. :laugh:
Slavery is not a Black thing, In fact black slavery was Not even the first slavery.
And they still have slavery in Africa to this day.... boy

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