Colo. Marijuana Businesses Embrace New Drug at Center of DEA Crackdown in Calif.

Keeps you high for more than a day and an onset of psychosis?

Look up Budder. That's what it's called. Or hell just look up Marijuana wax. That way you'll find some factual information.

So I went to High Times. Which I'm sure the FDA and other medical organizations may have different points to consider and those against pot use may have differ too. It's hard to find a source which does not want to promote their cause, whatever it may be.

High Times says inhaling butane is not dangerous ( which I'm sure would be challenged by others TBH) but caveat in their article that quadruple-refined pure butane needs to be used for the process, they go onto explain that if one uses the butane found in stores, "Gaseous Anomalies" occur which are dangerous to your health. Something which is probably not being done on the street. They also speak of the tubes being used and the butane extracting dangerous chemicals if stainless steel is not used.

Additionally, there are dangers of making such as well and how explosive it is. That's a few of the issues, there were more. So yeah, I can see idiots making this stuff with the wrong kind of butane and or plastics and it causing a very negative effect as outlined in the article from ABC. Either way, I can understand WA state wanting to figure out how to assure the public is not inhaling dangerous substances from those who make wax the incorrect way.

ETA link
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The only time in over 40 years of using and being around cannabis that I saw someone who could have died it was from BHO. It was not the BHO itself, it was the fact that it made them cough so badly they vomited, and were still coughing. They inhaled some vomit, and it was touch and go for about 3 minutes. They were pretty blue.
I believe that is exactly the way Jon Bonham died.
CaféAuLait;8690603 said:
Colo. Marijuana Businesses Embrace New Drug at Center of DEA Crackdown in Calif.

Making the drug is risky. Butane, a substance so flammable that any spark can set off an explosion, is used to strip out the THC, the chemical in marijuana that gets a person high. But law enforcement says the process of making wax is not the only thing dangerous about it.

“We have seen people have an onset of psychosis and even brain damage from that exposure to that high concentration of THC,” said Gary Hill, assistant special agent in charge at the DEA's San Diego office. “Our concern is that this is going to spread before we get it under control.”

But a thousand miles away, in Colorado, wax is legal. Anyone over 21 can walk into a recreational marijuana dispensary and buy it right off the shelf. There’s even a three-day contest, named the X-Cup, held in broad daylight in Denver, to see who can make the most potent batch of the same drug upon which DEA agents are cracking down in California

Colorado Marijuana Businesses Embrace New Drug at Center of DEA Crackdown in California - ABC News

Wax, never heard of it. Perhaps I am behind the times. Sounds dangerous . Should it be legal even though dangerous to make and may be dangerous for the person consuming it or should pot be limited to its 'natural form' for the lack of a better word?

Never heard of it either. But there's probably lots of drug stuff that'd be new to me. My grass n acid days are 20+ years behind me (college years.) :)
Heard earlier than Colorado will make about $1BILLION!! in the first year.

Other states will be climbing on this bandwagon.

I've said for years that the biggest reason MJ hasn't been legal is that the gumt couldn't figure out how to exact their pound of flesh of something that you can grow in your backyard.

The first year. Then the second they can cut that in half as more growers flood the market. By the third year as more people grow the equivalent of grass in their backyard, you can cut that number again by half or more. Within 10 years Colorado will be making less money off of weed than it will be spending paying for a generation of do-nothings who are mentally addicted to the stuff, committing crime instead of working, or just sucking off the system.

Remember, I used to live near the Bay Area in CA. I've seen it happen. You've never seen a crop of more useless turds then a generation or two raised on the weed culture.
What I'm saying is that with these stupid politicians in the various states, they're grasping at straws legalizing weed to collect a few million in taxes. For surely not every black market dealer is going to step up and declare "oh, hey, I just sold 100 kilos of weed, please tax me now"

A mirage..stupid economics. I think we are already seeing the fruits of a couple generations of the ignorant non-ambitious weed generation currently lodged in high places in government. Weed makes you stupid. Evidently. How much will that crop and tax base be worth when all the kids habituated to its daily use don't want to work "cuz it's a drag man.." and have their hands out for entitlements or they'll steal your car to make ends meet that month? How much will that tax base be worth when everyone in your state says "screw the high price man, I'll grow my own"...when that is like planting corn. It grows wild in the midwest without a single human hand laid to it. Though they call that stuff "smoking rope".

Stupid dumb dumb dumb dumb. Today if nothing else, I am simply amazed at how utterly short-sided the 1970s generation in power really is. They obviously were ditching school, fudging or paying off their grades or paying a nerd to take notes for them during lectures. There seems to be zero intellect today in goverment.

Not to mention the prices plummeting destablizing Mexico. Hey, what do you know? Just after California legalized weed, the violence in Mexico started escalating rapidly.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, self-indulgent, ignorant stupid stupid stupid...

And now this concentrated "wax pot". When will the stupid end? No, really, when? Who is going to sail this ship when every last member of the crew is fixated on promoting gay sex to kids, in a haze from smoking weed or busy wondering why a meltdown in Japan's nuclear industry has eradicated an entire country from the world [a fourth reactor has just melted down and they are quietly evacuating the city of Tokyo's some 30 million inhabitants, children first, to??? Chernobyl's exclusion zone for just one reactor meltdown times 4 = the entire archepelago of Japan. Thanks GE for selling Japan on nuclear steam boilers when they sat atop one of the world's largest sources of geothermal steam already there for the tapping..]

It's like we are in a reality TV game show "How stupid, self-indulgent, greedy and blind can your policies be!". America takes the prize...
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I was just talking about San Francisco's useless turd drug culture.

See what happens when you promote a pothead culture and the rare kid grows up, gets a job and puts on a badge? It infects every part of the intelligence chain.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Federal grand juries have indicted six current and former San Francisco police officers, charging three with stealing money, drugs, electronics and gift cards seized during investigations, federal prosecutors announced Thursday...

...Furminger, Robles and Vargas each face two drug-related counts carrying a maximum possible sentence of 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine. They also face a charge of civil rights conspiracy that carries a sentence of up to 10 years and a $250,000 fine.

In another incident the same month, the indictment says, the officers took marijuana. Vargas is accused of delivering the pot to two informants and asking them to sell it and split the proceeds with him, Furminger and Robles. 6 current, former San Francisco officers indicted - Times Union

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