Comey Testimony

Rather than aggressively seek to inform himself on Russia's attacks on our country, Trump did the opposite. He denied, denied, and denied all during the campaign that it was happening.

After winning, he kept dodging the question, allowing the lie he had fostered to grow and fester in the minds of his Chumps.

Even at this late date, Trump is not being aggressive to inform himself and to prosecute heavy penalties on the Russians for their attacks on us.

In fact, he is doing the exact opposite.

Russia's attacks?? Wasn't it Obozo that said the cold war has been over for 20 years and didn't Hillary take a "reset" button to Putin.
Trump was more worried about the golden showers report than about Russia's attacks on us.

I find his response to that report very, very strange.

An innocent person would be outraged, and Trump was supposedly outraged. An innocent person who had never done such a thing would not then say, "I always assumed the Russians were recording me" like Trump said.

That sounds like, "If they weren't recording me, then I would have probably hired some hookers to piss on me."

Well, that WAS pretty shitty of you Nazi scum to fabricate.

I wouldn't like it if you scumbags spread vicious lies like that about me. I get that you're Nazis and this is just the shit you do, but I can understand him being upset by your slander and lies.
Look at the word "understood". That is opinion only. Yet he did not report it to doj, as required, if indeed he did 'understand' that to be what he was doing.
Pay attention Faun, Mr Lankford just asked Comey if anyone from the presidant down impeaded or attempted to shut down this investigation and again Comey said no to all.
He said that in regards to the investigations into Russia and collision with Russia. In regards to the investigation into Flynn, Comey said...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Of course that is his opinion. That's why he says now it's up to the special counsel to determine if it's obstruction. Comey never said he felt like it was obstruction at that time.

But it's absurd to claim Comey said he was never asked to drop it when he clearly says he was.
what's the difference with meeting alone and a phone call? Was he afraid for his life? I mean that makes absolutely no fking sense otherwise.
When you don't trust someone, it's nice to have a witness, that's all..
for what purpose that wouldn't be said over a phone call?
For exactly what happened at that meeting(s). Trump put Comey in an impossible situation, asking for loyalty when it was inappropriate to do so, asking him to back off on an investigation when it was inappropriate to do so. A person might be less likely to say those kind of things when there are witnesses.
what's the difference with meeting alone and a phone call? Was he afraid for his life? I mean that makes absolutely no fking sense otherwise.
When you don't trust someone, it's nice to have a witness, that's all.
So your face to his ass would probably have sufficed?
You missed out on a great opportunity.
Say, you got that evidence on RUSSIAN COLLUSION yet?
You're deranged.

They were not classified. Intentionally. So they could be shared freely.

A private meeting with the President of the United States is classified by default. The notes are irrelevant, that Comey leaked the content of private meetings is probably a felony in it's own right. Sessions should prosecute.
unclassified notes cant be leaked you F'n idget ...
He didn't say jack about the leak being classified. He said Comey confirmed he was 'A' leaker, not the only leaker, but by his own admission, a person who leaked information to the press.

you should always be careful when insulting people, particularly with the cartoon word you used, given your proclivities to being a moron.

DERP DERP ^^^^^^^^^

exactly .. and regardless how fucking stupid you really are UNCLASSIFIED information cant be leaked ...
If he was ordered to stop the Investigation, not only did he fail to report an attempt of Obstructing Justice, He DISOBEYED THE ORDER.

These people are unhiniged. I just keep adding them to my IGNORE LIST.
They are like trash in the street. You just have to ignore them as they blow by.

So LOSE-LOSE for The DimWit Party.

Still waiting for the first Lefty to produce the first piece of actual evidence of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.
You clearly are not listening to the testimony. Just as I suspected, you tards will avoid listening for yourselves and will wait until your propagandists tell you what to bleev.
what's the difference with meeting alone and a phone call? Was he afraid for his life? I mean that makes absolutely no fking sense otherwise.
When you don't trust someone, it's nice to have a witness, that's all.
So your face to his ass would probably have sufficed?
You missed out on a great opportunity.
Say, you got that evidence on RUSSIAN COLLUSION yet?
Decaf maybe, huh?

I have no evidence of "collusion" (whatever that might be), nor have I accused him of it.
jesus....does McCain have alzheimers or something? He can't even figure out what the hell he is talking about...keeps talking about Clinton lol...then said President Comey. LOL

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