Communist Flag: A Comic Book Apocrypha (DreamWorks)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a socialization-parable inspired by Bulworth.

It references two Marvel Comics avatars, Red Goblin and Scarlet Witch.

{Red Goblin & Scarlet Witch}



An American comic book artist named Ajay was creating various renditions of a new symbiotic alien-goblin menace named Red Goblin for Marvel's new issue. When Ajay's son Ali saw his dad's portraits of Red Goblin, he was moved to make a fun little stick-figure doodle of Red Goblin himself. However, the doodle came to life, and the demonic spirit of the Red Goblin was released into America. As this 'real Red Goblin' flew around NYC and Hollywood invisibly, it/he created strange subliminal communist messages, troubling Americans.

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As all this was occurring, a female comic book artist named Shelbye, also working for Marvel, was creating portraits of the anti-heroine Scarlet Witch and also simplified color-pencil drawings of the avatar. It was one of Shelbye's color-pencil drawings of Scarlet Witch that brought that character's spirit to life. Now, the 'real Scarlet Witch' was released onto America, and her strange spirit soared around NYC and Hollywood as well in pursuit of Red Goblin. Scarlet Witch wanted Americans to feel sure that a red demonic entity did not automatically spell the emergence of a new communist tide in modern civilization.

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American film-makers were creating countless comics-adapted films, and various fantasy-genre films including elf/gnome war-tales and vampire-folklore films were being made in Hollywood (USA). Was it the new age vitality associated with commercial traffic (i.e., Wall Street) that suddenly made everyone 'anxious' about blood-red ambition/aspiration as it pertained to the proverbial American Dream? Red Goblin continued to terrorize NYC/Hollywood, and Scarlet Witch continued to chase him.


As various anti-TrumpUSA pro-communist and/or pro-socialist rallies occurred all over Europe, with countless red flags with the portraits of great communist/socialist revolutionaries/thinkers such as Guevara, Marx, and Lenin on them, Red Goblin continued to create communist-scares in Hollywood. Scarlet Witch decided she'd have to sway the hearts and minds of the masses to subdue Red Goblin's eerie message of panic-driven anti-government sentiments.


American kids made fun schoolhouse drawings of eccentric comic book anti-heroes such as Batman and Deadpool while this battle between Red Goblin and Scarlet Witch continued. It was a war for dream-control, and Scarlet Witch could not afford to lose, lest creation be turned into an anarchist nightmare, just as the pumpkin-bomb throwing Red Goblin schemed. How would Scarlet Witch reach the people of America (and the modern world)?


As Scarlet Witch surveyed the kinds of amateur and professional comic book art in modern media, such as Internet blogs, art schools, films, and comic books and cartoons, she concluded that modern-day Americans were passionate about self-expression and vigilantism-daydreams but were apathetic about the citizenry-obligations necessary to make 'TrumpUSA' a red-light for consumerism hygiene. It was a popcorn culture, so Scarlet Witch wanted to reach out to the daydreams of the everyday person who enjoyed watching TV shows such as Supergirl, Gotham, Lucifer, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


A young Cornell student named Christina Rostand was making simple stick-figure doodles of the Marvel Comics super-heroine Squirrel-Girl, a lover of Mother Nature. Rostand's doodles caught the eye of Scarlet Witch who realized that to defeat the maniacal communism-fanatical Red Goblin, she'd have to highlight Americans' fascination with 'colloquial politics' and why eco-conscious avatars such as Rostand's Squirrel-Girl could be new age 'deities' of social consciousness. After all, all this traffic hysteria would naturally create some welcomed child-like delight towards the 'magic' of free expression. However, was it creativity or graffiti?


As Hollywood (USA) movie super-star Tom Hanks was planning a new DreamWorks film about DC Comics' super-speedy superhero known as the Flash, Red Goblin continued to challenge Scarlet Witch's aspiration to use the media and the social imagination to quash dangerous sentiments about anti-government rebelliousness in this modern age of great commerce and social dialogue. Hanks' DreamWorks film would signal a new era of child-like storytelling directed towards a broad audience. Scarlet Witch wanted these comics-films to bring people together, not remind them of the 'turbulence' of general social heresy.


After much thinking, Scarlet Witch realized that the best way to defeat Red Goblin was to create an online blogging pattern designed to create patriotism towards democracy in the Internet 'underground.' After all, the Internet was a different 'dominion' which Red Goblin could not 'invade' without being challenged/met by countless expressive bloggers writing daily about the value and intrigue of modern networking (e.g., Facebook). Scarlet Witch blogged using an alias 'Shelbye' that she believed communism would not demoralize Americans optimistic about democratic capitalism (e.g., WikiLeaks, NASDAQ, etc.).


TRUMP: I had a feeling all this comic book hysteria would create demons...
CARTER: Yes, all this vigilantism fantasy and lore is not unlike the Ouija craze!
TRUMP: Kids shouldn't play Ouija, perhaps, and comics-films should be more reserved maybe.
CARTER: I think you might be right; I wonder what Ajay, Shelbye, and Christina think...
TRUMP: I'd imagine they're happy with the attention the press is giving them!
CARTER: We should purchase two shiny red Apple iBooks for the White House.
TRUMP: "Red is the gods' color!" --- Gladiator (Ridley Scott).
CARTER: Oh, I think that Scott film is terrific, though I prefer Alien: Covenant.
TRUMP: Well, I think sci-fi horror-films have their place, but Americans prefer heroism.
CARTER: Maybe educators should encourage students to make more political cartoons.
TRUMP: Can Captain America (Marvel Comics) see a true resurgence in popularity?
CARTER: I think so; there are multiple box-office hits presenting Captain America.
TRUMP: Captain America is truly patriotic/heroic!
CARTER: I find Ajay's Red Goblin art somewhat eerie/ominous.
TRUMP: Maybe you should find a nifty super-woman to comfort you (e.g., Scarlet Witch).
CARTER: Are you familiar with Marvel's Scarlet Witch, sir?
TRUMP: My daughter was showing me something the other day at the White House...
CARTER: This is the age of wondrous 'mind-games.'
TRUMP: After 9/11, Americans have been 'on edge' about peace-contracts.
CARTER: Let's go watch Bulworth on Netflix.
TRUMP: Oh, I love Warren Beatty...and Dick Tracy!



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