Confederate Flag: Symbol of ?

The Constitution doesn't protect anyone from being offended. Obviously you can't ban the confederate flag. But why would anyone want to fly it? You might as well fly a swastika.

Pretty close to the same thing.

Those who choose to exercise that right ... well .... not my kind of people. Sure, everyone doesn't have to be "my kind of people," just don't get all huffy when people look down their nose at you. You asked for it.

Just a reminder for all the fledgling lawyers out there. One of the fastest growing and most profitable areas of practice in labor law is hostile work environment cases. Free speech rights are generally parked at the door when workers are on company time, and the company has an affirmative obligation to protect workers who fall within the "Golden Nine" (yes we have a new one; protected classes are now race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy status, age, disability, and gender identity or transgender status).

So if you have any statements to make that might be regarded as offensive by anyone in a protected class, don't make them at work. Unless, of course, you really don't want the job.
The Constitution doesn't protect anyone from being offended. Obviously you can't ban the confederate flag. But why would anyone want to fly it? You might as well fly a swastika.

Pretty close to the same thing.

Those who choose to exercise that right ... well .... not my kind of people. Sure, everyone doesn't have to be "my kind of people," just don't get all huffy when people look down their nose at you. You asked for it.

Where were the ovens that burned millions of folks during civil war?
Swastika and Confederate flag are not the same thing.
I was a little sister to Kappa Alpha Order fraternity while in college many years ago. In those days, KA flew the stars and bars as a symbol of their southern heritage. I don't think I even considered the racial implication of that flag until I was later working for a law enforcement agency and interacting with skinheads who used the flag as a symbol of their racial views and desire to secede from the U.S. government (which they consideredd to be run by jews and mud people).

I think the views of southerners who currently fly the stars and bars are just as mixed. I would not personally use the flag in any context at this point in my life, because of the racial implications.

Exactly, some of my friends be they black or white or somewhere in the middle are offended by it and from what I saw growing up in the deep south in the late 50s and 60s I respect that.
And Democrats and Republicans in Georgia knew that and supported the change of our state flag.
And I do not give a shit what anyone thinks about that change as it was the right thing to do.

...and I don't "give a shit" about whether you or your friends are "offended" by what someone else says or does. Since when should the First Amendment be limited by your emotional reactions?

Who implied that your first amendment rights should be limited? Advertise your idiot status however you wish.
I was a little sister to Kappa Alpha Order fraternity while in college many years ago. In those days, KA flew the stars and bars as a symbol of their southern heritage. I don't think I even considered the racial implication of that flag until I was later working for a law enforcement agency and interacting with skinheads who used the flag as a symbol of their racial views and desire to secede from the U.S. government (which they consideredd to be run by jews and mud people).

I think the views of southerners who currently fly the stars and bars are just as mixed. I would not personally use the flag in any context at this point in my life, because of the racial implications.

Exactly, some of my friends be they black or white or somewhere in the middle are offended by it and from what I saw growing up in the deep south in the late 50s and 60s I respect that.
And Democrats and Republicans in Georgia knew that and supported the change of our state flag.
And I do not give a shit what anyone thinks about that change as it was the right thing to do.

I recall Republicans in Georgia being very opposed to the change. Purdue used it as a rallying cry against Barnes, and then faced a backlash himself after he didn't restore it.
Exactly, some of my friends be they black or white or somewhere in the middle are offended by it and from what I saw growing up in the deep south in the late 50s and 60s I respect that.
And Democrats and Republicans in Georgia knew that and supported the change of our state flag.
And I do not give a shit what anyone thinks about that change as it was the right thing to do.

...and I don't "give a shit" about whether you or your friends are "offended" by what someone else says or does. Since when should the First Amendment be limited by your emotional reactions?

Who implied that your first amendment rights should be limited? Advertise your idiot status however you wish.

1. What is the relevance of your being "offended?"

2. Following up your coarse language with name calling is really classy.
I was a little sister to Kappa Alpha Order fraternity while in college many years ago. In those days, KA flew the stars and bars as a symbol of their southern heritage. I don't think I even considered the racial implication of that flag until I was later working for a law enforcement agency and interacting with skinheads who used the flag as a symbol of their racial views and desire to secede from the U.S. government (which they consideredd to be run by jews and mud people).

I think the views of southerners who currently fly the stars and bars are just as mixed. I would not personally use the flag in any context at this point in my life, because of the racial implications.

Exactly, some of my friends be they black or white or somewhere in the middle are offended by it and from what I saw growing up in the deep south in the late 50s and 60s I respect that.
And Democrats and Republicans in Georgia knew that and supported the change of our state flag.
And I do not give a shit what anyone thinks about that change as it was the right thing to do.

So? You nor they have the right to NOT be offended.
The Constitution doesn't protect anyone from being offended. Obviously you can't ban the confederate flag. But why would anyone want to fly it? You might as well fly a swastika.

Pretty close to the same thing.

Those who choose to exercise that right ... well .... not my kind of people. Sure, everyone doesn't have to be "my kind of people," just don't get all huffy when people look down their nose at you. You asked for it.

Was the swastika part of American heritage?

You'd be surprised by the number of blacks that fly the rebel flag here in Texas. Then again, maybe not.
....To southern whites it is the "Flag of Resistance" defying not only blacks but also northerners. .....

Nonsense: what is there about blacks to "defy?"

I think what you meant to say is that to southern (and northern) whites, the flag represents defying the Federal Government, and ALL institutional reforms, including emancipation.

This is throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and quite counterproductive: instead of focusing their efforts to prevent REALLY STUPID national reforms (individual income tax, for example), the effort has been to critsise what is perhaps the only constructive domestic reform the Federal Government has ever made.
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The Constitution doesn't protect anyone from being offended. Obviously you can't ban the confederate flag. But why would anyone want to fly it? You might as well fly a swastika.

Pretty close to the same thing.

Those who choose to exercise that right ... well .... not my kind of people. Sure, everyone doesn't have to be "my kind of people," just don't get all huffy when people look down their nose at you. You asked for it.

Where were the ovens that burned millions of folks during civil war?
Swastika and Confederate flag are not the same thing.

Sadly, the Confederacy had its own concentration camp - Andersonville. An absolutely horrid place where many Union soldiers died of starvation and illness. Unlike the Nuremberg Trial, nothing was done that I can remember to the guards, although I believe senior officers were tried.

While I defend a person's right to show the Battle Flag of the Confederacy, it would be nice to see a time come in this nation when all the divisiveness ended and we could all be just Americans.

...and I don't "give a shit" about whether you or your friends are "offended" by what someone else says or does. Since when should the First Amendment be limited by your emotional reactions?

Who implied that your first amendment rights should be limited? Advertise your idiot status however you wish.

1. What is the relevance of your being "offended?"

2. Following up your coarse language with name calling is really classy.

I think you've confused me with another poster. I consider people who fly the stars and bars to be idiots, but I would never infringe on their right to do so. In fact, I'm in favor of people giving me a visible cue of their idiot status so I can avoid them.
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The Constitution doesn't protect anyone from being offended. Obviously you can't ban the confederate flag. But why would anyone want to fly it? You might as well fly a swastika.

Pretty close to the same thing.

Those who choose to exercise that right ... well .... not my kind of people. Sure, everyone doesn't have to be "my kind of people," just don't get all huffy when people look down their nose at you. You asked for it.

Where were the ovens that burned millions of folks during civil war?
Swastika and Confederate flag are not the same thing.

The "ovens" were ropes hung from trees. The only difference was the industrial revolution. Hitler just got mechanized.

Of course the ropes and burning crosses came AFTER the civil war. Before the Civil War whites "protected" their slaves just like they protected all their cattle and economic assets.
Respectfully, are you suggesting owning a human being is on "higher moral ground" than gassing one?
The Constitution doesn't protect anyone from being offended. Obviously you can't ban the confederate flag. But why would anyone want to fly it? You might as well fly a swastika.

Pretty close to the same thing.

Those who choose to exercise that right ... well .... not my kind of people. Sure, everyone doesn't have to be "my kind of people," just don't get all huffy when people look down their nose at you. You asked for it.

Where were the ovens that burned millions of folks during civil war?
Swastika and Confederate flag are not the same thing.

The "ovens" were ropes hung from trees. The only difference was the industrial revolution. Hitler just got mechanized.

Of course the ropes and burning crosses came AFTER the civil war. Before the Civil War whites "protected" their slaves just like they protected all their cattle and economic assets.
Respectfully, are you suggesting owning a human being is on "higher moral ground" than gassing one?

Owning slaves was perfectly legal at the time. Was gassing?
Where were the ovens that burned millions of folks during civil war?
Swastika and Confederate flag are not the same thing.

The "ovens" were ropes hung from trees. The only difference was the industrial revolution. Hitler just got mechanized.

Of course the ropes and burning crosses came AFTER the civil war. Before the Civil War whites "protected" their slaves just like they protected all their cattle and economic assets.
Respectfully, are you suggesting owning a human being is on "higher moral ground" than gassing one?

Owning slaves was perfectly legal at the time. Was gassing?

In Germany, it was state policy.
Who implied that your first amendment rights should be limited? Advertise your idiot status however you wish.

1. What is the relevance of your being "offended?"

2. Following up your coarse language with name calling is really classy.

I think you've confused me with another poster. I consider people who fly the stars and bars to be idiots, but I would never infringe on their right to do so. In fact, I'm in favor of people giving me a visible cue of their idiot status so I can avoid them.

I think the same thing about those people that use avatars such as yours. Imagine that.
The "ovens" were ropes hung from trees. The only difference was the industrial revolution. Hitler just got mechanized.

Of course the ropes and burning crosses came AFTER the civil war. Before the Civil War whites "protected" their slaves just like they protected all their cattle and economic assets.
Respectfully, are you suggesting owning a human being is on "higher moral ground" than gassing one?

Owning slaves was perfectly legal at the time. Was gassing?

In Germany, it was state policy.

Let's see that policy.
I seriously doubt that Lonestar has a racist bone in his body. Have seen his posts for a while and nothing indicates anything of the sort.
He posts that flag for the shock value only. I have no problem with that. This is AN INTERNET BOARD PEOPLE!
Free country. Amazing how folks ASSUME things just because of A FLAG.
But when government flies it in opposition to integration as Georgia did for many years it IS something to fight over.
Government has NO business doing that.
I seriously doubt that Lonestar has a racist bone in his body. Have seen his posts for a while and nothing indicates anything of the sort.
He posts that flag for the shock value only. I have no problem with that. This is AN INTERNET BOARD PEOPLE!
Free country. Amazing how folks ASSUME things just because of A FLAG.
But when government flies it in opposition to integration as Georgia did for many years it IS something to fight over.
Government has NO business doing that.


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