Confused Conservative... So Stimulus Bills are Good Now?


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Okay, I remember vividly how George W. Bush proposed a stimulus bill before he left office and most conservatives screamed bloody murder about that. I remember McCain suspending his campaign so he could jet off back to Washington to cast his vote for it... and we were all livid.

It was $800+ billion for infrastructure, education, creating jobs, etc. There was money for roads and bridges, it was going to end the recession, put people back to work... blah blah blah! Conservatives were standing on their ears about it!

Obama came in and passed a second stimulus bill and every Republican staunchly opposed it. Again, conservatives made the argument against this Keynesian nonsense but Congress passed it anyway... they managed to have a Gang of Whatever to get the votes.... taxpayers went on the hook for another trillion-dollar boondoggle to fix the damn roads and bridges again!

NOW.... Donald Trump says he wants to do a $500 billion stimulus to fix the roads and bridges! And his little fan club of supporters are cheering this example of brilliance from Trump. So I am really confused... Are stimulus bills now a good thing? AND... how many more of these are we going to need to fix the damn roads and bridges?
Why would someone complain about infrastructure? Its one of the FEW things government is actually supposed to take care of.
Okay, I remember vividly how George W. Bush proposed a stimulus bill before he left office and most conservatives screamed bloody murder about that. I remember McCain suspending his campaign so he could jet off back to Washington to cast his vote for it... and we were all livid.

It was $800+ billion for infrastructure, education, creating jobs, etc. There was money for roads and bridges, it was going to end the recession, put people back to work... blah blah blah! Conservatives were standing on their ears about it!

Obama came in and passed a second stimulus bill and every Republican staunchly opposed it. Again, conservatives made the argument against this Keynesian nonsense but Congress passed it anyway... they managed to have a Gang of Whatever to get the votes.... taxpayers went on the hook for another trillion-dollar boondoggle to fix the damn roads and bridges again!

NOW.... Donald Trump says he wants to do a $500 billion stimulus to fix the roads and bridges! And his little fan club of supporters are cheering this example of brilliance from Trump. So I am really confused... Are stimulus bills now a good thing? AND... how many more of these are we going to need to fix the damn roads and bridges?
Your first mistake is assuming that Trump or his supporters are Conservatives.

Your second is waiting this long to figure out that there ARE Trump-bots who will agree with his every policy.
Bush did more than road and bridges....didnt he send checks to everyone......
No confusion here.....this has been done to death and doesnt help.....time to move the other stuff on over regulation and the confidence that is alrdy manifesting itself will provide the rest.......
Okay, I remember vividly how George W. Bush proposed a stimulus bill before he left office and most conservatives screamed bloody murder about that. I remember McCain suspending his campaign so he could jet off back to Washington to cast his vote for it... and we were all livid.

It was $800+ billion for infrastructure, education, creating jobs, etc. There was money for roads and bridges, it was going to end the recession, put people back to work... blah blah blah! Conservatives were standing on their ears about it!

Obama came in and passed a second stimulus bill and every Republican staunchly opposed it. Again, conservatives made the argument against this Keynesian nonsense but Congress passed it anyway... they managed to have a Gang of Whatever to get the votes.... taxpayers went on the hook for another trillion-dollar boondoggle to fix the damn roads and bridges again!

NOW.... Donald Trump says he wants to do a $500 billion stimulus to fix the roads and bridges! And his little fan club of supporters are cheering this example of brilliance from Trump. So I am really confused... Are stimulus bills now a good thing? AND... how many more of these are we going to need to fix the damn roads and bridges?
Your first mistake is assuming that Trump or his supporters are Conservatives.

Your second is waiting this long to figure out that there ARE Trump-bots who will agree with his every policy.
Its already happening. Drooling out the mouth over actions he says he will take that completely contradicted his rhetoric. LOL
Partisanship is the devil.
I hope that spending is offset by cuts to bogus climate change studies and subsidies. There is 125 billion dollars in bullshit spending in defense alone. I'm not even talking about diverting it out of defense though. I'm certain there waste and redundancy through ought the government that can be diverted to highways and shit.

Why would someone complain about infrastructure? Its one of the FEW things government is actually supposed to take care of.

Yeah, if it's a post road. The rest the States and cities are responsible for. But hey, who needs a Constitution anyways.
I hope that spending is offset by cuts to bogus climate change studies and subsidies. There is 125 billion dollars in bullshit spending in defense alone. I'm not even talking about diverting it out of defense though. I'm certain there waste and redundancy through ought the government that can be diverted to highways and shit.

I would be extremely surprised If every department couldn't cut 1% from their budgets without pain.
Okay, I remember vividly how George W. Bush proposed a stimulus bill before he left office and most conservatives screamed bloody murder about that. I remember McCain suspending his campaign so he could jet off back to Washington to cast his vote for it... and we were all livid.

It was $800+ billion for infrastructure, education, creating jobs, etc. There was money for roads and bridges, it was going to end the recession, put people back to work... blah blah blah! Conservatives were standing on their ears about it!

Obama came in and passed a second stimulus bill and every Republican staunchly opposed it. Again, conservatives made the argument against this Keynesian nonsense but Congress passed it anyway... they managed to have a Gang of Whatever to get the votes.... taxpayers went on the hook for another trillion-dollar boondoggle to fix the damn roads and bridges again!

NOW.... Donald Trump says he wants to do a $500 billion stimulus to fix the roads and bridges! And his little fan club of supporters are cheering this example of brilliance from Trump. So I am really confused... Are stimulus bills now a good thing? AND... how many more of these are we going to need to fix the damn roads and bridges?

Stimulus paid to bailout banks, phony companies (e.g., Solyndra) and labor unions (GM/UAW) is bad. Stimulus to promote real economic growth is good. Get it?
Stimulus paid to bailout banks, phony companies (e.g., Solyndra) and labor unions (GM/UAW) is bad. Stimulus to promote real economic growth is good. Get it?

No, I don't get it because it's Keynesian nonsense. The best way for government to promote economic growth is to reduce government regulations and give us more FREEDOM rather than stimulus.
I hope that spending is offset by cuts to bogus climate change studies and subsidies. There is 125 billion dollars in bullshit spending in defense alone. I'm not even talking about diverting it out of defense though. I'm certain there waste and redundancy through ought the government that can be diverted to highways and shit.

Well, dream on... Trump is already meeting with Al Gore and buying into the Warmer nonsense.

The defense budget is the one thing our government is duly authorized to do under the Constitution. Granted, there is probably a lot of waste and redundancy in the defense budget just like all other departmental budgets but we need to cut the waste and return that money to the taxpayers. It's not the government's job to build fucking roads and bridges. As the poster above said, other than "post roads" there is no provision for this in the constitution. Now, we have an interstate highway system, and that's fine for the federal government to maintain.... I'm not opposed to that. But spending my tax dollars to build a bridge in New Hampshire... that's not my fucking problem! If they need a bridge, let them raise their property taxes and build their goddamn bridge like every other state does.

And see... here's the thing... in a Free Market System... whenever there is a need for a road or bridge, there are interested capitalists who are willing and able to fund such a project because they will benefit from it. Let the Free Market System handle that and get the government out of the fucking way!
I would hope conservatives will oppose it regardless of who proposes it

I would HOPE that too... but it seems that there are an awful lot of "conservatives" who are buying into Keynesian nonsense because it's coming from Donald Trump!
I would hope conservatives will oppose it regardless of who proposes it

I would HOPE that too... but it seems that there are an awful lot of "conservatives" who are buying into Keynesian nonsense because it's coming from Donald Trump!

Come on now... please tell me it didn't take until now to see that Trump supporters will buy into whatever he says no matter what?
I would hope conservatives will oppose it regardless of who proposes it

I would HOPE that too... but it seems that there are an awful lot of "conservatives" who are buying into Keynesian nonsense because it's coming from Donald Trump!

Come on now... please tell me it didn't take until now to see that Trump supporters will buy into whatever he says no matter what?

Not at all. I just find it fascinating that so many so-called conservatives are now espousing Keynesian policy they devoutly rejected just a few years ago because it's coming from Trump. These very same people want to denigrate me and hoot me down as not being a principled conservative.
Okay, I remember vividly how George W. Bush proposed a stimulus bill before he left office and most conservatives screamed bloody murder about that. I remember McCain suspending his campaign so he could jet off back to Washington to cast his vote for it... and we were all livid.

It was $800+ billion for infrastructure, education, creating jobs, etc. There was money for roads and bridges, it was going to end the recession, put people back to work... blah blah blah! Conservatives were standing on their ears about it!

Obama came in and passed a second stimulus bill and every Republican staunchly opposed it. Again, conservatives made the argument against this Keynesian nonsense but Congress passed it anyway... they managed to have a Gang of Whatever to get the votes.... taxpayers went on the hook for another trillion-dollar boondoggle to fix the damn roads and bridges again!

NOW.... Donald Trump says he wants to do a $500 billion stimulus to fix the roads and bridges! And his little fan club of supporters are cheering this example of brilliance from Trump. So I am really confused... Are stimulus bills now a good thing? AND... how many more of these are we going to need to fix the damn roads and bridges?

Obamas stimulus was just pay back for the votes..

Don't care who it is, trillion dollar stimulus bills are bad news, especially when you're $20 trillion in debt.
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Stimulus paid to bailout banks, phony companies (e.g., Solyndra) and labor unions (GM/UAW) is bad. Stimulus to promote real economic growth is good. Get it?

No, I don't get it because it's Keynesian nonsense. The best way for government to promote economic growth is to reduce government regulations and give us more FREEDOM rather than stimulus.
The problem with "stimulus" spending is that it becomes the new normal. New budgets are based on the old plus the stimulus, thus stimulus spending just becomes a way for Washington to permanently increase spending.
I hope that spending is offset by cuts to bogus climate change studies and subsidies. There is 125 billion dollars in bullshit spending in defense alone. I'm not even talking about diverting it out of defense though. I'm certain there waste and redundancy through ought the government that can be diverted to highways and shit.

Well, dream on... Trump is already meeting with Al Gore and buying into the Warmer nonsense.

The defense budget is the one thing our government is duly authorized to do under the Constitution. Granted, there is probably a lot of waste and redundancy in the defense budget just like all other departmental budgets but we need to cut the waste and return that money to the taxpayers. It's not the government's job to build fucking roads and bridges. As the poster above said, other than "post roads" there is no provision for this in the constitution. Now, we have an interstate highway system, and that's fine for the federal government to maintain.... I'm not opposed to that. But spending my tax dollars to build a bridge in New Hampshire... that's not my fucking problem! If they need a bridge, let them raise their property taxes and build their goddamn bridge like every other state does.

And see... here's the thing... in a Free Market System... whenever there is a need for a road or bridge, there are interested capitalists who are willing and able to fund such a project because they will benefit from it. Let the Free Market System handle that and get the government out of the fucking way!

US infrastructure is crumbling and it's costing the US jobs. Companies locate to countries where the infrastructure and education support their needs. The US is no longer that country.

Given that there's been a need for infrastructure spending for decades, and not one corporation has stepped up to build anything. Why would they? It would costs them money and reduce their profits. Everything is about profits. It's how corporations function.
Uhm... this is the THIRD time we've been told that our infrastructure is crumbling and we need a massive stimulus bill to address it. So what keeps happening to all these hundreds of billions of dollars we keep spending?

Where are the news stories of bridges collapsing due to deterioration? Where is the YouTube footage of cars crashing on the highways that are falling apart? Why aren't there news stories about roofs collapsing on school children?


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