Congress has already disqualified Trump from the ballot

I bet you wonder about a lot of where the sun goes at night....where corn comes babies are made.....where your poop goes when you flush... Life is mysterious, huh.
It's so fun reading your inane comments.
Just enforces the idea on exactly why trump ran as a (R).
He certainly knew his base.
I bet you wonder about a lot of where the sun goes at night....where corn comes babies are made.....where your poop goes when you flush... Life is mysterious, huh.
Have your fit.

So, last time, 10 House Republicans and 7 Senate Republicans voted to convict.

This time...?
He was acquitted, Simp.

Read this and weep.



Definition of acquit
as in to clear
to free from a charge of wrongdoing acquittedof the robbery charge after proving he was nowhere near the scene of the crime

Synonyms & Similar Words

If you or your Massa wer in a dictionary you'd have a point dumbass.
But as you clearly demonstrate in your every post, you are a dumbass.

But you see oh ye of nominal mind
We're not talking about dictionaries dumbass.
We're talking about law.
OJ was found not guilty just as Trump was, dumbass.
But OJ was tried in civil court and found to have murdered his ex wife, Dumbass.
His criminal trial did nothing to exonerate him, dumbass.

Are you secretly one of trump's "lawyers" dumbass?
He was found not guilty by the Senate. Stop whining. You folks had a chance and blew it. Now you want to pretend it didn't happen. Sad.
A clear majority found Trump guilty.
ERGO...he stands convicted, but unpunished.
lol, sometimes I think this forum is just here so we can go around in circles. In all my time, I’ve found it very very rare that two sides agree on anything.

This thread is no different. The two sides are not going to agree on this. It’s been hashed a hundred times and we haven’t gotten any closer together..

Who do we think we’re trying to convince?

Just sayin..
lol, sometimes I think this forum is just here so we can go around in circles. In all my time, I’ve found it very very rare that two sides agree on anything.

This thread is no different. The two sides are not going to agree on this. It’s been hashed a hundred times and we haven’t gotten any closer together..

Who do we think we’re trying to convince?

Just sayin..
I agree. We're dealing with stupid people who believe Trump is still guilty of something when he was acquitted. It's mind boggling stupidity on a level that's mind blowing.
You're the traitors trying to get rid of the Electoral College, not us.
Why does wanting the nation to amend the constitution for us to elect a president as one nation instead of fifty state elections make me a traitor? Do you think it would fundamentally change our Republican form of government?
Why does wanting the nation to amend the constitution for us to elect a president as one nation instead of fifty state elections make me a traitor? Do you think it would fundamentally change our Republican form of government?
Yes. If not for the Electoral College, the last four President's would have been Democrats instead of two Republicans and two democrats. Our founding fathers were very smart guys. Democracy is alive and well because of the Electoral College.
Not guilty of insurrection is an exoneration. Weep elsewhere.
Actually they universally decided he was guilty of insurrection. They just decided it was better to let the courts handle it.

Ask Moscow Mitch.
They didn't rule him not guilty.

In fact the main thing republicans said at the second impeachment was "let the courts decide".

Well guess what? They are about to have their chance.
Yep, and it's a long process.

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