Congress has already disqualified Trump from the ballot

If you or your Massa wer in a dictionary you'd have a point dumbass.
But as you clearly demonstrate in your every post, you are a dumbass.

But you see oh ye of nominal mind
We're not talking about dictionaries dumbass.
We're talking about law.
OJ was found not guilty just as Trump was, dumbass.
But OJ was tried in civil court and found to have murdered his ex wife, Dumbass.
His criminal trial did nothing to exonerate him, dumbass.

Are you secretly one of trump's "lawyers" dumbass?
Acquitted = Exonerated.

Funny how you moron Dimtards have to try to ignore the meaning of words to try to make your case.:auiqs.jpg:
Can I get on this circle jerk too? Just admit it, everything prevents Trump from running and winning - right until he accomplishes both.

Then afterwards, we can talk about Russian-Gate, the Sequel. And greater depths of indictments, the Sequels. Followed by a partial impeachment, part III.
Trump was exonerated in his second 'impeachment'. Therefore this 'opinion' is worthless. In fact it creates the opposite conditions you are claiming in regards to the 14th.

He was not exonerated. He escaped impeachment by a minority vote.
A VERY different thing..

He most certainly was found to have committed treason.
So the Supreme Court should take this in to consideration in their decision....

No, they shouldn't. Nor do I expect they will. They rule on conformity with the Constitution, not the political will of the Congress. And as I already pointed out, their ruling will be based on whether or not the A14S3 applies to a president, regardless of their involvement with an insurrection.
Trump was exonerated in his second 'impeachment'. Therefore this 'opinion' is worthless. In fact it creates the opposite conditions you are claiming in regards to the 14th.
It’s the same way the AGWCult never once posting an experiment linking increases in CO2 by 120PPM causes any measurable increase in temperature is PROOF of the AGW theory; it’s Bizzaroland
I believe Congress can ban Trump from office with a simple majority vote.
However, I disagree that the impeachment votes can be considered as choosing this action. Despie drawing majorities in both houses.
If the Congress, both Houses, were to vote on this bill or I believe such a vote would ban Trump from any federal office with a simple majority vote of each House.

That could very will be. Democrats would have to have won both houses in Congress though. And Trump would have had to already have won the election for that to happen. But that would be even worse for the country than letting him move back into the White House.
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A clear majority found Trump guilty.
ERGO...he stands convicted, but unpunished.

He was not convicted. Show me where the Constitution states a simple majority is all that is needed to convict someone who's been impeached?
An excellent opinion piece from Tristan Snell on CNN explains that in the course of Trump's second impeachment, a majority of the House and of the Senate voted that the events of January 6 were an insurrection and that Trump incited it. If the Supreme Court does not obey the clear text of our Constitution, this democracy is at an end.

You forget that the Senate did NOT convict Trump of insurrection--which J6 was not--or anything else. The House can impeach every day of the week and with no conviction there is no violation.

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