Congressional Repubs acting like feckless douches, who would have guessed?

You have to wonder how far back the democrats started working with Soros and the ChiComs to destroy the US economy to try to hurt Trumps chances at reelection.
Really? More nutbag conspiracy theories! Do all you dopes read the National Enquirer?
You have to wonder how far back the democrats started working with Soros and the ChiComs to destroy the US economy to try to hurt Trumps chances at reelection.
Really? More nutbag conspiracy theories! Do all you dopes read the National Enquirer?

Have the FBI review all correspondence between the Chicom military and democrat leadership as a matter of national security
The dems would be masturbating to this bill, only problem is the headline would’ve read “Bipartisan relief bill passed in the senate” instead of “Pelosi and House pass relief bill”. And they just can’t allow that, now can they.
One of the major sticking points for Dems is the unchecked discretion Mnuchin would have to dole out aid to corporations without having to reveal who the recipient was for 6 months.
First, why would the admin ask for such a provision? Two, why would anyone in their right mind trust this enormously corrupt admin to make decisions without oversight?
/—-/ "So we are staring down the barrel of the most profound employment crisis of our lifetime -- that’s not an exaggeration -- and what are Democrats doing?" asked Carlson. "Trying to automatically renew visas and work permits for all immigrants because their jobs are very important, way more important than yours. Democrats want to make certain that people who are replacing your job are secure and happy.” - Tucker
Leave it to Tucker to lie his ass off by completely misrepresenting the facts about the source of the conflict between Dems and the admin.

Dems seize on 'slush fund' to oppose Republican rescue package
Senate Democrats ripped a GOP proposal to give the Trump administration $500 billion in funds for companies with little oversight.

As Senate Democrats went to the floor Sunday night to vote — the first time they’d been there in days — they had one thing on their minds: a secret “slush fund” for Corporate America.

That’s what Democrats are calling a $500 billion “Exchange Stabilization Fund” included in the massive Senate GOP proposal to rescue the U.S. economy from the coronavirus crisis. The fund, which would come under the control of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, is designed to aid distressed industries. It includes $58 billion for U.S. airline and air cargo companies, a source of significant controversy during the last three days of closed-door talks between senators of both parties and the White House.

But the language drafted by Senate Republicans also allows Mnuchin to withhold the names of the companies that receive federal money and how much they get for up to six months if he so decides.
Imagine the lives that would be saved if the dems weren't spending all their time trying to remove the president from office.
Imagine the lives that could have been saved if Capt. Chaos had listened to the warnings about the virus and taken steps to prepare the country instead of spending time in FL playing golf.
yah, that obama was certainly a flunky
Even moderate West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin lashed out at the Republicans over the lack of controls on the Exchange Stabilization Fund.

“It’s throwing caution to the wind for the average person working on Main Street, it’s balls to the walls for the people working on Wall Street,” Manchin declared. “It’s the same ol’ story from Mitch McConnell.”

"I am a military service and war veteran. People who know I have served go out of their way to thank me for my service and I appreciate their regard every time.

Now, however, I call on all of you to thank every health-care worker and all frontline workers (pharmacy, grocery, take-out, gasoline, etc.) to thank them for their service. They are likely more frightened than you are of the virus and its fallout on their financial lives. These people are risking their personal health — and the health of the people they love — for you."

They deserve our gratitude and the financial assistance they need to continue their work caring for the sick. C'mon Repubs, do the right thing for once.

So how do you explain now tax rebates for green projects, airline fuel efficiency, and early voting will help the current pandemic?

Answer that, libtard!
So how do you explain now tax rebates for green projects, airline fuel efficiency, and early voting will help the current pandemic?
Provide a source for your info and I might consider responding. While you're researching that, explain your objection to adding measures to slow global warming and try to reverse the effects of Repub voter suppression. These are not things holding up passage of the bill. They are however little shiny objects put out there by right wing media to attract the attention of nitwits.
While the current bill would limit executive compensation and stock buybacks as a condition for new loans, Democrats said those conditions come with too many loopholes. Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., said Monday he would be willing to accept more restrictions on corporations, and that he wasn't alone among Republicans.

“Whatever you want to do to hold the big companies accountable, with transparency, I’m a Main Street guy and I’m OK with that,” Braun said. He said he would support stronger protections against stock buybacks, more immediate disclosure of loan recipients, restrictions on employers’ ability to fire workers at a later time, and lengthier restrictions on executive compensation.

So, yeah.......
So how do you explain now tax rebates for green projects, airline fuel efficiency, and early voting will help the current pandemic?
Provide a source for your info and I might consider responding. While you're researching that, explain your objection to adding measures to slow global warming and try to reverse the effects of Repub voter suppression. These are not things holding up passage of the bill. They are however little shiny objects put out there by right wing media to attract the attention of nitwits.

You won't respond simply because your libtard idiocy is all over the Internet. Google is your friend, dumbass!

The only nitwits are the libtards who threw these poison pills in the bill.
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While the current bill would limit executive compensation and stock buybacks as a condition for new loans, Democrats said those conditions come with too many loopholes. Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., said Monday he would be willing to accept more restrictions on corporations, and that he wasn't alone among Republicans.

“Whatever you want to do to hold the big companies accountable, with transparency, I’m a Main Street guy and I’m OK with that,” Braun said. He said he would support stronger protections against stock buybacks, more immediate disclosure of loan recipients, restrictions on employers’ ability to fire workers at a later time, and lengthier restrictions on executive compensation.

So, yeah.......
IOW, Dems are demanding more transparency, not repeating the mistakes of the 2009 bank bailouts, and making the aid directed at a bottom up approach that helps workers first. No wonder the Repubs hate it.
So how do you explain now tax rebates for green projects, airline fuel efficiency, and early voting will help the current pandemic?
Provide a source for your info and I might consider responding. While you're researching that, explain your objection to adding measures to slow global warming and try to reverse the effects of Repub voter suppression. These are not things holding up passage of the bill. They are however little shiny objects put out there by right wing media to attract the attention of nitwits.

You won't respond simply because your libtard idiocy is all over the Internet. Google is your friend, dumbass!

The only nitwits are the libtards who threw these poison pills in the bill.
How is allowing for early voting a poison pill? Oh.......wait.........I forgot..........Repubs don't like democracy if it allows people who they think will vote for Dems to vote.
I wonder what shiny little object right wing media will distract you weak minded rubes with next?
The dems would be masturbating to this bill, only problem is the headline would’ve read “Bipartisan relief bill passed in the senate” instead of “Pelosi and House pass relief bill”. And they just can’t allow that, now can they.
One of the major sticking points for Dems is the unchecked discretion Mnuchin would have to dole out aid to corporations without having to reveal who the recipient was for 6 months.
First, why would the admin ask for such a provision? Two, why would anyone in their right mind trust this enormously corrupt admin to make decisions without oversight?
/—-/ "So we are staring down the barrel of the most profound employment crisis of our lifetime -- that’s not an exaggeration -- and what are Democrats doing?" asked Carlson. "Trying to automatically renew visas and work permits for all immigrants because their jobs are very important, way more important than yours. Democrats want to make certain that people who are replacing your job are secure and happy.” - Tucker
Leave it to Tucker to lie his ass off by completely misrepresenting the facts about the source of the conflict between Dems and the admin.

So, Tucker is always wrong, and Rawstory is a beacon of truth?

So, Tucker is always wrong, and Rawstory is a beacon of truth?
What aspect of the reporting by Raw Story are you disputing? Are you aware the same reporting has been done by multiple news outlets?
I'm not saying Carlson is always wrong. But he does have a track record of lying.
So does Rawstory.
What aspect of the reporting by Raw Story are you disputing?

This reporting coincides with what Raw Story reported.

But Schumer said that there were still a "few outstanding issues," including hundreds of billions in aid to corporations that Democrats are calling a "slush fund." Democrats have also pointed to a provision they say would let Mnuchin authorize loans or grants but not disclose the recipients for six months.

Democrats late Sunday blocked the stimulus package from moving forward in the Senate.

"The bill still includes something that most Americans don't want to see. Large corporate bailouts with almost no strings attached," Schumer said on Monday.

What aspect of the reporting by Raw Story are you disputing?
So does Rawstory.
What aspect of the reporting by Raw Story are you disputing?

This reporting coincides with what Raw Story reported.

But Schumer said that there were still a "few outstanding issues," including hundreds of billions in aid to corporations that Democrats are calling a "slush fund." Democrats have also pointed to a provision they say would let Mnuchin authorize loans or grants but not disclose the recipients for six months.

Democrats late Sunday blocked the stimulus package from moving forward in the Senate.

"The bill still includes something that most Americans don't want to see. Large corporate bailouts with almost no strings attached," Schumer said on Monday.

What aspect of the reporting by Raw Story are you disputing?

they aren't known for facts.

I feel about Rawstroy the way you feel about Tucker.

they have a history of falsehoods and partisan reporting.

"The bill still includes something that most Americans don't want to see. Large corporate bailouts with almost no strings attached," Schumer said on Monday.

have you read the bill?

What does Schumer want in it that McConnell is against?
So does Rawstory.
What aspect of the reporting by Raw Story are you disputing?

This reporting coincides with what Raw Story reported.

But Schumer said that there were still a "few outstanding issues," including hundreds of billions in aid to corporations that Democrats are calling a "slush fund." Democrats have also pointed to a provision they say would let Mnuchin authorize loans or grants but not disclose the recipients for six months.

Democrats late Sunday blocked the stimulus package from moving forward in the Senate.

"The bill still includes something that most Americans don't want to see. Large corporate bailouts with almost no strings attached," Schumer said on Monday.

What aspect of the reporting by Raw Story are you disputing?

they aren't known for facts.

I feel about Rawstroy the way you feel about Tucker.

they have a history of falsehoods and partisan reporting.

"The bill still includes something that most Americans don't want to see. Large corporate bailouts with almost no strings attached," Schumer said on Monday.

have you read the bill?

What does Schumer want in it that McConnell is against?
It drives me crazy when people dismiss a story because they find the source suspect rather than taking the time to refute what is being reported. So.........once again..........what aspect of this particular story reported by RS are you disputing? Did you read the article, or the one written by The Hill?
Even moderate West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin lashed out at the Republicans over the lack of controls on the Exchange Stabilization Fund.

“It’s throwing caution to the wind for the average person working on Main Street, it’s balls to the walls for the people working on Wall Street,” Manchin declared. “It’s the same ol’ story from Mitch McConnell.”

Remember when, on the occasion of the impending Great Recession, Paulson came up with a three-page bill instituting a $700bn slush fund with virtually no Congressional oversight? And Republicans were all giddy for it. So yeah, one could say, “It’s the same ol’ story from Mitch McConnell.”

Who the heck actually thinks a viable, giant corporation couldn't get a loan on the free market to bridge a month or two of revenue shortfall? "Free market" - remember? That adorable thing that rights everything? Except for McConnell's sugar daddies...

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