Cons of repubs and dems


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Dems :
not willing to compromise
ignorant to truth
hates success
"share the wealth"
gun control
letting people die (see heartless)
new taxes (see obamacare)
global warming
Al Gore
pointing fingers
rehabilitation of criminals
big gov't
voted for Iraq war
No regard for property owners
Believe in weak National defense
Weak on criminals, crime
was for slavery
opposite of fiscal responsibility
view everything in black and white

Repubs :
not willing to compromise
hates abortion
no understanding of church and state
voted for Iraq war
some favorability of the wealthy
last in peace!
view everything in black and white
gay rights

Keep in mind, this is all I could think of at the moment. Considering the difference in con number between the 2.
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What a hopelessly biased and inaccurate list. Gallup will be contacting you for employment soon.
Repubs :
not willing to compromise
hates abortion
no understanding of church and state
voted for Iraq war
some favorability of the wealthy
last in peace!
view everything in black and white
gay rights
hate freedom
hate liberty
hate women
hate minorities
love huge government
love huge spending
would love a police state
want fascism
use the constitution as toilet paper
incredibly ignorant
lie all the time
love gay sex scandals
have the IQ's of a mentally ill baboon
love illegals
love china
hate jobs in america
love islam
love communists
puppets to their cronies
hate the middle class
hate the poor
hate grandma
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Repubs :
not willing to compromise
hates abortion
no understanding of church and state
voted for Iraq war
some favorability of the wealthy
last in peace!
view everything in black and white
gay rights
hate freedom
hate liberty
hate women
hate minorities
love huge government
love huge spending
would love a police state
want fascism
use the constitution as toilet paper
incredibly ignorant
lie all the time
love gay sex scandals
have the IQ's of a mentally ill baboon
love illegals
love china
hate jobs in america
love islam
love communists
puppets to their cronies
hate the middle class
hate the poor
hate grandma

Now that is a bad list. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on here. Congrats you full of shit partisan hack :clap2:
Repubs :
not willing to compromise
hates abortion
no understanding of church and state
voted for Iraq war
some favorability of the wealthy
last in peace!
view everything in black and white
gay rights
hate freedom
hate liberty
hate women
hate minorities
love huge government
love huge spending
would love a police state
want fascism
use the constitution as toilet paper
incredibly ignorant
lie all the time
love gay sex scandals
have the IQ's of a mentally ill baboon
love illegals
love china
hate jobs in america
love islam
love communists
puppets to their cronies
hate the middle class
hate the poor
hate grandma

Now that is a bad list. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on here. Congrats you full of shit partisan hack :clap2:

The truth hurts, doesn't it :clap2: :D
Lol the only truth I see is what you copied and pasted from my opening post. except for warmongers, which I stated. Hence, last in peace
Repubs :
not willing to compromise
hates abortion
no understanding of church and state
voted for Iraq war
some favorability of the wealthy
last in peace!
view everything in black and white
gay rights
hate freedom
hate liberty
hate women
hate minorities
love huge government
love huge spending
would love a police state
want fascism
use the constitution as toilet paper
incredibly ignorant
lie all the time
love gay sex scandals
have the IQ's of a mentally ill baboon
love illegals
love china
hate jobs in america
love islam
love communists
puppets to their cronies
hate the middle class
hate the poor
hate grandma

Wow there is not a single statement there that is true. In half of those you wind up contradicting yourself.

Is there a difference in this statement to me saying something like "anyone who is a practicing muslim, is a terrorist." Or "All blacks are gang-bangers." Except these statements do have a sliver of truth, i.e. yes there are muslim terrorist out there. Who the hell believes in fascism and communism at the same time? Or is a racist and a nazi but actually wants jobs in china and loves illegals? They all have an IQ of a baboon...yet if you are a married white male with a college education, statistically you'll vote Republican... How does that make sense?

To me there is no difference between hating someone for their skin color, than hating someone for their beliefs. Hating someone because they're a muslim, is no better than hating someone because they're black. Just like hating someone because they are catholic and hold catholic views, is just as bad as hating someone for being black. You hate them because they are different from you, its all about hate, not about color, religion, or points of views.

That being said the here is the real difference between the parties. Not biased at all, and both sides will agree with what I am saying

bigger government, government is the main solver of problems, or needs a bigger role than what it has.

The smaller the government, the bigger the citizen. Government has its place, but dependency should be limited.

The government should only do what it needs to survive or exist. I.e. laws in place that keep the citizens safe, some taxes to operate, very limited laws against business, very little interaction with citizens, almost no involvement in foreign affairs.
Repubs :
not willing to compromise
hates abortion
no understanding of church and state
voted for Iraq war
some favorability of the wealthy
last in peace!
view everything in black and white
gay rights
hate freedom
hate liberty
hate women
hate minorities
love huge government
love huge spending
would love a police state
want fascism
use the constitution as toilet paper
incredibly ignorant
lie all the time
love gay sex scandals
have the IQ's of a mentally ill baboon
love illegals
love china
hate jobs in america
love islam
love communists
puppets to their cronies
hate the middle class
hate the poor
hate grandma

Wow there is not a single statement there that is true. In half of those you wind up contradicting yourself.

Is there a difference in this statement to me saying something like "anyone who is a practicing muslim, is a terrorist." Or "All blacks are gang-bangers." Except these statements do have a sliver of truth, i.e. yes there are muslim terrorist out there. Who the hell believes in fascism and communism at the same time? Or is a racist and a nazi but actually wants jobs in china and loves illegals? They all have an IQ of a baboon...yet if you are a married white male with a college education, statistically you'll vote Republican... How does that make sense?

To me there is no difference between hating someone for their skin color, than hating someone for their beliefs. Hating someone because they're a muslim, is no better than hating someone because they're black. Just like hating someone because they are catholic and hold catholic views, is just as bad as hating someone for being black. You hate them because they are different from you, its all about hate, not about color, religion, or points of views.

That being said the here is the real difference between the parties. Not biased at all, and both sides will agree with what I am saying

bigger government, government is the main solver of problems, or needs a bigger role than what it has.

The smaller the government, the bigger the citizen. Government has its place, but dependency should be limited.

The government should only do what it needs to survive or exist. I.e. laws in place that keep the citizens safe, some taxes to operate, very limited laws against business, very little interaction with citizens, almost no involvement in foreign affairs.

The first ten I wrote. They are true. Not for everyone, just a basic outlook at the ideology.

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