Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

This is why we can't elect libertarians

We are stronger as THE UNITED STATES than a bunch of loosely affiliated states looking out only for themselves

Well of course you're going to say this, you're a devout Socialist Communist. You want to live in the Socialist Republic of America and not the United States OF America.

No one said anything about "loosely affiliated states" ...we are tightly affiliated as a union nation per our Constitution. There are specific things our Federal government is able to do collectively on our mutual behalf which can be done better as a union and that's why we have them. For instance, providing a military defense. Other advantages like having more power in trade agreements with other nations or providing benefits for veterans.... things the state is not delegated to do in the Constitution.

What it doesn't include are powers to tax everyone for things which are only going to benefit a specific few. That's a Marxist idea, and I don't mean that as an insult, it's just what it is by definition. From each according to ability, to each according to need.

Regardless of what you do, all taxes are going to hurt some areas more than others and all spending will help some more than others

There is no Constitutional requirement that every person be affected equally. It can't be done

What can be done is to do things that are to the benefit to the nation as a whole. Sometimes it may help one group, other times it will help another

That's why taxes should be rare and carefully deliberated and/or voted on by the general public.

The Constitutional requirement of Federal government is to provide for general welfare... that means "general" in that, it applies to all. AGAIN... IF we are going to become one nation state, we need to talk about how to dissolve the individual state entities because we're wasting a ton of money on something we don't need.
Here's the problem... The government CAN create jobs.... tons of them! Each job they create is paid for by the taxpayer and the rate of pay is determined by tenure and longevity rather than free market capitalist economics. There is essentially no relationship between pay and performance or production. Wages are determined by formulas and tables unrelated to the free market.

In a free market society, these government jobs often are in direct competition with the private sector, which means they force private businesses to offer higher pay to compete. This means the cost of living goes up the more government jobs we create.

The real pitfall is, we can never create enough government jobs to bail out a struggling economy. In fact, more government jobs being funded by the taxpayer has the opposite effect. To improve the economy, the overwhelming majority of new jobs created should come from private sector capitalists. Liberals hear those three words and go into epileptic seizures because they are anti-capitalist Socialists.

Government pay is determined by free market and comparisons to what equivalent private sector jobs are paying

Government jobs can be created to bail out a struggling economy. Infrastructure can be built, deferred maintenance can be performed, police, fire and teachers can be hired

If the economy is really struggling, we can always start a war

bullshit. look up the GS pay schedule. Most govt employees are paid more than their private industry counterparts.

The GS pay scale does not cover low wage jobs. Most of those have been contracted out. When comparing the wages of top managers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, doctors or almost any other field requiring a degree (most government jobs require a degree) you will find the government pays less
Yes the government can create jobs jobs where people are employed by the government the problem being everyone can't work for the government.

The Government can create jobs outside the Government
Defense jobs are created by the Government
Public infrastructure jobs are created by the Government
Much of R&D and scientific research is funded by the Government

Pay attention, THINK. Those jobs are paid for with tax collections. Jobs at Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Apple, or Staples are paid for by sales of products.

You cannot be so stupid that you can't understand the difference.
This is why we can't elect libertarians

We are stronger as THE UNITED STATES than a bunch of loosely affiliated states looking out only for themselves

Well of course you're going to say this, you're a devout Socialist Communist. You want to live in the Socialist Republic of America and not the United States OF America.

No one said anything about "loosely affiliated states" ...we are tightly affiliated as a union nation per our Constitution. There are specific things our Federal government is able to do collectively on our mutual behalf which can be done better as a union and that's why we have them. For instance, providing a military defense. Other advantages like having more power in trade agreements with other nations or providing benefits for veterans.... things the state is not delegated to do in the Constitution.

What it doesn't include are powers to tax everyone for things which are only going to benefit a specific few. That's a Marxist idea, and I don't mean that as an insult, it's just what it is by definition. From each according to ability, to each according to need.

Regardless of what you do, all taxes are going to hurt some areas more than others and all spending will help some more than others

There is no Constitutional requirement that every person be affected equally. It can't be done

What can be done is to do things that are to the benefit to the nation as a whole. Sometimes it may help one group, other times it will help another

That's why taxes should be rare and carefully deliberated and/or voted on by the general public.

The Constitutional requirement of Federal government is to provide for general welfare... that means "general" in that, it applies to all. AGAIN... IF we are going to become one nation state, we need to talk about how to dissolve the individual state entities because we're wasting a ton of money on something we don't need.

The job of Government is to do what needs to be done for the good of the country. We the People will decide what that is when we vote. Taxes need to be collected to cover those functions decided by the people
Here's the problem... The government CAN create jobs.... tons of them! Each job they create is paid for by the taxpayer and the rate of pay is determined by tenure and longevity rather than free market capitalist economics. There is essentially no relationship between pay and performance or production. Wages are determined by formulas and tables unrelated to the free market.

In a free market society, these government jobs often are in direct competition with the private sector, which means they force private businesses to offer higher pay to compete. This means the cost of living goes up the more government jobs we create.

The real pitfall is, we can never create enough government jobs to bail out a struggling economy. In fact, more government jobs being funded by the taxpayer has the opposite effect. To improve the economy, the overwhelming majority of new jobs created should come from private sector capitalists. Liberals hear those three words and go into epileptic seizures because they are anti-capitalist Socialists.

Government pay is determined by free market and comparisons to what equivalent private sector jobs are paying

Government jobs can be created to bail out a struggling economy. Infrastructure can be built, deferred maintenance can be performed, police, fire and teachers can be hired

If the economy is really struggling, we can always start a war

bullshit. look up the GS pay schedule. Most govt employees are paid more than their private industry counterparts.

The GS pay scale does not cover low wage jobs. Most of those have been contracted out. When comparing the wages of top managers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, doctors or almost any other field requiring a degree (most government jobs require a degree) you will find the government pays less

That is simply not true. A GS SES level employee is equivalent to a corporate director. The SES makes more in almost every case. I know because I worked with govt SES's most of my career.
The economic bonuses from the space program alone are staggering. Computers, satellite technology, the microwave oven, Tang!

The Conservatives would never concede that our economy is stronger now than it was on January 19, 2009. The hate blinds them of all truth.
Yes the government can create jobs jobs where people are employed by the government the problem being everyone can't work for the government.

The Government can create jobs outside the Government
Defense jobs are created by the Government
Public infrastructure jobs are created by the Government
Much of R&D and scientific research is funded by the Government

Pay attention, THINK. Those jobs are paid for with tax collections. Jobs at Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Apple, or Staples are paid for by sales of products.

You cannot be so stupid that you can't understand the difference.


Tha is what Government does. Collect taxes and provide services to the people. Executing those services creates jobs
This is why we can't elect libertarians

We are stronger as THE UNITED STATES than a bunch of loosely affiliated states looking out only for themselves

Well of course you're going to say this, you're a devout Socialist Communist. You want to live in the Socialist Republic of America and not the United States OF America.

No one said anything about "loosely affiliated states" ...we are tightly affiliated as a union nation per our Constitution. There are specific things our Federal government is able to do collectively on our mutual behalf which can be done better as a union and that's why we have them. For instance, providing a military defense. Other advantages like having more power in trade agreements with other nations or providing benefits for veterans.... things the state is not delegated to do in the Constitution.

What it doesn't include are powers to tax everyone for things which are only going to benefit a specific few. That's a Marxist idea, and I don't mean that as an insult, it's just what it is by definition. From each according to ability, to each according to need.

Regardless of what you do, all taxes are going to hurt some areas more than others and all spending will help some more than others

There is no Constitutional requirement that every person be affected equally. It can't be done

What can be done is to do things that are to the benefit to the nation as a whole. Sometimes it may help one group, other times it will help another

That's why taxes should be rare and carefully deliberated and/or voted on by the general public.

The Constitutional requirement of Federal government is to provide for general welfare... that means "general" in that, it applies to all. AGAIN... IF we are going to become one nation state, we need to talk about how to dissolve the individual state entities because we're wasting a ton of money on something we don't need.

The job of Government is to do what needs to be done for the good of the country. We the People will decide what that is when we vote. Taxes need to be collected to cover those functions decided by the people

Hmmm, then I guess you think the people should vote on things like gay marriage and govt funding abortions, right?
Yes the government can create jobs jobs where people are employed by the government the problem being everyone can't work for the government.

The Government can create jobs outside the Government
Defense jobs are created by the Government
Public infrastructure jobs are created by the Government
Much of R&D and scientific research is funded by the Government

Pay attention, THINK. Those jobs are paid for with tax collections. Jobs at Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Apple, or Staples are paid for by sales of products.

You cannot be so stupid that you can't understand the difference.


Tha is what Government does. Collect taxes and provide services to the people. Executing those services creates jobs

Damn, are you that thick? the govt can only create jobs if it creates more tax revenue. the money to pay govt salaries doesn't just magically appear.
Here's the problem... The government CAN create jobs.... tons of them! Each job they create is paid for by the taxpayer and the rate of pay is determined by tenure and longevity rather than free market capitalist economics. There is essentially no relationship between pay and performance or production. Wages are determined by formulas and tables unrelated to the free market.

In a free market society, these government jobs often are in direct competition with the private sector, which means they force private businesses to offer higher pay to compete. This means the cost of living goes up the more government jobs we create.

The real pitfall is, we can never create enough government jobs to bail out a struggling economy. In fact, more government jobs being funded by the taxpayer has the opposite effect. To improve the economy, the overwhelming majority of new jobs created should come from private sector capitalists. Liberals hear those three words and go into epileptic seizures because they are anti-capitalist Socialists.

Government pay is determined by free market and comparisons to what equivalent private sector jobs are paying

Government jobs can be created to bail out a struggling economy. Infrastructure can be built, deferred maintenance can be performed, police, fire and teachers can be hired

If the economy is really struggling, we can always start a war

bullshit. look up the GS pay schedule. Most govt employees are paid more than their private industry counterparts.

The GS pay scale does not cover low wage jobs. Most of those have been contracted out. When comparing the wages of top managers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, doctors or almost any other field requiring a degree (most government jobs require a degree) you will find the government pays less

That is simply not true. A GS SES level employee is equivalent to a corporate director. The SES makes more in almost every case. I know because I worked with govt SES's most of my career.

Are you serious?

Have you seen the SES payscale and compared them to top corporate executives?
The top SES makes maybe $250,000
Top corporate executives make tens of millions
Yes the government can create jobs jobs where people are employed by the government the problem being everyone can't work for the government.

The Government can create jobs outside the Government
Defense jobs are created by the Government
Public infrastructure jobs are created by the Government
Much of R&D and scientific research is funded by the Government
In the big picture those are small parts of the employment picture. But let's take a look at them the left loves to cut defense so you are also cutting jobs the stimulus was supposed to be for infrastructure and creating shovel ready jobs that didn't really do to much I haven't seen a lot of big jobs gains in the R&D and scientific research fields.
Yes the government can create jobs jobs where people are employed by the government the problem being everyone can't work for the government.

The Government can create jobs outside the Government
Defense jobs are created by the Government
Public infrastructure jobs are created by the Government
Much of R&D and scientific research is funded by the Government

Pay attention, THINK. Those jobs are paid for with tax collections. Jobs at Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Apple, or Staples are paid for by sales of products.

You cannot be so stupid that you can't understand the difference.


Tha is what Government does. Collect taxes and provide services to the people. Executing those services creates jobs

Damn, are you that thick? the govt can only create jobs if it creates more tax revenue. the money to pay govt salaries doesn't just magically appear.

Ummm shit Sherlock
Tax revenue funds the Government
The Government uses that revenue to provide services
Those services provide jobs in both the public and private sector
The economic bonuses from the space program alone are staggering. Computers, satellite technology, the microwave oven, Tang!

The Conservatives would never concede that our economy is stronger now than it was on January 19, 2009. The hate blinds them of all truth.

Yes, there were benefits from the space program. Why did Obozo cancel it?
Police = government jobs
Regulators of pollution and food = government jobs
The post office = government jobs

The government creates plenty of jobs. I wish the far right would grow the fuck up or stop driving on our tax dollar paid roads. They're foolish.
Here's the problem... The government CAN create jobs.... tons of them! Each job they create is paid for by the taxpayer and the rate of pay is determined by tenure and longevity rather than free market capitalist economics. There is essentially no relationship between pay and performance or production. Wages are determined by formulas and tables unrelated to the free market.

In a free market society, these government jobs often are in direct competition with the private sector, which means they force private businesses to offer higher pay to compete. This means the cost of living goes up the more government jobs we create.

The real pitfall is, we can never create enough government jobs to bail out a struggling economy. In fact, more government jobs being funded by the taxpayer has the opposite effect. To improve the economy, the overwhelming majority of new jobs created should come from private sector capitalists. Liberals hear those three words and go into epileptic seizures because they are anti-capitalist Socialists.

Government pay is determined by free market and comparisons to what equivalent private sector jobs are paying

Government jobs can be created to bail out a struggling economy. Infrastructure can be built, deferred maintenance can be performed, police, fire and teachers can be hired

If the economy is really struggling, we can always start a war

bullshit. look up the GS pay schedule. Most govt employees are paid more than their private industry counterparts.

The GS pay scale does not cover low wage jobs. Most of those have been contracted out. When comparing the wages of top managers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, doctors or almost any other field requiring a degree (most government jobs require a degree) you will find the government pays less

That is simply not true. A GS SES level employee is equivalent to a corporate director. The SES makes more in almost every case. I know because I worked with govt SES's most of my career.

Are you serious?

Have you seen the SES payscale and compared them to top corporate executives?
The top SES makes maybe $250,000
Top corporate executives make tens of millions

I said corporate directors as in the directors at a branch of Lockheed Martin or General Dynamics, not the members of the board of directors. For example, LM has a branch at Baltimore. It has a CEO, VPs, and Directors. The directors run a segment of the branch.

I should have been clearer since I am discussing this with a low IQ person, my mistake.
Police = government jobs
Regulators of pollution and food = government jobs
The post office = government jobs

The government creates plenty of jobs. I wish the far right would grow the fuck up or stop driving on our tax dollar paid roads. They're foolish.

OK Matt, if the govt were to "create" more of the jobs you listed, where would the money to pay the salaries come from? Any idea?
The economic bonuses from the space program alone are staggering. Computers, satellite technology, the microwave oven, Tang!

The Conservatives would never concede that our economy is stronger now than it was on January 19, 2009. The hate blinds them of all truth.

Yes, there were benefits from the space program. Why did Obozo cancel it?
Do you think the Republican congress would approve the spending?
Yes the government can create jobs jobs where people are employed by the government the problem being everyone can't work for the government.

The Government can create jobs outside the Government
Defense jobs are created by the Government
Public infrastructure jobs are created by the Government
Much of R&D and scientific research is funded by the Government

Pay attention, THINK. Those jobs are paid for with tax collections. Jobs at Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Apple, or Staples are paid for by sales of products.

You cannot be so stupid that you can't understand the difference.


Tha is what Government does. Collect taxes and provide services to the people. Executing those services creates jobs

Damn, are you that thick? the govt can only create jobs if it creates more tax revenue. the money to pay govt salaries doesn't just magically appear.

Ummm shit Sherlock
Tax revenue funds the Government
The Government uses that revenue to provide services
Those services provide jobs in both the public and private sector

Same question for you. If more govt jobs are "created" where does the money to pay them come from?

before you answer, we are already borrowing 40 cents of every dollar spent by the feds.
The economic bonuses from the space program alone are staggering. Computers, satellite technology, the microwave oven, Tang!

The Conservatives would never concede that our economy is stronger now than it was on January 19, 2009. The hate blinds them of all truth.

Yes, there were benefits from the space program. Why did Obozo cancel it?
Do you think the Republican congress would approve the spending?

They were never asked. Obozo just cancelled most of NASA on his own.
Government pay is determined by free market and comparisons to what equivalent private sector jobs are paying

Government jobs can be created to bail out a struggling economy. Infrastructure can be built, deferred maintenance can be performed, police, fire and teachers can be hired

If the economy is really struggling, we can always start a war

bullshit. look up the GS pay schedule. Most govt employees are paid more than their private industry counterparts.

The GS pay scale does not cover low wage jobs. Most of those have been contracted out. When comparing the wages of top managers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, doctors or almost any other field requiring a degree (most government jobs require a degree) you will find the government pays less

That is simply not true. A GS SES level employee is equivalent to a corporate director. The SES makes more in almost every case. I know because I worked with govt SES's most of my career.

Are you serious?

Have you seen the SES payscale and compared them to top corporate executives?
The top SES makes maybe $250,000
Top corporate executives make tens of millions

I said corporate directors as in the directors at a branch of Lockheed Martin or General Dynamics, not the members of the board of directors. For example, LM has a branch at Baltimore. It has a CEO, VPs, and Directors. The directors run a segment of the branch.

I should have been clearer since I am discussing this with a low IQ person, my mistake.

Apples to oranges
Even with Corporate Directors when you include salary, bonuses and stock options they make well in excess of what an SES is capped at

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