Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

Personally, I don't get all butt hurt over the level of Government that performs a function. Just determine where the function is most efficient and do it at that level.

Just because you do not benefit personally from a particular infrastructure does not mean you should not have to pay for it
A road, or bridge or dam on the other side of the country may not be doing you any good...but we, as a country benefit from having it

Again, if we are to be The State of America, we need to dissolve state governments. No need in having both to do the same things. It's just a stupid waste... like having a Senate and House. We should get rid of one of them... I'll be liberal and go with getting rid of the Senate since we won't have states anymore.

A road, or bridge or dam on the other side of the country may not be doing you any good...but we, as a country benefit from having it.

You've been out in the sun too long, you're not making sense. How does the country benefit from a road in California? That's my whole point... we don't benefit from it, as a country or individuals. The people of California do... in fact, it's a pretty sweet deal for them, they get the road and all the benefits but someone else is paying for it!

A first class road system benefits all states. Business in your state may want to ship to businesses in California. Those roads may help you even if you do not realize it
Some states are not as wealthy as others. They may not be able to finance a major dam, bridge or tunnel without federal aid. We are a United States not just a bunch of states that are united.
Collectively, our country does better than a bunch of individual states existing on their own

It was in the spirit of the military industrial complex that you got the interstate system, so why does the far left want to dismantle it?

After all the far left dismantled all the factories that helped build that system..
A private company could do it for half the price.

Bull shit. Another BIG LIE by another partisan hack. Libertarians are no different than utopian socialists. That is fixated on an idea, a fantasy, devoid of any critical thought or pragmatism.

A lot of typing to say nothing.
Are you saying a private company would hand out bonuses even when the employees fail miserably?
Look at the IRS for a perfect example of this.
A private company needs to make a profit,the government doesnt give a shit if they exceed their budget.

The CEO Bankruptcy Bonus - WSJ

The Highest-Paid CEOs Are The Worst Performers New Study Says - Forbes

Highest-Paid at Companies That Lost Money CEOs - Bloomberg Best and Worst

Twinkie CEO Admits Company Took Employees Pensions and Put It Toward Executive Pay Alternet

I guess human nature trumps (LOL) your opinion, as do the facts noted in the links above (The Donald makes me laugh).

Your statement, "the government doesnt give a shit if they exceed their budget." is total bullshit, an agency of the government cannot spend more than their budget, when the budgetary authority gives an agency of government their annual budget they must comply. There is no mechanism to pay for services not in the budget.

This simple fact is this is why most government agencies have shrunk, they didn't have enough in the bank to pay for labor costs, and either reduced hours for personnel (but not the work load, in fact it increased) and/or let staff go.

Each manager puts in writing to the executive management staff their wish list, each year wishes are cut and managers must either seek grant money or cut programs.

I retired at the end of 2005; several times I was asked to come back to the agency from which I retired and supervise projects or units. The last time I worked in this capacity was 2011 and my how things had changed. Clerks were few and deputies needed to type their own reports, makes copies, maintain files and other routine work not normally expected of line law enforcement.

You can get rid of a CEO that underperforms.
Yep, and you can overpay the incompetent CEO who unperformed too.

Just like any union worker..
Personally, I don't get all butt hurt over the level of Government that performs a function.

Well, it's not "butt hurt" at all... it's anger and resentment at abject morons who think like you.

Federal government was allowed to exist because it was enumerated a list of a few powers and everything else was delegated to the states and people to decide for themselves. At some point, morons decided the "general welfare" and "commerce clause" was intended to allow government free reign to do any damn thing it pleased without regard for the states and people.

Now we are inundated with idiots like you who've had the federal teat in your mouth all your life and don't know what you'd do without it. While the rest of us are busting our asses trying to keep our heads above water, pay our taxes and keep our kids clothed, fed and properly educated... you're out there dreaming up new Utopian fantasies about what MORE federal tax money can be blown on.

I believe that "We the People" should decide where those functions are properly performed rather than an 18th century aristocrat who has no perception of the workings of a modern society
Personally, I don't get all butt hurt over the level of Government that performs a function.

Well, it's not "butt hurt" at all... it's anger and resentment at abject morons who think like you.

Federal government was allowed to exist because it was enumerated a list of a few powers and everything else was delegated to the states and people to decide for themselves. At some point, morons decided the "general welfare" and "commerce clause" was intended to allow government free reign to do any damn thing it pleased without regard for the states and people.

Now we are inundated with idiots like you who've had the federal teat in your mouth all your life and don't know what you'd do without it. While the rest of us are busting our asses trying to keep our heads above water, pay our taxes and keep our kids clothed, fed and properly educated... you're out there dreaming up new Utopian fantasies about what MORE federal tax money can be blown on.

I believe that "We the People" should decide where those functions are properly performed rather than an 18th century aristocrat who has no perception of the workings of a modern society

And the far left religious talking points come out again..

As they ignore that the far left has destroyed that which created the infrastructure of the US because of the military industrial complex..
A first class road system benefits all states.

No it doesn't. A first class road system in California has absolutely NO effect on Alabama... NONE!

I'm afraid it does

Transportation, power, communications networks are all interrelated. There is a benefit to all if we have a modern, functioning system
Some states are not as wealthy as others. They may not be able to finance a major dam, bridge or tunnel without federal aid. We are a United States not just a bunch of states that are united.
Collectively, our country does better than a bunch of individual states existing on their own

Well it's too bad some states aren't as wealthy as others. I'm sorry... I wish they were more wealthy but it's really not my problem. If they can't finance it, that's tough... raise taxes if it's really needed. Or better yet, find a corporate entity to make the investment. If it's worthwhile, this won't be a problem.

We are united states... not a single state. The Constitution clearly makes this argument. The Federal government has a distinct role, enumerated (listed) powers... that's ALL they have! Everything that is not listed is left to the states and people respectively, according to the Constitution.
A first class road system benefits all states.

No it doesn't. A first class road system in California has absolutely NO effect on Alabama... NONE!

I'm afraid it does

Transportation, power, communications networks are all interrelated. There is a benefit to all if we have a modern, functioning system

And yet all done by the "New Deal" to support the military industrial complex that the far left wants to dismantle..
Liberals like FalseWinger fail to understand basic economics. Government generates and creates nothing, it is a drain on the productive.

If government can "create" jobs, why doesn't a struggling economy like Greece just "create" jobs to ameliorate their massive unemployment problem? Because those "jobs" have to be paid for with taxes. Who's going to pay those taxes? The invisible man? The struggling businesses?Germany? :lol:

Some people are too stupid for words......
Some states are not as wealthy as others. They may not be able to finance a major dam, bridge or tunnel without federal aid. We are a United States not just a bunch of states that are united.
Collectively, our country does better than a bunch of individual states existing on their own

Well it's too bad some states aren't as wealthy as others. I'm sorry... I wish they were more wealthy but it's really not my problem. If they can't finance it, that's tough... raise taxes if it's really needed. Or better yet, find a corporate entity to make the investment. If it's worthwhile, this won't be a problem.

We are united states... not a single state. The Constitution clearly makes this argument. The Federal government has a distinct role, enumerated (listed) powers... that's ALL they have! Everything that is not listed is left to the states and people respectively, according to the Constitution.

This is why we can't elect libertarians

We are stronger as THE UNITED STATES than a bunch of loosely affiliated states looking out only for themselves
Liberals like FalseWinger fail to understand basic economics. Government generates and creates nothing, it is a drain on the productive.

If government can "create" jobs, why doesn't a struggling economy like Greece just "create" jobs to ameliorate their massive unemployment problem? Because those "jobs" have to be paid for with taxes. Who's going to pay those taxes? The invisible man? The struggling businesses?Germany? :lol:

Some people are too stupid for words......

ALL societies need a government to function. That government does what its people think is best for the country as a whole

Business does not operate without government. Government creates jobs in both running the country and financing projects and performing those tasks which benefits all

Unlike conservative propaganda.......we are not Greece. We are the most powerful economy on the planet and we can't operate with a third world government
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You are as usual, confused.

The government does NOT create jobs and both Bush and Trump would tell you that. If you had a functioning brain cell to your name, you'd know what they meant but you are an idiot so it has to be explained to you.

What they mean is to create an environment where private businesses can create jobs. Like reducing taxes, giving tax incentives, cutting regulations, and basically getting the goverent out if the way.

Another ignorant left wing nut thread killed. My job is done here.

Who created the millions of jobs in the defense department? Including the men and women in uniform?

Who created public school teaching and non-teaching jobs?

Who created the jobs in law enforcement?

Who created the jobs for every business that has business with the government?

They bought them with taxpayer dollars. Those kind of jobs don't help the economy nut ball.
Goddamn you're ignorant! FYI, America has a war based economy. Every time peace breaks out, we go into recession. If the government doesn't use up those bullets and bombs, all the war machine contractors go out of business.

ZZZZzzzzz...your stupidity bores me.
This is why we can't elect libertarians

We are stronger as THE UNITED STATES than a bunch of loosely affiliated states looking out only for themselves

Well of course you're going to say this, you're a devout Socialist Communist. You want to live in the Socialist Republic of America and not the United States OF America.

No one said anything about "loosely affiliated states" ...we are tightly affiliated as a union nation per our Constitution. There are specific things our Federal government is able to do collectively on our mutual behalf which can be done better as a union and that's why we have them. For instance, providing a military defense. Other advantages like having more power in trade agreements with other nations or providing benefits for veterans.... things the state is not delegated to do in the Constitution.

What it doesn't include are powers to tax everyone for things which are only going to benefit a specific few. That's a Marxist idea, and I don't mean that as an insult, it's just what it is by definition. From each according to ability, to each according to need.
This is why we can't elect libertarians

We are stronger as THE UNITED STATES than a bunch of loosely affiliated states looking out only for themselves

Well of course you're going to say this, you're a devout Socialist Communist. You want to live in the Socialist Republic of America and not the United States OF America.

No one said anything about "loosely affiliated states" ...we are tightly affiliated as a union nation per our Constitution. There are specific things our Federal government is able to do collectively on our mutual behalf which can be done better as a union and that's why we have them. For instance, providing a military defense. Other advantages like having more power in trade agreements with other nations or providing benefits for veterans.... things the state is not delegated to do in the Constitution.

What it doesn't include are powers to tax everyone for things which are only going to benefit a specific few. That's a Marxist idea, and I don't mean that as an insult, it's just what it is by definition. From each according to ability, to each according to need.

Regardless of what you do, all taxes are going to hurt some areas more than others and all spending will help some more than others

There is no Constitutional requirement that every person be affected equally. It can't be done

What can be done is to do things that are to the benefit to the nation as a whole. Sometimes it may help one group, other times it will help another
When roads are paved, sewer and water lines are installed, ports and rivers are dredged, the Defense Department grants a contract, fires are doused, criminals are apprehended, terrorists are killed or captured, ancillary businesses open around businesses growing as a result of a government contract, the proof is clear that government creates jobs.

Now, soon we will hear Republican candidates claiming they will create jobs. Are they liars in the same vein Conservatives are? No doubt they will get a pass from the Conservative posters here.

If Obama said he wanted every American to love their parents, Conservatives would, no doubt, object. The political blinders are firmly on the heads of the Conservatives. Those blinders block out both truth and their own hypocrisy.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

one day we will be employed by the government.... Who will we tax to pay for them then?
Here's the problem... The government CAN create jobs.... tons of them! Each job they create is paid for by the taxpayer and the rate of pay is determined by tenure and longevity rather than free market capitalist economics. There is essentially no relationship between pay and performance or production. Wages are determined by formulas and tables unrelated to the free market.

In a free market society, these government jobs often are in direct competition with the private sector, which means they force private businesses to offer higher pay to compete. This means the cost of living goes up the more government jobs we create.

The real pitfall is, we can never create enough government jobs to bail out a struggling economy. In fact, more government jobs being funded by the taxpayer has the opposite effect. To improve the economy, the overwhelming majority of new jobs created should come from private sector capitalists. Liberals hear those three words and go into epileptic seizures because they are anti-capitalist Socialists.

Government pay is determined by free market and comparisons to what equivalent private sector jobs are paying

Government jobs can be created to bail out a struggling economy. Infrastructure can be built, deferred maintenance can be performed, police, fire and teachers can be hired

If the economy is really struggling, we can always start a war

bullshit. look up the GS pay schedule. Most govt employees are paid more than their private industry counterparts.
Yes the government can create jobs jobs where people are employed by the government the problem being everyone can't work for the government.

The Government can create jobs outside the Government
Defense jobs are created by the Government
Public infrastructure jobs are created by the Government
Much of R&D and scientific research is funded by the Government

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