Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

bullshit. look up the GS pay schedule. Most govt employees are paid more than their private industry counterparts.

The GS pay scale does not cover low wage jobs. Most of those have been contracted out. When comparing the wages of top managers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, doctors or almost any other field requiring a degree (most government jobs require a degree) you will find the government pays less

That is simply not true. A GS SES level employee is equivalent to a corporate director. The SES makes more in almost every case. I know because I worked with govt SES's most of my career.

Are you serious?

Have you seen the SES payscale and compared them to top corporate executives?
The top SES makes maybe $250,000
Top corporate executives make tens of millions

I said corporate directors as in the directors at a branch of Lockheed Martin or General Dynamics, not the members of the board of directors. For example, LM has a branch at Baltimore. It has a CEO, VPs, and Directors. The directors run a segment of the branch.

I should have been clearer since I am discussing this with a low IQ person, my mistake.

Apples to oranges
Even with Corporate Directors when you include salary, bonuses and stock options they make well in excess of what an SES is capped at

You do realize that govt employees get bonuses don't you? I can tell you from experience that the total compensation of an SES is equal to or more than most corporate directors
Police = government jobs
Regulators of pollution and food = government jobs
The post office = government jobs

The government creates plenty of jobs. I wish the far right would grow the fuck up or stop driving on our tax dollar paid roads. They're foolish.

Get's my vote for dumbfuck post of the day!

Liberals like FalseWinger fail to understand basic economics. Government generates and creates nothing, it is a drain on the productive.

If government can "create" jobs, why doesn't a struggling economy like Greece just "create" jobs to ameliorate their massive unemployment problem? Because those "jobs" have to be paid for with taxes. Who's going to pay those taxes? The invisible man? The struggling businesses?Germany? :lol:

Some people are too stupid for words......

ALL societies need a government to function. That government does what its people think is best for the country as a whole

Business does not operate without government. Government creates jobs in both running the country and financing projects and performing those tasks which benefits all

Unlike conservative propaganda.......we are not Greece. We are the most powerful economy on the planet and we can't operate with a third world government

Thanks Capatin Obvious. Everyone agrees that we need to accept a certain amount of government spending. That doesn't change the fact that government is a net drain on the economy.

You need to break out an econ 101 book, you're woefully ill informed about the most basic functions of an economy.....
Yes the government can create jobs jobs where people are employed by the government the problem being everyone can't work for the government.

The Government can create jobs outside the Government
Defense jobs are created by the Government
Public infrastructure jobs are created by the Government
Much of R&D and scientific research is funded by the Government

Pay attention, THINK. Those jobs are paid for with tax collections. Jobs at Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Apple, or Staples are paid for by sales of products.

You cannot be so stupid that you can't understand the difference.

Uh, yes, Yes he can.
Some states are not as wealthy as others. They may not be able to finance a major dam, bridge or tunnel without federal aid. We are a United States not just a bunch of states that are united.
Collectively, our country does better than a bunch of individual states existing on their own

Well it's too bad some states aren't as wealthy as others. I'm sorry... I wish they were more wealthy but it's really not my problem. If they can't finance it, that's tough... raise taxes if it's really needed. Or better yet, find a corporate entity to make the investment. If it's worthwhile, this won't be a problem.

We are united states... not a single state. The Constitution clearly makes this argument. The Federal government has a distinct role, enumerated (listed) powers... that's ALL they have! Everything that is not listed is left to the states and people respectively, according to the Constitution.

This is why we can't elect libertarians

We are stronger as THE UNITED STATES than a bunch of loosely affiliated states looking out only for themselves

Which is why the Articles of Confederation needed to be junked.
The GS pay scale does not cover low wage jobs. Most of those have been contracted out. When comparing the wages of top managers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, doctors or almost any other field requiring a degree (most government jobs require a degree) you will find the government pays less

That is simply not true. A GS SES level employee is equivalent to a corporate director. The SES makes more in almost every case. I know because I worked with govt SES's most of my career.

Are you serious?

Have you seen the SES payscale and compared them to top corporate executives?
The top SES makes maybe $250,000
Top corporate executives make tens of millions

I said corporate directors as in the directors at a branch of Lockheed Martin or General Dynamics, not the members of the board of directors. For example, LM has a branch at Baltimore. It has a CEO, VPs, and Directors. The directors run a segment of the branch.

I should have been clearer since I am discussing this with a low IQ person, my mistake.

Apples to oranges
Even with Corporate Directors when you include salary, bonuses and stock options they make well in excess of what an SES is capped at

You do realize that govt employees get bonuses don't you? I can tell you from experience that the total compensation of an SES is equal to or more than most corporate directors

Govt employee bonuses are typically in the $500 to $2000 range
SES can get around $10000

Corporate directors, VPs and CEOs ......the sky is the limit
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You surely must be joking. I mean, really. You must be joking.

But, in case you're not joking, Trump is not talking creating jobs through government make-work programs. He's talking about creating jobs by getting rid of job-killing government policies, by restoring fiscal sanity to the federal budget, and by fixing our suicidal trade policy. He would reduce government's footprint, not expand it.
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Liberals like FalseWinger fail to understand basic economics. Government generates and creates nothing, it is a drain on the productive.

If government can "create" jobs, why doesn't a struggling economy like Greece just "create" jobs to ameliorate their massive unemployment problem? Because those "jobs" have to be paid for with taxes. Who's going to pay those taxes? The invisible man? The struggling businesses?Germany? :lol:

Some people are too stupid for words......

ALL societies need a government to function. That government does what its people think is best for the country as a whole

Business does not operate without government. Government creates jobs in both running the country and financing projects and performing those tasks which benefits all

Unlike conservative propaganda.......we are not Greece. We are the most powerful economy on the planet and we can't operate with a third world government

Thanks Capatin Obvious. Everyone agrees that we need to accept a certain amount of government spending. That doesn't change the fact that government is a net drain on the economy.

You need to break out an econ 101 book, you're woefully ill informed about the most basic functions of an economy.....
No, the government is not a net drain on the economy. Both business and the public rely on it to function
Government provides services that cannot be replicated in the private sector.....everyone benefits
Liberals like FalseWinger fail to understand basic economics. Government generates and creates nothing, it is a drain on the productive.

If government can "create" jobs, why doesn't a struggling economy like Greece just "create" jobs to ameliorate their massive unemployment problem? Because those "jobs" have to be paid for with taxes. Who's going to pay those taxes? The invisible man? The struggling businesses?Germany? :lol:

Some people are too stupid for words......

ALL societies need a government to function. That government does what its people think is best for the country as a whole

Business does not operate without government. Government creates jobs in both running the country and financing projects and performing those tasks which benefits all

Unlike conservative propaganda.......we are not Greece. We are the most powerful economy on the planet and we can't operate with a third world government

Thanks Capatin Obvious. Everyone agrees that we need to accept a certain amount of government spending. That doesn't change the fact that government is a net drain on the economy.

You need to break out an econ 101 book, you're woefully ill informed about the most basic functions of an economy.....
No, the government is not a net drain on the economy. Both business and the public rely on it to function
Government provides services that cannot be replicated in the private sector.....everyone benefits

Thanks for confirming your total ignorance of basic economics. :thup:
Liberals like FalseWinger fail to understand basic economics. Government generates and creates nothing, it is a drain on the productive.

If government can "create" jobs, why doesn't a struggling economy like Greece just "create" jobs to ameliorate their massive unemployment problem? Because those "jobs" have to be paid for with taxes. Who's going to pay those taxes? The invisible man? The struggling businesses?Germany? :lol:

Some people are too stupid for words......

ALL societies need a government to function. That government does what its people think is best for the country as a whole

Business does not operate without government. Government creates jobs in both running the country and financing projects and performing those tasks which benefits all

Unlike conservative propaganda.......we are not Greece. We are the most powerful economy on the planet and we can't operate with a third world government

Thanks Capatin Obvious. Everyone agrees that we need to accept a certain amount of government spending. That doesn't change the fact that government is a net drain on the economy.

You need to break out an econ 101 book, you're woefully ill informed about the most basic functions of an economy.....
No, the government is not a net drain on the economy. Both business and the public rely on it to function
Government provides services that cannot be replicated in the private sector.....everyone benefits

Thanks for confirming your total ignorance of basic economics. :thup:
Roads and infrastructure help the economy
Police and fire help the economy
Schools help the economy

Show me a single country with a government that provides negligible services and protection that has a booming economy
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You are as usual, confused.

The government does NOT create jobs and both Bush and Trump would tell you that. If you had a functioning brain cell to your name, you'd know what they meant but you are an idiot so it has to be explained to you.

What they mean is to create an environment where private businesses can create jobs. Like reducing taxes, giving tax incentives, cutting regulations, and basically getting the goverent out if the way.

Another ignorant left wing nut thread killed. My job is done here.

Who created the millions of jobs in the defense department? Including the men and women in uniform?

Who created public school teaching and non-teaching jobs?

Who created the jobs in law enforcement?

Who created the jobs for every business that has business with the government?
Without the government, the war machine contractors wouldn't exist.

And the downside to that is.....?
The job of Government is to do what needs to be done for the good of the country. We the People will decide what that is when we vote. Taxes need to be collected to cover those functions decided by the people

But that's NOT the job of the Federal government according to the Constitution. That's our problem here, you don't seem to understand the Constitution and limited Federal powers. If it is not specifically enumerated, it's NOT the job of Federal government. "What needs to be done" is ambiguous and subjective... you and I don't agree on what that is... "for the good" is also subjective, again, you and I don't agree on what's good. We elect people to represent our views in Congress and they swear an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Now, if something comes along that our representatives agree on that benefits most everyone collectively, like the interstate highway system, they can adopt legislation to fund it. But Federal government funding everything liberals think is "good and needed" and can manage to cram through while they have a majority... that's not in the Constitution, nor is it how the founding fathers ever intended this country to operate.
The job of Government is to do what needs to be done for the good of the country. We the People will decide what that is when we vote. Taxes need to be collected to cover those functions decided by the people

But that's NOT the job of the Federal government according to the Constitution. That's our problem here, you don't seem to understand the Constitution and limited Federal powers. If it is not specifically enumerated, it's NOT the job of Federal government. "What needs to be done" is ambiguous and subjective... you and I don't agree on what that is... "for the good" is also subjective, again, you and I don't agree on what's good. We elect people to represent our views in Congress and they swear an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Now, if something comes along that our representatives agree on that benefits most everyone collectively, like the interstate highway system, they can adopt legislation to fund it. But Federal government funding everything liberals think is "good and needed" and can manage to cram through while they have a majority... that's not in the Constitution, nor is it how the founding fathers ever intended this country to operate.
The courts disagree with you on the role of the federal government

You lose
Liberals like FalseWinger fail to understand basic economics. Government generates and creates nothing, it is a drain on the productive.

If government can "create" jobs, why doesn't a struggling economy like Greece just "create" jobs to ameliorate their massive unemployment problem? Because those "jobs" have to be paid for with taxes. Who's going to pay those taxes? The invisible man? The struggling businesses?Germany? :lol:

Some people are too stupid for words......

ALL societies need a government to function. That government does what its people think is best for the country as a whole

Business does not operate without government. Government creates jobs in both running the country and financing projects and performing those tasks which benefits all

Unlike conservative propaganda.......we are not Greece. We are the most powerful economy on the planet and we can't operate with a third world government

Thanks Capatin Obvious. Everyone agrees that we need to accept a certain amount of government spending. That doesn't change the fact that government is a net drain on the economy.

You need to break out an econ 101 book, you're woefully ill informed about the most basic functions of an economy.....
No, the government is not a net drain on the economy. Both business and the public rely on it to function
Government provides services that cannot be replicated in the private sector.....everyone benefits

Thanks for confirming your total ignorance of basic economics. :thup:
Roads and infrastructure help the economy
Police and fire help the economy
Schools help the economy

Show me a single country with a government that provides negligible services and protection that has a booming economy're dense.....

The facts are simple- Government spending is a drain on the economy. There isn’t any net gain from government spending since it’s offset by the taxes needed to pay for it, taxes that reduce private sector spending. . The private sector pays all the bills. Government doesn’t have any money other than what it extracts from the private sector.

Don't take my word for it fakewinger, just read any basic economics textbook.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You fools never get this right. Obama's policies have hurt jobs growth, yet jobs are being created in spite of the idiot's policies, he doesn't get to claim credit for that. These candidates are saying their policies will encourage jobs growth, learn the difference.
Roads and infrastructure help the economy
Police and fire help the economy
Schools help the economy

Show me a single country with a government that provides negligible services and protection that has a booming economy

Rapes and murders help the economy.
Burglary and theft help the economy.
Wars help the economy.
Catastrophes help the economy.
Serial killers help the economy.

No one here has suggested "negligible services and protection" so where the fuck are you getting that? Why is it that when people disagree with you turning us into Socialists, you start crying about us wanting to disband government entirely and not have one? No one said that, no one implied it. I've said all along, the Constitution has a specific role for the Federal government. I believe in the Constitution and think we ought to abide by it. It doesn't call for banning all government services and protection... it specifically outlines the enumerated powers of Federal government, which I have absolutely NO problem with whatsoever.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You fools never get this right. Obama's policies have hurt jobs growth, yet jobs are being created in spite of the idiot's policies, he doesn't get to claim credit for that. These candidates are saying their policies will encourage jobs growth, learn the difference.

Eight million jobs since 2009

Doesn't look like he has hurt job growth
Want to tell us about all the jobs created by trickle down?
Roads and infrastructure help the economy
Police and fire help the economy
Schools help the economy

Show me a single country with a government that provides negligible services and protection that has a booming economy

Rapes and murders help the economy.
Burglary and theft help the economy.
Wars help the economy.
Catastrophes help the economy.
Serial killers help the economy.

No one here has suggested "negligible services and protection" so where the fuck are you getting that? Why is it that when people disagree with you turning us into Socialists, you start crying about us wanting to disband government entirely and not have one? No one said that, no one implied it. I've said all along, the Constitution has a specific role for the Federal government. I believe in the Constitution and think we ought to abide by it. It doesn't call for banning all government services and protection... it specifically outlines the enumerated powers of Federal government, which I have absolutely NO problem with whatsoever.
Your perspective on the Constitution is not supported by two hundred years of rulings

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