Conservatives and the media


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
1,940 seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1: seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:

The future?

One of journalistic standards perhaps? seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:

False equivalence. There is no comparison between FOX and CNN.

MSNBC is closer to FOX, but at MSNBC they issue retractions and don't use questions as a form of news reporting.

Sorry. FOX is in a world by itself. seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:

False equivalence. There is no comparison between FOX and CNN.

MSNBC is closer to FOX, but at MSNBC they issue retractions and don't use questions as a form of news reporting.

Sorry. FOX is in a world by itself.

As I see it, Fox fills the void that no other network does. They wouldn't have to provide Conservative coverage if other networks who came before them had shown some semblance of balance. They were born out of the fact that noone was covering Conservative opinion.
Most of the MSM is COLLUDING with big such, the MSM promotes big unlimited government. It is the GOVERNMENT MEDIA COMPLEX.

When something like 90% of the MSM is controlled by six billionaire corporations lead by six extremely wealthy men, you can expect the continuance of propaganda masquerading as news.
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9b4a93_b4a07dd160314c048b42e6d5f43df48b~mv2.jpg_srz_369_380_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:
with freedom comes responsibility.

they are beyond reason at this point. there is no freedom to go after ratings nor change the intent of people they intrrview.
Ties that bind.

What is most amusing is Hillary had control of much of the MSM, via the many LWNJ 'reporters' who blatantly supported her campaign...and she still lost.

Perhaps they need to finally realize that the people in this country are fed up with their crap and their lies.

The Media has been exposed for what they really are now. They don't like being exposed. Too dang bad.

They need to reap it.
The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and InfoWars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and Info Wars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
Lie to me once. Shame on you.

Lie to me Twice. Shame on me.

They have lost all credibility. No need to listen to a pack of Liars anymore. seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:

False equivalence. There is no comparison between FOX and CNN.

MSNBC is closer to FOX, but at MSNBC they issue retractions and don't use questions as a form of news reporting.

Sorry. FOX is in a world by itself.

As I see it, Fox fills the void that no other network does. They wouldn't have to provide Conservative coverage if other networks who came before them had shown some semblance of balance. They were born out of the fact that noone was covering Conservative opinion.


Nutbags lie you think standard news ( NBC, CBS, ABC ) are liberal because facts are liberal. Journalists are fact driven. Their bias comes simply from having the facts at their disposal.

FOX purposefully misrepresents facts to appease it's audience. When facts are told, FOX viewers don't watch.

MSNBC is the reaction to FOX. Not the reason for it.

Take responsibility.

This isn't my opinion. This is simple fact.
The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and Info Wars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
Lie to me once. Shame on you.

Lie to me Twice. Shame on me.

They have lost all credibility. No need to listen to a pack of Liars anymore.
Case in point.
The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and Info Wars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
Lie to me once. Shame on you.

Lie to me Twice. Shame on me.

They have lost all credibility. No need to listen to a pack of Liars anymore.
Case in point.
Proud to make that point.

If you choose to listen to the LIars..................that is your problem and not mine.


Enjoy watching with their ever shrinking ratings.
The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and Info Wars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
Lie to me once. Shame on you.

Lie to me Twice. Shame on me.

They have lost all credibility. No need to listen to a pack of Liars anymore.

The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and Info Wars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
Lie to me once. Shame on you.

Lie to me Twice. Shame on me.

They have lost all credibility. No need to listen to a pack of Liars anymore.

I support Trump. Damn skippy. But believe every damned thing anyone says.....

Not a chance in Hell.

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