Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Outed as a rotten POS who wants to use illegals for cheap labor at the cost of American low skilled workers and taxpayers.

You are a traitor.

Yes, the reason that low skill Americans don't do those jobs is because the wages are artificially low due to the importation of illegals to do them
false! the wages are low because the employers want as large a profit as possible .

Look, you have obviously been backed into a corner, and all you have left is to scream and pout. It's not working. Nobody is buying it. Employers hire illegals because they can pay them less and they don't have to follow our laws about safety and working conditions.
false! if I had been you would not being playing the false accusation card the your party's talking point card and the ultimate appeal to the masses and appeal from ignorance ploys .
fact is you lost before you stared.

I don't have a "party." I make my own decisions by researching and using common sense. I've posted the facts which are:

1. Employers hire illegals because they can skirt the laws.
2. Illegals do not really help our economy at all. If they do at all, it is negligible.
3. They cost taxpayers more money when they get sick because they, most oftentimes, do not have employer provided health insurance coverage.
4. Employers who hire these illegals offer bad working conditions and take advantage of the illegal workers.
5. Americans have always done and still do these types of jobs. In fact, there are more American workers doing these jobs than illegals, because a company could not get away with hiring a majority or ALL illegals for their staff.

Now, which of the above do you say is false and explain why.

Also, why do you advocate for illegal immigration? What is your reason for being an illegal immigration supporter?
Yes, the reason that low skill Americans don't do those jobs is because the wages are artificially low due to the importation of illegals to do them
false! the wages are low because the employers want as large a profit as possible .

Look, you have obviously been backed into a corner, and all you have left is to scream and pout. It's not working. Nobody is buying it. Employers hire illegals because they can pay them less and they don't have to follow our laws about safety and working conditions.
false! if I had been you would not being playing the false accusation card the your party's talking point card and the ultimate appeal to the masses and appeal from ignorance ploys .
fact is you lost before you stared.

I don't have a "party." I make my own decisions by researching and using common sense. I've posted the facts which are:

1. Employers hire illegals because they can skirt the laws.
2. Illegals do not really help our economy at all. If they do at all, it is negligible.
3. They cost taxpayers more money when they get sick because they, most oftentimes, do not have employer provided health insurance coverage.
4. Employers who hire these illegals offer bad working conditions and take advantage of the illegal workers.
5. Americans have always done and still do these types of jobs. In fact, there are more American workers doing these jobs than illegals, because a company could not get away with hiring a majority or ALL illegals for their staff.

Now, which of the above do you say is false and explain why.

Also, why do you advocate for illegal immigration? What is your reason for being an illegal immigration supporter?

I knew it. You cannot do it. :D You don't have a leg to stand on in this argument. You can't even explain your own positions! :lol: You are nothing but a ridiculous blustering clown.
BullShit for every link she's posted I've posted two refuting it .
count them. slapdick.

Lol! You have not. You've posted "talking points" from your party. You are a partisan hack, only capable of parroting your party's talking points without giving it any though as to the "why." You are a douche.
not the talking points ploy again!
classic indication of desperation.

The only one desperate here is you. :2up:

Why do you advocate for illegal and undocumented people to be in this country?
never said or implied I did .
and I'm not advocating just stating fact ,a concept that's appears to be beyond your capacity to understand.

What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.
...That cost seems inflated.

And we are past the point of nuanced discussions of cost effectiveness.

Anger is more called for.....
So what do you think it will cost? If you say it doesn't matter because Mexico will pay for it, then I have some swimming pool tickets at the Empire State building to sell you.

Disagreed. Saying "past the point of nuanced discussions of cost effectiveness" is the same argument the Democrats use to increase the national budget.

Disagreed. Saying "Anger is more called for" is an emotional argument. Again, the same as the Democrats use.

1. Not sur
...That cost seems inflated.

And we are past the point of nuanced discussions of cost effectiveness.

Anger is more called for.....
So what do you think it will cost? If you say it doesn't matter because Mexico will pay for it, then I have some swimming pool tickets at the Empire State building to sell you.

Disagreed. Saying "past the point of nuanced discussions of cost effectiveness" is the same argument the Democrats use to increase the national budget.

Disagreed. Saying "Anger is more called for" is an emotional argument. Again, the same as the Democrats use.

1. Don't really care. More than willing to see the higher price paid.

2. Your assumption that Trump can't make Mexico pay or put the cost on Mexico in some fashion is you being used to American leaders who are comfortable being the bitch in every relationship.

3. No, we've been discussing a Wall for decades. Nuanced discussion has been abused as a delaying tactic for too long. Time to act.

4. No, it is not. We have a neighbor(s) who have been very, very unfriendly towards US. Anger is the rational response.
Lol! You have not. You've posted "talking points" from your party. You are a partisan hack, only capable of parroting your party's talking points without giving it any though as to the "why." You are a douche.
not the talking points ploy again!
classic indication of desperation.

The only one desperate here is you. :2up:

Why do you advocate for illegal and undocumented people to be in this country?
never said or implied I did .
and I'm not advocating just stating fact ,a concept that's appears to be beyond your capacity to understand.

What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

Such as? What facts have you provided in this discussion? You can't even state your own position because you don't know why you support illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
false! the wages are low because the employers want as large a profit as possible .

Look, you have obviously been backed into a corner, and all you have left is to scream and pout. It's not working. Nobody is buying it. Employers hire illegals because they can pay them less and they don't have to follow our laws about safety and working conditions.
false! if I had been you would not being playing the false accusation card the your party's talking point card and the ultimate appeal to the masses and appeal from ignorance ploys .
fact is you lost before you stared.

I don't have a "party." I make my own decisions by researching and using common sense. I've posted the facts which are:

1. Employers hire illegals because they can skirt the laws.
2. Illegals do not really help our economy at all. If they do at all, it is negligible.
3. They cost taxpayers more money when they get sick because they, most oftentimes, do not have employer provided health insurance coverage.
4. Employers who hire these illegals offer bad working conditions and take advantage of the illegal workers.
5. Americans have always done and still do these types of jobs. In fact, there are more American workers doing these jobs than illegals, because a company could not get away with hiring a majority or ALL illegals for their staff.

Now, which of the above do you say is false and explain why.

Also, why do you advocate for illegal immigration? What is your reason for being an illegal immigration supporter?

I knew it. You cannot do it. :D You don't have a leg to stand on in this argument. You can't even explain your own positions! :lol: You are nothing but a ridiculous blustering clown.
false! I'm not inclined to do it as have nothing to prove.
you obviously think you do.
Lol! You have not. You've posted "talking points" from your party. You are a partisan hack, only capable of parroting your party's talking points without giving it any though as to the "why." You are a douche.
not the talking points ploy again!
classic indication of desperation.

The only one desperate here is you. :2up:

Why do you advocate for illegal and undocumented people to be in this country?
never said or implied I did .
and I'm not advocating just stating fact ,a concept that's appears to be beyond your capacity to understand.

What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

This post doesn't even make sense. You cannot even form a coherent sentence. Why would anyone take you seriously? You are a ridiculous clown. :lol:
Look, you have obviously been backed into a corner, and all you have left is to scream and pout. It's not working. Nobody is buying it. Employers hire illegals because they can pay them less and they don't have to follow our laws about safety and working conditions.
false! if I had been you would not being playing the false accusation card the your party's talking point card and the ultimate appeal to the masses and appeal from ignorance ploys .
fact is you lost before you stared.

I don't have a "party." I make my own decisions by researching and using common sense. I've posted the facts which are:

1. Employers hire illegals because they can skirt the laws.
2. Illegals do not really help our economy at all. If they do at all, it is negligible.
3. They cost taxpayers more money when they get sick because they, most oftentimes, do not have employer provided health insurance coverage.
4. Employers who hire these illegals offer bad working conditions and take advantage of the illegal workers.
5. Americans have always done and still do these types of jobs. In fact, there are more American workers doing these jobs than illegals, because a company could not get away with hiring a majority or ALL illegals for their staff.

Now, which of the above do you say is false and explain why.

Also, why do you advocate for illegal immigration? What is your reason for being an illegal immigration supporter?

I knew it. You cannot do it. :D You don't have a leg to stand on in this argument. You can't even explain your own positions! :lol: You are nothing but a ridiculous blustering clown.
false! I'm not inclined to do it as have nothing to prove.
you obviously think you do.

Prove? I asked you why you advocate for illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
not the talking points ploy again!
classic indication of desperation.

The only one desperate here is you. :2up:

Why do you advocate for illegal and undocumented people to be in this country?
never said or implied I did .
and I'm not advocating just stating fact ,a concept that's appears to be beyond your capacity to understand.

What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

Such as? What facts have you provided in this discussion? You can't even state your own position because you don't know why you support illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
asked and answered.
false! if I had been you would not being playing the false accusation card the your party's talking point card and the ultimate appeal to the masses and appeal from ignorance ploys .
fact is you lost before you stared.

I don't have a "party." I make my own decisions by researching and using common sense. I've posted the facts which are:

1. Employers hire illegals because they can skirt the laws.
2. Illegals do not really help our economy at all. If they do at all, it is negligible.
3. They cost taxpayers more money when they get sick because they, most oftentimes, do not have employer provided health insurance coverage.
4. Employers who hire these illegals offer bad working conditions and take advantage of the illegal workers.
5. Americans have always done and still do these types of jobs. In fact, there are more American workers doing these jobs than illegals, because a company could not get away with hiring a majority or ALL illegals for their staff.

Now, which of the above do you say is false and explain why.

Also, why do you advocate for illegal immigration? What is your reason for being an illegal immigration supporter?

I knew it. You cannot do it. :D You don't have a leg to stand on in this argument. You can't even explain your own positions! :lol: You are nothing but a ridiculous blustering clown.
false! I'm not inclined to do it as have nothing to prove.
you obviously think you do.

Prove? I asked you why you advocate for illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
asked and answered.
The only one desperate here is you. :2up:

Why do you advocate for illegal and undocumented people to be in this country?
never said or implied I did .
and I'm not advocating just stating fact ,a concept that's appears to be beyond your capacity to understand.

What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

Such as? What facts have you provided in this discussion? You can't even state your own position because you don't know why you support illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
asked and answered.

Where? You have avoided the question. Why don't you tell me where you posted your answer, or you could just answer it again.

Why do you support illegal immigration?
The only one desperate here is you. :2up:

Why do you advocate for illegal and undocumented people to be in this country?
never said or implied I did .
and I'm not advocating just stating fact ,a concept that's appears to be beyond your capacity to understand.

What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

Such as? What facts have you provided in this discussion? You can't even state your own position because you don't know why you support illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
asked and answered.

Clown. LMAO.
never said or implied I did .
and I'm not advocating just stating fact ,a concept that's appears to be beyond your capacity to understand.

What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

Such as? What facts have you provided in this discussion? You can't even state your own position because you don't know why you support illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
asked and answered.

Where? You have avoided the question. Why don't you tell me where you posted your answer, or you could just answer it again.

Why do you support illegal immigration?
asked and answered.
I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.
It's the LIB 'man-bun' fairies who are afraid of getting their hands dirty who won't take the jobs available.

And thus, can't imagine that someone else would.

Since you and Dannyboys are old and obsolete .......... You don't have a clue what is going on on the job market. There are jobs available right now for Americans but where are they? Are they applying for these jobs? Some maybe but in general NO.
If this trend keep going.......... more and more companies and hospitals will hire foreign workers that will do janitors and cook like.............. TRUMP.

There are plenty of poor Americans who need work. If no one is showing up for a job, maybe the bosses are doing something wrong.

The applicants never see the bosses.

That does not address my point.

Bosses have impact on the job well before, and after the interview.

If you can't get unemployed people to apply for a job, you might be doing something wrong.
never said or implied I did .
and I'm not advocating just stating fact ,a concept that's appears to be beyond your capacity to understand.

What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

Such as? What facts have you provided in this discussion? You can't even state your own position because you don't know why you support illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
asked and answered.

Clown. LMAO.
best you could do?
What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

Such as? What facts have you provided in this discussion? You can't even state your own position because you don't know why you support illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
asked and answered.

Where? You have avoided the question. Why don't you tell me where you posted your answer, or you could just answer it again.

Why do you support illegal immigration?
asked and answered.

Nope. You still haven't answered. I just looked. No answer.

So, why do you support illegal immigration?
What fact is that? You haven't posted any facts at all. What are you arguing about? Do you even know?
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

Such as? What facts have you provided in this discussion? You can't even state your own position because you don't know why you support illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
asked and answered.

Clown. LMAO.
best you could do?

Just stating the facts. Everyone knows you're nothing but a clown and a troll. :2up:

You also advocate for slave wages and labor.
everything I've posted is fact .
on the other hand everything you've posted is crammed full of shoulds ,maybe's , ifs circular logic a false sense of moral superiority false accusations assumptions etc.

Such as? What facts have you provided in this discussion? You can't even state your own position because you don't know why you support illegal immigration. Lol. Clown.
asked and answered.

Where? You have avoided the question. Why don't you tell me where you posted your answer, or you could just answer it again.

Why do you support illegal immigration?
asked and answered.

Nope. You still haven't answered. I just looked. No answer.

So, why do you support illegal immigration?
yes I did . you just didn't like the answer .
besides you've already falsely accused and assumed what you wish me to say .
whit that there is no need for me to answer,

Yes they do, as my links show and demonstrate. :D Not to mention, they hurt Americans in many other ways. Just one of the contributing factors on why our wages are stagnant.

How Unskilled Immigrants Hurt Our Economy

wages are stagnant due to outsourcing jobs that will never be replaced, not aliens taking jobs.

BOth factors put downward pressure on wages.

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