Covid-Capitalism Fails Most Basic Test of National Legitimacy

t's true, a lower standard of living is cheaper.
Some living standards deserve lowering

Here is the mansion that Obama is living in. Amazing how rich the Socialist ruling elite lives, isn't it?

It worked for Cuba and the USSR, eh comrade?
Doctors instead of bomb, Kulak?

Cuba Under Media Attack for Sending Doctors, Not Bombs, to Help Covid-19 Victims

"As coronavirus ravages the world, Cuba has exhibited disproportionate heroism, deploying medical personnel to at least 14 countries thus far to battle the pandemic—including to Italy, which has been particularly devastated.

"The response is in keeping with Cuba’s decades-long tradition of 'doctors, not bombs,' which has seen the tiny island nation dispatch tens of thousands of medics across the globe to combat everything from Ebola to more mundane diseases like malaria and tuberculosis."
Here is the mansion that Obama is living in. Amazing how rich the Socialist ruling elite lives, isn't it?
Are you gullible enough to believe Obama was ever a socialist?

Fact Moon Bat

When all you have is "labor" then all you have is that labor standing in line for food and other necessities.

We see it all over the world in socialist countries.

Socialist governments don't produce jackshit. All they do is steal money and give it to people that didn't earn it.

That is pretty damn shitty, isn't it?
It worked for Cuba and the USSR, eh comrade?
Doctors instead of bomb, Kulak?

Cuba Under Media Attack for Sending Doctors, Not Bombs, to Help Covid-19 Victims

"As coronavirus ravages the world, Cuba has exhibited disproportionate heroism, deploying medical personnel to at least 14 countries thus far to battle the pandemic—including to Italy, which has been particularly devastated.

"The response is in keeping with Cuba’s decades-long tradition of 'doctors, not bombs,' which has seen the tiny island nation dispatch tens of thousands of medics across the globe to combat everything from Ebola to more mundane diseases like malaria and tuberculosis."

Doctors instead of bomb,

Are you still whining about the Cuban Missile Crisis?
We see it all over the world in socialist countries.

Socialist governments don't produce jackshit. All they do is steal money and give it to people that didn't earn it
Cuba's a socialist country, right?

Cuba Under Media Attack for Sending Doctors, Not Bombs, to Help Covid-19 Victims

"As coronavirus ravages the world, Cuba has exhibited disproportionate heroism, deploying medical personnel to at least 14 countries thus far to battle the pandemic—including to Italy, which has been particularly devastated."

What has your labor contributed to Covid-19 solutions aside from talking anonymous shit on message boards?:p
MR Online | Resistance growing to covid-capitalism

"The superpower that has killed millions in its quest for global supremacy has utterly failed the most basic test of legitimacy at home: the ability to protect its own population.

"Covid-19 has laid bare a fundamental truth: that capitalist healthcare is a contradiction in terms, since capital–like the killer virus–cares for nothing but reproducing itself.

"The U.S. 'public' health sector is revealed as a hollowed-out shell, crippled and shrunken by decades of unrelenting privatization at the hands of the oligarch-serving political duopoly.

"In effect, the Lords of Capital have been devouring the nation’s protective membrane, leaving the population defenseless against, not only microbes, but every disease of the poor–plus opiates and the lethal social pathologies that spawn spectacular and uniquely American mass shootings at schools, churches and shopping malls, and the daily slaughter of Black and brown youth on the streets."

Capitalism's leaders are currently rushing into policy failures because of their ideological blinders. Over the past decades capitalism has built up vulnerabilities to another epic crash that any number of triggers could unleash.


Coronavirus: A visual guide to the economic impact

Silly fucking PROGS. Europe leads the way in national healthcare, can some explain to the dumbass liberal many of them have more cases per million and a mortality rate lower than most. ILMAO blaming a crash on capitalism.
How long are you willing to keep the nation under quarantine?
I don't think there's any nationwide number.
Here in LA, it looks like June 1 might be possible as far as stage one or two is concerned, but it is highly likely other parts of the country will be peaking. So, I guess the Big Question is restricting travel between the states which presents its own problem especially in an election year.
Can california last intil june 1 without collecting state and local taxes?

to me that is becoming the biggest question for all the states
Right now the productive consumer and investor is restricted by usurious levels of debt
“Userious levels of debt?”

you mean consumers spending money they have not yet earned?

Helicopter money inflates the money supply without creating anything except demand
Here is the mansion that Obama is living in. Amazing how rich the Socialist ruling elite lives, isn't it?
Are you gullible enough to believe Obama was ever a socialist?
Socialists in power always feather their own nest first

in happened in russia, china and cuba where the ruling party members lived in luxury while the people do without

obama fits right in with that crowd
illy fucking PROGS. Europe leads the way in national healthcare, can some explain to the dumbass liberal many of them have more cases per million and a mortality rate lower than most. ILMAO blaming a crash on capitalism.
Can't connect the dots between an economic system that functions like a cancer cell and deadly virus? Maybe the lack of universal healthcare, an absence of federally-guaranteed paid sick leave, and allowing for-profit Big Pharma to lead the response to a public health crisis will open your eyes before the next surge comes in the Fall.

U.S. Capitalism Confronts Coronavirus — For the Wealthy
Socialists in power always feather their own nest first

in happened in russia, china and cuba where the ruling party members lived in luxury while the people do without

obama fits right in with that crowd
Obama is a corporate Democrat who told his base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA. His Justice Department failed to prosecute a single Wall Street banker for their role in the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression. Goldman Sachs donated $900,000 to his 2008 campaign; ask yourself how that compares to how much they invested in Bernie Sanders.
Can california last intil june 1 without collecting state and local taxes?

to me that is becoming the biggest question for all the states
That's a good question.
California shut down around March 16th.
I think it will survive relatively well until the middle of June; however, if it reopens too soon and gets hit with another surge in cases next November, public health and safety could decline very quickly. I suspect most Americans will be living on a knife's edge until the first vaccine arrives?
Userious levels of debt?”

you mean consumers spending money they have not yet earned?

Helicopter money inflates the money supply without creating anything except demand
One of capitalism's core principles involves the relationship between spending and income, consumption and production. Increasing the money supply won't necessarily lead to inflation IF the new money creates new production of goods and services. For the last forty years most helicopter money has gone into finance which has lead to exorbitant inflation in assets. like stocks and real estate. While some consumers have acquired record levels of debt from funding lifestyles beyond their ability to pay for, others have been forced to substitute credit cards for cash in order to provide the basics like food, shelter, and education for their families.

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe
It worked for Cuba and the USSR, eh comrade?
Doctors instead of bomb, Kulak?

Cuba Under Media Attack for Sending Doctors, Not Bombs, to Help Covid-19 Victims

"As coronavirus ravages the world, Cuba has exhibited disproportionate heroism, deploying medical personnel to at least 14 countries thus far to battle the pandemic—including to Italy, which has been particularly devastated.

"The response is in keeping with Cuba’s decades-long tradition of 'doctors, not bombs,' which has seen the tiny island nation dispatch tens of thousands of medics across the globe to combat everything from Ebola to more mundane diseases like malaria and tuberculosis."
You should apply for Cuban citizenship.

When all you have is "labor" then all you have is that labor standing in line for food and other necessities
Another fact:
Capital comes from labor, not the other way around.
Labor is exchanged for capital and capital for labor.

You act like the wage is never paid or that the wage is a mere bonus and labor itself results in the ownership of the means. Your thinking is ass backwards.

When all you have is "labor" then all you have is that labor standing in line for food and other necessities
Another fact:
Capital comes from labor, not the other way around.
Labor is exchanged for capital and capital for labor.

You act like the wage is never paid or that the wage is a mere bonus and labor itself results in the ownership of the means. Your thinking is ass backwards.


Yes, Labor stands in the unemployment line and have empty stores when Capitalism is prevented from doing its magic. These stupid Moon Bats should just ask the people of Venezuela if they are confused about it.
Capitalism often pursues profit at the expense of more urgent social needs and values. In this, capitalism is grossly inefficient.
This nonsense assumes that "urgent social needs and values" are the objective.

If a good caveman hunter has lots of food, while shitty, lazy "hunters" starve, his hunting practices of pursuing as many kills as he can get ("profit") ignores the fuck out of the bullshit, irrelevant "social needs" of all other hunters. What do we call those lazy hunter demanding his kills? What do we call them when they take it by force or threat of force? What about when the lazy bitches get someone else to "confiscate" for them (steal)?

How is that any different than government doing the lazy shit's bidding?

You think human existence is not inherently a violent stare of war? You think the purpose of society is anything other than a truce?

This is why commies like you are irrational. You don't understand the hell and severe violence you are encouraging.

We will not sit back and let it happen.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Your ignorance of how capitalism works or should work, is acknowledged. But your caveman comparison is very weak.

No caveman could or would hunt on his own. It was too dangerous. Meat animals - are all too large. All kills were shared with all members of the tribe. Even those too old, or too injured to hunt. The lazy got less, but they were still taken care of because PEOPLE FIRST. The hunter who made the kill got the choisest cuts, and he got the skin for his robes,

The caveman also didn't go out and make kill after kill, after kill. A great hunter wasn't one who had the most kills. That would serve no purpose either. The meat would rot. There were no refrigerators. A great hunter was one who provided for his people, reliably and steadily.

That's was the purpose of hunting, to provide for your people. Capitalism as practiced by Americans, isn't for providing for your people, it's about the accumulation of wealth for the rich.

It is shocking to see that Americans are more worried about their economy and they are about their people. You have ceased to be a nation when you cease to care about your fellow Americans. All my life I've hear Americans say that the American economy "can't afford" universal government funded health care for the people.

Look what you are doing to your people in the name of the economy.

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