creating jobs ..

government jobs became bloated when 43 went on the war path ... about time those scuds go get real jobs.

not to mention millions of unemployed workers will look great for Donnie's first year in office.

government jobs became bloated when 43 went on the war path ... about time those scuds go get real jobs.

not to mention millions of unemployed workers will look great for Donnie's first year in office.


Another far left drone that does not understand the Constitution!
Of course liberals won't like his plans....I love it! He also needs to put something in place to make sure the money paid to unions out of our pockets aren't donated strictly to the Democrat party. As far as I know, all unions donate to Democrats only. Not all union workers are democrat, and I hate that my husband's money gets donated to that party. They should have a choice where their money goes.
look out burger kink, and mickey d's .... here they come !!!

Of course liberals won't like his plans....I love it! He also needs to put something in place to make sure the money paid to unions out of our pockets aren't donated strictly to the Democrat party. As far as I know, all unions donate to Democrats only. Not all union workers are democrat, and I hate that my husband's money gets donated to that party. They should have a choice where their money goes.

uh, the rust belt overwhelmingly elected Trump ... union backbone, so to speak

put people on unemployment and wish them good luck finding one ...

Trump has a plan for government workers. They’re not going to like it.
Lower taxes and a 35% tariff on goods manufactured abroad by US companies will make it more profitable to move factories back to the US, so these former federal workers will be able to get good jobs in the private sector, not just the part time jobs Obama was so proud of.

apparently you havent seen those factories and the toll time too on them just sitting there vacant ... total tear downs ... rw magic wand tax cuts won't do it
put people on unemployment and wish them good luck finding one ...

Trump has a plan for government workers. They’re not going to like it.
Lower taxes and a 35% tariff on goods manufactured abroad by US companies will make it more profitable to move factories back to the US, so these former federal workers will be able to get good jobs in the private sector, not just the part time jobs Obama was so proud of.

apparently you havent seen those factories and the toll time too on them just sitting there vacant ... total tear downs ... rw magic wand tax cuts won't do it
It's not magic, it's common sense. If the tariffs make it more expensive to produce in other countries than in the US, the factories will return because that's where the profits will be. Democrats abandoned these workers and that's why they abandoned the Democrats, but Trump explained his plans to bring those jobs back, and that's why they have embraced Trump.
Of course liberals won't like his plans....I love it! He also needs to put something in place to make sure the money paid to unions out of our pockets aren't donated strictly to the Democrat party. As far as I know, all unions donate to Democrats only. Not all union workers are democrat, and I hate that my husband's money gets donated to that party. They should have a choice where their money goes.

uh, the rust belt overwhelmingly elected Trump ... union backbone, so to speak

Like I said, not all union workers are Democrats. I know many that aren't...but they have no say to what party their money gets donated to. My husband has been a union worker forever, and he voted for Trump. Yet a friend of mine has some big shot job with the UAW out of Detroit, and she's in meltdown mode over Trump winning! She believes every lie out there....according to her we're all doomed. Lol! I won't talk politics with her, she goes batshit crazy!


magic wand needed, screw tax cuts

a couple of tax cuts and we'll have that baby up an running tomorrow, all we need are workers lined up for jobs ...

in rw lala land ...


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a few tariff's and cars will be flying off the line next week ..

Of course liberals won't like his plans....I love it! He also needs to put something in place to make sure the money paid to unions out of our pockets aren't donated strictly to the Democrat party. As far as I know, all unions donate to Democrats only. Not all union workers are democrat, and I hate that my husband's money gets donated to that party. They should have a choice where their money goes.

uh, the rust belt overwhelmingly elected Trump ... union backbone, so to speak

he won despite them
ok, two weeks, it needs paint removal ..

put people on unemployment and wish them good luck finding one ...

Trump has a plan for government workers. They’re not going to like it.
Lower taxes and a 35% tariff on goods manufactured abroad by US companies will make it more profitable to move factories back to the US, so these former federal workers will be able to get good jobs in the private sector, not just the part time jobs Obama was so proud of.

apparently you havent seen those factories and the toll time too on them just sitting there vacant ... total tear downs ... rw magic wand tax cuts won't do it
yep, we understand. time for new money, kill the regulations and they will come.

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