Cross Removed! Town avoids lawsuit and follows the law

VICTORY! How many times we have to go over this. GOVERNMENT in any form may NOT endorse a religion including putting up a religious symbol.

Keep going for victories like this, and you will keep losing at the ballot box.
Lol I voted for Trump.
It's sad that some think that was some endorsement of religion. And of course the ACLU was in on this scam.
christian cross on a christmas tree the TOWN that ALL residents pay taxes to. Yep endorsement of religion but government entity.

Very sad that some people are so hateful. I'll say a prayer for you. Bye.
Nothing hateful about following the law and not wanting others religion jammed down our throats. I don't push my religion on anyone I expect the same
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Indeed but this has nothing to do with history or tradition. MANY of our founders were non believers or agnostics. They specifically stated in 1st amendment that no government endorsed religion.

Well this is enforced atheism, so someone's religion IS being forced on everyone else.
Lol no its not.
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Traditions are wonderful......(some of them)....but why should government (our taxes) pay for religious ones?

So if the people of the town paid for the cross, and then put it up there on their own, you would be OK with it?
Nope. Because the Tree is 1. Bought by the city 2. On CITY property which means its STILL something taxpayers pay for. People want a cross then put it on THEIR trees in their homes and put them in your businesses windows etc.
It's sad that some think that was some endorsement of religion. And of course the ACLU was in on this scam.
christian cross on a christmas tree the TOWN that ALL residents pay taxes to. Yep endorsement of religion but government entity.

Very sad that some people are so hateful. I'll say a prayer for you. Bye.
Nothing hateful about following the law and not wanting others religion jammed down our throats. I don't push my religion on anyone I expect the same
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Indeed but this has nothing to do with history or tradition. MANY of our founders were non believers or agnostics. They specifically stated in 1st amendment that no government endorsed religion.

Well this is enforced atheism, so someone's religion IS being forced on everyone else.
Why is it "enforced atheism"?
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Traditions are wonderful......(some of them)....but why should government (our taxes) pay for religious ones?

So if the people of the town paid for the cross, and then put it up there on their own, you would be OK with it?
Sure...on private is done every year thru out the US.....sure.

Well there's that added condition I knew you would go for.

How is displaying something religious on public ground an endorsement of a religion?

So people should cower in a closet out of sight of those poor poor fragile atheists when they want to pray or worship?

VICTORY! How many times we have to go over this. GOVERNMENT in any form may NOT endorse a religion including putting up a religious symbol.

Keep going for victories like this, and you will keep losing at the ballot box.
Lol I voted for Trump.
It's sad that some think that was some endorsement of religion. And of course the ACLU was in on this scam.
christian cross on a christmas tree the TOWN that ALL residents pay taxes to. Yep endorsement of religion but government entity.

Very sad that some people are so hateful. I'll say a prayer for you. Bye.
Nothing hateful about following the law and not wanting others religion jammed down our throats. I don't push my religion on anyone I expect the same
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Indeed but this has nothing to do with history or tradition. MANY of our founders were non believers or agnostics. They specifically stated in 1st amendment that no government endorsed religion.

Well this is enforced atheism, so someone's religion IS being forced on everyone else.
Lol no its not.
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Traditions are wonderful......(some of them)....but why should government (our taxes) pay for religious ones?

So if the people of the town paid for the cross, and then put it up there on their own, you would be OK with it?
Nope. Because the Tree is 1. Bought by the city 2. On CITY property which means its STILL something taxpayers pay for. People want a cross then put it on THEIR trees in their homes and put them in your businesses windows etc.

Then why is the tree acceptable to you and supposed defenders of the "wall"
It's sad that some think that was some endorsement of religion. And of course the ACLU was in on this scam.
christian cross on a christmas tree the TOWN that ALL residents pay taxes to. Yep endorsement of religion but government entity.

Very sad that some people are so hateful. I'll say a prayer for you. Bye.
Nothing hateful about following the law and not wanting others religion jammed down our throats. I don't push my religion on anyone I expect the same
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Indeed but this has nothing to do with history or tradition. MANY of our founders were non believers or agnostics. They specifically stated in 1st amendment that no government endorsed religion.

Well this is enforced atheism, so someone's religion IS being forced on everyone else.
Why is it "enforced atheism"?

if endorsement is understood by you to mean any acknowledgement of religion, government would have to be hostile to religion, rooting out any display on public land, including streets and sidewalks. That's enforced atheism.
It's sad that some think that was some endorsement of religion. And of course the ACLU was in on this scam.
christian cross on a christmas tree the TOWN that ALL residents pay taxes to. Yep endorsement of religion but government entity.

Very sad that some people are so hateful. I'll say a prayer for you. Bye.
Nothing hateful about following the law and not wanting others religion jammed down our throats. I don't push my religion on anyone I expect the same
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Indeed but this has nothing to do with history or tradition. MANY of our founders were non believers or agnostics. They specifically stated in 1st amendment that no government endorsed religion.

Well this is enforced atheism, so someone's religion IS being forced on everyone else.
Atheism is not a religion, but a lack of one.
One snowflake gets offended and an entire town suffers....this is the problem with left loons. People are sick of your whining, bawling and attention seeking and that is exactly what it is. If you don't like it then don't fucking look at it.

They just don't get it and this is why they lost this election. The local community has rights as well but liberals think they know what's best for everyone. Yet they think it's ok for the Muslim call to prayer to sound over predominantly Muslim areas but church bells need to be silenced if they are loud enough to be heard on public land. They are hypocrites.

No no they lost because of Comey....err voter fraud....err fake news

Stupid bastards
Yes, there is a lot to account for. Thank you for pointing this out.
It's sad that some think that was some endorsement of religion. And of course the ACLU was in on this scam.
christian cross on a christmas tree the TOWN that ALL residents pay taxes to. Yep endorsement of religion but government entity.

Very sad that some people are so hateful. I'll say a prayer for you. Bye.
Nothing hateful about following the law and not wanting others religion jammed down our throats. I don't push my religion on anyone I expect the same
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Indeed but this has nothing to do with history or tradition. MANY of our founders were non believers or agnostics. They specifically stated in 1st amendment that no government endorsed religion.

Well this is enforced atheism, so someone's religion IS being forced on everyone else.
Atheism is not a religion, but a lack of one.

Atheism is a belief system, an active disbelief in a higher power or deity. Agnosticism is closer to an actual "lack of religion".
christian cross on a christmas tree the TOWN that ALL residents pay taxes to. Yep endorsement of religion but government entity.

Very sad that some people are so hateful. I'll say a prayer for you. Bye.
Nothing hateful about following the law and not wanting others religion jammed down our throats. I don't push my religion on anyone I expect the same
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Indeed but this has nothing to do with history or tradition. MANY of our founders were non believers or agnostics. They specifically stated in 1st amendment that no government endorsed religion.

Well this is enforced atheism, so someone's religion IS being forced on everyone else.
Why is it "enforced atheism"?

if endorsement is understood by you to mean any acknowledgement of religion, government would have to be hostile to religion, rooting out any display on public land, including streets and sidewalks. That's enforced atheism.
Nope...not at all.
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Traditions are wonderful......(some of them)....but why should government (our taxes) pay for religious ones?
So are you and Obama going to pay back my tax money for changing the lights at the white house to turn it into a gay pride flag?
Sure...send us a bill. Make sure it's itemized to accurately show the cost. Attach the evidence that gender identity is a religion.
Very sad that some people are so hateful. I'll say a prayer for you. Bye.
Nothing hateful about following the law and not wanting others religion jammed down our throats. I don't push my religion on anyone I expect the same
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Indeed but this has nothing to do with history or tradition. MANY of our founders were non believers or agnostics. They specifically stated in 1st amendment that no government endorsed religion.

Well this is enforced atheism, so someone's religion IS being forced on everyone else.
Why is it "enforced atheism"?

if endorsement is understood by you to mean any acknowledgement of religion, government would have to be hostile to religion, rooting out any display on public land, including streets and sidewalks. That's enforced atheism.
Nope...not at all.

then how is a cross on top of a tree (another religious symbol) endorsement?
christian cross on a christmas tree the TOWN that ALL residents pay taxes to. Yep endorsement of religion but government entity.

Very sad that some people are so hateful. I'll say a prayer for you. Bye.
Nothing hateful about following the law and not wanting others religion jammed down our throats. I don't push my religion on anyone I expect the same
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Indeed but this has nothing to do with history or tradition. MANY of our founders were non believers or agnostics. They specifically stated in 1st amendment that no government endorsed religion.

Well this is enforced atheism, so someone's religion IS being forced on everyone else.
Atheism is not a religion, but a lack of one.

Atheism is a belief system, an active disbelief in a higher power or deity. Agnosticism is closer to an actual "lack of religion".
As an atheist, I disagree. You are telling us what we believe in. As far as religion is concerned, we do not believe.
Agnosticism is closer to an actual "lack of religion".

I'm a comfy agnostic, and I'm also perfectly comfy with the Christian traditions that have been a part of this country since its beginning.

The two conditions can exist in the same space, as long as one is not a narcissistic ideologue.
Excellent news. Symbols of Christianity and Islam are both offensive when placed on public land.
One snowflake gets offended and an entire town suffers....this is the problem with left loons. People are sick of your whining, bawling and attention seeking and that is exactly what it is. If you don't like it then don't fucking look at it.

They just don't get it and this is why they lost this election. The local community has rights as well but liberals think they know what's best for everyone. Yet they think it's ok for the Muslim call to prayer to sound over predominantly Muslim areas but church bells need to be silenced if they are loud enough to be heard on public land. They are hypocrites.

No no they lost because of Comey....err voter fraud....err fake news

Stupid bastards
Yes, there is a lot to account for. Thank you for pointing this out.

I'm pointing out the loons are blaming their loss for everything and anything except the ran a horrible candidate and people are sick of your stupid shit.
There are many who hate this country's history and traditions.
Traditions are wonderful......(some of them)....but why should government (our taxes) pay for religious ones?
So are you and Obama going to pay back my tax money for changing the lights at the white house to turn it into a gay pride flag?
Sure...send us a bill. Make sure it's itemized to accurately show the cost. Attach the evidence that gender identity is a religion.
Oh since you believe it to be normal, you want to shove your beliefs on everyone else. Like the religion of global warming .
It's sad that some think that was some endorsement of religion. And of course the ACLU was in on this scam.
christian cross on a christmas tree the TOWN that ALL residents pay taxes to. Yep endorsement of religion but government entity.
Sad. We always managed to have crosses and Christmas without acrimony. Atheists are hateful people.
One snowflake gets offended and an entire town suffers....this is the problem with left loons. People are sick of your whining, bawling and attention seeking and that is exactly what it is. If you don't like it then don't fucking look at it.

They just don't get it and this is why they lost this election. The local community has rights as well but liberals think they know what's best for everyone. Yet they think it's ok for the Muslim call to prayer to sound over predominantly Muslim areas but church bells need to be silenced if they are loud enough to be heard on public land. They are hypocrites.

No no they lost because of Comey....err voter fraud....err fake news

Stupid bastards
Yes, there is a lot to account for. Thank you for pointing this out.

I'm pointing out the loons are blaming their loss for everything and anything except the ran a horrible candidate and people are sick of your stupid shit.
But a lot more people were sick of your stupid shit. 2 1/2 million of us.

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