Cyclonus of Hamelin: TrumpUSA Director(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Perhaps TrumpUSA has become a real beacon/tower of commercial networks and media and of course capitalism. Perhaps TrumpUSA will beckon a new millennium of great globalization created by commerce and trade routes through Hong Kong, connecting the rival Koreas and stretching capitalism's reach from North America to Australia.

However, with all this 'toy factory' consciousness regarding the scope and reach of production and commerce as it relates to this new era of trade-oriented peace consciousness (e.g., World Bank, Wall Street), we have to wonder if American imagination has become geared towards mercantilism rather than creativity.

Is that true?

Is TrumpUSA hypnotized by consumerism and markets? If President Donald Trump is re-elected in 2020, will he be interested in continuing this administration's commitments to trade-focused globalization? Trump oversaw a nuclear-test crisis subsidence with North Korea during Labor Day weekend 2017 and watched the vital alliance between North and South Korea during the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics. Will Trump want America to continue to stand as a 'lighthouse' of commerce-gauged leadership and diplomacy?

Consider, for example, the social symbolism of the fictional A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) robot Cyclonus (a Machiavellian wolfish first-knight robot from Hasbro's popular A.I. fantasy-adventure franchise Transformers). Cyclonus represents our modern era interest in the 'aesthetics' of intellectual labor (robotics, science-fiction, etc.) and its relevance to production and politics (democracy, socialism, etc.). We might therefore consider how Cyclonus captures our 'TrumpUSA fascination' with the ideology of modern age factory-like imagination.

We might even compare Cyclonus to the folkloric (if offbeat) character of the Pied Piper of Hamelin (a mythologized cryptic figure who visited the town of Hamelin, Germany to exterminate its rat-infestation problem and ended up kidnapping all the children when the town mayor refused to pay him his promised fee!). The Pied Piper represents our human curiosity about the parameters of contract negotiation and trust-ethics and why betrayal is linked to politics in human matters sometimes. We might consider why Cyclonus (a wolfish and Machiavellian robot sometimes linked to the philosophy of terrorism) is the new age 'rendition' of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, since Cyclonus sort of 'carries' our TrumpUSA world into network-ethics imaginations.

Can Cyclonus serve as an ideological 'TrumpUSA director' or bishop of figurehead, not unlike, say, how historians and political philosophers have linked (ideologically) Iago (Shakespeare's iconic conversational hellraiser/troublemaker and conspiracy-master from the manipulation-play Othello) to controversial Communist leaders such as Stalin and Lenin(!).

Does TrumpUSA require 'propaganda avatars' for capitalism-optimism discussions?

What do you think?



"My name is Cyclonus; I'm a first-knight warrior-class robot who transforms into a laser jet-fighter. I'm from the planet Cybertron, inhabited by robots. I'm visiting Earth and spying on TrumpUSA from Earth's moon. I find TrumpUSA very intriguing for its commercial daydreams and media intrigue and controversies and how consumerism has become a hallmark for human networking. I want to understand how Wall Street is the new global tower of human ideology and if capitalism can promote peace and trust in civilization on Earth(!). If TrumpUSA/America does not survive this infant-stage of consumerism-globalization, will it require colonization by robots who might oversee a more efficient/precise methodology for commerce governance?"


"From Earth's moon, I used my spy-beams to read various literature from libraries in America. I found a great folk-tale about the cryptic Pied Piper of Hamelin, a mysterious rodent-exterminator who used a flute to lure rats way from the infested town of Hamelin (Germany) but was enraged when the town mayor refused to pay the Piper his promised fee. The Piper ended up using his 'lyrical flute' to lure the children of Hamelin away with him and disappeared with them forever. This odd human folk-tale relays the curiosity about consequences of social contracts and the impact of human betrayal. I think of the Pied Piper of Hamelin and wonder if I can serve in a 'similar' capacity if I decide to visit Donald Trump at the White House(!). Perhaps TrumpUSA is like a small 'town' of great commercial frills, requiring some kind of 'ideology bandleader' or 'philosophical director.' Would Trump do for me what the Hamelin mayor promised to do for the Pied Piper? What's so special about Hamelin, Germany?"


"I wonder if I should visit the President and the First Lady on St. Patrick's Day and offer them ways to streamline commerce through a social investment in A.I. research and science-fiction media/art. After all, humans would no doubt be intrigued by my robot-intelligence and wonder how they can coordinate their rather impressive computer-machine networks geared for globalized commerce to forge more substantive pathways into networking and advanced intelligence. Capitalism is, after all, a 'vehicle' for great commercial ambitions, and I might serve the White House the same way the Pied Piper promised to serve Hamelin (Germany), offering Americans the chance to rid its nation of the 'problem' of rats/spies and terrorists undermining basic confidence in globalized consumerism. Is that what Donald and Melania Trump seek?"


"I've noticed that TrumpUSA offers great advancements in commerce and industry and also noted American investments in robotics research geared towards manufacturing and production. Today, Americans are trying to develop humanoid labor-geared robots who will replace human laborers and cut down on production costs so companies can produce goods cheaper for a global market. Sure, this will be a true shock to middle-class laborers who will be unemployed, but it will radically alter the speed/efficiency of commercial goods production. Will TrumpUSA become a beacon for commercial frills, so America can continue to claim to be Earth's 'Big Brother' and capitalism 'spokesperson/nation'? I wonder what President Trump would say if I offered to produce a line of A.I. robots who would serve as military soldiers, defending key positions in the Middle East to secure commercial relations between OPEC and Western petroleum companies such as BP."


"Of course, capitalism and consumerism are like recreational forms in intelligence, since they invoke thoughts about everyday life and lifestyle. I've noticed from Earth's moon (using my spy-beams) that human consumers go to malls and supermarkets to buy things of varied value and significance, including pet foods, medical supplies, batteries, dairy products, and beach towels. Indeed, one might argue that TrumpUSA is something like a giant 'toy store' encouraging humans to consider the imaginative appeal of commerce and why kids appreciate the capitalism-symbolism of Toys 'R Us stores across the USA(!). Perhaps I can tell Trump that if I, Cyclonus, am like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, I can 'lure' away anti-capitalism terrorists using A.I. science-production to promise the world a new 'vision' of commerce/network gauged efficient production (and peace!). Wouldn't TrumpUSA benefit from such energized creative-thinking?"


"Americans love movies and comic books and stories about great achievements and achievers. They celebrate pluralism and art and how musicians become celebrities. They understand the networking value of media and how role models are born/conceived on television. They appreciate why youngsters are fascinated by rhetoric-themed avatars such as Captain America, Aquaman, and Iron Man(!). I studied some old-Earth history from some of the books in the libraries at Harvard Universities (using my spy-beams from Earth's moon!) and noted that older civilizations created fancy clay sculptures and pottery items depicting strange or natural animals signifying a social focus on teamwork and collective labors. These animal-sculptures from civilizations such as Egypt and Aztecs of Mexico revealed a human interest in early ideas about streamlined aesthetics geared towards mass production and the unified perception of the energy of life on Earth. These relics are relevant to today's TrumpUSA consciousness of streamlined toy-factory peace imagination, no?"


"Perhaps I will visit Earth soon and go to a AAA Hobbies (and Crafts) store in New Jersey, the state where Donald Trump once owned/managed a casino (in Atlantic City) and explore the store's various offerings of toy-model planes, trains, and automobiles and building-kits. Perhaps AAA Hobbies symbolizes a TrumpUSA perspective on the intellectual value of the intricacies of commerce and labor and why humans are so darn fascinated by machines and vehicles used for various purposes, almost as if they were like 'brain toys'! Perhaps I will be offered a special employment position by President Trump, affording me the great opportunity to be a clerk or merchant-philosopher who gets to talk about the civilization value of AAA Hobbies. What would Trump say if I promised him I'd help Americans 'market' the political/philosophical/ideological value of AAA Hobbies in this new era of great capitalism expansion?"


TRUMP: I had a strange dream in which I was visited by a robot!
CARTER: Did this robot have a name, Mr. President?
TRUMP: Carter, the robot told me his name was 'Cyclonus.'
CARTER: Where was he from, sir?
TRUMP: He said he was from the planet 'Cybertron.'
CARTER: What did he want to tell you, Mr. President?
TRUMP: He offered to help me politically market AAA Hobbies.
CARTER: The hobbies-and-crafts specialty-store in New Jersey, sir?
TRUMP: Yes; I asked him if he chose that store since I owned a casino in NJ!
CARTER: Was he interested in Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, sir?
TRUMP: He was partially interested; he said AAA Hobbies was 'pure consumerism.'
CARTER: So how did he plan to help America market AAA Hobbies to the world?
TRUMP: He said TrumpUSA should hype AAA Hobbies in this modern world of fast-food.
CARTER: Oh, since Burger King ideology makes capitalism feel like gluttony, sir?
TRUMP: Yes, he suggested that AAA Hobbies would remind humans that toys are sacred!
CARTER: Yes, I suppose Toys 'R Us reminds us that consumerism is sacred.
TRUMP: Right, Carter; toy stores remind us that consumerism is not just junk-food.
CARTER: Yes, anti-capitalism terrorists claim American capitalism is too indulgent!
TRUMP: Well, I told him the idea was ingenious but he demanded I pay him a great fee!
CARTER: What was his fee sir?
TRUMP: He wished to serve TrumpUSA as a 'Pied Piper'; we'd have to make him a 'director.'
CARTER: Director of what?
TRUMP: Director of commercial ideology and capitalism rhetoric...
CARTER: What did you say to Cyclonus, sir (in this fantastic dream!)?
TRUMP: I explained American capitalism does not require 'figurehead propaganda.'
CARTER: Right; we don't need rhetoric-specialists; only ideological cheerleaders!
TRUMP: He said he appreciated my honesty, since if I didn't pay him, he'd brainwash our kids!
TRUMP: Yes, he said just as the Pied Piper kidnapped the kids of Hamelin after betrayal!
CARTER: Sounds like Cyclonus wanted to tell you about the 'complexity' of capitalism.
TRUMP: I kindly thanked him for his offer and promised we'd 'investigate' AAA Hobbies.
CARTER: Wow; that's a symbolic capitalism-idealism dream indeed, sir.
TRUMP: I wonder if a real-life alien/robot visited Earth, if a similar message would be sent!
CARTER: Hail to the harmless dogma of capitalism, Mr. President...
TRUMP: Let's go watch Transformers: The Movie on YouTube!



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