Democrats Are The Party Of No

How would the ACA be today if the last 8 years had been full of bi-partisan efforts at improving it?

Since the ACA was formulated behind closed doors without any Republican input, and the bill was "Deemed to have passed" in the House then was passed in the Senate through Reconciliation because Scott Brown was elected, why would we want to "fix" it?
The ACA had 79 committee hearings before being passed in either the House or Senate. Trumpcare? So far, ZERO.

You know as well as I do that Democrats controlled those committees and had a majority Not one Republican idea was accepted. Also you failed to address the fact that in the House the bill was deemed to have passed out of the Conference Committee.

In the Senate there were 60 Democrats and during the floor vote no amendments were allowed. Reconciliation was used for the final Senate vote because after the passing to Ted Kennedy, Mass. in a special election, elected Republican Scott Brown, making him the 41st Republican thereby breaking the Democrats filibuster-proof majority.

The ACA passed using smoke and mirrors, and Legislative trickery.

Again, why would Republicans want to fix/improve it? Republicans had no say in it and it wasn't ours to improve. Democrats own it lock, stock, and barrel.
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Apparently, you wouldn't recognize a "fact" if it bit you in the ass.

Your ignorance is amazing. I suggest you go back and study the issue - and quit digging yourself a deeper hole.
Weak dodge. :rolleyes:

Repeal is off the table. A couple days ago, Trump tweeted that the GOP should just do a straight repeal, and maybe consider a replacement later. The GOP wouldn't even meet that. Pathetic. 61 votes.... all stunts.
LOL ---- sounds to me like you're whistling past the graveyard, my friend.
And you're sailing up an elephant's asshole
Typical .... just dripping with class and dignity. Certainly what we've come to expect from the left.
If a rube like you refuses to respond to an argument, well I might as well amuse myself

I responded ... you refused to accept the premise, but also refused to prove the premise wrong.

I see how you "amuse" yourself. Pretty childish, I think.
Well Republicans taught the master class of NO the last 8 years, it's about time the Democrats put that knowledge to good use.

Suck it up snowflakes, this is the world you created.

Well, I'm glad someone picked up on the subtlety of the thread. But you'll recall that you excoriated Republicans for not playing ball. So, we see this is just more liberal hypocrisy.

No Republicans took it to it's final conclusion. I've heard from many Democrats and independents that contacted the Democrat party and told them that's it, thanks to the behavior of Republicans the last 8 years and now with drumpf there will be zero cooperation with any Republican in power. They will be ignored and marginalized for good. There will be no 'well let's work together' in the future.

You derps ended that for good. It's time to break up the union, you've proven conservatives ignore the Constitution outright. It's time to move on without you angries. Go build your Deliverance utopia and be happy. We're tired of being dragged back to 1853 every time some con gains power somewhere. Go be happy somewhere else.

You're so full of shit. I consume a lot of news; and not one democrat has come on and said we'll come to the table. You don't get to take a pass on not giving a good faith effort. And what makes this worse is that it's utter hypocrisy. Of course, that's your M.O. and people are just used to it.

There is video after video of Obama saying in a speech "if the Republicans have a better idea or good idea to make the healthcare law better I am more than ready to listen to them". Response for 7 years? What 50 votes in the House to repeal it but zero offers of how to make it better.

It's over, once Trump is out and a Democrat in all of Trump's nonsense will be reversed and he will be erased from history. Everything Republicans hold dear will be torn down and burned by a Democrat Congress.

Republicans created this new paradigm, and they will have to live with it when they are the ones without any power. Sorry, that's how life works. We will now forever be in a never ending spiral where whoever has power will simply destroy all the other party did previously. Welcome to Republican nirvana. Enjoy the world you have created.

Bro, I'm not a fan of the Republicans. As far as I'm concerned, they're gonna pull some shit. None of this is an excuse for the Democrats not coming to the table and playing ball.
Obamacare is failing in every imaginable way.

Yep...Democrats just LOVE their failures.

Not to worry, they'll find a way to call Obamacare a GOP calamity
If it were a failure without GOP sabotage, then it would actually be a failure.
Well Republicans taught the master class of NO the last 8 years, it's about time the Democrats put that knowledge to good use.

Suck it up snowflakes, this is the world you created.

Well, I'm glad someone picked up on the subtlety of the thread. But you'll recall that you excoriated Republicans for not playing ball. So, we see this is just more liberal hypocrisy.

No Republicans took it to it's final conclusion. I've heard from many Democrats and independents that contacted the Democrat party and told them that's it, thanks to the behavior of Republicans the last 8 years and now with drumpf there will be zero cooperation with any Republican in power. They will be ignored and marginalized for good. There will be no 'well let's work together' in the future.

You derps ended that for good. It's time to break up the union, you've proven conservatives ignore the Constitution outright. It's time to move on without you angries. Go build your Deliverance utopia and be happy. We're tired of being dragged back to 1853 every time some con gains power somewhere. Go be happy somewhere else.

You're so full of shit. I consume a lot of news; and not one democrat has come on and said we'll come to the table. You don't get to take a pass on not giving a good faith effort. And what makes this worse is that it's utter hypocrisy. Of course, that's your M.O. and people are just used to it.

There is video after video of Obama saying in a speech "if the Republicans have a better idea or good idea to make the healthcare law better I am more than ready to listen to them". Response for 7 years? What 50 votes in the House to repeal it but zero offers of how to make it better.

It's over, once Trump is out and a Democrat in all of Trump's nonsense will be reversed and he will be erased from history. Everything Republicans hold dear will be torn down and burned by a Democrat Congress.

Republicans created this new paradigm, and they will have to live with it when they are the ones without any power. Sorry, that's how life works. We will now forever be in a never ending spiral where whoever has power will simply destroy all the other party did previously. Welcome to Republican nirvana. Enjoy the world you have created.

Bro, I'm not a fan of the Republicans. As far as I'm concerned, they're gonna pull some shit. None of this is an excuse for the Democrats not coming to the table and playing ball.
Democrats have too much class to show up at the table without being invited. Just showing up at a table controlled by the GOP and being rejected doesn't help anyone.
The Democrats should help the Republicans just as much as they helped Obama.

Zero. Doughnut. Goose Egg.

Republicans, save your kumbaya moment for the exact day the next Democrat becomes president. Then you can show the country how thoughtful and concerned you are that we should all just 'get along' and help each other. You can reach across the aisle with open arms and warm hearts and help the Democrats pass their legislation.

So save it up, and when that moment comes show us your patriotism and bipartisanship!
How would the ACA be today if the last 8 years had been full of bi-partisan efforts at improving it?

Since the ACA was formulated behind closed doors without any Republican input, and the bill was "Deemed to have passed" in the House then was passed in the Senate through Reconciliation because Scott Brown was elected, why would we want to fix it when the "fix" was already in?

BWT, how does one improve a heap of shit? By adding more shit to it?
FACT: The ACA had a historic number of hours of debate and amendments during Committee development of the legislations.

  • The House process spanned three committees - Energy and Commerce, Ways and means, and Education and Labor - with dozens of hearings over many months.
  • Specifically, the House held 79 bipartisan hearings and markups on the health reform bill over the period of an entire year.
  • House members spent nearly 100 hours in hearings, heard from 181 witnesses from both sides of the aisle, considered 239 amendments (both Democratic and Republican), and accepted 121 amendments.
FACT: The Senate held dozens of public meetings and hearings in both the Finance and HELP Committees and accepted hundreds of Republican amendments.

  • The HELP Committee held 14 bipartisan roundtables, 13 bipartisan hearings, and 20 bipartisan walkthroughs on health reform.
  • The HELP Committee considered nearly 300 amendments and accepted more than 160 Republican amendments.
  • The Finance Committee held 17 roundtables, summits, and hearings on health reform. The Finance Committee also held 13 member meetings and walkthroughs and 38 meetings and negotiations for a total of 53 meetings on health reform. [Senate Finance Committee, 5/3/10]
  • The Finance Committee held a seven-day markup of the bill, the longest Finance Committee markup in 22 years, resulting in a bipartisan 14-to-9 vote to approve the bill. [Senate Finance Committee, 5/3/10]
  • The Finance Committee markup resulted in 41 amendments to revise the bill, including 18 by unanimous consent or without objection. [Senate Finance Committee, 10/13/09]
FACT: The financing of the ACA's coverage provisions was well known and debated.

When the bill came to the floor, the Senate spent 25 consecutive days in session on health reform, the second longest consecutive session in history. In total, the Senate spent more than 160 hours considering the health reform legislation.

  • The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office issued many reports on the Affordable Care Act's financing, clearly showing that revenue would be raised by the personal responsibility provision, also known at the individual mandate or free-rider penalty, in every case that it described the law's coverage provisions. [CBO, 12/10; The Washington Post, 9/24/14; ASPE, 9/24/14]
How would the ACA be today if the last 8 years had been full of bi-partisan efforts at improving it?

Since the ACA was formulated behind closed doors without any Republican input, and the bill was "Deemed to have passed" in the House then was passed in the Senate through Reconciliation because Scott Brown was elected, why would we want to fix it when the "fix" was already in?

BWT, how does one improve a heap of shit? By adding more shit to it?
FACT: The ACA had a historic number of hours of debate and amendments during Committee development of the legislations.

  • The House process spanned three committees - Energy and Commerce, Ways and means, and Education and Labor - with dozens of hearings over many months.
  • Specifically, the House held 79 bipartisan hearings and markups on the health reform bill over the period of an entire year.
  • House members spent nearly 100 hours in hearings, heard from 181 witnesses from both sides of the aisle, considered 239 amendments (both Democratic and Republican), and accepted 121 amendments.
FACT: The Senate held dozens of public meetings and hearings in both the Finance and HELP Committees and accepted hundreds of Republican amendments.

  • The HELP Committee held 14 bipartisan roundtables, 13 bipartisan hearings, and 20 bipartisan walkthroughs on health reform.
  • The HELP Committee considered nearly 300 amendments and accepted more than 160 Republican amendments.
  • The Finance Committee held 17 roundtables, summits, and hearings on health reform. The Finance Committee also held 13 member meetings and walkthroughs and 38 meetings and negotiations for a total of 53 meetings on health reform. [Senate Finance Committee, 5/3/10]
  • The Finance Committee held a seven-day markup of the bill, the longest Finance Committee markup in 22 years, resulting in a bipartisan 14-to-9 vote to approve the bill. [Senate Finance Committee, 5/3/10]
  • The Finance Committee markup resulted in 41 amendments to revise the bill, including 18 by unanimous consent or without objection. [Senate Finance Committee, 10/13/09]
FACT: The financing of the ACA's coverage provisions was well known and debated.

When the bill came to the floor, the Senate spent 25 consecutive days in session on health reform, the second longest consecutive session in history. In total, the Senate spent more than 160 hours considering the health reform legislation.

  • The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office issued many reports on the Affordable Care Act's financing, clearly showing that revenue would be raised by the personal responsibility provision, also known at the individual mandate or free-rider penalty, in every case that it described the law's coverage provisions. [CBO, 12/10; The Washington Post, 9/24/14; ASPE, 9/24/14]
... and STILL they had to resort to extortion, bribery, and kickbacks in order to get it passed.
Obamacare is failing in every imaginable way.

Yep...Democrats just LOVE their failures.

Not to worry, they'll find a way to call Obamacare a GOP calamity
If it were a failure without GOP sabotage, then it would actually be a failure.
Thanks for admitting the ACA was / is a failure.
Can you call something that's been sabotaged a "failure"?
The way the GOP tries to screw over the poor and the middle class shows how much the GOP hates them. I wonder why the GOP attacks it's own base? Aren't they driving away voters?

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