Democrats cannot point to any Biden accomplishments, so they amplify TRUMP HATE

How’s this looking to you?



I simply said that you don’t seem to understand the definition of immigrant. Which you don’t
You walk backward almost as good as forward

And I was giving you my children’s rates

No one who enters the country without a visa and proper documentation for immigration is an immigrant in my book

And if the law says otherwise thats a law that can and will be changed
When one party points to a list of "accomplishments" of their party's President, the other party just says "those aren't accomplishments, they're failures".

Over and over and over. Like clockwork. President after President.

Threads like this are pretty silly.
When one party points to a list of "accomplishments" of their party's President, the other party just says "those aren't accomplishments, they're failures".

Over and over and over. Like clockwork. President after President.

Threads like this are pretty silly.
When the accomplishments are straight up lies, they should be refuted.
It certainly had stuff in there to protect the border but I understand not liking pork or certain policy positions and wanting to do more. But that would take engagement and negotiation which the Trump puppets didn’t even try to. So now they lose credibility on the subject
/——/ The Senate border bill will allow 5,000 migrants a day before Title 42-type limit starts
When he took office, he allowed, no, he encouraged more illegal aliens to rush the border.
How were the Republicans supposed to stop that?
Now, after 3 years of Biden fuck ups at the border, he wants to address it?
Bill presented to Congress... GOP are sitting on there hands because trump doesn't want to give Biden a win...

Trump first, fuck America...
Bill presented to Congress... GOP are sitting on there hands because trump doesn't want to give Biden a win...

Trump first, fuck America...
/——/ Trump didn’t need a bill to secure the border. He already had the power to do so. Biden didn’t need to repeal a bill to reopen the border. He already had the power. So, stop your misinformation campaign.
The lie that biden is the victim of inflation beyond his control fir instance

He is the cause of inflation and its hurting the American people

Nah, Trump massively inflated the money supply shortly before Biden took office (the red line), baking in a bout of inflation. Biden’s done a remarkable job of quickly pushing inflation back down to a normal level in spite of that.

When one party points to a list of "accomplishments" of their party's President, the other party just says "those aren't accomplishments, they're failures".

Over and over and over. Like clockwork. President after President.

Threads like this are pretty silly.
Agree with you and this one is a bit funny...

Both Presidents tried to implement their agendas...

Unlike other democracies there is usually a good deal of overlap in what they want to achieve...

In the US, especially now, there seems to far less.

So you have to ask who was most effective at getting there agenda implemented...

In that case, Biden...
Trump had how many infrastructure weeks, Biden had a infrastructure bill.
Trump's Health plan in 2017 is the same one for 2024...
Trump internationality was about retreat, his state dept. globally retreated and yielded the field to mainly China, espcially in SE Asia and Africa.
Trump was so poor internationally (bring your daughter to work was especially embarrassing) that they just stopped inviting him to meetings... He didn't understand the topics and was then bored and disruptive. Biden by contrast is master veteran on the international stage from his experience in the Senate Committee..

Trump got tax cut, Stephen Millar got to anti immigrant agenda (which is just racist and very unAmerican), Trump pulled out of TPP and gave China a win, Lost a trade war with China,... I can't think of anything else...
Nah, Trump massively inflated the money supply shortly before Biden took office (the red line), baking in a bout of inflation. Biden’s done a remarkable job of quickly pushing inflation back down to a normal level in spite of that.

That was a bipartisan decision that democrats were fully on board with
Nah, Trump massively inflated the money supply shortly before Biden took office (the red line), baking in a bout of inflation. Biden’s done a remarkable job of quickly pushing inflation back down to a normal level in spite of that.

/---/Maybe that's what they taught you in public school. What part of the Constitution allows the president to inflate or deflate the money supply?
In private school they taught us it's the Federal Reserve System that is the central bank of the U.S. and that has the following main responsibilities:
Managing the nation's money and money supply
Conducting national monetary policy and setting key interest rates
Supervising and regulating banks and financial systems
Maintaining banking payment and transaction systems
Ensuring financial stability and consumer protection
/——/ Trump didn’t need a bill to secure the border. He already had the power to do so. Biden didn’t need to repeal a bill to reopen the border. He already had the power. So, stop your misinformation campaign.
Trump was the one that stopped money going to security services south of the border..

This had the effect of making these countries less safe and thus more migrants...

Well done Mr. Trump... Has no clue about cause and effect..
These are the countries that had largest increases...
Then also lets look why this is the problem..

Then there is the demand for drugs in US, stop blaming Mexico for drugs, if Mexico wasn't there they would destroy other countries for the drugs. US has to take responsibility for there own drug use.



The just say no shit isn't working..

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