Democrats move to take Trump off the ballot

Financing elections and qualifying for the ballot are two different things. There are signature requirements for candidates, filing fees, etc… If you can apply one requirement, there is precedent for placing others.

The question was about the candidate’s right to privacy however….

Major party candidates are EXEMPT from such requirements, dumbass!

I really wish you could slip in the tub, crack your noggin and hope that some sense would be knocked into that cement block you carry around where most people have a head!

Again the ass pirate makes my case for me—he’s too stupid to see that he’s doing it.

Yes. States can make all sorts of rules to get on their ballot. Having tax returns as another rule seems to fall in line with what you’re describing. Thanks for confirming it shit-brains.

Major party candidates are EXEMPT! Can you fucking read?

I have seen first graders with better reading skills than you!

Thanks yet again for showing us the states can make their own rules. You’re a useful idiot.

Why do you think you can just ignore inconvenient facts? Of that's right! Your IQ is southbound of room temperature!

Thanks once more for showing us states can make their own rules for who gets on their ballot. Ass Pirate…as long as you keep burying your own argument…I’ll be happy to keep handing your bitch ass shovels.
Pure, blatant, transparent, shameless partisan politics.

If you're a nihilist, this is a good time for you. We've lost our shit, and we're doing everything we can to self-destruct.

You're right, it probably is primarily politically driven, but it's also for transparency. Every candidate before now has done it, but it wasn't required. Trump's refusal to follow the practice forces it to become a requirement.

But it will have to wait for a Democratic President.

Fascist. You have no concept of freedom.
Creating a law to codify a norm is not fascism. A former teacher should know that.

Requiring a norm is fascism, dumbass! Who decides what is the norm?

Every candidate since Richard Nixon makes it the norm. Are you really this obtuse or do you just play obtuse on the internet?
the line to me gets crossed when you are not looking on what was done, but what you can attack. the dems are looking for ANYTHING they can to hold against him. to think anything there is illegal is to think the IRS is incompetent.

It better to know more about who seeks the office. Bottom line.

But they still have a right to privacy you don't get to violate, no matter how much "better" you think it would be to do so. Bottom line.

The FEC forces candidates to do financial disclosure. That is already on the books. The states following suit seems to have firm legal footing.

Actually they do not.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is the only agency authorized to regulate the financing of presidential and other federal campaigns (i.e., campaigns for the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives). The states cannot impose additional requirements on federal candidates. Federal law requires all presidential candidates to file a statement of candidacy within 15 days of receiving contributions or making expenditures that exceed $5,000. The statement of candidacy is the only federally mandated ballot access requirement for presidential candidates; all other ballot access procedures are mandated at the state level.

Ballot access for presidential candidates - Ballotpedia

Financing elections and qualifying for the ballot are two different things. There are signature requirements for candidates, filing fees, etc… If you can apply one requirement, there is precedent for placing others.

The question was about the candidate’s right to privacy however….
a requirement is a requirement. we need to stop splitting hairs we can get "our" requirements in.

i'm all up for having the SCOTUS bring this to a close. include or not i don't care. but the left needs to stop pretending it is anything other than a shot at trump and trying to hide it as "good for the country".

it's good for the lefts ego to find some consolation prize. that's all.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Every state has a list of requirements to be on the ballot, this is nothing new.

This is why when you go to vote there are not 1000 choices for president.

It is why Evan McMullin was only on the ballot in 8 states last election.

OP must be new to this country.

Guess what OP ---- the Constitution doesn't even require a vote. AT ALL. It just says each state shall send X number of Electors --- who can be chosen by a mermaid picking names out of a hat underwater if they want.

So no Sprinkles, this is not what's called "fascism".
Fun fact: in 1948 Strom Thurmond's "Dixiecrats" got Truman the Democratic nominee kicked off the state ballot in Alabama, and got themselves named the Democratic Party ticket in that state and Louisiana as well as the candidates' states of Mississippi and South Carolina.

When Thurmond later ran for the Senate (he had been Governor), the state Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot. That's how Thurmond got into the Senate ---- as a write-in. The irony of "states' rights".
Pure, blatant, transparent, shameless partisan politics.

If you're a nihilist, this is a good time for you. We've lost our shit, and we're doing everything we can to self-destruct.

You're right, it probably is primarily politically driven, but it's also for transparency. Every candidate before now has done it, but it wasn't required. Trump's refusal to follow the practice forces it to become a requirement.

But it will have to wait for a Democratic President.

Fascist. You have no concept of freedom.
Creating a law to codify a norm is not fascism. A former teacher should know that.

Requiring a norm is fascism, dumbass! Who decides what is the norm?

Every candidate since Richard Nixon makes it the norm. Are you really this obtuse or do you just play obtuse on the internet?

Actually I believe George Romney was the first candidate to do it (1967).

Romney's an interesting case in that his main claim to fame was ..... as a businessman.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

This is fascism, pure and simple. They aren't getting their way and aren't about to let a little thing like the constitution get in their way.

This shows a whole new level of desperation. Clearly, they fear they cannot possibly win by following the rules.

This is nothing more than cheating. Dictators are known for changing the rules as needed to suit their needs.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

This is fascism, pure and simple. They aren't getting their way and aren't about to let a little thing like the constitution get in their way.

This shows a whole new level of desperation. Clearly, they fear they cannot possibly win by following the rules.

This is nothing more than cheating. Dictators are known for changing the rules as needed to suit their needs.

Yuh huh.

Where does the Constitution proscribe this idea?

Where in fact does the Constitution even require a state to hold a Presidential election at all?

This oughta be good....
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.

What the hell is the problem?
Tax returns are supposed to be PRIVATE.
I don't give a damn what's in his tax returns.
If your'e so uptight about it, let's demand the tax returns of Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nader, and the rest of the Dims making such a big stink about it.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.

What the hell is the problem?
Tax returns are supposed to be PRIVATE.
I don't give a damn what's in his tax returns.
If your'e so uptight about it, let's demand the tax returns of Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nader, and the rest of the Dims making such a big stink about it.

Maybe Rump shouldn't have promised to do it then. A dozen times. And reneged.

States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot. That dear friends is called fascism. .
And "progressives" are nothing if not fascists in ANTIFA face masks.

The good news being Americans will actually witness the speed of light as that is how quickly any such legislation will get tossed by even the looniest of 9th circuit judges. The winning for America these days is almost invariably in direct proportion to leftard losing.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot. That dear friends is called fascism. .
And "progressives" are nothing if not fascists in ANTIFA face masks.

The good news being Americans will actually witness the speed of light as that is how quickly any such legislation will get tossed by even the looniest of 9th circuit judges. The winning for America these days is almost invariably in direct proportion to leftard losing.

"Circuit judges"?

On what basis?
Pure, blatant, transparent, shameless partisan politics.

If you're a nihilist, this is a good time for you. We've lost our shit, and we're doing everything we can to self-destruct.

You're right, it probably is primarily politically driven, but it's also for transparency. Every candidate before now has done it, but it wasn't required. Trump's refusal to follow the practice forces it to become a requirement.

But it will have to wait for a Democratic President.

Fascist. You have no concept of freedom.
Creating a law to codify a norm is not fascism. A former teacher should know that.

Requiring a norm is fascism, dumbass! Who decides what is the norm?

Every candidate since Richard Nixon makes it the norm. Are you really this obtuse or do you just play obtuse on the internet?

No, because one candidate not releasing his term makes it NOT the norm.

Are you this stupid in real life? If so, send me a PM and I will give you instructions on how to send me your money so I can double it.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.

What the hell is the problem?
Tax returns are supposed to be PRIVATE.
I don't give a damn what's in his tax returns.
If your'e so uptight about it, let's demand the tax returns of Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nader, and the rest of the Dims making such a big stink about it.

Yes, I agree they should release their tax returns as well. But especially candidates for President.
You're right, it probably is primarily politically driven, but it's also for transparency. Every candidate before now has done it, but it wasn't required. Trump's refusal to follow the practice forces it to become a requirement.

But it will have to wait for a Democratic President.

Fascist. You have no concept of freedom.
Creating a law to codify a norm is not fascism. A former teacher should know that.

Requiring a norm is fascism, dumbass! Who decides what is the norm?

Every candidate since Richard Nixon makes it the norm. Are you really this obtuse or do you just play obtuse on the internet?

No, because one candidate not releasing his term makes it NOT the norm.

Are you this stupid in real life? If so, send me a PM and I will give you instructions on how to send me your money so I can double it.

You can keep trying to project, but it is a fact that every candidate since George Romney has released their tax returns. That makes it a normal practice. It was never a law. Trump did not follow the normal practice (and now, thanks to the NY Times, we know WHY. What a loser) and therefore a law will be created.
States can't put restrictions on presidential qualifications. If they do their Electoral College votes won't count.
So who cares what the stupid fucks do?
Not all states have the same requirements to get on the ballot.
Got a link for that claim? IMHO the US Constitution states the only requirements needed.
"In order to get on the ballot, a candidate for president of the United States must meet a variety of complex, state-specific filing requirements and deadlines."

Ballot access for presidential candidates - Ballotpedia

You do get that there's a big difference between being required to notify people that you're running (because they're not psychic) in enough time to get the ballots printed, and being forced to jump through eligibility hoops which have nothing whatsoever to do with the ballot process, right?

Oh, wait. I forgot I was talking to a blithering moron. You probably DON'T get the difference.
Pure, blatant, transparent, shameless partisan politics.

If you're a nihilist, this is a good time for you. We've lost our shit, and we're doing everything we can to self-destruct.

You're right, it probably is primarily politically driven, but it's also for transparency. Every candidate before now has done it, but it wasn't required. Trump's refusal to follow the practice forces it to become a requirement.

But it will have to wait for a Democratic President.

I know you didn't just try to flatter and delude yourself that Democrats are honest, admirable people. Please remember that "We refuse to acknowledge scandals" is not the same thing as "We don't have any scandals".

I’m not a registered Democrat so I don’t know how it flatters me. Moot. I simply pointed it that Trump isn’t going to allow the FEC to change the rules so a rule change to compel what has only been customary will require a Democrat to make it so. Republicans don’t do anything that might upset Trump...and that kind of transparency upsets Trump.

:bigbed: This old saw. "My ass is eternally up the ass of any Democrat politician who comes by, but I'm going to pretend I have nothing to do with them the instant I'm called on it."

And don't even get me started on the "I'm demanding something unethical and sleazy, but I'm going to pretend the REAL sleaze is on the other side - which OBVIOUSLY only wants to stop it for their personal gain" canard.

You people need a new playbook. Or maybe some independent thought. You sound like a bad recording of each other.
Pure, blatant, transparent, shameless partisan politics.

If you're a nihilist, this is a good time for you. We've lost our shit, and we're doing everything we can to self-destruct.

You're right, it probably is primarily politically driven, but it's also for transparency. Every candidate before now has done it, but it wasn't required. Trump's refusal to follow the practice forces it to become a requirement.

But it will have to wait for a Democratic President.

I know you didn't just try to flatter and delude yourself that Democrats are honest, admirable people. Please remember that "We refuse to acknowledge scandals" is not the same thing as "We don't have any scandals".

I’m not a registered Democrat so I don’t know how it flatters me. Moot. I simply pointed it that Trump isn’t going to allow the FEC to change the rules so a rule change to compel what has only been customary will require a Democrat to make it so. Republicans don’t do anything that might upset Trump...and that kind of transparency upsets Trump.

:bigbed: This old saw. "My ass is eternally up the ass of any Democrat politician who comes by, but I'm going to pretend I have nothing to do with them the instant I'm called on it."

And don't even get me started on the "I'm demanding something unethical and sleazy, but I'm going to pretend the REAL sleaze is on the other side - which OBVIOUSLY only wants to stop it for their personal gain" canard.

You people need a new playbook. Or maybe some independent thought. You sound like a bad recording of each other.

There is nothing unethical in passing a law to codify a norm...but your drama is amusing.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.

What the hell is the problem?
Tax returns are supposed to be PRIVATE.
I don't give a damn what's in his tax returns.
If your'e so uptight about it, let's demand the tax returns of Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nader, and the rest of the Dims making such a big stink about it.

Yes, I agree they should release their tax returns as well. But especially candidates for President.

Just what purpose does it serve to publicize an individual's tax returns?

Would you want YOURS opened to the public:?

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