Democrats received 9 million more votes in the last election

There is nothing really shocking about these figures. The baby boomers/older generations tend to be more conservative, and frankly that is a demographic that is loosing ground to the younger, more liberal demographic. In fact this trend caused many people to think that they would never see a Republican President again in their lifetime (you know some of those people eh rightwinger).

The long term trend in this country is towards liberalism/socialism. Those trends are the underlying cause of national debt, and will ultimately cause the events which bring about the fall of this country, whenever that occurs.
An underlying debt of a trillion and half dollar tax cut going to the wealthy, while wages remain stagnant is how you accumulate a national debt.

Now come on! Entitlement spending, which primarily began under FDR (phony conservative Republicans have had their hand in entitlement spending too) is the ever growing expense that will never allow for zero national debt.
Entitlement spending, if you've taken the time to educate yourself about, generally pays for itself. Obviously you have not done that.

Do you really know what an entitlement actually is? It is nothing more than people putting money somewhere "we" earned, so we can get it back later. If we did it in a bank, it would be no different. It is not an expense when it is your money to start with.

Alright, look at the charts below for 2017 budget, the last budget under BO.

You see $3.3 trillion in revenue and $4 trillion in spending. The largest component of spending is your entitlement non-discretionary spending, social programs which include social security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, unemployment, etc. EXPLAIN TOO ME HOW THOSE PROGRAMS ARE PAYING FOR THEMSELVES. Payroll taxes (the amount collected from people who work) collected $1.2 trillion, but entitlement spending was more than twice that amount. Your math doesn’t work.

View attachment 231181
Why are people like you so damn ignorant about what has been going on with entitlements? S.S. funded the fabricated wars by Bush, and replenishing that account won't happen until 2020, giving Republicans the lying excuse that S.S. is an expense. It never was. How do we know? Because it was money we already had to fund for fabricated wars and a Bush recession. How do you think we got that money to start with? Because we were spending more of it than was coming in? No, we had a surplus. That's the beauty of entitlements; Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

Social security has nothing to do with the added expense, because it wasn't properly funded after Bush tapped into it. The money had already been taken. The 3.3 trillion as opposed to the 4 trillion, is only telling us how much we need to spend in order to put back what was taken. Your chart doesn't explain that. The 3.3 is telling us what we made, not what we need to recover from the coffers that were taken.

You can't pay for something if you steal from it. Especially when you have a bloviated military, coupled with tax cuts going to the wealthy. Don't blame entitlements for that. Blame your Republican policies.

All you have to do to answer your own skewed question is this, where did the surplus come from to begin with, from entitlements, and how did it get there? That's easy. Now stop lying to yourself.
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9 million vote differential means more than squat

Trump was able to hit electoral magic while losing by three million votes

The math does not work for 9 million votes

Of course it does just more Illegal Mexicans voting in California.

No all it proves is more people went out and voted,the EC is what matters

100 million people voted in the midterm. Dems won by 9 million

150 million will vote in the presidential election

Doesn’t look good for Trump

9 million vote differential means more than squat

Trump was able to hit electoral magic while losing by three million votes

The math does not work for 9 million votes

It could easily work depending on what states the votes are located.
Trump took FL,PA, Michigan and Wisconsin wth margins under 100,000 votes

Hard to cover 9 million votes

Every election cycle is different, and in 2 years things can and likely will be much different. Personally, I think we will hit a recession before the 2020 election. That alone could doom Trump. Or he could become a hero if things with the Ukraine and Russia gets uglier and he figures out a way to solve it. What will Nancy and company do in the House? Are they going to start a bunch of investigation and move for impeachment? That could backfire on them. You as well as anybody should know, making predictions 2 years before an election is futile.
Things will be different

Trump will be under indictment

There is nothing really shocking about these figures. The baby boomers/older generations tend to be more conservative, and frankly that is a demographic that is loosing ground to the younger, more liberal demographic. In fact this trend caused many people to think that they would never see a Republican President again in their lifetime (you know some of those people eh rightwinger).

The long term trend in this country is towards liberalism/socialism. Those trends are the underlying cause of national debt, and will ultimately cause the events which bring about the fall of this country, whenever that occurs.
An underlying debt of a trillion and half dollar tax cut going to the wealthy, while wages remain stagnant is how you accumulate a national debt.

oh, you are jealous of people who make more than you do
So is this OP hinting that this means 9 million illegal aliens were snuck in by Dem policies and imigration activism recently and given prefilled voter registration and mailer votes?
Or are you trying to say 4.5 million illegals were used for voter registrations and 4.5 million dead and incarcerated people had their identities stolen for mail in votes mostly found in boxes hidden
under desks along with
Joe Scarborough's dead secretary's evidence that he was responsible for.
The saving grace of the whole situation is that leftists like living with...other leftists. It is that hive mentality that has saved our union so far. I am hopeful it will happen again.

So is this OP hinting that this means 9 million illegal aliens were snuck in by Dem policies and imigration activism recently and given prefilled voter registration and mailer votes?
Or are you trying to say 4.5 million illegals were used for voter registrations and 4.5 million dead and incarcerated people had their identities stolen for mail in votes mostly found in boxes hidden
under desks along with
Joe Scarborough's dead secretary's evidence that he was responsible for.
View attachment 231224
WTF are you babbling about?
So is this OP hinting that this means 9 million illegal aliens were snuck in by Dem policies and imigration activism recently and given prefilled voter registration and mailer votes?
Or are you trying to say 4.5 million illegals were used for voter registrations and 4.5 million dead and incarcerated people had their identities stolen for mail in votes mostly found in boxes hidden
under desks along with
Joe Scarborough's dead secretary's evidence that he was responsible for.
View attachment 231224
WTF are you babbling about?
Can you prove the 9 million number and that the numbers difference are from legal voters and that this info matters to anything? Your points seem like smokescreens like your response was to avoid the embarassment that is the liberal party.
There is nothing really shocking about these figures. The baby boomers/older generations tend to be more conservative, and frankly that is a demographic that is loosing ground to the younger, more liberal demographic. In fact this trend caused many people to think that they would never see a Republican President again in their lifetime (you know some of those people eh rightwinger).

The long term trend in this country is towards liberalism/socialism. Those trends are the underlying cause of national debt, and will ultimately cause the events which bring about the fall of this country, whenever that occurs.
An underlying debt of a trillion and half dollar tax cut going to the wealthy, while wages remain stagnant is how you accumulate a national debt.

Now come on! Entitlement spending, which primarily began under FDR (phony conservative Republicans have had their hand in entitlement spending too) is the ever growing expense that will never allow for zero national debt.
Entitlement spending, if you've taken the time to educate yourself about, generally pays for itself. Obviously you have not done that.

Do you really know what an entitlement actually is? It is nothing more than people putting money somewhere "we" earned, so we can get it back later. If we did it in a bank, it would be no different. It is not an expense when it is your money to start with.

Alright, look at the charts below for 2017 budget, the last budget under BO.

You see $3.3 trillion in revenue and $4 trillion in spending. The largest component of spending is your entitlement non-discretionary spending, social programs which include social security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, unemployment, etc. EXPLAIN TOO ME HOW THOSE PROGRAMS ARE PAYING FOR THEMSELVES. Payroll taxes (the amount collected from people who work) collected $1.2 trillion, but entitlement spending was more than twice that amount. Your math doesn’t work.

View attachment 231181
Why are people like you so damn ignorant about what has been going on with entitlements? S.S. funded the fabricated wars by Bush, and replenishing that account won't happen until 2020, giving Republicans the lying excuse that S.S. is an expense. It never was. How do we know? Because it was money we already had to fund for fabricated wars and a Bush recession. How do you think we got that money to start with? Because we were spending more of it than was coming in? No, we had a surplus. That's the beauty of entitlements; Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

Social security has nothing to do with the added expense, because it wasn't properly funded after Bush tapped into it. The money had already been taken. The 3.3 trillion as opposed to the 4 trillion, is only telling us how much we need to spend in order to put back what was taken. Your chart doesn't explain that. The 3.3 is telling us what we made, not what we need to recover from the coffers that were taken.

You can't pay for something if you steal from it. Especially when you have a bloviated military, coupled with tax cuts going to the wealthy. Don't blame entitlements for that. Blame your Republican policies.

All you have to do to answer your own skewed question is this, where did the surplus come from to begin with, from entitlements, and how did it get there? That's easy. Now stop lying to yourself.

What a blissful life you lead. Good on you. The rest of us will deal with reality.
9 million pissed off citizens
So you admit Hillary and MSM and Dem Politicians made people (wormwood) bitter and poisonous and thus shortened their lives because stress and anger does a number on your health as does eating your sad feelings induced by the leftist rage baiting.
So the intolerant left are MADE angry because they chose anger intolerance and division instead of being part of their country's success, they chose party and misery over country.
So is this OP hinting that this means 9 million illegal aliens were snuck in by Dem policies and imigration activism recently and given prefilled voter registration and mailer votes?
Or are you trying to say 4.5 million illegals were used for voter registrations and 4.5 million dead and incarcerated people had their identities stolen for mail in votes mostly found in boxes hidden
under desks along with
Joe Scarborough's dead secretary's evidence that he was responsible for.
View attachment 231224
WTF are you babbling about?
Can you prove the 9 million number and that the numbers difference are from legal voters and that this info matters to anything? Your points seem like smokescreens like your response was to avoid the embarassment that is the liberal party.
Can you prove Trump did not have up to five million Russians vote for him in 2016?
9 million pissed off citizens
So you admit Hillary and MSM and Dem Politicians made people (wormwood) bitter and poisonous and thus shortened their lives because stress and anger does a number on your health as does eating your sad feelings induced by the leftist rage baiting.
So the intolerant left are MADE angry because they chose anger intolerance and division instead of being part of their country's success, they chose party and misery over country.
View attachment 231252 View attachment 231253 View attachment 231254 View attachment 231255 View attachment 231256
Funny pictures to make a point

You must be conservative

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