Democrats Say They Want Higher Wages for Lower Income Workers

I've been saying this for years. Every time some commie in here whines about wages not going up, I point out that it's their fault for supporting uncontrolled illegal immigration.

Immigrants aren't taking your job unless you're a leaf blower.
So you have no Chinese made products in your home right now?

I'm glad you're willing to pay, but most Americans are not. Most are very upset at our inflation and it's showing in the presidential polls.
The idea that the president controls inflation is idiotic.

Most Americans don't give a shit about other Americans, if what you say is true. I don't think it is.
Abused? Hardly. This sentiment is indicative of just how spoiled we are in the US. Most have no clue how good they really have it. Californians get upset because when there is a drought they can't fill up their swimming pools or water their lawns. In some other countries a drought means no fresh water and no food. We are upset because some Starbucks are shutting down in the middle of the day because they can't get enough people to pour coffee for $31k/yr, benefits and free college. Oh the horror of folks that should be working are not getting their afternoon $5 lattes that they are paying for with government money.

Democrats are consumed by first world problems, not meaningful ones.
Oh the horror. What will we do if we can't keep our Starbucks open? Society will collapse!

This comment alone really indicates who is spoiled.
Biden is a capitalist and the capitalist insist that the illegals be allowed to get jobs in the US to hold down labor cost. Biden and the capitalist will lie to you and deceive you to get what they want. It happened during Trump also but you believed his lie that he was stopping it.
no one ever said that illegals were coming into the country under Trump. However, trump actually tried to stop them, it was demofks who continued to push the wall as unnecessary because they really weren't coming in. Can't make it up. Which is it, did demofks lie?
That's the most ridiculous solution I ever heard of. Stay home, lose a ton of money, and hope things get better.

We've all had shitty jobs before, shitty bosses, paid shitty. But we didn't go home and wait for things to get better, we made them better for ourselves.

In my mid 30's I decided I wasn't making enough doing non-skilled work, so I got my CDL and went back to driving a straight truck, something I did when I was 18 years old. Still unsatisfied with the money and job availability, I learned how to drive a tractor-trailer and got my Class-A license. I drove tractor-trailers for nearly 30 years. I took the extra money I made and invested it into rental property for when I retire which I am now.

If I just went home after my last shitty job and waited until opportunity came to my door, I'd still be waiting. I did something about it. I joined a trade where I was always in demand. I'm no special talent. What I did anybody can do today. Driving pays more than very well and you can even earn six figures depending on the kind of work you're willing to do. If you feel you are not being paid enough or mistreated, you can buy your own truck and work for yourself.
The world is a lot different than when you were 30 years old.

Commercial trucking is suffering because of how shitty of a job it is. Trucking companies have been coercing people into shitty owner/operator contracts and putting people into 6 figure debt and taking most of their paycheck to cover it. The turnover in commercial trucking is astonishingly high.

Employers have spent the last 30 years figuring out how to get as much from employees and giving them as little in return. People have had enough. It shows.
Whoosh! Right over your head.
Not at all.

This country has such a screwed up relationship with morality and labor. It’s time we recognize it.

If someone doesn’t want to work at Starbucks, that doesn’t make them bad.
how? How did trump control the budget if the budget comes from congress? Are you saying xiden controls today's budget?
The president submits a proposed budget to congress with how he sees priorities...but Congress has the final say on the budget.

For the first two years of trump, the Republicans had a majority in Congress, both houses.

If trump didn't get what he requested, blame who has majority in Trump's case, for two years, it was Repubs.
The president submits a proposed budget to congress with how he sees priorities...but Congress has the final say on the budget.

For the first two years of trump, the Republicans had a majority in Congress, both houses.

If trump didn't get what he requested, blame who has majority in Trump's case, for two years, it was Repubs.
Being mad at Republicans for not raising taxes, hilarious.

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