Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

This Schumer Shutdown is looking more like the democrats not caring about our border security each day. Sad!
Yet another Trumpette who has to blame Trump's failures on someone else.

Congress sent a spending bill to Trump that he said he would sign.

More like the failure of these bought and paid for vacationing democrats not caring about border security. This Schumer Shutdown has taken it's toll. But the democrats don't care since they still have it shutdown right.
I said what I did because Republicans simply refuse to base their positions on immigration in reality. They have overblown the problem into an apocalyptic invasion of rapists and murderers to frighten their base. Additionally they want huge sums to fight a problem that does not really exist in ways that exacerbate a host of other problems. Border security is important as is drug enforcement but realistically it should be down the list of national priorities, certainly not a reason to have a damaging hostage crisis.

You said what you did because you're programmed with these responses. All of you turds are. You all parrot the same stupid shit day in, day out. When your bullshit is exposed, you parrot some inane drivel about faux news or racism and strut away to shit somewhere else.

You bed wetters don't have the slightest concept of reality, no matter what the issue is. How many rapists are you willing to give sanctuary too? Just one? A dozen? How about a hundred?

How about psychopathic killers? Is a dozen of them ok? Can they be housed with you until they find a decent job? Or maybe they can just mow your lawn and live at your place forever.

I think one rapist is too many. I think one killer is too many. I think one illegal who drives around trashed with no insurance and no license kills a family on the highway is too many, we have enough irish assholes like BETO getting DWI's and running away from cops . I think one asshole who can't understand english working at a drive thru is too fucking many. So I may not be as tolerant as you.

We didn't create this problem, shit hole countries and their corruptocracies created this problem. We do not need nor should we want to allow the symptoms of those problems bleeding us. We have enough of our own.
You have what is called a siege mentality, pretty common among conservatives.
You'd think that Christmas, the celebration of Christ, would have lightened the dark and foul minds and hearts of some of these low life right wingers on this board, at least for awhile, but no. Mind you, I'm not saying all right wingers are guilty of this, but a good amount are.
You'd think that Christmas, the celebration of Christ, would have lightened the dark and foul minds and hearts of some of these low life right wingers on this board, at least for awhile, but no. Mind you, I'm not saying all right wingers are guilty of this, but a good amount are.
They hate Jesus worst of all. They meet every Sunday to crucify him all over again.
The Democrats want the illegals to take your jobs, destroy your way of life, kill your children, destroy your culture ,destroy your language, basically take away everything you worked so hard for. Demorats are the enemy .
There are no border security, immigration, or wall building clauses expressed in the Republican Doctrine.

Our welfare clause is General not Common.

We don't have a general warfare or common offense clause.
that's how it's been
they said FU America when Trump was elected--
they did not agree/want/etc a fair/legal/American election
They said FU America long before that. What do you think the Clinton's and Obama have been doing all these years? They've been at it for decades at least.
Trump's war on illegal immigration is as misdirected and counterproductive as the war on drugs. Another social problem republicans think can be solved purely by force. How did that war on drugs turn out?

Americans are still alive, so the war on drugs apparently is a success. Your false assumption that not fighting it is a better solution is moronic.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.

Not squandering $40 billion on a useless wall as a vanity project for the President, is defending the nation. The United States cannot afford universal health care, infrastructure spending to improve business and investment, then it certainly cannot afford $40 billion for Trump's wall, that he PROMISED, Mexico would pay for.

Americans did NOT vote for the wall, because Trump lost the popular vote. So unpopular is this President and his policies, that Trump lost the House, 7 State governorships, 6 state Houses, in the largest repudiation of a sitting President in mid-term history, so clearly the American people are NOT supportive of Trump or his wall.
Americans are still alive, so the war on drugs apparently is a success. Your false assumption that not fighting it is a better solution is moronic.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.

Not squandering $40 billion on a useless wall as a vanity project for the President, is defending the nation. The United States cannot afford universal health care, infrastructure spending to improve business and investment, then it certainly cannot afford $40 billion for Trump's wall, that he PROMISED, Mexico would pay for.

Americans did NOT vote for the wall, because Trump lost the popular vote. So unpopular is this President and his policies, that Trump lost the House, 7 State governorships, 6 state Houses, in the largest repudiation of a sitting President in mid-term history, so clearly the American people are NOT supportive of Trump or his wall.
Republicans still haven't figured out that this less about a wall than the shitty politics Trump is using.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.

Not squandering $40 billion on a useless wall as a vanity project for the President, is defending the nation. The United States cannot afford universal health care, infrastructure spending to improve business and investment, then it certainly cannot afford $40 billion for Trump's wall, that he PROMISED, Mexico would pay for.

Americans did NOT vote for the wall, because Trump lost the popular vote. So unpopular is this President and his policies, that Trump lost the House, 7 State governorships, 6 state Houses, in the largest repudiation of a sitting President in mid-term history, so clearly the American people are NOT supportive of Trump or his wall.
Republicans still haven't figured out that this less about a wall than the shitty politics Trump is using.

Shitty politics of delivering to Americans what they want?

Yes, come to think of it, that probably does sound like shitty politics to you.
Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.

Not squandering $40 billion on a useless wall as a vanity project for the President, is defending the nation. The United States cannot afford universal health care, infrastructure spending to improve business and investment, then it certainly cannot afford $40 billion for Trump's wall, that he PROMISED, Mexico would pay for.

Americans did NOT vote for the wall, because Trump lost the popular vote. So unpopular is this President and his policies, that Trump lost the House, 7 State governorships, 6 state Houses, in the largest repudiation of a sitting President in mid-term history, so clearly the American people are NOT supportive of Trump or his wall.
Republicans still haven't figured out that this less about a wall than the shitty politics Trump is using.

Shitty politics of delivering to Americans what they want?

Yes, come to think of it, that probably does sound like shitty politics to you.
The slim minority of Americans who would be happy to live in a police state must forever be denied.
Not squandering $40 billion on a useless wall as a vanity project for the President, is defending the nation. The United States cannot afford universal health care, infrastructure spending to improve business and investment, then it certainly cannot afford $40 billion for Trump's wall, that he PROMISED, Mexico would pay for.

Americans did NOT vote for the wall, because Trump lost the popular vote. So unpopular is this President and his policies, that Trump lost the House, 7 State governorships, 6 state Houses, in the largest repudiation of a sitting President in mid-term history, so clearly the American people are NOT supportive of Trump or his wall.

Wow how utterly amazing to find so many inaccurate statements in one post.

81% of Americans want border security. That is a fact through polling. There is disagreement on how we implement.

Obama actually lost more seats, as did every other president in modern times. What is rare was an increase in the Senate at the first mid term.

The figure is $5b, not 40. Try to get a little less emotionally driven in your rants.
Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.

Not squandering $40 billion on a useless wall as a vanity project for the President, is defending the nation. The United States cannot afford universal health care, infrastructure spending to improve business and investment, then it certainly cannot afford $40 billion for Trump's wall, that he PROMISED, Mexico would pay for.

Americans did NOT vote for the wall, because Trump lost the popular vote. So unpopular is this President and his policies, that Trump lost the House, 7 State governorships, 6 state Houses, in the largest repudiation of a sitting President in mid-term history, so clearly the American people are NOT supportive of Trump or his wall.
Republicans still haven't figured out that this less about a wall than the shitty politics Trump is using.

Shitty politics of delivering to Americans what they want?

Yes, come to think of it, that probably does sound like shitty politics to you.

Did you vote for chaos?
Did you vote to have an incessant liar in the White House?
Did you vote for a racist?
Did you vote for a misogynist?
Did you vote to have the swamp made toxic?

I suppose so, since you continue to support trump.
Democrats are not all anything. Just as Republicans are not all anything.

Both groups are made up diverse people. There are good ones, bad ones, stupid ones and smart ones.

As soon as someone says a group of tens+ of millions of people are 'all __________ (something negative)?
I immediately know this person is severely biased on this by ignorance and/or flat out hatred and are a complete waste of time on the subject.

As is this OP.

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