Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

I'm not sure that "I" trust us not to elect someone equally as fucked up as Trump OR WORSE

Despite everything...there are still a solid 35% of people who support this disaster.
That is the biggest problem with our global reputation

We always had the Deplorables but kept them under wraps. Now they have shown they can rise up once in a while and sieize the government

Even when a moderate Republican wins he must pander to the Deplorables
Democrats excell at pandering. It's at the very core of identity politics, thus what they do best.

Republican identity politics tell you to not trust anyone who is not white, straight and Christian
Full stop

Democrats are the enemy .
the right wing doesn't care about capitalism. just a bunch of national socialists.
Trump's war on illegal immigration is as misdirected and counterproductive as the war on drugs. Another social problem republicans think can be solved purely by force. How did that war on drugs turn out?

Americans are still alive, so the war on drugs apparently is a success. Your false assumption that not fighting it is a better solution is moronic.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.
Trump's war on illegal immigration is as misdirected and counterproductive as the war on drugs. Another social problem republicans think can be solved purely by force. How did that war on drugs turn out?

Americans are still alive, so the war on drugs apparently is a success. Your false assumption that not fighting it is a better solution is moronic.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.

Trump's response to the lowest levels of illegal immigration in 70 years in totally inappropriate and completely out of proportion to the level of the problem. To Trump, illegal immigration is the ONLY thing that matters because it's the only plank of his platform that everyone can agree on. EVERYBODY is opposed to illegal immigration, and NOBODY wants open borders.

But like everything else, the devil is in the details. Walls have been around since Biblical times, and they didn't work then. Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho and the walls came tumblin' down. During the Middle Ages, people lived within walled communities to give themselves the advantage of the highest ground against any attackers. They were successful in keeping predators out of the towns, but not attackers. Often the invading army only had to starve out their enemies, unless there were sources of water and food within the walls, or a means of escape.

Building a wall is a huge expense, and noting that the "fence" envisioned in the Secure Fences Act, still hasn't been built, and isn't working where it has been built, all logic and reason would dictate that a better, more cost effective, and timely solution be sought.

Trump's Wall has NOTHING to do with border defenses, and nothing to do with curbing illegal immigration. Trump promised a wall and, "Who's going to pay for it?" Mexico. Now that everything else he promises has been a HUGELY Epic Fail, he must build a fucking wall, whether or not it makes sense, regardless of how much it costs, or whether it's a good idea or a bad one, it must be built, or Trump has lost face with his base.

I can think of no dumber reason for spending $50 billion dollars than to fulfill a promise that should never have been made. Did Trump consult anyone on the wisdom of building a wall? Did he look at modern technologies for 21st century esolutions to stop drones from flying over his wall/fence/barrier or whatever snake oil he's selling today? No, he just went with something that sounds good on paper but doesn't work. An idea that has been around since Jesus walked the earth. It didn't work then, and it wont work now, but by God, Trump promised a wall and it must be built.
Democrats have no interest in protecting Americans. Democrats have Americans slated for replacement.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

You didn't need to state it. Since you offered no alternative, it is fair to say you thought doing nothing was a better approach, it is not.

Democrats label and promote hate these days. Their hatred for Middle America is obvious. Though not a race, defining them as Fly Over Country and belittling at every turn paints you the hater. Democrats are not using your argument as a reason against the wall, they simply want open borders. How many Congressional leaders live in gated communities? Have armed protectors? Use a healthcare plan made especially for them ( not Obamacare)? Redistribution of wealth by taxation is not American either, but you wholly endorse it.
Oh please. Trump is the hate spewer.

Look, dumbfuck, we have FENCES along the border. Really we do. I have seen them.

We even hase check points.

So quit lying about open borders you stupid shit.

WE don't hate Middle America. We feel pity that a lot of them arte too stupid to know Trump fucked them all over - especially the farmers, with his tariffs.

You arte too God damn stupid to know the difference between a 40' concrete ewall & the border fencing that most countries have.

We are not against reasonable border fencing. We are against the 40' concrete wall. This is how stupid you are.

Go really, go fuck yourself until you can get better informed.

And furthermore, you have no clue what "redistriibuion of wealth" means.

Aren't you just a pleasant kid? You see yourself as a superior human who thinks he knows best how to run other people's lives. We won't let you.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

You didn't need to state it. Since you offered no alternative, it is fair to say you thought doing nothing was a better approach, it is not.

Democrats label and promote hate these days. Their hatred for Middle America is obvious. Though not a race, defining them as Fly Over Country and belittling at every turn paints you the hater. Democrats are not using your argument as a reason against the wall, they simply want open borders. How many Congressional leaders live in gated communities? Have armed protectors? Use a healthcare plan made especially for them ( not Obamacare)? Redistribution of wealth by taxation is not American either, but you wholly endorse it.
Oh please. Trump is the hate spewer.

Look, dumbfuck, we have FENCES along the border. Really we do. I have seen them.

We even hase check points.

So quit lying about open borders you stupid shit.

WE don't hate Middle America. We feel pity that a lot of them arte too stupid to know Trump fucked them all over - especially the farmers, with his tariffs.

You arte too God damn stupid to know the difference between a 40' concrete ewall & the border fencing that most countries have.

We are not against reasonable border fencing. We are against the 40' concrete wall. This is how stupid you are.

Go really, go fuck yourself until you can get better informed.

And furthermore, you have no clue what "redistriibuion of wealth" means.

Wow, dood, how fricken stupid are you?
I said what I did because Republicans simply refuse to base their positions on immigration in reality. They have overblown the problem into an apocalyptic invasion of rapists and murderers to frighten their base. Additionally they want huge sums to fight a problem that does not really exist in ways that exacerbate a host of other problems. Border security is important as is drug enforcement but realistically it should be down the list of national priorities, certainly not a reason to have a damaging hostage crisis.

You said what you did because you're programmed with these responses. All of you turds are. You all parrot the same stupid shit day in, day out. When your bullshit is exposed, you parrot some inane drivel about faux news or racism and strut away to shit somewhere else.

You bed wetters don't have the slightest concept of reality, no matter what the issue is. How many rapists are you willing to give sanctuary too? Just one? A dozen? How about a hundred?

How about psychopathic killers? Is a dozen of them ok? Can they be housed with you until they find a decent job? Or maybe they can just mow your lawn and live at your place forever.

I think one rapist is too many. I think one killer is too many. I think one illegal who drives around trashed with no insurance and no license kills a family on the highway is too many, we have enough irish assholes like BETO getting DWI's and running away from cops . I think one asshole who can't understand english working at a drive thru is too fucking many. So I may not be as tolerant as you.

We didn't create this problem, shit hole countries and their corruptocracies created this problem. We do not need nor should we want to allow the symptoms of those problems bleeding us. We have enough of our own.
Correct. The Democrat party has made a decision to reject the Christians and working class and protect and coddle illegals, perverts, muslims, government drones and every misfit they can find.
An illegal child dies at the border and Democrats cry and blame an American President for trying to enforce our laws. American citizens are murdered every week by illegals and Democrats defend it or remain silent.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails of politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

While not a Republican, I voted against Hillary by voting for the best chance to beat her. That was Trump. Lesser of two evils plain and simple.
You sound like a Bernie crybaby.
Trump had caused more damage to America in two years than the Republican Party has in the last 60.

And that’s saying a lot.

That's why he is adored. No one has destroyed more regressive bullshit than Trump has. Of course in whatever orifice functions as Deanturd's "mind" destroying capitalism and the Constitution is "progress". Anything that destroys that "progress" leads to increased individual freedom, prosperity and stability.

To see the misery these pieces of shit wallow in, consumed with hatred, bigotry, anger and ignorance...

I can't even explain how much joy it brings me. The only thing I can read that would make me even more delighted would be a story about Deaturd's genetic garbage being pressure washed off a train. You libturds really need another Jim Jones.
This Schumer Shutdown is looking more like the democrats not caring about our border security each day. Sad!
Yet another Trumpette who has to blame Trump's failures on someone else.

Congress sent a spending bill to Trump that he said he would sign.
An illegal child dies at the border and Democrats cry and blame an American President for trying to enforce our laws. American citizens are murdered every week by illegals and Democrats defend it or remain silent.

Or blame a gun.
Correct. The Democrat party has made a decision to reject the Christians and working class and protect and coddle illegals, perverts, muslims, government drones and every misfit they can find.

Well after the soviets shit the bed, our moonbats needed a new set of allies in their endeavor to destroy the US. They will embrace any and all enemies of the republic, because they're traitors. Every last fucking one. I no longer care if their ignorant of the fact, they're deliberately ignorant. They have no plausible deniability any longer at this point. We mist continue to defeat them.

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