Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

You didn't need to state it. Since you offered no alternative, it is fair to say you thought doing nothing was a better approach, it is not.

Democrats label and promote hate these days. Their hatred for Middle America is obvious. Though not a race, defining them as Fly Over Country and belittling at every turn paints you the hater. Democrats are not using your argument as a reason against the wall, they simply want open borders. How many Congressional leaders live in gated communities? Have armed protectors? Use a healthcare plan made especially for them ( not Obamacare)? Redistribution of wealth by taxation is not American either, but you wholly endorse it.
Gorka: Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."
Comments from others below
Chucky boy needs to remember what he said.
Is this guy schumer's twin brother from 2009? Changed his tune quite a bit in 2018. Typical swamp dweller and Trump obstructionist
What a two faced, double standard Democrat POS! Typical politician will do and say anything to get elected or re-elected
Schumer is a liar
What a hypocrite. Now he's an Open Borders advocate. Slimy Schumer

As far as I understand, the kids are trafficked to the Democrat party, hollywood and other evil leftist encampments. Now you may understand the problem.

Wow, you only understand the stupid shit Trump says.

A snowflake offended by truth. Did you not get your shipment because of Trump?

When have you or your fat assed orange buddy told the truth?
Trump had caused more damage to America in two years than the Republican Party has in the last 60.

And that’s saying a lot.

His biggest damage was to our once proud reputation
I don’t think the rest of the world trusts us to not elect another extreme right Republican

Reputation? You mean the one where liberals try to emulate Europe? :lol:
Gorka: Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."
Comments from others below
Chucky boy needs to remember what he said.
Is this guy schumer's twin brother from 2009? Changed his tune quite a bit in 2018. Typical swamp dweller and Trump obstructionist
What a two faced, double standard Democrat POS! Typical politician will do and say anything to get elected or re-elected
Schumer is a liar
What a hypocrite. Now he's an Open Borders advocate. Slimy Schumer

Democrats aren't the ones taking down Trump. That would be Republicans: Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, The Senate Judiciary Committee, the top officials of the Justice Department, the FBI, and the CIA, all of whom are Donald Trump appointees.

Chuck Schumer is not and has never been for "open borders". The Democratic Party is not and has never been for "open borders". That's a lie that Donald Trump tells and only idiots believe. Democrats have been far tougher on illegal immigrants than any Republican Administration, including this one. And they have done so without building internment camps on the border or killing children. Under Barrack Obama, the illegal Mexican population declined by 300,000 people.

Illegal immigration is at it's lowest point in 70 years, and 66% of illegal immigration doesn't enter the US via the Southern Border. It comes in through your airports with visas in hand.

This whole "Southern Border Crisis" is a con by a master conman who is trying to deflect from the utter and complete criminality of his administration which is now up to 17 investigations of everything Donald Trump has ever touched in his life. He's not just dirty, he's covered in every level of crime you can mention. This is rich white privelege getting its comeuppance after years of skating by on chutzpah and luck.

Trump was so desperate to end the investigation into his "Charitiable" foundation, that he agreed to disband the Foundation, but the State of New York is continuing with its investigation. Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric will be barred from sitting the board of Directors of any charity for life. And that's just the beginning for the kids. Ivanka is already under investigation for bank fraud in Vancouver regarding construction of the Trump Hotel there.

Friends who worked on the Trump Hotel in Toronto said that the Saudis signed their paychecks.

So you are for mass invasion and no wall and get rid of ice ?

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy if we claim to be capitalist.
Gorka: Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."
Comments from others below
Chucky boy needs to remember what he said.
Is this guy schumer's twin brother from 2009? Changed his tune quite a bit in 2018. Typical swamp dweller and Trump obstructionist
What a two faced, double standard Democrat POS! Typical politician will do and say anything to get elected or re-elected
Schumer is a liar
What a hypocrite. Now he's an Open Borders advocate. Slimy Schumer

As far as I understand, the kids are trafficked to the Democrat party, hollywood and other evil leftist encampments. Now you may understand the problem.

Wow, you only understand the stupid shit Trump says.

A snowflake offended by truth. Did you not get your shipment because of Trump?

When have you or your fat assed orange buddy told the truth?

I always speak the truth with the truthful. Why would I or Trump speak the truth who wants the nation gone.
Gorka: Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."
Comments from others below
Chucky boy needs to remember what he said.
Is this guy schumer's twin brother from 2009? Changed his tune quite a bit in 2018. Typical swamp dweller and Trump obstructionist
What a two faced, double standard Democrat POS! Typical politician will do and say anything to get elected or re-elected
Schumer is a liar
What a hypocrite. Now he's an Open Borders advocate. Slimy Schumer

Taking down Trump IS protecting America.

It's civil war

I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

You didn't need to state it. Since you offered no alternative, it is fair to say you thought doing nothing was a better approach, it is not.

Democrats label and promote hate these days. Their hatred for Middle America is obvious. Though not a race, defining them as Fly Over Country and belittling at every turn paints you the hater. Democrats are not using your argument as a reason against the wall, they simply want open borders. How many Congressional leaders live in gated communities? Have armed protectors? Use a healthcare plan made especially for them ( not Obamacare)? Redistribution of wealth by taxation is not American either, but you wholly endorse it.
Oh please. Trump is the hate spewer.

Look, dumbfuck, we have FENCES along the border. Really we do. I have seen them.

We even hase check points.

So quit lying about open borders you stupid shit.

WE don't hate Middle America. We feel pity that a lot of them arte too stupid to know Trump fucked them all over - especially the farmers, with his tariffs.

You arte too God damn stupid to know the difference between a 40' concrete ewall & the border fencing that most countries have.

We are not against reasonable border fencing. We are against the 40' concrete wall. This is how stupid you are.

Go really, go fuck yourself until you can get better informed.

And furthermore, you have no clue what "redistriibuion of wealth" means.
Gorka: Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."
Comments from others below
Chucky boy needs to remember what he said.
Is this guy schumer's twin brother from 2009? Changed his tune quite a bit in 2018. Typical swamp dweller and Trump obstructionist
What a two faced, double standard Democrat POS! Typical politician will do and say anything to get elected or re-elected
Schumer is a liar
What a hypocrite. Now he's an Open Borders advocate. Slimy Schumer

As far as I understand, the kids are trafficked to the Democrat party, hollywood and other evil leftist encampments. Now you may understand the problem.

Wow, you only understand the stupid shit Trump says.

A snowflake offended by truth. Did you not get your shipment because of Trump?

When have you or your fat assed orange buddy told the truth?

I always speak the truth with the truthful. Why would I or Trump speak the truth who wants the nation gone.
Finally, a Trumpette that admits that they lie all the time.
Stop, the real problem is leadership. Neither side has it and that is why we were given the choice of Hillary or Trump. No one is trying to promote unity, stopping the growth of deficits, straightforward simple taxation, fixing health care delivery and costs or real immigration reform.
As far as I understand, the kids are trafficked to the Democrat party, hollywood and other evil leftist encampments. Now you may understand the problem.

Wow, you only understand the stupid shit Trump says.

A snowflake offended by truth. Did you not get your shipment because of Trump?

When have you or your fat assed orange buddy told the truth?

I always speak the truth with the truthful. Why would I or Trump speak the truth who wants the nation gone.
Finally, a Trumpette that admits that they lie all the time.

Most people are truthful, honest, decent Americans. I can understand why to you it appears that way, for you are never honest or decent.
Trump's war on illegal immigration is as misdirected and counterproductive as the war on drugs. Another social problem republicans think can be solved purely by force. How did that war on drugs turn out?

Americans are still alive, so the war on drugs apparently is a success. Your false assumption that not fighting it is a better solution is moronic.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails of politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.
Gorka: Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."

Democrats only care about "taking down the president" and that "they have to block everything."

He added that Democrats still haven't recovered from Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election.

"They care about power, and they are obsessed," he said. "You want to protect Americans? You want to protect the people that are trafficked? Build the wall. Give the president his money."
Comments from others below
Chucky boy needs to remember what he said.
Is this guy schumer's twin brother from 2009? Changed his tune quite a bit in 2018. Typical swamp dweller and Trump obstructionist
What a two faced, double standard Democrat POS! Typical politician will do and say anything to get elected or re-elected
Schumer is a liar
What a hypocrite. Now he's an Open Borders advocate. Slimy Schumer

Democrats aren't the ones taking down Trump. That would be Republicans: Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, The Senate Judiciary Committee, the top officials of the Justice Department, the FBI, and the CIA, all of whom are Donald Trump appointees.

Chuck Schumer is not and has never been for "open borders". The Democratic Party is not and has never been for "open borders". That's a lie that Donald Trump tells and only idiots believe. Democrats have been far tougher on illegal immigrants than any Republican Administration, including this one. And they have done so without building internment camps on the border or killing children. Under Barrack Obama, the illegal Mexican population declined by 300,000 people.

Illegal immigration is at it's lowest point in 70 years, and 66% of illegal immigration doesn't enter the US via the Southern Border. It comes in through your airports with visas in hand.

This whole "Southern Border Crisis" is a con by a master conman who is trying to deflect from the utter and complete criminality of his administration which is now up to 17 investigations of everything Donald Trump has ever touched in his life. He's not just dirty, he's covered in every level of crime you can mention. This is rich white privelege getting its comeuppance after years of skating by on chutzpah and luck.

Trump was so desperate to end the investigation into his "Charitiable" foundation, that he agreed to disband the Foundation, but the State of New York is continuing with its investigation. Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric will be barred from sitting the board of Directors of any charity for life. And that's just the beginning for the kids. Ivanka is already under investigation for bank fraud in Vancouver regarding construction of the Trump Hotel there.

Friends who worked on the Trump Hotel in Toronto said that the Saudis signed their paychecks.

Those immigration holding camps were built under Obammy

Upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure is more cost effective.
Oh please. Trump is the hate spewer.

Look, dumbfuck, we have FENCES along the border. Really we do. I have seen them.

We even hase check points.

So quit lying about open borders you stupid shit.

WE don't hate Middle America. We feel pity that a lot of them arte too stupid to know Trump fucked them all over - especially the farmers, with his tariffs.

You arte too God damn stupid to know the difference between a 40' concrete ewall & the border fencing that most countries have.

We are not against reasonable border fencing. We are against the 40' concrete wall. This is how stupid you are.

Go really, go fuck yourself until you can get better informed.

And furthermore, you have no clue what "redistriibuion of wealth" means.

Hit a nerve huh? You seem angry and hateful. Thanks for proving my points.
Trump's war on illegal immigration is as misdirected and counterproductive as the war on drugs. Another social problem republicans think can be solved purely by force. How did that war on drugs turn out?

Americans are still alive, so the war on drugs apparently is a success. Your false assumption that not fighting it is a better solution is moronic.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.
After the Trump administration collapses
Republicans will become a minor party

They will give up the WH, Congress and a majority of state Government
Democrats will redistrict after the 2020 census and will Gerrymander the shit out of the states

Only thing Republicans will have left are the courts

What happened to your fantasy the next republican president is not born yet?

Trump's war on illegal immigration is as misdirected and counterproductive as the war on drugs. Another social problem republicans think can be solved purely by force. How did that war on drugs turn out?

Americans are still alive, so the war on drugs apparently is a success. Your false assumption that not fighting it is a better solution is moronic.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.

It's already built, but your to stupid to know it .
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails of politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

While not a Republican, I voted against Hillary by voting for the best chance to beat her. That was Trump. Lesser of two evils plain and simple.
Americans are still alive, so the war on drugs apparently is a success. Your false assumption that not fighting it is a better solution is moronic.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.

It's already built, but your to stupid to know it .

No, the wall is not built.

The thread title was not "display your low IQ".
Wow, you only understand the stupid shit Trump says.

A snowflake offended by truth. Did you not get your shipment because of Trump?

When have you or your fat assed orange buddy told the truth?

I always speak the truth with the truthful. Why would I or Trump speak the truth who wants the nation gone.
Finally, a Trumpette that admits that they lie all the time.

Most people are truthful, honest, decent Americans. I can understand why to you it appears that way, for you are never honest or decent.
There is a severe lack of decency in Trump's immigration rhetoric as well as the talk by the conservative pundits. Your guy is leading a sadistic stampede away from decency into political territory not seen since the ugly segregation battles of the 50s and 60s.
I never said that. The response to illegal immigration must fit reality and not offend our sensibilities as decent people. Trump's fascistic approach is offensive and racist. It's not so much that he wants a wall, it's in how he tried to sell it by stirring up hatred and racism. He cannot be allowed to succeed with such unamerican tactics.

Racist! Fascist! Nazi!

Good god, learn some new words. Trump's response is entirely appropriate, the people are illegally in the country. They have no right to be here. You will have to get your votes honestly.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails or politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

Oh I am not surprised about the response - it's the same as always. You never have any other arguments.

Now build that wall and defend the nation.

It's already built, but your to stupid to know it .

No, the wall is not built.

The thread title was not "display your low IQ".

600 miles is temper tantrum child

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