Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans

A snowflake offended by truth. Did you not get your shipment because of Trump?

When have you or your fat assed orange buddy told the truth?

I always speak the truth with the truthful. Why would I or Trump speak the truth who wants the nation gone.
Finally, a Trumpette that admits that they lie all the time.

Most people are truthful, honest, decent Americans. I can understand why to you it appears that way, for you are never honest or decent.
There is a severe lack of decency in Trump's immigration rhetoric as well as the talk by the conservative pundits. Your guy is leading a sadistic stampede away from decency into political territory not seen since the ugly segregation battles of the 50s and 60s.

I think you forgot to add: Nazi! Fascist! Racist! Sexist! Homophobe!

You really need to shut up. The open border has screwed this nation big time and now that someone is bringing it up, you are chanting with hands all up in the air... because where else to get the votes and free shit?

Get a job...
A snowflake offended by truth. Did you not get your shipment because of Trump?

When have you or your fat assed orange buddy told the truth?

I always speak the truth with the truthful. Why would I or Trump speak the truth who wants the nation gone.
Finally, a Trumpette that admits that they lie all the time.

Most people are truthful, honest, decent Americans. I can understand why to you it appears that way, for you are never honest or decent.
There is a severe lack of decency in Trump's immigration rhetoric as well as the talk by the conservative pundits. Your guy is leading a sadistic stampede away from decency into political territory not seen since the ugly segregation battles of the 50s and 60s.

We don't like you .
There is a severe lack of decency in Trump's immigration rhetoric as well as the talk by the conservative pundits. Your guy is leading a sadistic stampede away from decency into political territory not seen since the ugly segregation battles of the 50s and 60s.

There is a severe lack of regard for laws and how a society functions by the left. Your side has constantly painted me as a racist and Nazi for years. Ignorant lemmings spouting talking points are not a real concern for me.
Republicans voted for Trump expressly to step over the lines of decency and firmly grasp all the third rails of politics. don't be surprised at the response to his colossal shittiness.

While not a Republican, I voted against Hillary by voting for the best chance to beat her. That was Trump. Lesser of two evils plain and simple.
The kind of president Hillary would have been is entirely a matter of conjecture and hardly a valid excuse for voting for this trainwreck.
The kind of president Hillary would have been is entirely a matter of conjecture and hardly a valid excuse for voting for this trainwreck.

You can't hang your hat on conjecture in the first part and then turn around and make it in the next. :lol:
There is a severe lack of decency in Trump's immigration rhetoric as well as the talk by the conservative pundits. Your guy is leading a sadistic stampede away from decency into political territory not seen since the ugly segregation battles of the 50s and 60s.

There is a severe lack of regard for laws and how a society functions by the left. Your side has constantly painted me as a racist and Nazi for years. Ignorant lemmings spouting talking points are not a real concern for me.
Your man is tampering with and obstructing every investigation into his activities and you love it. Spare me your fake regard for the rule of law.
The kind of president Hillary would have been is entirely a matter of conjecture and hardly a valid excuse for voting for this trainwreck.

You can't hang your hat on conjecture in the first part and then turn around and make it in the next. :lol:
Trumps campaign of chaos is hardly a matter of conjecture, it is a fact that hits us in the face every time he tweets out another bunch or crap.
Your man is tampering with and obstructing every investigation into his activities and you love it. Spare me your fake regard for the rule of law.

If he violated the laws of obstruction charge him. He is your president too. That is how this country works. Your rage blinds you.
I can buy that Dems Only Care About 'Power' & 'Taking Down' Trump, Not Protecting Americans. But the Republicans have yet to present their comprehensive solution for the immigration problem they see. They treat the wall as an end-all and compare it to an 150 mile fence in Israel. So I also don't buy into any righteous stand by the Republicans in their position. If the wall is only part of the picture, how do we know it's the best place to start?
The kind of president Hillary would have been is entirely a matter of conjecture and hardly a valid excuse for voting for this trainwreck.

You can't hang your hat on conjecture in the first part and then turn around and make it in the next. :lol:
Trumps campaign of chaos is hardly a matter of conjecture, it is a fact that hits us in the face every time he tweets out another bunch or crap.

Look moron, you were talking before either Hillary or Trump was elected. That was the conjecture phase. Now it is a matter of opinion on job performance. Go on and be that angry whiner we have come to know.
the right wing doesn't know what they are talking about, like usual.

Our welfare clause is general and we have a commerce clause; we should be making money like Good capitalists and not losing money like Bad capitalists.
Trump had caused more damage to America in two years than the Republican Party has in the last 60.

And that’s saying a lot.

His biggest damage was to our once proud reputation
I don’t think the rest of the world trusts us to not elect another extreme right Republican
I'm not sure that "I" trust us not to elect someone equally as fucked up as Trump OR WORSE

Despite everything...there are still a solid 35% of people who support this disaster.
That is the biggest problem with our global reputation

We always had the Deplorables but kept them under wraps. Now they have shown they can rise up once in a while and sieize the government

Even when a moderate Republican wins he must pander to the Deplorables
Trump had caused more damage to America in two years than the Republican Party has in the last 60.

And that’s saying a lot.

His biggest damage was to our once proud reputation
I don’t think the rest of the world trusts us to not elect another extreme right Republican
I'm not sure that "I" trust us not to elect someone equally as fucked up as Trump OR WORSE

Despite everything...there are still a solid 35% of people who support this disaster.
That is the biggest problem with our global reputation

We always had the Deplorables but kept them under wraps. Now they have shown they can rise up once in a while and sieize the government

Even when a moderate Republican wins he must pander to the Deplorables
Democrats excell at pandering. It's at the very core of identity politics, thus what they do best.
Trump had caused more damage to America in two years than the Republican Party has in the last 60.

And that’s saying a lot.

His biggest damage was to our once proud reputation
I don’t think the rest of the world trusts us to not elect another extreme right Republican

Reputation? You mean the one where liberals try to emulate Europe? :lol:
You know...the reputation where America was leader of the free world. The one where we were able to rely on other countries to support us.

Obama was able to patch our reputation after Bush
I doubt anyone will trust us again after Trump
Trump had caused more damage to America in two years than the Republican Party has in the last 60.

And that’s saying a lot.

His biggest damage was to our once proud reputation
I don’t think the rest of the world trusts us to not elect another extreme right Republican
I'm not sure that "I" trust us not to elect someone equally as fucked up as Trump OR WORSE

Despite everything...there are still a solid 35% of people who support this disaster.
That is the biggest problem with our global reputation

We always had the Deplorables but kept them under wraps. Now they have shown they can rise up once in a while and sieize the government

Even when a moderate Republican wins he must pander to the Deplorables
Democrats excell at pandering. It's at the very core of identity politics, thus what they do best.

Republican identity politics tell you to not trust anyone who is not white, straight and Christian
Trump had caused more damage to America in two years than the Republican Party has in the last 60.

And that’s saying a lot.

His biggest damage was to our once proud reputation
I don’t think the rest of the world trusts us to not elect another extreme right Republican
I'm not sure that "I" trust us not to elect someone equally as fucked up as Trump OR WORSE

Despite everything...there are still a solid 35% of people who support this disaster.
That is the biggest problem with our global reputation

We always had the Deplorables but kept them under wraps. Now they have shown they can rise up once in a while and sieize the government

Even when a moderate Republican wins he must pander to the Deplorables
Democrats excell at pandering. It's at the very core of identity politics, thus what they do best.

Republican identity politics tell you to not trust anyone who is not white, straight and Christian
That's pretty puny, but I guess you felt compelled to say something, eh? As a liberal, bringing up "pandering" is a loser much like Democrats themselves for exactly that reason.
We are under an invasion, believe what you want, any one with any age on them can see we are going down the toilet bowl.
Trump had caused more damage to America in two years than the Republican Party has in the last 60.

And that’s saying a lot.

His biggest damage was to our once proud reputation
I don’t think the rest of the world trusts us to not elect another extreme right Republican
I'm not sure that "I" trust us not to elect someone equally as fucked up as Trump OR WORSE

Despite everything...there are still a solid 35% of people who support this disaster.
That is the biggest problem with our global reputation

We always had the Deplorables but kept them under wraps. Now they have shown they can rise up once in a while and sieize the government

Even when a moderate Republican wins he must pander to the Deplorables
Democrats excell at pandering. It's at the very core of identity politics, thus what they do best.

Republican identity politics tell you to not trust anyone who is not white, straight and Christian
Full stop
His biggest damage was to our once proud reputation
I don’t think the rest of the world trusts us to not elect another extreme right Republican
I'm not sure that "I" trust us not to elect someone equally as fucked up as Trump OR WORSE

Despite everything...there are still a solid 35% of people who support this disaster.
That is the biggest problem with our global reputation

We always had the Deplorables but kept them under wraps. Now they have shown they can rise up once in a while and sieize the government

Even when a moderate Republican wins he must pander to the Deplorables
Democrats excell at pandering. It's at the very core of identity politics, thus what they do best.

Republican identity politics tell you to not trust anyone who is not white, straight and Christian
Full stop

Democrats are the enemy .
Trump's war on illegal immigration is as misdirected and counterproductive as the war on drugs. Another social problem republicans think can be solved purely by force. How did that war on drugs turn out?

Wonderfully for the folks who wanted black and brown folk out of society and off the voting rolls as well as for america's for profit incarceration/internment industry which we subsidize via socialism on the back of the people.

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