Dick’s Sporting Goods Makes A Courageous Political Statement

MAGA. Dick's Knows Best! For a better America. Again, that's an odd sentence.


It's just the right thang to do for civilian public safety.
Some Dick's Love America's kids at least. FFS!
Again, that's an odd sentence.
View attachment 188784

yes, they are all rifle class. AR-XXX are just to kill peoples.
My AR-15 never killed anyone and never will unless I'm forced to.
View attachment 188765
Dick's Sporting Goods to destroy all unsold assault-style weapons

:11_2_1043::thankusmile: there Dick's! That's an odd sentence. But...

btw: If anyone finds a video of them being scrapped, post it for DOPer Gun Nutters to enjoy!

That'd be a hoot. What might be even more fun would be to force the gun nuts to watch, and we watch them.


Is that cruel? Am I a bad person?
I dunno, I just find slavish fetishism to be fuckin' funny.
So Dick's bought the gun maker's guns and then destroyed them. That's great for the gun maker, since they can effectively sell more guns now. The number of end users (buyers who purchase something and do NOT resell) actually went up. Before this, Dick's was a middle man. Now Dick's became an end user (which uses the guns by destroying them). It might have worked 1,000 years ago when there was no internet or phone and people didn't travel much, but buying from a different middleman is no big deal these days. Funny but Dick's would have done more damage to the gun industry by giving these away for free since it would have a small effect of reducing the value of these guns.

Way to go, clown!
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MAGA. Dick's Knows Best! For a better America. Again, that's an odd sentence.


It's just the right thang to do for civilian public safety.
Some Dick's Love America's kids at least. FFS!
Again, that's an odd sentence.
View attachment 188784

yes, they are all rifle class. AR-XXX are just to kill peoples.
Sorry kid, but bad people are killed in roughly the same manner as good people. It's not like one kind of people is killed by fire only and the other by electricity only. What can physically kill one can kill the other.

Two weeks after seventeen students and staff members were killed in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, Dick’s Sporting Goods took steps to limit their sales of firearms. Announcing a policy change, Dick’s would no longer sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.

In addition to the new policy concerning the age requirement, the company also ended sales of all assault-style rifles and high-capacity magazines in its stores.

Despite a frivolous age discrimination lawsuit filed for Tyler Watson, a 20-year-old boy from Gold Hill, Oregon, Dick’s Sporting Goods is standing firm on this and other policy changes concerning the sales of deadly weapons and other related paraphernalia.

To assure certain dangerous weapons currently in their inventory never wind up in the hands of the wrong people, Dick’s has decided not to return the many items to the manufacturers for reimbursement and redistribution to other dealers. Instead, Dick’s will destroy all such inventory, taking the hit in the company’s bottom line.

A spokeswoman for Dick’s Sporting Goods told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “ ‘We are in the process of destroying all firearms and accessories that are no longer for sale as a result of our February 28th policy change. We are destroying the firearms in accordance with federal guidelines and regulations.’ ”

The specified weapons will be destroyed at the company’s distribution centers, after which the resulting scrap will sent to a salvage company to be recycled.

Given the growing number of corporations distancing themselves from the NRA, and retailers changing their policies so as to limit people’s ability to purchase dangerous weapons and attachments, it’s apparent times-are-a-changin’.

The surviving students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have inspired, not only a grassroots movement in school age kids, their parents, and adults nationwide, but also forced radical changes in the U.S. political climate and the corporate mind set.

A few congressional Republicans have shown a willingness to work to pass commonsense gun regulations, while others are beginning to see the writing on the wall. They, like House Speaker Paul Ryan, have tucked their tails between their legs and are resigning or retiring, rather than face the hundreds-of-thousands of high school students who will be 18 YOA, who will definitely vote this November, and will be a major influence in the 2018 mid-term elections.

Dick's Sporting Goods will destroy assault-style rifles pulled from shelve


Thanks for the Dick's Heads Up.

None of this will mean Dick to slowing the incidents of school shootings WHATSOEVER, it will just Dick Off more Dick customers, and is only going to backlash into hurting Dick Sporting Goods. Good for them. just one more reason not to shop at the Big Dicks.

The left wing nut jobs who applaud this....aren't their customers.....and their potential customers...are the one's they are making made with the sucking up to the leftards.....the CEO needs to be fired over this stupid policy....

You don't have to be a customer, or a potential customer, to recognize simple basic integrity.
I understand that may be a foreign concept for you but -- "believe me". It ain't rocket surgery.

You don't have to be a customer, or a potential customer, to recognize simple basic integrity.

You don't have to be a shareholder, or a potential shareholder, to recognize simple basic destruction of capital.

True. And this business is not only doing that -- they're announcing they're doing that. Which returns us to "integrity".

Yes, idiots announcing their idiocy. Hurrah!
...Martyrs. Sales have plummeted.
Sales have plummeted.

Safety, Common Sense and Life have been enriched.

It's a fair trade.


Besides... the weather is getting warmer... sales will spike again soon enough... DSG is a lot more than assault rifles.
Gun stores appreciate the business.
They don't have to worry about Public Opinion like generic Sporting Goods stores do.
...Martyrs. Sales have plummeted.
Sales have plummeted.

Safety, Common Sense and Life have been enriched.

It's a fair trade.


Besides... the weather is getting warmer... sales will spike again soon enough... DSG is a lot more than assault rifles.

And the rapists applaud Dicks decision as much as you do. They need as many defenseless 18 to 21 year old girls as they possibly can find.

Personally, I won't do business with a store that acts in such a reckless manor.
Give it a rest, Pop
OMG! A corporation that values their self integrity more than their profit margin! They must not have gotten the memo that the GOP sends out to all of corporate America on a regular basis! What next, American tobacco ceases selling cigarettes?

The funny thing is we don't care.

"If you see your adversary making a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch with everybody else."
Rush Limbaugh

It's not about integrity, it's about "thinking" people will be on your side when you take an action. But the left has a history of hurting themselves and their cause in the process, and to us.......well......it's funny.

Boycott Chick-Fil-A, and they had record sales.
Target is going to accommodate weirdos in dresses, the chain is going downhill.
Kneel in front of the flag. The NFL lost 10% or more of their audience.

Some people in business fall into the same hype everybody else does, and that is letting the media convince them the country is turning into a bunch of snowflakes. So the best thing to do is join them and not beat them.
Democrat policies have caused people to kill with an AR-15, but you said that these weapons have never harmed anyone...

Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people.
Never seems to work when I throw bullets at people...

See, that's the thing -- you can throw bullets at people.... nothing. In order to kill people you need a gun.
Or a hammer to drive the bullets in...I've been in some of the worst cities with crime and never had a gun and never needed one...I always had a hammer and bullets..

Onliest thing with that method is, you have to get them to agree -- "pardon me, would you stand still right here and lean against this wall so I can hammer this here bullet into your head?" See, a gun cuts that step out.
I was in the army and they didn't let us walk around armed and that was the early to mid eighties... just don't see the need to be armed 24/7..

Two weeks after seventeen students and staff members were killed in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, Dick’s Sporting Goods took steps to limit their sales of firearms. Announcing a policy change, Dick’s would no longer sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.

In addition to the new policy concerning the age requirement, the company also ended sales of all assault-style rifles and high-capacity magazines in its stores.

Despite a frivolous age discrimination lawsuit filed for Tyler Watson, a 20-year-old boy from Gold Hill, Oregon, Dick’s Sporting Goods is standing firm on this and other policy changes concerning the sales of deadly weapons and other related paraphernalia.

To assure certain dangerous weapons currently in their inventory never wind up in the hands of the wrong people, Dick’s has decided not to return the many items to the manufacturers for reimbursement and redistribution to other dealers. Instead, Dick’s will destroy all such inventory, taking the hit in the company’s bottom line.

A spokeswoman for Dick’s Sporting Goods told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “ ‘We are in the process of destroying all firearms and accessories that are no longer for sale as a result of our February 28th policy change. We are destroying the firearms in accordance with federal guidelines and regulations.’ ”

The specified weapons will be destroyed at the company’s distribution centers, after which the resulting scrap will sent to a salvage company to be recycled.

Given the growing number of corporations distancing themselves from the NRA, and retailers changing their policies so as to limit people’s ability to purchase dangerous weapons and attachments, it’s apparent times-are-a-changin’.

The surviving students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have inspired, not only a grassroots movement in school age kids, their parents, and adults nationwide, but also forced radical changes in the U.S. political climate and the corporate mind set.

A few congressional Republicans have shown a willingness to work to pass commonsense gun regulations, while others are beginning to see the writing on the wall. They, like House Speaker Paul Ryan, have tucked their tails between their legs and are resigning or retiring, rather than face the hundreds-of-thousands of high school students who will be 18 YOA, who will definitely vote this November, and will be a major influence in the 2018 mid-term elections.

Dick's Sporting Goods will destroy assault-style rifles pulled from shelves


This makes about as much sense as closing your hotdog stand to make a point when there is another one across the street that sells better hotdogs.

Destroy their inventory instead of selling it off? Great. Keep those gun manufacturers making guns. More jobs, more economic activity.
The makers of the bump stock are going out of business as well.
Preppers and whacko conservatives everywhere will start stocking up on slimjims and chupacabra repellent in preparation for the end of all things.

Funny....but I don't think things will transpire at ALL the way you nuts are expecting.
I have a feeling something's coming that will make you nuts forget all about the gun issue.

Rare forms of 'nightmare' bacteria detected by the CDC - CNN
'Nightmare bacteria' cases seen in 27 states, CDC reports
How to stop 'nightmare bacteria' from spreading across the U.S.
CDC focused on finding 'nightmare bacteria' and preventing their spread: Report

Few are taking this seriously.....I've been following it for years.

If---.make that when---- these strains get into the GP and begin to gene swap with their fellow bacteria...half or more of the Earth's human population will be wiped out in months. It's happened many times before under names like "The Plague". It's just nature and we've pushed it back for about 75 years now.

But this time, given that you can travel the globe in one day and the huge increase in population.....it will come fast and be devastating.

We could go to bed tonight and awaken to an entirely different planet tomorrow.

Will this happen in our lifetimes? It's already beginning. You tell me.

So in summary, Dick's (and people like you) are fools focusing on the insignificant and trivia.

"The Sports Authority" did the same thing. Where are they now? :eek:
...Martyrs. Sales have plummeted.
Sales have plummeted.

Safety, Common Sense and Life have been enriched.

It's a fair trade.


Besides... the weather is getting warmer... sales will spike again soon enough... DSG is a lot more than assault rifles.

And the rapists applaud Dicks decision as much as you do. They need as many defenseless 18 to 21 year old girls as they possibly can find.

Personally, I won't do business with a store that acts in such a reckless manor.
Give it a rest, Pop

Are you denying my rights?

Here’s one then. We only want a little exception to the right to marry.

Shall I go on?
Hopefully Dicks goes the same way as Target. Empty parking lots.

Less than 2 years they will be out of business. This is my prediction.

Maybe they can hire the same attorneys that helped Remington through their bankruptcy!

Maybe Remington could start selling bump stocks. Oh but they're a proven loser in the marketplace. I still think Remington Security Blankets for conservatives is the way to go.
Hopefully Dicks goes the same way as Target. Empty parking lots.

Less than 2 years they will be out of business. This is my prediction.

Maybe they can hire the same attorneys that helped Remington through their bankruptcy!

Maybe Remington could start selling bump stocks. Oh but they're a proven loser in the marketplace. I still think Remington Security Blankets for conservatives is the way to go.

Welp, looks like it's Hornady from here on out. No more Core-Lokt. NBD. I still have quite a bit, It'll be OK.
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Hopefully Dicks goes the same way as Target. Empty parking lots.

Less than 2 years they will be out of business. This is my prediction.

Maybe they can hire the same attorneys that helped Remington through their bankruptcy!

Maybe Remington could start selling bump stocks. Oh but they're a proven loser in the marketplace. I still think Remington Security Blankets for conservatives is the way to go.

Welp, looks like it's Hornady from here on out. No more Core-Lokt. NBD.

Pit 5 - Philly 0

Penguins getting warmed up. Perhaps they buy at Dick's Sporting Goods.
...Martyrs. Sales have plummeted.
Sales have plummeted.

Safety, Common Sense and Life have been enriched.

It's a fair trade.


Besides... the weather is getting warmer... sales will spike again soon enough... DSG is a lot more than assault rifles.
Gun stores appreciate the business.
They don't have to worry about Public Opinion like generic Sporting Goods stores do.
You should invest your life savings of $1,435.56 in Dick stock.
"Courageous"? I would say asinine. The guns are legal and they are now saying that any customer who owns one should be destroyed. Dicks is going to be in Chapter 11 PDQ if they keep up with this political bullshit.

:puhleeze: ... There is nothing more courageous than
someone putting their faith in the incompetence of our federal government.


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