Did anyone hear about the Mass shooting in Charlotte over the weekend?

Three dead seven wounded at a block party celebrating juneteenth

Did you hear about the shootings in almost every other developed nations over the weekend? No. Probably because there wasn't any due to a lack of guns.

LOL Your side isn't winning the gun control argument anytime soon. Gun sales are skyrocketing over Democrats refusal to protect citizens. Myself, you could have convinced me before the riots that no one needed an AK47 style weapon. Now? I fully endorse any and all weapons for citizens to buy legally. If you live in a Democratic controlled area I'd stock up on guns and ammo for sure.
Three dead seven wounded at a block party celebrating juneteenth

Did you hear about the shootings in almost every other developed nations over the weekend? No. Probably because there wasn't any due to a lack of guns.
So with that logic, you think ALL humans around the world would murder each other if they had easy access to guns, as they do in the USA.

Do you see how foolish that is?

You might want to consider the CULTURE, as it has much more to do with the cause.
I was talking about developed nations but don't let details get in your way.
Okay so you think if guns were readily available in ALL developed nations, those people would use guns to murder just like they do in the USA.


So, take Norway or Denmark. You think if the people there had easy access to guns, they’d murder just likethe people in the USA.

BOOM! Candy gets destroyed.

The only thing you've destroyed was your liver.

A guy gets jilted by his girlfriend in Paris France, he gets over it.
A guy gets jilted by his girlfriend in Paris, Texas, he gets a gun and shoots her.

Same pain, different remedies. Unless you think Americans are just more homicidal than others....the only difference is that the INCEL in Texas had a gun.
So you now agree that it’s not about guns, it’s about the culture. They get over it in France, but murder in Texas.

Or are you claiming the guy in France gets over it, because he doesn’t have a gun to go murder his girlfriend?

Correct. No gun; no gun crime. Funny how the lack of guns brings down gun violence.

The French, English, Aussies, Chinese, Japs, Canadians play the same video games, see the same movies, hear largely the same songs, all have ghettos and wealth disparity. The lone major difference is our 2nd amendment letting every yokel, incel, Or ISIS sleeper cell member buy as many guns as they can afford.

You think all humans capable of murder (or is it just men?). So, how do you explain the fact that in the US millions of Americans own guns, but the vast majority of them have never used lethal force.

In your simple mind, every American guy who gets dumped by his girl, resorts to murder because guns are readily available. Clearly this is nonsense.

BOOM down goes Candycane! AGAIN!
Three dead seven wounded at a block party celebrating juneteenth

Did you hear about the shootings in almost every other developed nations over the weekend? No. Probably because there wasn't any due to a lack of guns.

LOL Your side isn't winning the gun control argument anytime soon. Gun sales are skyrocketing over Democrats refusal to protect citizens. Myself, you could have convinced me before the riots that no one needed an AK47 style weapon. Now? I fully endorse any and all weapons for citizens to buy legally. If you live in a Democratic controlled area I'd stock up on guns and ammo for sure.
Three dead seven wounded at a block party celebrating juneteenth

Did you hear about the shootings in almost every other developed nations over the weekend? No. Probably because there wasn't any due to a lack of guns.
Its not guns, its blacks.....

Time to ban them......at least 95% of them....until they prove they are worthy to be called a good black......it's what the Nazi's did with their crime problem
How many victims of Nazis were murdering each other every weekend?
Three dead seven wounded at a block party celebrating juneteenth

Did you hear about the shootings in almost every other developed nations over the weekend? No. Probably because there wasn't any due to a lack of guns.
Its not guns, its blacks.....

Time to ban them......at least 95% of them....until they prove they are worthy to be called a good black......it's what the Nazi's did with their crime problem
How many victims of Nazis were murdering each other every weekend?
George Soros gave a helping hand
Three dead seven wounded at a block party celebrating juneteenth

Did you hear about the shootings in almost every other developed nations over the weekend? No. Probably because there wasn't any due to a lack of guns.

You must of missed the running gun battles in Dijon over the last few weeks

They're over now ...but you being a low iq ignorant hick its no wonder you missed them
Three dead seven wounded at a block party celebrating juneteenth

Did you hear about the shootings in almost every other developed nations over the weekend? No. Probably because there wasn't any due to a lack of guns.
So with that logic, you think ALL humans around the world would murder each other if they had easy access to guns, as they do in the USA.

Do you see how foolish that is?

You might want to consider the CULTURE, as it has much more to do with the cause.
I was talking about developed nations but don't let details get in your way.
Okay so you think if guns were readily available in ALL developed nations, those people would use guns to murder just like they do in the USA.


So, take Norway or Denmark. You think if the people there had easy access to guns, they’d murder just likethe people in the USA.

BOOM! Candy gets destroyed.

The only thing you've destroyed was your liver.

A guy gets jilted by his girlfriend in Paris France, he gets over it.
A guy gets jilted by his girlfriend in Paris, Texas, he gets a gun and shoots her.

Same pain, different remedies. Unless you think Americans are just more homicidal than others....the only difference is that the INCEL in Texas had a gun.
Most of the INCELS are Progs. Although they come in all flavors. What we have been seeing the last few weeks or a month or so are INCELS. We in the United States abuse everything. More so then others. We drink, we drug, we ph uk, we eat, we overindulge more then any people in the world. And we have more psychological problems then any other people. Add to the fact and it is a big one that we are a society of many different groups of people, then you can see that problems can occur. We even convince ourselves that pure equality based on diversity make everyone the same in all the different ways of employment. We do not want to admit the truth.
Watching the video it sounded like a battle or small firefight

Police say there is evidence of multiple shooters involved, but so far, no arrests have been made.
“Preliminary information gathered during the investigation indicates that several shooters discharged dozens of shots in to the crowd who had been gathered in the area,” police say. Police later estimated the amount of shots fired to be over 100.
At least 20 police cars responded to the scene, along with multiple medic and fire units.
This is why you can never have a conversation on firearms with leftists if it doesn't fit their agenda they are silent
off topic but not really in Chicago
Chicago weekend shootings: 63 shot, 16 fatally, in violence across city


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