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Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

No he didn't watch, they were too busy contacting youtube so they could find some video to blame the attacks on.
Judicial Watch: New State Documents Show Quick White House Effort to Link Benghazi to Internet Video
OCTOBER 20, 2015

State Department documents detail delays and lack of support in hours after attack

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new State Department documents that raise more questions about the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission at Benghazi, Libya. The documents show the White House contacted YouTube over an Internet video as one of its first moves after the initial attack.

The documents, from the agency’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, were provided to Judicial Watch in response to a court order in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on October 16, 2014, (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01733)). The lawsuit seeks “any and all logs, reports, or other records” the Washington-based Diplomatic Security Command Center produced between September 10, 2012, and September 13, 2012, relating to the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.”

The documents detail that only three hours after the initial attack on U.S. personnel in Benghazi, the White House contacted YouTube in an apparent effort to initially blame the assault on an obscure “Pastor John video,” rather than filmmaker Nakoula “Mark” Basseley Nakoula. The administration falsely claimed that Nakoula’s video, “Innocence of Muslims,” provoked the attack. The email also references the involvement of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Judicial Watch, through separate litigation, previously uncovered documents that show Obama White House officials set Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi response):


Sent: September 11, 2012 9:11 PM

To: DSCC_Managment_Team; DSCC_Watch Team

Subject: (S//NF) [REDACTED] Libya

Per Ambassador Mull [Stephen Mull, then Executive Secretary of the State Department] after SVTS [Secure Video Teleconference System] conference:

DOD is looking at various resources.


S [then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton] expected to make statements one of which may confirm KIA, notification of next of kin is pending confirmation. DCM The Hague was to call OPS when completed.

White House is reaching out to U-Tube to advise ramifications of posting of the Pastor Jon video.

(The “Pastor Jon” reference may have been to a rarely viewed video by Oregon-based Pastor Jon Courson entitled God vs. Allah, a low-key exposition of the Biblical book of Kings.)

The documents also include a previously Secret “Attack Timeline,” dated September 12, 2012, which raised additional questions about the Obama administration’s response to the attack. The State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security makes no mention of any spontaneous demonstration or Internet video in describing the Benghazi assault:

At 1549 hrs, DSCC was notified that U.S. Mission Benghazi was under attack. At 1600 hrs, DSCC [Diplomatic Security Command Center] was notified by Regional Security Officer (RSO) Benghazi that armed individuals had entered the compound, and at 1614 hrs RSO Benghazi reported that an armed group had set fire to buildings inside the compound. The US Ambassador was visiting post from Tripoli, and as of 1614 hrs it was suspected that one of the buildings that had been set on fire was the building where the Ambassador was sheltering. [Redacted] Quick Reaction Force (QRF) responded from their off-compound Annex, but was turned back due to heavy hostile fire.

As of 1700 hrs, [REDACTED] QRF and host nation militia (17 February Brigade) have redeployed to the compound. One Assistant RSO (ARSO) suffered injuries from smoke inhalation. This agent was in the Principal Officer’s Residence with U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Information Program Officer (IPO) Sean P. Smith. All three moved to the safe haven when the attack began, but had to relocate to the roof as the building caught on fire. The agent reached the rooftop but lost contact with the other two. The agent reentered the residence and found the IPO killed in action (KIA), and was unable to locate the Ambassador. The agent had given his cell phone to the Ambassador.

The new timeline also confirms prior Judicial Watch disclosures that the State Department received intelligence that Ambassador Stevens may have been alive after the attack:

The QRF and friendly militia forces were unable to locate the Ambassador, and pull back to the off-compound Annex. All classified material on the compound is secured by RSO [REDACTED] personnel. Embassy Tripoli receives a phone call from the injured ARSO’s cell phone (which had been left with the Ambassador) from a male caller saying he is at the hospital with an unresponsive male who matches a physical description of the Ambassador. [REDACTED MATERIAL]. Tripoli charters an airplane and sends it to Benghazi with six personnel onboard as a response team.

The document also raises questions about whether a delay of personnel sent to Benghazi led to additional deaths:

At 2215 hrs, Benghazi ARSO called DSCC to report that the [REDACTED] response team has been on the ground in Benghazi for approximately 60 minutes, but are waiting for the 17 February Brigade to escort them to [REDACTED]. DS Seniors ask ARSO about the identity of the reported white male in the hospital. [REDACTED MATERIAL] hospital for about two hours. Henderson will call him after this call.

The timeline later details that the team did not leave for the airport for another 45 minutes and did not arrive at the Annex until 2313 hrs, nearly two hours after the team first arrived. The timeline then details the second attack, which takes place only 17 minutes after the response team arrives:

  • At 2332 hrs, ARSO reports that they are under mortar attack, with 3 to 4 rounds hitting the Annex. There are [REDACTED] injured and [REDACTED] the need for medical evacuation. The response team is on site and either inside or deployed to the roof. The agents are sheltering in place with 45-minutes to sunrise.
  • At 2349 hrs, DS Special Agent [REDACTED] was reported hit during the mortar attack, which has since ceased. [REDACTED MATERIAL] All other DS agents are accounted for.
all of it here:
Judicial Watch: New State Documents Show Quick White House Effort to Link Benghazi to Internet Video
Any one for Mrs. Clinton at this point can only be for her because they want to piss off as many people as they can be getting their own way. Sad really.
They will all turn on the criminalcrats when America can't give away freebees anymore, hell there might not be an America left after 12 yr rule of criminalcrats. This whole planet is suffering because of them...
I take it you aren't the slightest bit embarrassed you drank the piss that "Obama watched while they died".

You should know that's a dead giveaway you piss drinkers aren't the slightest bit interested in the truth.

It looks like your cup needs a refill.

What is interesting is that there was a live video feed from the compound that night. Granted they claim that the WH received no such feed but they had access to those who did. So while he may not have actually watched live, he certainly had the means to KNOW what was going on.

Complete horseshit.

Obama watched while Osama bin Laden died, and the ones filling your piss cup used that to make you believe he watched while the Four Dead Americans™ died.

I am never really clear on when people post stuff like you did as if they are referring to their posts as horse...t. Really hard to tell because that is what unsubstanciated horse....t sounds like.

Reaction in the United States
Diplomatic Security Service agents/Regional Security Officers informed their headquarters in Washington about the attack just as it was beginning at about 9:40 local time (3:40 pm Eastern Time). At the time, they were informed that the attack was a "terrorist attack".[88] By 4:30 Eastern, Pentagon officials informed Defense Secretary Leon Panetta about the attack. The Pentagon ordered an unmanned aerial vehicle that was in the air conducting surveillance on militant camps to fly over Benghazi. The drone arrived at 11:10 pm local time (5:10 pm Eastern Time) and began providing a video feed to Washington. At 5:41 pm Eastern Time, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telephoned CIA Director David Petraeus to coordinate. The CIA, which made up most of the U.S. government's presence in Benghazi, had a ten-member security team at its annex and the State Department believed that this team would assist the consulate in the event of an attack.[89]

2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now that is just one live feed. Charlene Lamb testified that she had "almost" live feed from Benghazi. And, I am not looking any more, there is testimony before congress that there was live video. This was all gone over two years ago we are rehashing old news and you are, through nothing but insult, trying to sound like a Nixon supporter during Watergate.

Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

By Karin McQuillan

They fought for their lives for seven hours. 9/11/ 2012. Benghazi. The White House watched. No help was sent and they died.

Four Americans died in the jihadi attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, two retired SEALS who were working as civilian security specialists in Benghazi, learned that Ambassador Stevens and nine other people at the consulate were under attack and rushed to their defense. The fourth man was Sean Smith, father of three, an Air Force veteran, working for the State Department in Libya.

The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and our military monitored the battle in real time starting with the first phone calls directly from Benghazi.

A small military force from Tripoli was dispatched and was able to rescue some personnel hiding in other buildings. Ambassador Stevens remained missing, as did these three men. The fire-fight raged on.


Read more: Articles: Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?


you animals are insane, seriously

Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

By Karin McQuillan

They fought for their lives for seven hours. 9/11/ 2012. Benghazi. The White House watched. No help was sent and they died.

Four Americans died in the jihadi attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, two retired SEALS who were working as civilian security specialists in Benghazi, learned that Ambassador Stevens and nine other people at the consulate were under attack and rushed to their defense. The fourth man was Sean Smith, father of three, an Air Force veteran, working for the State Department in Libya.

The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and our military monitored the battle in real time starting with the first phone calls directly from Benghazi.

A small military force from Tripoli was dispatched and was able to rescue some personnel hiding in other buildings. Ambassador Stevens remained missing, as did these three men. The fire-fight raged on.


Read more: Articles: Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?


you animals are insane, seriously

As a mod you should keep yo mouth shut if you can't be civil...!
Any one for Mrs. Clinton at this point can only be for her because they want to piss off as many people as they can be getting their own way. Sad really.
They will all turn on the criminalcrats when America can't give away freebees anymore, hell there might not be an America left after 12 yr rule of criminalcrats. This whole planet is suffering because of them...
I take it you aren't the slightest bit embarrassed you drank the piss that "Obama watched while they died".

You should know that's a dead giveaway you piss drinkers aren't the slightest bit interested in the truth.

It looks like your cup needs a refill.

What is interesting is that there was a live video feed from the compound that night. Granted they claim that the WH received no such feed but they had access to those who did. So while he may not have actually watched live, he certainly had the means to KNOW what was going on.

Complete horseshit.

Obama watched while Osama bin Laden died, and the ones filling your piss cup used that to make you believe he watched while the Four Dead Americans™ died.

I am never really clear on when people post stuff like you did as if they are referring to their posts as horse...t. Really hard to tell because that is what unsubstanciated horse....t sounds like.

Reaction in the United States
Diplomatic Security Service agents/Regional Security Officers informed their headquarters in Washington about the attack just as it was beginning at about 9:40 local time (3:40 pm Eastern Time). At the time, they were informed that the attack was a "terrorist attack".[88] By 4:30 Eastern, Pentagon officials informed Defense Secretary Leon Panetta about the attack. The Pentagon ordered an unmanned aerial vehicle that was in the air conducting surveillance on militant camps to fly over Benghazi. The drone arrived at 11:10 pm local time (5:10 pm Eastern Time) and began providing a video feed to Washington. At 5:41 pm Eastern Time, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telephoned CIA Director David Petraeus to coordinate. The CIA, which made up most of the U.S. government's presence in Benghazi, had a ten-member security team at its annex and the State Department believed that this team would assist the consulate in the event of an attack.[89]

2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now that is just one live feed. Charlene Lamb testified that she had "almost" live feed from Benghazi. And, I am not looking any more, there is testimony before congress that there was live video. This was all gone over two years ago we are rehashing old news and you are, through nothing but insult, trying to sound like a Nixon supporter during Watergate.

The rescuers arrived at the compound a little after 10:00 PM local time.
Hillary Told Benghazi Victim's Grieving Sister to Feel Sad for Libyans
Everyone raise your hands for a collective facepalm. And... go.
Trey Sanchez


Kate Quigley, sister of Benghazi victim and CIA contractor Glen Doherty, spoke with Anderson Cooper Friday, telling the CNN host the most audacious thing Hillary Clinton told her while she was mourning the days-old-death of her dear brother: you should be feeling sad for the Libyans.

"I met her when we were at Andrews Air Force Base," Quigley recalled. "And you know, she spoke to my family about how sad we should feel for the Libyan people because they're uneducated, and that breeds fear, which breeds violence and leads to protest.”

***To bring everyone up to speed: Hillary Clinton is running for president in 2016. Yes, the same person who told a grieving sister to feel sorrow for the people who killed her brother. Now back to the story.***

Clinton's words of "comfort" quickly caused guilt to flow forth in the family of Doherty, at least at first. It was only later that Clinton's true character, revealed in that very moment, became clear:

You know, I remember thinking at the time, 'Wow, how selfish of me! I never really thought about the Libyan people, I've been so consumed with my own grief and loss and concern.' When I think back now to that day and what she knew, it shows me a lot about her character that she would choose in that moment to basically perpetuate what she knew was untrue.

Cooper, a Clinton Foundation member, was at least able to recognize the absurdity in such a statement admitting, "It seems an odd thing to even bring up in that moment, which is a moment, obviously, of extreme grief for you and your family. I mean, it seems like something she didn't even necessarily need to go down that road."

"Yeah, it was very strange," Quigley agreed. "I thought about it and I never spoke about it for a long time."

And the pervasive narrative surrounding the attack in 2012 -- that YouTube video mocking Islam's prophet Muhammed -- was even present when Doherty was laid to rest, a full eight days after Quigley met with Clinton. She explains that at her brother's funeral, the priest's eulogy made reference to the religiously-charged video as leading to the man's death.

It was at the same time that Clinton met and embraced the father of the slain Navy SEAL, Ty Woods, and made him a promise to bring justice to the filmmaker responsible for causing the "spontaneous protest" that killed his son, even though she knew the truth about the planned terrorist attack.


Video of Quigley speaking with Cooper below:


Hillary Told Benghazi Victim's Grieving Sister to Feel Sad for Libyans
Hillary 2.0
How Clinton is reviving her old dirty tricks to conceal her wrongdoing.
October 28, 2015
Thomas Sowell


Many people may share Senator Bernie Sanders' complaint that he was tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton's e-mails. But the controversy is about issues far bigger than e-mails.

One issue is the utter disaster created by the Obama administration's foreign policy in Libya, carried out by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

An even bigger issue is whether high officials of government can ignore the law and refuse to produce evidence when it is subpoenaed. If they can, then the whole separation of powers — the checks and balances in the Constitution — gives way to arbitrary government by corrupt officials who are accountable to no one.

This is not the first time Hillary Clinton has defied the law to cover up what she had done. When Bill Clinton was president, back in the 1990s, both he and Hillary developed the strategy of responding to charges of illegal actions on their part by stalling and stonewalling when either courts or Congress tried to get them to produce documents related to these charges.

Hillary claimed then, as now, that key documents had disappeared. Her more recent claim that many of her e-mails had been deleted was just Hillary 2.0. Only after three years of stalling and stonewalling on her part has the fact finally come out this year that those e-mails could be recovered, and now have been.


Nevertheless, Hillary 2.0, along with President Obama and national security advisor Susan Rice, told the world in 2012 that the deaths in Benghazi were due to the video, not a terrorist organization that was now operating freely in Libya, thanks to the policy that got rid of the Qaddafi government.

Yet that key fact was treated by the media as old news, and what was exciting now was how well Hillary 2.0 outperformed the Congressional committee on television. If the corruption and undermining of the American system of Constitutional government eventually costs us our freedom, will the media say, "What difference does it make now?"

Hillary 2.0
Libya embassy email warned Clinton not to emphasize video 2 / 19

The Hill

Bradford Richardson 4 hrs ago

Hillary Clinton and other State Department officials were warned against saying that an anti-Muslim video contributed to the the 2012 attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a new email released on Friday reveals.

The warning came from the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, Libya, on Sept. 14, 2012, three days after the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in which four Americans were killed.

“Our monitoring of the Libyan media and conversations with Libyans suggest that the films [sic] not as explosive of an issue here as it appears to be in other countries in the region,” the email said.

“And it is becoming increasingly clear that the series of events in Benghazi was much more terrorist attack than a protest which escalated into violence,” it continued.

The email, whose author was redacted before it was made public, advised Clinton and other officials to be “cautious in our local messaging with regard to the inflammatory film trailer” so as not to “draw unwanted attention to it.”

It noted that “relatively few [Libyans] have even mentioned the inflammatory video.”

Despite the email, the House Select Committee on Benghazi said Clinton continued to blame the video on the attack.

“Secretary Clinton continued to associate the video with what happened in Benghazi in public remarks two and three days after the attacks, including at a transfer of remains ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base with family members of the victims present,” a statement from the panel on Friday said.

At a hearing with the House Select Committee on Benghazi last month, Clinton said she did not intend to “ascribe a motive to every attacker” by associating the video with the attack.
“I referred to the video that night in a very specific way,” she said. “I said some have sought to justify the attack because of the video.”

She added that she “still believes” the anti-Muslim video played a role in the attack.


Libya embassy email warned Clinton not to emphasize video

NOVEMBER 13, 2015 | benghazi, Hillary Clinton email scandal, State Department



NOVEMBER 13, 2015 | benghazi, Hillary Clinton email scandal, State Department

Incoherent Reply by Chelsea invoked the Enlightenment, Modernism, and the 16th Amendment (Authorizing Federal Income Tax) (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that on November 2, 2015, it obtained documents from the Department of State confirming that, at 11:00 on the night of the deadly assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton informed her daughter by email that the attack had been staged by an “Al Qaeda-like group,” rather than as the result of “inflammatory material posted on the Internet,” as Mrs. Clinton had claimed in her official public statement one hour earlier. The documents were produced in response to lawsuits filed by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of the Information Act (FOIA). Mrs. Clinton’s email to Chelsea Clinton was first produced to the Select Committee on Benghazi on October 20 and publicized on the day of Mrs. Clinton’s testimony, October 22, but court filings in Judicial Watch litigation show that the email was only produced after two federal court judges ordered the State Department to produce more Benghazi-related records to Judicial Watch. The State Department’s records include a September 11, 2012, late-night email that Mrs. Clinton sent to her daughter Chelsea, who wrote


Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch
Hillary on Benghazi: I Didn't Lie - It Was 'the Fog of War'
No, you lied.


After Stephanopoulos played a video clip of family members of Benghazi victims asserting that Hillary lied, she replied,

“I understand the continuing grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans. I did testify as you know for 11 hours and I answered all of these questions. Now, I can’t, I can’t help it that people think there has to be something else there. I said very clearly, there had been a terrorist group that had taken responsibility on Facebook, between the time that I, you know, when I talked to my daughter. That was the latest information, we were giving it credibility, and then we learned the next day, it wasn’t true. In fact, they retracted it. This was a fast-moving series of events in the fog of war, and I think most Americans understand.”

Most Americans understand that you're a liar.

Hillary on Benghazi: I Didn't Lie - It Was 'the Fog of War'

Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

By Karin McQuillan

They fought for their lives for seven hours. 9/11/ 2012. Benghazi. The White House watched. No help was sent and they died.

Four Americans died in the jihadi attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, two retired SEALS who were working as civilian security specialists in Benghazi, learned that Ambassador Stevens and nine other people at the consulate were under attack and rushed to their defense. The fourth man was Sean Smith, father of three, an Air Force veteran, working for the State Department in Libya.

The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and our military monitored the battle in real time starting with the first phone calls directly from Benghazi.

A small military force from Tripoli was dispatched and was able to rescue some personnel hiding in other buildings. Ambassador Stevens remained missing, as did these three men. The fire-fight raged on.


Read more: Articles: Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

First.............Don't You Dumbasses Ever Catch On??

Get over it!! Four people who were drawing hazardous duty pay and who volunteered to be there got killed. What if every one of the 4500 who were killed 10,000 miles from home fighting a totally unnecessary war declared by George W. Bush were still being posted by their families each day? What if the families of the 59,000 killed in the Vietnam fiasco were still griping and covering the pages with bullshit each day?

Like I said, Get The Fuck Over It!!!!
Yeah, like I'm really convinced all these posters give a crap about Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty any more than the president did.
Yeah, like I'm really convinced all these posters give a crap about Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty any more than the president did.

Sometimes I don't think they give a fuck about all the young people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq either. The real Joke is the fact that Bush did an end run to avoid serving in Vietnam... then jumped on Saddam Hussein because he didn't like him.
Yeah, like I'm really convinced all these posters give a crap about Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty any more than the president did.

Sometimes I don't think they give a fuck about all the young people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq either. The real Joke is the fact that Bush did an end run to avoid serving in Vietnam... then jumped on Saddam Hussein because he didn't like him.
See you need to get over it, clinton started all this crap because he was a pussy on islam, then he shot 30 cruse missiles all over the middle east in a childish tantrum... Oh by the way thank you two leftist moron's for the bump...:bye1:
Yeah, like I'm really convinced all these posters give a crap about Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty any more than the president did.

Sometimes I don't think they give a fuck about all the young people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq either. The real Joke is the fact that Bush did an end run to avoid serving in Vietnam... then jumped on Saddam Hussein because he didn't like him.
See you need to get over it, clinton started all this crap because he was a pussy on islam, then he shot 30 cruse missiles all over the middle east in a childish tantrum... Oh by the way thank you two leftist moron's for the bump...:bye1:

Horse Shit! The Republicans had been chomping at the bit to take Saddam out ever since 1993 when he tried to assassinate G.H.W. Bush. Here's a letter they wrote to Clinton in 1998 all but begging him to invade Iraq:

December 18, 1998

The Honorable William J. Clinton
President of the United States
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President,

We are writing you because we are convinced that current American policy toward Iraq is not succeeding, and that we may soon face a threat in the Middle East more serious than any we have known since the end of the Cold War. In your upcoming State of the Union Address, you have an opportunity to chart a clear and determined course for meeting this threat. We urge you to seize that opportunity, and to enunciate a new strategy that would secure the interests of the U.S. and our friends and allies around the world. That strategy should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power. We stand ready to offer our full support in this difficult but necessary endeavor. The policy of containment of Saddam Hussein has been steadily eroding over the past several months. As recent events have demonstrated, we can no longer depend on our partners in the Gulf War coalition to continue to uphold the sanctions or to punish Saddam when he blocks or evades UN inspections. Our ability to ensure that Saddam Hussein is not producing weapons of mass destruction, therefore, has substantially diminished. Even if full inspections were eventually to resume, which now seems highly unlikely, experience has shown that it is difficult if not impossible to monitor Iraq's chemical and biological weapons production. The lengthy period during which the inspectors will have been unable to enter many Iraqi facilities has made it even less likely that they will be able to uncover all of Saddam's secrets. As a result, in the not-too-distant future we will be unable to determine with any reasonable level of confidence whether Iraq does or does not possess such weapons. Such uncertainty will, by itself, have a seriously destabilizing effect on the entire Middle East. It hardly needs to be added that if Saddam does acquire the capability to deliver weapons of mass destruction, as he is almost certain to do if we continue along the present course, the safety of American troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel and the moderate Arab states, and a significant portion of the world's supply of oil will all be put at hazard. As you have rightly declared, Mr. President, the security of the world in the first part of the 21st century will be determined largely by how we handle this threat. Given the magnitude of the threat, the current policy, which depends for its success upon the steadfastness of our coalition partners and upon the cooperation of Saddam Hussein, is dangerously inadequate. The only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq will be able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction. In the near term, this means a willingness to undertake military action as diplomacy is clearly failing. In the long term, it means removing Saddam Hussein and his regime from power. That now needs to become the aim of American foreign policy.
We urge you to articulate this aim, and to turn your Administration's attention to implementing a strategy for removing Saddam's regime from power. This will require a full complement of diplomatic, political and military efforts.
Although we are fully aware of the dangers and difficulties in implementing this policy, we believe the dangers of failing to do so are far greater. We believe the U.S. has the authority under existing UN resolutions to take the necessary steps, including military steps, to protect our vital interests in the Gulf. In any case, American policy cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council. We urge you to act decisively. If you act now to end the threat of weapons of mass destruction against the U.S. or its allies, you will be acting in the most fundamental national security interests of the country. If we accept a course of weakness and drift, we put our interests and our future at risk.


Elliott Abrams Richard L. Armitag William J. Bennett
Jeffrey Bergner John Bolton Paula Dobriansky
Francis Fukuyama Robert Kagan Zalmay Khalilzad
William Kristol Richard Perle Peter W.Rodman
Donald Rumsfeld William Schneider, Jr. Vin Weber
Paul Wolfowitz R. James Woolsey
Robert B. Zoellick
Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately – Specifics Blacked Out in New Document
DECEMBER 08, 2015


Bash’s email seems to directly contradict testimony given by then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta before the Senate Armed Services Committee in February 2013. Defending the Obama administration’s lack of military response to the nearly six-hour-long attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Panetta claimed that “time, distance, the lack of an adequate warning, events that moved very quickly on the ground prevented a more immediate response.”

The first assault occurred at the main compound at about 9:40 pm local time – 3:40 p.m. ET in Washington, DC. The second attack on a CIA annex 1.2 miles away began three hours later, at about 12 am local time the following morning – 6 p.m. ET.

The newly released email reads:

From: Bash, Jeremy CIV SD [REDACTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 7:19 PM
To: Sullivan, Jacob J; Sherman, Wendy R; Nides, Thomas R
Cc: Miller, James HON OSD POLICY; Wienefeld, James A ADM JSC VCJCS; Kelly, John LtGen SD; martin, dempsey [REDACTED]
Subject: Libya

State colleagues:

I just tried you on the phone but you were all in with S [apparent reference to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton].

After consulting with General Dempsey, General Ham and the Joint Staff, we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak. They include a [REDACTED].

Assuming Principals agree to deploy these elements, we will ask State to procure the approval from host nation. Please advise how you wish to convey that approval to us [REDACTED].


Jacob Sullivan was Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the time of the terrorist attack at Benghazi. Wendy Sherman was Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, the fourth-ranking official in the U.S. Department of State. Thomas Nides was the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources.

The timing of the Bash email is particularly significant based upon testimony given to members of Congress by Gregory Hicks, Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. embassy in Tripoli at the time of the Benghazi terrorist attack. According to Hicks’ 2013 testimony, a show of force by the U.S. military during the siege could have prevented much of the carnage. Said Hicks, “if we had been able to scramble a fighter or aircraft or two over Benghazi as quickly as possible after the attack commenced, I believe there would not have been a mortar attack on the annex in the morning because I believe the Libyans would have split. They would have been scared to death that we would have gotten a laser on them and killed them.”

Ultimately, Special Operations forces on their own initiative traveled from Tripoli to Benghazi to provide support during the attack. Other military assets were only used to recover the dead and wounded, and to evacuate U.S. personnel from Libya. In fact, other documents released in October by Judicial Watch show that only one U.S. plane was available to evacuate Americans from Benghazi to Tripoli and raise questions about whether a delay of military support led to additional deaths in Benghazi.

The new email came as a result of a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on September 4, 2014 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01511)), seeking:


Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately – Specifics Blacked Out in New Document
Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately – Specifics Blacked Out in New Document
DECEMBER 08, 2015


Bash’s email seems to directly contradict testimony given by then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta before the Senate Armed Services Committee in February 2013. Defending the Obama administration’s lack of military response to the nearly six-hour-long attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Panetta claimed that “time, distance, the lack of an adequate warning, events that moved very quickly on the ground prevented a more immediate response.”

The first assault occurred at the main compound at about 9:40 pm local time – 3:40 p.m. ET in Washington, DC. The second attack on a CIA annex 1.2 miles away began three hours later, at about 12 am local time the following morning – 6 p.m. ET.

The newly released email reads:

From: Bash, Jeremy CIV SD [REDACTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 7:19 PM
To: Sullivan, Jacob J; Sherman, Wendy R; Nides, Thomas R
Cc: Miller, James HON OSD POLICY; Wienefeld, James A ADM JSC VCJCS; Kelly, John LtGen SD; martin, dempsey [REDACTED]
Subject: Libya

State colleagues:

I just tried you on the phone but you were all in with S [apparent reference to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton].

After consulting with General Dempsey, General Ham and the Joint Staff, we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak. They include a [REDACTED].

Assuming Principals agree to deploy these elements, we will ask State to procure the approval from host nation. Please advise how you wish to convey that approval to us [REDACTED].


Jacob Sullivan was Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the time of the terrorist attack at Benghazi. Wendy Sherman was Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, the fourth-ranking official in the U.S. Department of State. Thomas Nides was the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources.

The timing of the Bash email is particularly significant based upon testimony given to members of Congress by Gregory Hicks, Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. embassy in Tripoli at the time of the Benghazi terrorist attack. According to Hicks’ 2013 testimony, a show of force by the U.S. military during the siege could have prevented much of the carnage. Said Hicks, “if we had been able to scramble a fighter or aircraft or two over Benghazi as quickly as possible after the attack commenced, I believe there would not have been a mortar attack on the annex in the morning because I believe the Libyans would have split. They would have been scared to death that we would have gotten a laser on them and killed them.”

Ultimately, Special Operations forces on their own initiative traveled from Tripoli to Benghazi to provide support during the attack. Other military assets were only used to recover the dead and wounded, and to evacuate U.S. personnel from Libya. In fact, other documents released in October by Judicial Watch show that only one U.S. plane was available to evacuate Americans from Benghazi to Tripoli and raise questions about whether a delay of military support led to additional deaths in Benghazi.

The new email came as a result of a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on September 4, 2014 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01511)), seeking:


Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately – Specifics Blacked Out in New Document

At the time of the email the survivors from the Consulate had been rescued and had been moved to the fortified CIA Annex. Furthermore, a plane from Tripoli was at the Benghazi airport waiting on transportation to the Annex to evacuate them to the Embassy in Tripoli.
'Architects of Disaster' Takes on Obama and Hillary’s Disaster
The price of arrogance in Libya.
December 10, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


There have been many books written about Benghazi, but not every book led to a personal attack from the White House. And yet that’s what happened with "Architects of Disaster", the book by former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra indicting Obama and Hillary for the Libyan disaster.

In "Architects of Disaster”, Hoekstra lays out the case against the intervention in Libya, a war that still remains nameless and hardly discussed despite the post-war murders of five Americans in that country. Beginning with the attack on the American compound in Benghazi, he traces back the roots of that disaster to Obama and Hillary’s intervention in Libya which ended up empowering Islamic terrorists.

As Hoekstra states, the cause of that atrocity was rooted in the administration’s belief that “Jihadists can be both trusted and managed." And as Hoekstra, currently a Shillman Senior Fellow with the Investigative Project on Terrorism, points out that, "in spite of all that has happened... the Obama administration has continued this policy to the present day." And appears ready to continue it forever.

Despite that beginning, "Architects of Disaster” is less of a look at Benghazi and instead represents a wider examination of what really happened in Libya. Benghazi was one of the symptoms that Obama and Hillary’s war had gone badly wrong. But it was neither the beginning nor the end of what was taking place in Libya. It was a bloody moment that made Americans rethink a war that they had opposed, but had otherwise never really paid much attention to.

The Libyan War was swiftly swept under the rug after the Benghazi attack made it clear that it could not and would not serve as a useful platform for Obama and Hillary’s election campaigns. The United States still carries out the occasional drone strike against Jihadist leaders in Libya with little fanfare. The failed war still lingers, but in contrast to Iraq, this Obama and Hillary disaster has been buried out of sight.

But it is the aftermath of this war in a country where Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS affiliates dominate entire cities, that "Architects of Disaster” documents. And Hoekstra approaches the subject based on over a decade of experience, including personal meetings with Gaddafi and close involvement in the Congressional approach toward Libya.

Hoekstra has few illusions about the Libyan dictator, but he graphically lays out the costs of Obama’s alliance with Islamic terrorists to Libya and to the United States. He explores links with the LIFG, whose Muslim Brotherhood conversion from Al Qaeda loyalists to “moderates” held for about as long as the weather. The ultimate cost of the championing of “moderate” Islamist terrorists by Obama and Hillary came with groups that even the notoriously terrorist-friendly administration considers beyond the pale, such as ISIS, gaining a foothold in a nation dangerously close to Europe.

The underlying question of "Architects of Disaster” is the old one about the merits of intervention, whether the United States should pursue pragmatic policies based on our national interests or whether we should advance international democracy as a national interest. Obama had repeatedly disavowed values-based military intervention, both before and after his Libyan War, and yet his military intervention in Libya set out the imposition of “our values”, or at least his version of them, as a national interest.


'Architects of Disaster' Takes on Obama and Hillary’s Disaster

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