Do black lives matter?

BLM doesn't care about black lives. If they did, they would be protesting 24 hours a day on abortion and the eugenics practices that are being used against them. They don't, Its about pushing towards communism and nwo. All lives matter.
Why this fixation on blacks right now? All of us have horror stories from the past . Black lives matter slogan seems rather narcissistic. And the white cop hate thing, that's not working either. White cops have nothing to do with the HUGE black on black death rate, and that is fixable in the poor black community. Um, something blacks CAN and SHOULD address instead of this "racism" blame white cops bullshit.

Exactly, but these people want lawlessness. They do not want light shining on their darkness.
BLM doesn't care about black lives. If they did, they would be protesting 24 hours a day on abortion and the eugenics practices that are being used against them. They don't, Its about pushing towards communism and nwo. All lives matter.

It is always interesting when you report on things that are happening in your make believe alternative universe.
I realize just how random life is, where we came from and how we got here. Then juxtapose that with the high black on black murder rate...Vs the tiny few blacks ended by white police...Really? Police violence is a drop in the bucket...That's worth rioting? How about blacks fix their own broken violent communities instead of blaming white cops...
Police violence is a drop in the bucket and the US incarcerates more folks than China and that is a good thing?

Wow, we are certainly learning who the submissives are to the man in charge.
Like the media isn't some kind of puppet to Soros and their star chambers...Let's don't play this game. I stopped watching main stream media (ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN) because they have proven to be profit driven race baiting pandering wankers I despise the media now. The media is the problem. Not racism or the high black crime rate, the MEDIA are cynical assholes and they are feeding this for add revenue. So hey, lets boycott all the major news outlets, ignore them. Hit em' in the pocket book.
I'm about to start a thread called "Vicious cycles and BLM" or some such. Sounds clunky. Anyway, about the high black crime rate and the viciousness of black males that commit crimes and it isn't racist reacting to that ...OOOH, the fault lay not in our police, but in poor black culture, dear Brutus...
BLM doesn't care about black lives. If they did, they would be protesting 24 hours a day on abortion and the eugenics practices that are being used against them. They don't, Its about pushing towards communism and nwo. All lives matter.

It is always interesting when you report on things that are happening in your make believe alternative universe.

What universe you live in then?

The one that blacks say all live's matter?
The irony is monumental in the current brouhaha. George Floyd was an often imprisoned career criminal who was arrested while high as a kite, in possession of one of the infamous "white powdery substances" (which he tossed when accosted by police), and passing counterfeit money.

And he becomes a cause celebre when he dies at the hand of an over-zealous, sadistic cop.

You are correct. This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. He was a danger to society. I won't shed a tear for that piece of garbage.

As to the question in the thread title, Do black lives matter? The answer is, not to blacks. 98% of all blacks murdered in America are murdered by other blacks.

So much for Back Lives Matter horsecrap
The irony is monumental in the current brouhaha. George Floyd was an often imprisoned career criminal who was arrested while high as a kite, in possession of one of the infamous "white powdery substances" (which he tossed when accosted by police), and passing counterfeit money.

And he becomes a cause celebre when he dies at the hand of an over-zealous, sadistic cop.

You are correct. This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. He was a danger to society. I won't shed a tear for that piece of garbage.

As to the question in the thread title, Do black lives matter? The answer is, not to blacks. 98% of all blacks murdered in America are murdered by other blacks.

So much for Back Lives Matter horsecrap


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